RAMP UP Your SEASCAPE Photography with Simple Long Exposures

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hello there in today's video you join me at the beach where i'm going to attempt to make some really beautiful yet simple long exposures come with me today see what we can capture show you a few things and yeah i think it's gonna be a good day let's go [Music] before we get going today though this video is sponsored by squarespace if you need a domain name a website or an online store make your next move with squarespace right so i'm set up for my first shot and i'm literally only about 100 yards from the car park and i'm stood in this runoff from a stream that comes out of a wood way behind you and it runs into the sea but what it's bringing with it is probably some sort of muddy deposit which is creating some fascinating shapes in this water now this is a torrent sometimes but today because i've not had much rain it's actually not too bad to actually stand in which i'm doing right now my tripod has sunk well into the sand but that's keeping it nice and stable but the shapes it's creating on the ground in front of me are really quite fascinating and they're just providing lovely lines and interesting shapes in the foreground that's then just leading up to a very simple sky but it's got that lovely blue tinge to it there is essentially a sea fret coming in off the sea which is generating or creating like a mist but then above that there's a little bit of detail in the sky i'm not quite sure if i've got that in the frame but it's most definitely there and it's just feeling very blue however the image is gonna be balanced out a little bit because the sun is just trying to poke through the clouds behind me that's casting a lovely warm light across this sand generating some interesting colour so it's a really straightforward image but there are a couple of little technical issues that i'm having to overcome besides the fact that my tripod is sunk that's not actually causing me any problems because well it's cemented in there now pretty much but what i am dealing with is the reflection of this water so i have my filters in here and i've set the circular polarizer to take the maximum amount of glare off the surface of the sand because there's so much water but i want to see through that glare to that sort of dark black murder where coal dust or whatever it is i'm not quite sure so i've just rolled it in like this and you can see what a difference it's actually making and by dialing that in i think it's going to work really well to get through that glare and see that detail i'm going for an 8 by 10 crop because i just think that fits the shape of the runoff i don't want to get any of this dry sanding over to my left there so it's just kind of that field of view that i have i've decided i want to exclude the bits of dry sand and i'm doing that by cropping i then have my six stop filter in there which is giving me an exposure time of four seconds iso 100 and f11 and all that's doing is just removing a little bit of this detail from the movement of the water and just creating that slightly ethereal feel the same with the waves in the distance and yeah i mean i think that's looking pretty good lovely detail in that water in that sand so two second timer move this one out of the way keep still so i don't move the tripod have a look at that yeah some really interesting lines in there lovely light from that sun behind me hitting that sand blue in the sky but deep a little bit of misty detail in the cloud which i think is really nice it's gonna work really well i'm happy with that with my or for my first shot of the day right i'm set up for another shot and i'm absolutely on a time limit with this one because the tide is coming in and my subjects are these three rock fields they just form a fantastic foreground to the image that then goes up into that beautiful sort of misty blue sky the benefit of this shot though is i've just got the sun still peeking over those trees there lighting those rocks every now and again it's just gone behind a cloud at the moment but when it that warm sun it catches those beautiful rocks it's just looking fantastic my feet are getting pretty wet now but i don't mind so i've got as you can see i can get down again i'm using the circular polarizer to take some of that sheen off the water again and a little bit off the rock whoa a little bit off the rock as well and i've got the six stop filtering as well just to give it a beautiful ethereal feel i've got the rocks positioned interestingly along the bottom line of the rule of thirds and i've got the camera at this level so i can then get the horizon line on the top of the third so it's just a beautifully balanced image from top to bottom i've then positioned the rocks to the vertical rules of thirds left and right just balance really nicely left and right as well i'm then at about 22 millimeters something like that to give the rocks prominence in the frame but also to give them a little bit of breathing space left to right away from the edge of the frame so i'm just now going to wait for a moment with the light which is coming now i think and for the tide to wash out a bit which is now it's a four second exposure again the tripod is well cemented into the ground f11 four seconds is so 100 let's take a look oh blue i'm getting drenched now beautiful blue let's look i think i can move now the runoff of the water at that with the four second five second exposure just looks fantastic well that was exciting really chuffed with it yes when you like i said before when you see these long exposures appear on the back of the screen it's just so exciting and it's easy to do with the six stop filter because i can still see through it with the with the camera so easy to compose easy to use just roll that shutter speed up and you can get an