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Posted by u/lenaaa555 5 hours ago Facepalm AITA for outshining my husband at his birthday party by announcing my pregnancy? The title says most of it. I(24f) found out a day before my husband's(29) birthday that we're expecting our first baby. I wanted to make it special for him so I decided to tell him the next day. He does not really like to celebrate his birthdays but this year his family is moving abroad so we decided to throw a party where all close family and friends can gather before they move away. All of them were the people whom I knew were gonna be really happy by this news. So I decided to announce it in front of everyone. My husband was of course the happiest one but after that, the rest of the party was all about me and the baby. Some even forgot to wish him because they were busy congratulating me. I kinda felt bad for taking the attention away from him but he didn't even seem to mind it. Later that day, his best friend came to me when I was in the kitchen just to say that it was very selfish of me to announce my news when it was my partner's day, he said that my partner does not even celebrate his birthdays and now that he decided to celebrate one, I shouldn't have made it all about myself. He even accused me of doing it on purpose because according to him I can not stand it when all attention is not me. I decided not to argue with him because he's never liked me but I can't help feeling awful for taking all the attention away from him. He has not hinted that he is upset at this and I haven't told him yet what his friend said. Edit: Afterwards, husband told me it was the best gift he received and it made his day even more special however he did not mention anything about announcing it in front of our families or not telling him first in private. We are a very closely knitted family and I believe telling them this soon shouldn't be an issue. AITA? Posted by u/ThrowRAlying 7 hours ago All-Seeing Upvote AITAH for “locking” my gf inside for her own good (22M) So my gf (21F) has a bit of wanderlust. I’m almost positive she has some form of ADHD because she is incredibly forgetful and at times careless. She’ll do things like leave her purses, books, phone, and at times keys in the car. Boil an egg on the stove and only remember once the water has completely evaporated and is burning, as well as other appliance related problems. She always talks about how she’ll get around to getting diagnosed and medicated but never does. Apparently she’s been like this her whole life. Anyways, we recently moved in together( a house that belonged to my grandmother but we both pay utilities/tax/bills) and it’s been great honestly except for these little problems. The major point of contention rn is how she will at times leave through the back door, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT on “walks’, and be gone for hours. We have had disagreements about this multiple times in the past where I’ve told her that her walks are dangerous and make me uncomfortable. She will leave at around 1 - 2 am to walk around our rural neighborhood for hours at a time, sometimes when her phone is on low battery. I have no idea why she does this. She’s told me that it’s “exercise” and she enjoys the solitude but it makes me uncomfortable af. I worry about what could happen in the middle of the night with no one around, and she doesn’t appreciate me coming with her too much. Worse yet, she will leave the back door unlocked because she still hasn’t gotten her own set of house keys. So it is up to me to readmit my wayward gf every few nights. I’ve decide to draw my line. I’ve refused to unlock the back door and had it locked from both ends so she’s forced to use the front door for her trips. Not even she would dare leave the front door unlocked to go gallivanting into the night, so I’m good on that end. The only thing is that she got incredibly frustrated at me and called me a controlling AH and hasn’t been talking to me. I don’t think I am when she refuses to behave like a literal sensible adult. So yeah AITAH? I find it ridiculous cause she could simply go out to get her own pair of keys to thwart me, but she’s the type that can’t have too many errands on her mind. She will have a list of five and then feel overwhelmed and tapped out after completing one. I love her but she is insane. Posted by u/evie_huntress 5 hours ago AITA for refusing to stop dogsitting for my ex I have been dating Mark for 5 months. Prior to meeting Mark, I was in a casual relationship with John & developed a bond with his senior dog, Luna. Though I stopped seeing John more than a month before meeting Mark, I still dogsit for Luna if I'm available when John goes out of town. Luna can be boarded, but it's very stressful for her bc she doesn't get along with other dogs, and I enjoy spending time with her, it's good easy money, and John appreciates it. John doesn't have a couch or guest bed so I sleep in his bed when I dogsit. John and I don't see or talk to each other except about Luna. Because I had a casual relationship with John, Mark is upset that I continue to watch Luna now that he and I are dating. I am currently dogsitting her for a week and a half, and this is the second time I've watched her since we started dating. He feels disrespected bc I won't leave Luna alone overnight to stay with him and bc I sleep in John's bed. I can't bring Luna to his house bc he has a dog. I'm having a hard time understanding why he feels so angry and hurt that I won't stop watching Luna, and I