RAM Telecom 101: MPLS vs. VPLS networking

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hi my name is Rob McCoy of RAM communications and welcome back canoeing series called telecom 101 in this segment we're talking wide area networking and we're going to expand on MPLS and VPLS services so I'm going to talk to you for a few minutes about what these two services can do and where they should be used in certain business environments in a previous segment we took a look at VPN services like point-to-point frame relay and MPLS in this segment we're going to take a closer look at MPLS and then we will make the jump to VPLS or virtual private LAN service mpls or multi-protocol layer switching uses virtual paths to link locations together MPLS is unique in that it is a layer to service that can handle layer three applications at faster speeds point point link these paths provides speed and private connection but they also offer a much more flexible and precise way to distribute traffic from user to user as you'll see in the illustration in front of you in an MPLS Network specific applications like voice instant messaging email your general web traffic all can be prioritized so that the most important information gets the most bandwidth this is realized through a process known as quality of service or QoS as we stated in our first segment MPLS networks allow the customer to view and dictate how their networks behave the best network providers allow clients the most control for example customers can reprioritize their bandwidth for a specific application as their needs change they can do all of this through a web tool without having to call the carrier open up a ticket and wait for somebody and repair to get back to them MPLS solutions are best suited for businesses looking to manage a host of applications on a secure Network where they can tweak settings and performance at their disposal let's take a look at VPLS or virtual private LAN service and see how this compares to compiled s VPLS or virtual private LAN service as a lot of common elements with and pls VPLS can provide similar visibility and QoS characteristics as an MPLS network the fact VPLS network sits on top of MPLS the MPLS is the engine if you will that assigns routes or what we call pseudo wires to all of the locations on the web however there are a few very important distinctions between the two primarily VPLS provides a land like environment using static routing whereas MPLS is a dynamic environment which can automatically reroute traffic in the event of fiber a circuit outages VPLS provides network control to the customer whereas MPLS puts control primarily in the hands of the carrier so you were going to want to keep these elements in mind in V POS every location and device looks like it is on the same local network using the same range of IP addresses there are several benefits to this pseudo LAN environment for example the end user has more control over the way in elements he or she can use their own routers to control layer 3 traffic in that instance you're not depending on the carrier for those end routers those devices are in your control second because there's only one set of IP addresses to manage troubleshooting moves adds and changes are greatly simplified for the administrator of the network the reason all of this is possible is because VPL is really a layer 2 application sitting on an Ethernet infrastructure for businesses with just a few locations that are looking for high speed predictability security and control VPLS may be the best choice think of VPLS is a logical replace good for a point-to-point network VPLS is providing fast speed control and visibility with the predictable performance of a point-to-point service since every location is delivered on an Ethernet interface this also can simplify installation customer routers and switches can easily be connected at each location and become operational very quickly MPLS on the other hand because of its dynamic qualities is better suited for organizations who need to deliver and manage voice data and video to many locations both MPLS and VPLS have their place in business networking if you understand the similarities and more importantly the differences between MPLS and VPS then you can make a better decision about which network is best suited for your business needs I hope you found this segment valuable if you did then you should have a pretty good idea of the similarities and the differences between MPLS and VPLS networking if you do then you'll be able to make a better decision about which application which technology is going to be best suited for your business environment if you have any questions by all means contact us any time here at ram communications we are happy to help thanks have a great day you
Channel: RAM Communications Inc
Views: 12,431
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Keywords: MPLS, VPLS, Wide Area Networks, private business networks, packet-switched networking, WAN 101, network visibility, ISP vs end-user network management, QoS, managing network applications, psuedo wires, dynamic network management, self-healing networks, business grade network environments, what is MPLS?, what is VPLS?, how does MPLS work?, how does VPLS work?
Id: dSnFedg23fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2016
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