image like this at the coast with a very simple six stop filter right so i'm now just waiting for the sunset and the cloud's starting to break up so i'm actually feeling fairly optimistic but as you know this video is sponsored by squarespace now squarespace is the perfect place to build your website with the beautiful templates they've got it makes it just so easy to have a website up and running literally in 10 minutes with very little technical knowledge whatsoever by the time you put your photographs on and a little bit of your words on there it's going to be completely unique to you and look completely beautiful you then want to take it a step further you can easily set up an online store to start selling your prints anything else you want to sell really i've been using it for years and i've got absolutely no complaints they've got 24 7 custom service so if you run into any problems they're there to sort you out so go to squarespace.com to start your free trial today and then when you put your website together and you like what you've done use the offer code first man to get 10 off your first purchase right like i said i mean it's starting to look just beautiful behind me isn't it while i'm talking and there's a dog but yeah i'm very optimistic about what's going to happen later so it's just about finding a nice spot i've shot these these grinds many times before so i might just revert to that on what is only my second trip out since lockdown ended so just nice to be out i have photographed these grinds on this channel a lot of times before and every single time essentially taken the same composition although it is proof that if you take or photograph the same location over and over and over again the images will look very different as you can see here so today i'm going to try something a little bit different what i'm doing is looking down at these groins just over here as you can see i've got the 70 to 200 lens on i just think this could be something a little bit different and something quite interesting so what i'm doing is using the reach of this 7200 and my raised position to shoot down at those groins in the frame is literally just the groins and there isn't going to be any sky in it whatsoever so i'm going to sort of fill the frame with those groins coming from the right hand bottom corner of the frame it may end up being a 16x9 i have positioned myself very carefully on this walkway so i can see every groin every piece of wood coming out of the sand in isolation so there is space between each one so my hope to make this image have i don't know a sort of fine art feel is i'm gonna wait for the tie to come in and wash over those groins in addition to that i then have the 10 stop filter on the camera this time so it's going to be a totally smooth image one of those beautiful juxtapositions that i like between the static object and the moving object in a long exposure slightly abstract slightly different so now it's just a case of waiting so yeah let's just wait and see right it is now bang on sunset so i have switched to a six stop filter because it's got too dark for the 10. i want to stick it about 30 second exposure at f8 iso 100 so let's go ahead and fire that and whilst that is exposing i've got to admit i'm not sure this is now gonna work because whilst i'm really happy with the composition and there is a little bit of pink in the sky not too much but a little bit i think just enough to reflect the problem i've got is this i think also whilst the tide is in exactly the right place because the sea is so calm it's a bit like a mirror out there i'm not getting the big wave i need to wash over all of those groins fill the bottom part of my frame and then wash back out again uh let's let's take a look i think this is the best i'm gonna get to be honest tonight i mean the idea is sound i like the color the reflections look great of the groins in that receding water it's just not covering the bottom of the frame i will crop off a little bit make it possibly to a 16 by 9 but uh yeah just a little bit frustrating i'm gonna persevere for a few more [Music] minutes right i'm interrupting the video there because that is the concept for the final image but sadly that was not the final image i have used photoshop in a fairly severe way there this is the image i captured and as you can see it is just completely different even just with that little bit of water missing from the bottom of the frame it just simply doesn't work it looks more like a snapshot but the photoshopped version is the concept i want and i know that will be possible with the right wave in the right conditions using that long exposure so i wanted to show you kind of what i'd imagined for the image but as ever with landscape photography you're not gonna win every day but it was a good exercise and i know now that's a place i'm gonna go back to yet again and then it will be an image that i've worked hard at and i will end up very very happy with but i hope you have got something out of this video a little bit more about long exposure and i'll see you on another one very very soon i'm adam this is first man photography out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: First Man Photography
Views: 10,275
Rating: 4.9593496 out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, photography, long exposure, long exposure photography tutorial, how to do long exposure photography, nature photography, seascape photography, how to use nd filters, long exposure tutorial, landscape photography for beginners, outdoor photography, outdoor photo shoot, how to improve your photography skills, how to take better pictures, nd filters, adam karnacz, landscape photography tips, landscape photography vlog, landscape photography tutorial, canon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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