Raking and Baling Second Cut Hay

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it really doesn't get any better hello gorgeous let's go for a spin I like big bales and I cannot lie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] morning y'all it's Monday and it looks like we're gonna be in hay field wrecking and rollin whoops tomorrow but first we're gonna put some tire to tire how many more coffee some air in my rear tire because it keeps going flat he's going to see if it needs tending again want to check it out always always a flat tire around here and who just had their tires rotated last week and forgot to tell the guy that this one had been leaking and now it's donut when we found the problem yesterday we had time to fix it so I'm gonna go see what it's looking like he's headed all the millet yesterday yes twice art let's see think he's only done it at once but it was starting to dry up pretty good so he's gone to check it now and probably Ted some more but we're going to see I want to get to see what it looks like and show y'all what it looks like I think it's actually gonna be better than we thought it was gonna be that's good weather this week good the next couple days when he cut it there was no rain in the forecast for seven days the day he cut it later that day to forecast change of course because that's what happens when you cut hay and we are supposed to get rain Wednesday so hopefully cattle guard hopefully it all works out and we can get it up tomorrow hopefully [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day has been really thick down here on the river bottom but it's dry it is and it's pretty thick except over there under the trees and the shady spots not bad not bad shoo it's gonna be good to have some some good hay even though we're so far behind what we would normally be [Music] [Music] okay y'all the race is on it's 11:49 I have been scrambling all morning somebody's gonna complain about that I've been scrambling all morning to just get stuff done that needs to be done before heading to the hay field which is now imminent t-minus 40 minutes or so and of course my daughter wants pasta salad for lunch so I'm trying to be a good mom and whip that up really fast and then pack my bag I do have a bag I do have things that I have to have in the tractor with me I'll show you never know what's in a breakdown and burn up or what's going to happen so always be prepared always take your honor like a gallery okay what else am I taking actually today I'm taking my big girl camera because I want to I want to take some pictures of some hates bell babies um I'm taking a tripod this time which I didn't take last time because I was way rushed to tripods I am taking my beats y'all I have beat can you believe that the whole ear ear fine you know where they call headphones I don't know what your problem anyway I didn't buy them for myself they're a gift from being on a podcast a basf grow smart podcast ding ding where's the Bell plug for them so yeah maybe I'm gonna catch up on some podcast listening today maybe maybe not hopefully I will see what else also lest I forget because I always do I'm taking these little portable chargers two of them because the cigarette lighter thing on the tractor doesn't work very well and I'd hate to be without a charge phone to be able to video so that's what we're doing the essentials for raking hay also NAB's for those of you who don't know what NAB's are I've talked about them before they're crackers crackers packs of crackers we call them labs it goes back to Nabisco short for Nabisco evidently anyway yeah if I get a if I get a pain a hunger pain I'll survive with a gallon of water and two packs and ants and steak I had leftover sirloin from the other night can you believe that yeah I made too much steak so protein much it really doesn't get any better the only sandwich quite possibly that Trump's the tomato sandwich the steak sandwich can I get a name in our usual I'm gonna get steak out of my teeth you had to come back to you we forgot the radio it's it's so silly it's almost like it's like traveling with kids do you remember all the things we never do how important let's go for a spin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right work at the guy waiting on my area co-op a little bit I try to comment at the wrong way they party [Music] this varmint like the farthest point that we have to go start and work our way up the we're starting up and working our way down we're gonna start small grass hay field it's mainly just Johnson grass I think then we'll get to the melon we ought to be spitting out [Music] summer dear y'all really if it was a green I was praying I wish I had my camera you thought maybe there would be another another one his brain across the field what are these deer doing out the middle of the day and it's hot tea anyway chefs maybe I'll get one on camera before it's done I'm getting smoked if you haven't been following me I used to have a race that was not home trough hydraulics and you're not had to get out there and pull it in and out by myself but now I have to help I've had your OS - whoa I'm very happy about that to me baby give it a little hell that's how it's fine the first time in and out is and here we go they'll feel a little plane not terrible but my best to keep my eyes on the prize [Music] remember my hours my happy place [Music] here I already can live here in rpm one's interest because that's what ever told how's it work making the Bell baby delivering the damn baby and in the