Ram Pump 3/4 vs Double 1/2 lift height

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welcome back to land the house so last week I hooked up to different Ram pumps one was a single waste valve three-quarter-inch ram pump and the other was a dual half-inch waste valve and we found out some pretty awesome results this pump with the to waste valves pumped pretty much twice the water that the single valve did so today I would like to hook both of these up and run the delivery pipe up as far up the hill as these will go and measure to see if one of them has better lifting potential than the other so let's jump into it first up 3/4 inch ram pump I'm gonna go ahead and start this and begin the priming process now that the pump is going I'm going to take this garden hose which is currently right here I'm just gonna start walking up the hill to see how far this will go before it stops delivering well we're doing better than I was expecting I've got the 3/4 inch delivery pipe up here and we gain maybe 10 to 15 feet from down there now if I lift this up to here let's see if it'll catch that I think this is gonna end right around this point here that's another 2 feet okay so there's the output all right so let's bring it up another you know what I'm just an app you'll get more garden hose because we need to push this uphill further I've added another 100 foot hose up the hill here and so far I've just got it right here on this tree and I am just waiting for it to fill up so while I wait it's probably a good time to mention that if you're looking for a ram pump I have four different sizes available Atlanta house.com hopefully this doesn't take too long well after 200 feet of hose I have reached the very top most point of the property and here's the results that we were getting that's pretty incredible right there so I guess we're gonna have to do just judge that output based on the double waist valve pump so because that right there is still pumping out a decent bed let me show you how high up we are here I don't know if you can even see the flume from here anyway we're way up here so now we know what this is doing let's go swap out the pumps and see if there's a higher flow rate well the results for the three quarter inch pump we're better than I expected it so I now have the double waist valve pump installed we go ahead and get this thing primed okay I'm gonna let that sit for a while and then we'll go up the hill and see what the results are well I've given the double waist valve pump about 15 minutes now been sitting up here just browsing Facebook and know water is coming out so same spot we had the three quarter inch pump and nothing now I walk down about half way and pick up the hose and could tell it had water in there but it's just not reaching up here so let's start backing the hose down and see where we do start getting water well I backed it off about three feet and this is the results I'm getting so let's slowly bring it back up to the where it was and see if we can get this to reach the same point as the other valve well that so bizarre all right there's the output there so apparently somewhere in this two feet or so is where it stops well it's hard to tell but it looks like it's really close to the same output this may actually have just a slight bit more but it looks like it's about equal well some interesting findings in this video previously we learned that at about 20 feet above the pump the double waist valve was able to supply twice the amount of water versus the single waist valve but as we go up to 40 or 50 feet above the pump it seems like they're very close to equal they were I think I believe the double waist valve had a little bit better flow rate at the top but it was so close that I'd say you can call them equal so at some point up that distance there's going to be an equilibrium in those pumps I don't know if you're gonna be able to pump any higher though using double waist valve or a single so to pump higher up the hill you're pretty much limited to having a more rigid drive pipe and increasing the head pressure if I were to use a PVC pipe on this setup instead of that poly pipe I probably be looking at another 10 to 15 feet up the hill thank you so much for watching this video I hope you have learned as much as I have and I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 26,864
Rating: 4.8931751 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, ram, pump, hydraulic, lift, water, 1/2, 3/4, double, waste, valve, test
Id: nQ8zWJCur4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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