view it more as jealousy and ego that he needs to deal with. AITA? Posted by u/Powerful-Bat-8287 17 hours ago Bravo Grande! AITA for not giving my son money to buy his own ticket? I took my three kids to the movies with my husband. When we arrived, my oldest, 15, said he wanted to watch a different movie than the rest of the family. I said that was fine, and we would meet him at the ice cream place across the street (his choice would start and end later). We started to split up, and then he said I forgot to give him money for a ticket. I asked why I would give him money for a ticket. He said he needs the money to buy his ticket. I said he could use his own money. He said that wasn't fair, because I was going to buy a ticket for him before. I said I was going to buy tickets for the whole family for a family outing. If he's doing his own thing, he needs to pay for it. He said he didn't want to pay and would just watch the same movie as the rest of us. He was grumpy afterwards, and my husband said I was petty. I don't think it's petty. I think it's a life lesson. People are more than piggy banks. Posted by u/JacketMaterial6832 19 hours ago Take My Energy AITA for kicking everyone out of my party? Not the A-hole My wife has been depressed lately losing her well paying job in November of last year. Her unemployment ran out and she’s now an assistant manager at a fast food place. She had a 3 phase interview for a job last week and didn’t get picked at the end of it after almost a two month process. We decided to go through and host our 4th of July bbq and pool party. My brother is a jerk and my parents enable him. My wife and I has her degree on our livingroom wall. My brother told her “you might as well shred that experience piece of paper because it’s doing you no good” My wife started crying and that’s extremely out of character for her. She goes to the bedroom and locks herself in. My brother said it’s a joke but I had enough and told everyone to go fu..ing home the party is canceled. My parents started arguing saying some people drove a few hours to be here and I said have the party at your place. I told everyone to grab whatever you came with and leave. It was about 20-25 people and my mom said I’m a awful host and an embarrassment to my family and I said the same thing about my brother. He started it. So I made everything leave. I’m getting mixed text messages about either checking in on my wife or being jerk after kicking everyone out over one little comment my brother made. Posted by u/Live_Appointment4219 20 hours ago Stonks Rising Facepalm [deleted] AITA for refusing to pay for my daughter's wedding because she won't let me walk her down the aisle? Not the A-hole I'm a 48-year-old man and my 19-year-old daughter has always been an independent thinker. I raised her to be independent and think for herself, which I've always appreciated. However, we recently hit a bit of a snag. She got engaged and decided that she doesn't want me to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. She argues that her mother and I don't "own" her, therefore we have no right to "give her away". I feel hurt by this because we never treated her like an object or piece of property, rather we've tried our best to provide her with a wonderful life. Her stance seems extreme to me and despite discussions, she's refusing to budge on the issue. I respect her choices, but I feel she's disregarding our feelings completely. As a response, I told her that if she feels that way, then I won't be paying for her wedding. I don't want to come across as controlling or manipulative. It's true, I don't "own" her, I also don't owe her a fully-funded wedding. She can pay for her own wedding if she's insistent on this stance. I'm feeling quite conflicted about this. AITA? Posted by u/ImpossibleTough2666 20 hours ago AITA for letting my daughter be kicked out of a wedding since she wasn’t modest enough Not the A-hole My daughter is 18, Emma. Before she turned 18 we had a rule that I could ask them to change if the outfit wasn’t appropriate. Rarely happened because I truly didn’t care as long as the main parts were covered. Now when they turned 18, they are an adult and most of the house rules didn’t really apply. We were invited to a wedding to a close friend, my daughter is friend with her daughter and I am friends with the mother. They are religious, I know this and she knows this. It was a church and the invite said modest, no cleavage, knee length and so on. I didn’t expect anything else. Well a few weeks ago Emma showed what dress she was going to wear and I mentioned that it won’t work, the dress was cute but strapless. I thought she would change it but didn’t. So on the day of the wedding she wore that, I even commented that it won’t work again. She said it will be fine. Well we get there and her friends brother stopped her at the door, she tried to argue but got kicked out. I still went to the wedding. I got home today and she called me an butt for not defending her and staying at the wedding with their old school dress code Posted by u/Last_Interaction_762 20 hours ago AITA for not wanting to dedicate half my wedding to my fiancé’s sister? Not the A-hole I (29F) got engaged to my boyfriend, Peter (30M) in early 2023 and our wedding is scheduled for early 2024. Peter has a sister, Olivia, who’s 15 and was recently diagnosed with leukemia. She’s receiving chemotherapy and as far as I know, it’s not terminal. One of Olivia’s dreams in life is to get married. Ever since I’ve known her, she’s talked about her future wedding