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When I (17 M) was 8, my parents bought me  a piano and signed me up for lessons. I was   super excited because I love music.  Over time I kind of became known as   the 'piano guy' at school. I play at school  concerts, accompany the school jazz choir,   and play once a week for the residents at  a couple of retirement homes in our town. When I was 15, I started to  talk about quitting lessons,   and my parents quickly tried to guilt me out of  it. I told them I wanted to try other things,   and that between piano and studying, I didn't  have much time left for other extra curriculars.   My Dad proposed a deal. If I kept playing  and taking lessons until I reached level 10   RCM (Royal Conservatory of Music), and  continued to keep my grades up at school,   he would buy me a new car of my choice. I  jumped at it and we shook hands on the deal. I should explain that my family is well off  financially. I have a very privileged life,   but I wouldn't say I've been spoiled. If I  ever want a luxury item like a new phone or   game console, I have to buy it myself with money  I've saved from summer and after school jobs. I should also explain that my Dad's big on  loopholes. When we compete, he always finds   a way to win, and when I do it doesn't count  because of some loophole. It drives me nuts,   but he thinks it's hilarious. Whenever  I complain about him not playing fair,   his answer is always the same: life isn't fair. So, because of our deal, I kept up with my  lessons. I spent about 1-2 hours a day on piano,   while keeping my grades up. Last summer,  I took my level 9 RCM exams and passed,   fulfilling my part of the deal. II told my  Dad I'd chosen the BMW X5 plug-in hybrid SUV. A couple of months ago, on my birthday, I  came downstairs for breakfast, and my Dad   told me there was a surprise waiting for me in the  garage. I ran out, and sitting in the middle of   the floor was a 1/24 scale, toy BMW X5. My Dad  burst out laughing and said, "A deal's a deal,   so as promised here is your brand new BMW!" My  heart absolutely broke. I asked if he was being   serious, and he said I couldn't seriously have  expected him to buy a 17 year old a real brand   new BMW and that we could discuss getting me  a reasonably priced used car. I said we had a   deal and I fulfilled my end of it, he said he  did too since I never said that the car had to   be full size and drivable. I said he wasn't  being fair. His response: life isn't fair. Ever since this happened, I've been distant with  my Dad. I honestly feel like he betrayed my trust   and that he deliberately made a fool out of me.  He keeps bringing up the idea of a used car,   but I told him I'm not interested, which  I admit is kind of petty. I have enough   money saved that I can buy a cheap used car  myself, and I just feel like if I accept one   from him now it's like saying that breaking  his promise didn't matter and that he didn't   do anything wrong. AITA? I got a dog 2 years  ago (Corgi) and she is very much so my side   kick. I've been with my fiance for 5 years. My  fiance does like the dog but she is currently   pregnant and experiencing massive migraines  and has been snapping at everything. So every morning when I get up I find my fiance  already awake and at the table relaxing. As soon   as I get out of the bed, my dog goes nuts. It's  like super energy where she is running sideways,   barking up a storm, jumping from the bed to the  floor a million times (causing the apartment to   shake because it's old asf), etc and I will  sit there and sing made up songs to her and   just freak around with her. It is pretty  noisy and I can be loud. It's just my way   of interacting with my pet. I also have ADHD,  so I'm fully aware that I can be ridiculously   loud and sometimes I simply forget to tone  it down. My fiance has complained about it   a few times and I will absolutely try to tone it  down for awhile but as freaked up as it sounds,   the second she stops complaining and it's "out  of sight, out of mind", I start doing it again.   If I catch myself I apologize immediately but  sometimes I don't even catch myself doing it. So she has been getting up earlier than  normal because she says she needs "peace   and quiet away from you and the dog" because  she can't hear herself think when we get up   and then she starts getting migraines and  being overall ticked off. But now she is   complaining because I can sense her not in the  bed anymore probably after twenty minutes of her   being gone and her warmth no longer there  and then I'm wide awake and the dog senses   it and ya know. So she's now getting ticked  because she thinks I'm purposely not letting   her have space and purposely annoying her with  my behaviors. I'm not, truly but it seems like   it I guess. I've tried just laying in bed for  awhile so she can relax but I get stir crazy   and I also don't feel like I should have to stay  in bed so she can be alone when I live here too. But she flipped this morning. I felt her sneaking  out of bed this morning at 5am and tiptoe out of   the room. I watched her sit at the table with her  book. Well, the dog saw me awake and immediately   goes ballistic. Jumping on the bed, whining,  barking, etc. She comes in and says "will you   guys calm down so I can have time to myself  for once?" I just side eyed her because I'm   getting ticked at this point with her demands.  