short run we really love figured I'd do that I just we're there seventy-five and I get this and once white we should always work out even never does here phenomena close our back up not that push it all the way back out put it in the middle and we'll start quiet you know back up a little bit I think she needs a little breeze little grace okay now and we're ready to roll to the next field this thing needs more grease that's why I will slide in and out good smart great slide in and out good okay you want me to go on and start writin I'm fast I'm on the third little feel he's finishing her bow these two are connected so I didn't enough to take my break in and out and this will be the last step and then we'll be in the millet in the money I mean as far as hey not that we make any money on it make money on it except now mom has forgotten really clean we've done I was just thinking something different them on a beer it's the fact I can actually see in my mirror such a novel idea like not like that now now I'm waiting on him before I start pulling straight those because he hasn't caught up to what a male whatever eight that I get to take a little break a little water I've worked up such a sweat in here definitely distilled all of my files all right now we're on to the millet y'all tired here not yet sorry not sorry there she is didn't say okay here we go her and the really big field I've made three laps I made three laps and now I'm waiting on him because I can't go anymore because there's hanging in front of me and I stop I need to start going back and forth so far good my my air-conditioned sounds funny it was not going very well and he had told me to turn the thermostat all the way counterclockwise which I did even though I do have trouble with directions sometimes and it was it was not blowing cold so he got in here and looked and it actually needed to go clockwise he was wrong so that always a win anyway we've got one who drink more fast seven bills already in this field and we've only been around three times I think we're gonna have a lot it's a good day good day to be alive good day to be drinking hey in air conditions have especially because remember in the last video the flies that are as big as your hand yeah they would be eat enough to laugh like they used to I do have I do have a little friend back here yeah buddy right there I call that a mayfly I'm pretty sure it's a mayfly anyway he's on the outside it's all good go for a ride you can stand I think we have a problem which is par for the course these are all in all right he's just get its Isaac he goes a little ways and he's got to stop bid another one out I just asked him if they had a problem with the baler these day the gates not closing which is a problem we have had people work please fire that's all that happened to get done sooner than him let's see one two about eight or nine of him which is not a bad thing then Hagin said hey y'all the verdict is in evidently her steering wheel cleaning job wasn't my answer oh well I try [Music] [Music] so just for reference I'm about a bail hi I'm about five nine so these are big male I like big bales and I cannot lie hope you don't worry I'm not breaking into a rep and in case you're curious go ahead hi curve right here next to the river staying off the edge about five or six feet a lot of sand and try to stay out of that okay my last pit stop we should make the last time I have to stop and wait on him while we're waiting did anyone that is my hat [Music] like it hot Sun like I'll trucker hats check it out the back farm on these are not available to purchase yet but they will be seen and I love it I hope y'all like it and by them that would be amazing to you okay my boy has made an appearance he's getting a lesson in bailing and y'all it won't be long when he will be doing this though in here remember how last year this but it had so much rain [Music] a huge wet spot right over there where I'm going to go over today so we [Music] amazing how things change err right there's where it was and there's still a little bit of a spot there but definitely not wet method bikes were done we're done and everything went so well yeah all right we're gonna be late get the house it's amazing that I'm gonna pull my rake in and wait on the boys [Music] we'll head home he'll be a pro in no time what does that do exactly it's the head up did you learn anything with you ready to be on you will be he said we got 90 bales it's good that's really good it looks good a little more leverage would be good yeah Nina hydraulic [Music] [Applause] my truck feels good to have that done that's probably gonna be that's gonna be it for us for a while for hey until something else grows and uh like I say all's well that ends well and everything ended well no major problems so we will take that and now I'm gonna take myself home and we're gonna have leftovers and I'm thankful I have those cuz I really looks like cooking oh I'm gonna go wash my hand they could be worse I think it helped maybe I'll try it again anyway thank you for watching y'all I have to come back next time Mike subscribe for mom [Music]
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 853,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, raking hay, baling hay, hay production, hay making, john deere 4440, vermeer hay rake, farming youtube, this farm wife, meredith bernard, girlpower, cutting hay, making hay, new holland
Id: 4KW5k0kgTzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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