and has planned every last detail. Since she got diagnosed, she’s become very worried that she won’t be able to have her dream wedding because she might pass before that happens. Based on what I know about her diagnosis, she’ll likely survive and go on to live a full life, but it’s a definite possibility she could die. Peter and I are currently in the wedding planning stage, and this is also where we might be the jerks. Peter’s parents approached us a few days ago and asked if we would be willing to dedicate some of our wedding time to Olivia since she might not get one of her own. According to them, Olivia wants to wear a wedding dress, invite a lot of her friends, have a say in the food/cake/decorations, and have a first dance with her boyfriend. They said it’s better to do all this at me and Peter’s wedding because then the family can celebrate all together. Peter and I were shocked that they would ask this since we thought that our wedding would be about us. I know Olivia is struggling and I feel completely awful for her since no teenager should have their youth ruined by cancer, but I don’t see why we can’t have a separate party for Olivia instead of having to dedicate half our day to her. Especially since she would likely get most of the attention due to her condition. Additionally, it would cost a lot more money to have to pay for Olivia’s friends to attend the wedding (Peter’s parents only offered to pay for 75% of the additional cost) and Peter and I aren’t made of money. Peter and I told Peter’s parents we would think about it, but after discussing it, we decided it would be better to say no because we’d prefer our day to be about us, but we’d be more than willing to pitch in funds and help plan a separate party for Olivia. But when we informed Peter’s parents, they were furious. They said they couldn’t believe we were prioritizing ourselves over a child with cancer and that we were being selfish. They said this might be Olivia’s only chance for a wedding and how dare we deny her “dying wish.” I said I didn’t understand why we couldn’t have a separate party, but Peter’s parents said they wanted it to feel “authentic” for Olivia, so it would be better to do it at an actual wedding. When they started raising their voices, Peter and I left. But since then Peter’s family has been spamming us with messages about how terrible we’re being to Olivia and how they can’t believe we’re not being considerate of her wishes. Peter and I both frequent this sub, so we wanted to know what the Internet thinks. Are we being unreasonable here? Posted by u/amtathrowaway9235 21 hours ago AITA for not helping my little brother out when he got sick at a family wedding Not the A-hole I (M23) and my brother “Ryan” (19) went to a family wedding yesterday. To cut to the chase, he’s an over eater. This has always been an issue but as of lately since he moved out it’s skyrocketed. During the wedding I noticed he was eating an abnormal amount of food. First he went to an all you can eat candy table and filled his plate to the top with candy. Then he ended up going back and forth from the candy table to the buffet. I noticed he went back and forth at least 3 times with full plates. I decided to walk over to him and say something because it was out of control. I went over to him and warned him that he’s over eating and that he might get sick again like he has in the past. He got mad at me for bring up his past and told me to mind my business. I decided to ignore him and go to the dance floor. A half hour later I see him briskly walking over to me with a horrified look on his face. He pulled me aside and right away I noticed something was wrong and he smelled. He told me to follow him to the bathroom and I realized as we were walking there that he was holding his butt walking weird and smelling like crap. I immediately scolded him and flat out asked if he crap his pants. He said wait until we get in the bathroom but I snapped and started saying what the heck is wrong with you. Once we got to the bathroom he told me to block the door and I said no other people need to use this. He said he has to clean his pants and if I can’t block the door while he does it then to get someone else to help him. At the point I was so mad I said freak no I’ll just mind my own business then and went to walk out. As I was walking out, our grandpa walked in and saw him taking off his pants to run it under the sink. Our grandpa just looked at us both and walked out. I walked out too because I was so embarrassed to be associated with this. Somehow it spread and I heard people whispering about it and some even laughing. He ended up leaving and not going to the family brunch today. I never wanted to be involved in this and I tried to warn him, I’m upset because he’s not answering my texts and just want this to be forgotten. Posted by u/Pleasant_Manner_2450 1 day ago Facepalm AITA for telling my fiancè that he is acting crazy? Not the A-hole I'm getting married soon and I want to have my little sister(9F) as my junior bridesmaid. She is in love with princesses and anything princessy. She even has a very beautiful white princess dress that she has always wanted to wear. She asked me if she can wear it for my wedding and I said why not? Go ahead. She looked so happy and she has been very excited especially because we let her buy high heels and my parents allowed her to wear make up for my wedding. When my fiancè found out he was against it. He argued that she shouldn't wear a white princess dress for our wedding and how it's "inappropriate". I