She says "well?" I tell her to get over herself.   Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean I have to  change who I am or change how the household works   or change my dynamic with my dog. She immediately  left after telling me to go freak myself and won't   answer my calls. She's been gone for 6 hours.  My brother & SIL moved in temporarily. They're   staying in the guests room. So far we've been  on the same page concerning all things except   the decorative pillows. My wife loves adding  decorative pillows on beds, and she did the   same with the guests bedroom. She did it to make  the room look better and also it's her preference. She came to me complaining about seeing the  decorative pillows in the guests room being   put on the floor and not being put on bed during  the day. I went to talk with my brother and he   explained that SIL was tired of having to move  the (7 pillows in total) pillows before using   tthe bed. I explained how my wife finds this  disrespectful but He thought it was no big   deal and that my wife was being a little too  obssessed especially since SIL is pregnant and   can't put the pillows back every time. We had  a fight and I ended up calling him & SIL "rude   guests" because of it. He & SIL got offended  and there was tension in the house over it. My wife isn't speaking to them, and  they aren't speaking to me. AITA? Maybe my wife overreacted, Maybe I shouldnt have  called them that but it is what it is so. I have   two daughters Ashley (26F) and Alex (15F).  I'm gonna start by saying they don't get along   that well and it is due to the age difference.  Recently though they have been getting closer   since Ashley let Alex help plan the wedding, it  was really nice of her to include her in this. Well the wedding was yesterday and  it was suppose to wear formal attire,   so before this we both got long dresses. Alex  was suppose to wear the dress she got which was   sage green. Alex normally wears emo clothes at the  moment, which is fine. Well she came down in the   green dress and put a large slit in it that does  up to her thigh. She also added a skull necklace,   earnings, punk rock boots and really dark  makeup. I told her to take that jewelry off   quickly and give me the dress so I could  fit the slit or at least make it shorter. Alex got mad and said it was fine and was in  the dresscode. I told her no and that you will   stand out. She refused again and i told her  if she won't fix it then she can stay home.   She refused again and she missed the wedding.  Ashley understood why her sister wasn't here,   but my husband was furious with me and called  me a jerk. Alex is still not talking to me also Edit: Comments peoples said were relevant I got there really early before the wedding  and brought the issue up in person, Ashley   was still getting ready, that's when we had  the conversation. She agreed it would be best. I also text my daughter that if  she changes the outfit I could   pick her up in time for the wedding, no response. I am fine with her expressing herself,   she picked out the dress and she told  me what she was gonna do for her makeup. Then the day of the wedding she did all of this.  The slit was so high I could see her underwear is   she walked fast, not to mention the jewelry was  huge. i just don't get why she would do that,   it was inappropriate to dress like that  for the event, there is a time and place. Not to mention my Ashley was fine  with Alex missing the wedding,   she didn't want her there looking  like that either My daughter (f31)   is currently in the process of moving.  She’s been living Brussels for the past   4 years and is now moving back to London  as she was offered a better position. She can move into her new flat in mid February so  she asked if she could stay with me and of course,   I agreed, I missed her. If course, I  refused to accept any rent (she offered). It’s been great but one thing I’ve noticed  is that my daughter has a habit of ordering   online. A lot. She runs out of toothpaste?  She won’t bother going to the shop, she’ll   just order it online with her other essentials  like shampoo. Needs clothes or stuff for her   new house? She’ll order it. She even bought  her father’s birthday gift and wrapping paper   online. She even has groceries delivered because  she insisted she pays for them because she lives   rent free. She barely goes to shops and because  of people like her our high streets are dying. It’s unhealthy and every time for a  week now, whenever a package came,   I returned it which forced her  to shop locally a few times. But now, because quite a  few packages never arrived,   she realised what’s been happening and  confronted me and she’s fuming. She   accused me of treating her like a child and  saying I had no right to return her stuff. I told her that something had to be  done and I tried explaining my point   but she told me she’s done, package  her stuff and went stay at a hotel,   wasting money. I asked her to move back,  promised to not do it again b it she’s   stubborn and won’t listen. She told me she’ll  stay at a hotel until she can move into her flat. I only wanted to help her but she’s being  so unreasonable. My husband stays neutral   and I don’t know. Was I the jerk here?  