RAMONES - The KKK Took My Baby Away (Live 1982) HD
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Ramones
Views: 2,135,073
Rating: 4.9352517 out of 5
Id: ez4yjw5Y94s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2016
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Didn't Joey write this about a girlfriend that Johnny stole?
Also this video is banned in my country and I'm too broke to move.
lost my v card to this song lmfao
My wife was questioned because our son was singing this song at preschool. He'll be 20 this year and still loves the Ramones.
The DMCA took this video away. They took it away.
Ahaha I saw the screenshot and thought someone posted a Screaming Females video from that mop of hair...
Fantastic song, one of the first Punk songs I liked.