told him that I don't have a problem with it and I don't think a kid is going to outshine me and asked him if he is worried that she will outshine HIM? he called me ridiculous and said since my sister can wear that then is it ok for his sisters to wear something like that? I told him that his sisters(F23, F21) are a bit old for that but sure why not? I could use a good laugh at my wedding. I told him he is acting crazy and he called me an jerk and he thinks since its "our" wedding, this should be "our" decision. Posted by u/Numerous_Way9705 1 day ago Evil Cackle AITA for refusing to help my daughter honor her stepfather at her wedding? Not the A-hole I have two children. Emily (30f) and Hayes (26m) with my ex-wife. She left me a few months after Hayes was born and ended up getting back together with her high school ex Sam. Sam and my ex ended up marrying seven months later. Emily has always adored Sam. I, however, hate the guy. For years he would work on getting under my skin, saying I wasn't a good enough dad to my daughter because I wasn't enough and she considered him her dad too. He'd tell me every single time she had called him Daddy Sam or Dad Sam. When I told him he was being childish he'd tell me in return that he knew it cut me up inside to have to share her affection as dad. He told me one day he would be walking her down the aisle and maybe she'd even want him to do it alone and would not want me anywhere near them for that. Despite all this Sam was never able to come between me and Emily and we have always been very close. Sam never cared for Hayes as much. I think Hayes being gay has a large part to play in Sam not caring for him as much as he does Emily. There are times I had to restrain myself from exploding in front of the kids when Sam would taunt me. I knew he'd love a chance to get me out of my kids lives. Last year Sam was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. He's now in a wheelchair and has lost his mobility and his speech has suffered greatly. Emily is getting married in a few months and wanted us both to bring her down the aisle. A week ago she came to my house and told me she wanted to pay a special tribute to Sam and she wanted my help to do it (both finance and planning). I told her I would not help her with that. She was upset. Said Hayes refused to help her as well. She told me Sam means a lot to her and she would have thought I would be glad that she had two amazing father figures. I told her Sam and I did not have a positive relationship and there is no way I would ever spend my money or time doing something nice for the man. I told her he had treated me poorly over the years and I accepted she loved him. But he was not worthy of my money or that effort in my eyes. She asked me if I would do it for her. I told her I could not. She said okay. Emily's fiance called me up after this and said whatever petty issues between Sam and I, could I not do something for my daughter when she's going to lose one of her most special people. He said I was breaking Emily's heart because she doesn't want to be caught between us. That it's clear I am enjoying watching Sam suffer as he is and that's proven by my actions and I'm not being a good dad to Emily. AITA? Posted by u/Throwawayavacation 1 day ago AITA for not wanting to “vacation” with my family? Not the A-hole My sister bought a vacation house that was presented as a gift for the family to use. Since then she’s moved into the house, choosing to work from home there. To me it’s no longer a vacation house but her home and that means visiting family not vacationing. We have a lot to coordinate with kids schools and work schedules. Whenever we find a time to go it ends up not being a vacation and basically my sisters show. My sister earns a lot more than the rest of my siblings and since it is her house, we end up doing what she wants to do and eating where she wants to. Now she’s extremely generous and I love her dearly it’s just that while there it’s not really a vacation. We cook, clean, and some even work. Unlike my siblings I don’t work from home so when I take time off work to go on vacation I actually want to go on vacation. My husband took a new job a couple of years ago and his schedule became more restrictive so we have been unable to go on these family trips. It’s honestly been amazing. We have traveled to new places, relaxed, enjoyed ourselves, and just overall been happier. Now the problem - this year everyone has been trying to plan a trip but our schedules are not lining up. My other siblings got together and decided on a time to go (leaving me out of the conversation). The problem is they planned it at my daughters birthday. They know we always take off work and take her on a trip to celebrate. Before anyone comes at me - she hates parties and it was her idea. She gets to choose the location and what we are going to do. They announced their plan at a family dinner and our parents were so happy. I was too shocked and stunned at the audacity to say much. Here’s where I might be an AH. I put my fork down, smiled, and said “I hope you enjoy celebrating my daughters birthday without us, we already have plans.” I then picked my fork up and continued eating while the table was open mouthed around me. I think even my husband was shocked but he just smiled and continued eating too. My parents later told me that I hurt my siblings feelings for ruining their surprise. I told them it wouldn’t have been ruined if they had bothered to ask me or include me on the plan making. My siblings are calling me an AH for