Was I wrong for returning those packages.   First - i'd seen the signs out front of  there house but didn't pay attention. I go out this morning with my family to do  shopping. i come home to find my quiet street   PACKED - cars both sides narrowing it to one way.   I get to my house and someone  had parked in my driveway. I keep going to next door  (fortunately i was facing that way). Auction was in full swing. Agent going mental,   scumbags in suits everywhere. i roll  down the window and yell "whoever the   inconsiderate jerk was that parked in my  driveway better move the F**kin car NOW!" silence. some old person gets in this crapy little   yaris and moves it. i back into  my driveway and into my garage. about 10 mins later theres a knock on my  door. its one of the real estate flunkies   who proceeded to chew me out for "ruining his  auction" and "costing the neighbour money" I told him i didn't give a freak and maybe  they should have given us notice of the   auction (we got nothing in the mailbox)  and he can just pee off my property. My wife says i should have found a park and  walked up and asked nicely. I told her nice   doesn't work in this situation. so AITA? After my  friend and I went to an escape room she said she   was hungry and I offered to cook. She accepted and  we headed over to our house. There she asked why   I haven’t gone to her restaurant in a while.  She works for a nice restaurant in town and   we use to frequent because she got an employee  discount. I told her I pretty much stopped going   to restaurants completely. She asked me why and I  told her inflation and the expectation to tip 20%   at least has made restaurant food ridiculously  expensive. She got annoyed and told me I could   afford it I live in a million dollar house. My  husband and I make good money but I don’t see   why that means I have to go to restaurants. I  told her the main thing at restaurants I like   to order (steak) is now $50 for a mediocre one. I  can get a top quality rib eye for $30 that I can   cook in compound butter and fresh rosemary. She  made a face and told me that people with money   that don’t have children should be helping  prop up the industry and complaining about   tipping when I’m doing well. I felt attacked and  told her I’m doing what everyone’s advice is,   if I can’t tip enough not to go out. I’m annoyed  by how high tipping has gotten we don’t even live   in the us we live in Canada. She told me the  restaurants can’t even hire enough waitresses   now so even with tips most people don’t make  enough serving. I told her it’s not my problem   if they don’t make enough it’s their bosses job  to pay them and when I do eat out I tip what is   expected. She got really mad told me I should be  more sympathetic to her since she can barely pay   her bills waitressing since less people are eating  out and tipping and refused to talk to me while   we ate. My (27f) friend (29F) is pregnant. She  wanted to do a gender reveal, so at her 20 week   ultrasound she got the ultrasound technician to  write the gender on a piece of paper, put it in an   envelope and gave it to me. She wanted me to order  those smoke cannons for her, her husband and their   kids to pop at a photograph session to reveal  what their new baby is going to be. Personally I   don’t see the point in them, but it made my friend  happy and I felt honoured that she trusted me with   such a secret. When she handed me the envelope  she made me swear that under no circumstances I   would tell her what it is no matter how much  she begged, or tell anyone else. I agreed. Fast forward, I’ve had this envelope for 2  weeks now, I’ve ordered the cannons and the   gender reveal is in a few days. For the past  2 weeks my friend has HOUNDED me with texts   begging me to just tell her what it is, but  then following up with “actually no I don’t   want to know”. And it’s just been going back and  fourth like that. The texts were annoying but I   just ignored it and understood she was just  excited. But the past 3 days she had begun   hounding me at work - I work an office job and  I’m in and out of meetings all day. After the   first day of a call into my work I asked her  to please just chill out and stop calling me at   work. I reminded her that she made me promise  not to tell and she’d find out soon enough. Here is where I may be the jerk, I’d  been having a crappy day at work with   a particular client being a giant PAITA.  I was stuck in a meeting with this client   and the receptionist stuck her head in  and said I had an urgent phone call,   thought it may have been my kids school so  I excused myself and took the call. It was   my “friend” AGAIN. I just snapped and told her if  she wanted to know so badly it’s a boy!” And then   I hung up the phone. My husband thinks I’m in the  right because there is only so much one person can   take. But our mutual friends are calling me the  AH because I should have just kept my mouth shut. So AITA? I (21F) found out not too long  ago that my sister, Bea (36F) is pregnant   after a long struggle with infertility and  I'm pumped and can't wait to be an aunt. Last week was the gender reveal party where  my Bea broke down crying after cutting the   cake and seeing it was pink inside. Her  and her husband are thrilled because they   apparently wanted a girl. She said right  then that the baby would be named Mary. For reference Bea is a "born again" christian.  She found Jesus during her third time in rehab.   She'll go on and on to anyone who'll listen about  how she had "visions" of the Virgin Mary by her   bedside telling her she would get better, that  the pain was temporary and how she would do great   things after recovering. That was eight years  ago, she met her husband not long after that,   in church, of course and fell head over heels in  love saying that God made them for each other. I kind of rolled my eyes at the declaration,  Mary is just so old, and boring. Bea asked me   what was wrong, I was honest and told her  I thought the name was a little boring,   at the least she could do something like  Miriam and make Mary a nickname. It's 2023,   kids will make fun of her for having  an old lady name once she's older. I myself have an old lady name, think  Edith or something and it's a PAIN,   kids in grade school constantly called  me grandma Edith and the sort, saying   I was destined to be an old hag who would  live in the woods and have a crooked nose. I'm also worried for the baby,  Bea isn't a reliable person,   she's been sober for years and everyone  still walks on eggshells around her,   she used to run off to go on drug binges  all the time, a few times leaving me home   alone as a kid so she could meet one of  her dealers while our parents where out. She brought it up a few days ago, mentioning  how she was hurt I didn't like the name and   asked if I was being honest in my feelings. I  told her I was, Mary is a freaking stupid name,   she'll get bullied in school for it or at  the very least if she goes to some kind of   christian school it'll confused the heck out of  her because every other girl will be called Mary. She called me cruel and an jerk and accused me  of hating her and not caring that she was finally   in a good place in life. As if she hasn't been  "in a good place in life" before and relapsed,   leaving our parents in debt paying  for therapy and rehab that don't   work and letting us clean up all  her messes over and over again. AITA? My brother (23m) was dumb  and invested a lot of his savings   in crypto. He bought at the peak, sold at  the bottom, and lost a lot of money. He's   been depressed/anxious about this  and beating himself up over it. My dad (48m) is ironically a financial advisor and  found out today when my brother admitted it. He   had told my brother and me not to invest in crypto  when we joked about doge coin last year and he   told us millions of times to diversify diversify  diversify. Well my brother didn't listen to any of   that and my dad when he found out started being  a total sh*thead to my brother (in my opinion).   Saying things like "tell me you're joking. You're  joking, right?? why on earth would you do such a   dumb thing?", "I told you millions of times  last year not to buy crypto! you should only   be buying diversified mutual index funds", "you  made these choices and now you're learning your   expensive lesson". Things that are NOT HELPFUL  and not serving any purpose other than to fill my   dad's ego and make my brother feel even worse.  Like seriously, why even say these things??? I (22f) told my dad to shut up since he's  not adding anything to the conversation (btw   my brother at this point was near tears). My  dad got mad at me and maybe I went overboard,   I was very upset for my brother, I screamed at  my dad that this is exactly why my brother and   I never confide in him about anything important  and we go to our mom (they're divorced) instead   since my mom actually has empathy. He  yelled back that he does have empathy,   I said if he did then I wouldn't  be so excited to remove him out   of my life when I'm older and not financially  dependent on him. Now we are not speaking. He   didn't even apologize to my brother either. My  brother left and is probably still depressed. I feel bad now for making my dad so upset but  also, I feel like he reacted so sh*ttily to   my brother for no reason! But now I feel  guilty. I also live with him currently. AITA for screaming at him for what he  said to my brother?? Sis is 28 I'm 26M. My sis N has always had a strained relationship  with our parents especially my mom. I am clearly   not privy to the reasons because things are  fine with me and my parents. When N went to   college she met her creative writing professor  as a freshman and they got close immediately.   They would do a lot together and worked  closely on a few different writing projects.   N never specifically said this, but it was obvious  to anyone who saw them interact that they had   a substitute mother/daughter type relationship.  