not appreciating the great gift our sister gave us and not respecting her schedule. So AITA for not wanting to “vacation” with my family? Posted by u/Individual_Pen_9435 23 hours ago AITA for ignoring a guy that made me uncomfortable? Not the A-hole I recently went on a trip with my friend organized by my uni class. On the first day this guy from another class approached us and asked if he could join us for lunch. We noticed that everyone else in his class was avoiding him, but we thought he was lonely, so we agreed fo him to eat with us. Immediatly it's clear why his classmates ignore him: he seems to be unaware of most of social clues and has uncommon hobbies. However I try to be nice to him. My friend on the other side keeps being rude to him, and acts very bothered by his presence. The trip goes on and the guy keeps staring at us from afar, tries to interact with us, despite us clearly showing we want to be by ourselves. He asks both me and my friend for our numbers, to go out for drinks later that night. We say no. However, he waits until I am alone, and corners me asking again for my number. I give in since professors are close by and I don't want to cause a scene. Maybe this is where I made a mistake. Throughout the day he starts complimenting me, specifically my phisical appereance. I do not engage with him. Then he starts complaining that I never speak, that still he knows nothing about me. Professors jump in on that agreeing that I am extra quiet. I admit I am sensitive about this topic, so I start becoming extra uncomfortable. This constant bother continues, with him complaining that I am not speaking enough, that I am not smiling etcetera. I was already uncomfortable at this point. I make a joke to my friend: I see a bed exposed in a shop window, saying I was so tired I would gladly go sleep there. The guy chimes in, commenting that lots of people would surely pay to look at me. My friend scolds him for being a creep and he plays dumb. Later that night we go to dinner and this guy of course sits in front of me. My friend sits next to me, but with her back directed towards me throughout the whole dinner, so I am forced to interact with this guy, while professors keep teasing me because I am so quiet. My friend even encourages the guy to keep talking to me, despite me previously telling her I was very uncomfortable. In the end the guy asks me to go out together. I refuse, saying I am very busy (at this point I was panicking and I was so stupid not to say I am in a relationship or that I am not interested). He keeps insisting and I keep rejecting him. Finally the dinner ends, and I am very upset both at him and at my friend for not helping me at all through this uncomfortable situation. The first day we are all back home, he texts me "how are you". Ofc I don't reply, since I am still bothered. My friend however tells me I was being too harsh on him. AITA? I feel like I gave him so many signals that I was not interested and he actively chose to ignore them. On the other side maybe I was not clear enough on not being interested in him. Posted by u/Efficient-Nothing-75 20 hours ago AITA for not accepting a small amount of money as a graduation gift? Jerk So I (18f) recently graduated from college and got accepted into a business school for next year and my sister was also accepted into med school. It was my grandmother's birthday today and the whole family was around for dinner to celebrate. She opened her gifts, we ate cake, and it was a great evening all around until we got up to leave. When we were headed out the door, she gave myself, my brother, and my sister an envelope each as "gifts" for being accepted into our programmes (and for my brother just to be equal). Inside was a thoughtful card with a nice personalised message along with £80 cash. I immediately handed her the envelope and cash back and said that "I appreciate the thought and I will keep the nice card, but not the money". My brother reluctantly took the cash and was very polite and grateful. My sister, however, barely said thank you and leaped at the chance to take the spare envelope full of money if I didn't want to accept it from my grandmother. It was my grandmother's birthday, she is getting older and I don't want to take any money from her. She can save it for her vacation next year or use it for an upcoming birthday or something. She was a little upset that I wouldn't take the money, but I know she understands my position and I will speak with her tomorrow to make sure she is alright. The rest of my family told me that I was being ungrateful, difficult and essentially an jerk for not taking the money off of her. So, AITA here? UPDATE : I spoke with my grandmother this morning over a cup of tea and she made it very clear she is unbothered by my refusal, and that she half expected it. This woman basically raised me half the time and she is the one who I learned this behaviour from, and she knows that. She is like a third parent to me and she knows me like the back of her hand. She told me she will save it with the rest of the vacation money which we will all use for drinks, food and travel. I told her about this post and showed her some of the replies. She thinks it is ridiculous that people have passed such harsh judgements over such an insignificant event. I appreciate everyone's opinions.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 7,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: P_oEI56-01I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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