Which hurt my mom a lot to see. I always thought   she'd grow out of it or that the prof would move  on but ten years later they were still very close. About a month ago the prof died unexpectedly  and it devastated N. She was really dperessed   over the holidays which of course was all in  front of my mom and was a difficult reminder   that N loved the prof as a mother way more  than she ever loved my mom as a mother.   She still talks to my parents and stuff and  they don't fight or anything but N is very   distant and doesn't tell them anything  about her life beyond the bare minimum.   My mom tried to comfort N but N was doing  her distant thing and didn't want comfort. Something unfortunate that happened to N is  that when she got the call that she died,   she was brewing tea and in the shock of the  news she spilled boiling water on her arm which   burned her kinda badly on her wrist. I think  the burn was like on the borderline of 2nd   and 3rd degree, and definitely still looked  pretty rough during the holidays. N said it   was especially hard because in addition to  the physical pain, every time she looks at   it she is reminded of the moment she found  out the prof died. Which I totally get. I was on facetime with N and she said she  talked to her tattoo artist friend who said   that the burn should be able to heal well enough  to get a tattoo over it. N then excitedly told   me about her idea which is a type of flower that  the prof gave her a bouquet of for her undergrad   graduation. My mom was so embarrassed that day  because she didn't get N flowers but the prof   did and N was parading them around so happy  and it was a reminder of their connection.   I guess N and the prof exchanged these flowers  for every special occasion like birthdays etc. So now she wants to get a decent sized tattoo  in a highly visible spot of something that will   remind everyone of the prof. I told N that this  seemed really cruel to my mom who already feels   cast aside and like she's in exile from N.  And that's without the constant permanent   reminder. N kind of scoffed and said "I can't  believe you think you have the right to tell   me not to do this," called me an butt and hung  up and is still not talking to me except for a   very brief text saying congrats for a promotion  I just got. My parents aren't commenting. My dad   said I should have just kept quiet even though  he agrees and my mom made no comment but seemed   grateful I stood up for her. I feel like I was  just being protective of my mom. But AITA? I   (26F) am pretty in shape, I jog every day, and  eating healthy is pretty important to me. I   also follow a low carb diet for health reasons  (used to have horrible IBS and mood swings). My girlfriend 'Elle' (28F) also eats fairly  healthy overall, but I do most of the cooking.   Before we got together, Elle mostly just  ordered takeout and didn't cook much. We got together, and she's pretty happy overall  with our eating habits because I'm a good cook,   but she still buys processed junk food and less  healthy items and keeps them around the house. I also bake a lot and Elle is  always happy to try what I make. Last year I proposed to Elle and she said yes.  We're now in the stages of wedding planning. Recently, I noticed that Elle had gained some  weight, and I'm a little worried about her health. Early on in our relationship, things were closed  (covid) and so we went on a lot of hikes, and we   used to go for walks multiple mornings a week.  This, plus the fact that I was cooking for us and   she was eating less takeout and processed food led  to her losing about 15lbs by accident. She wasn't   overweight, but had gained some due to covid,  lost some, and after meeting me had lost the rest. I know living a sedentary life has its health  consequences and really isn't good for you,   I really love Elle and want her  to be around for a long time. I feel like it's partially my fault that she  is gaining weight, because we used to go for   more hikes and walks together, but then I started  jogging in place every. morning while watching TV   (got too hot over the summer to walk and I  wanted more exercise) so now instead of us   going for a walk, I'm there jogging while  Elle just sits and watches TV with me. I love Elle and find her very beautiful,   I just worry about her health, and  her not getting enough exercise. Every now and then I suggest  she jog in place with me,   or I'll send her on an errand to the grocery  store so she can get at least a little walk in,   and she's happy to go get things,  but doesn't ever jog with me. Today, I tried to tell her that I was  worried about her health, and she got upset. I don't think I said anything bad, I told her  how much I love her and want her to be around,   but am worried she doesn't get enough exercise. She took it fairly well but was very quiet,  and seemed kind of sad. Later I got an angry   text from Elle's step-sister saying that I was  fat-shaming and calling me a horrible person. AITA here?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 13,498
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Keywords: storytime, rslash, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts, makeup storytime tiktok, waxing tiktok storytime, waxing satisfying tiktok storytime, storytime waxing, storytimes
Id: y1K8Du0iVrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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