r/AITA DID I POISON MY KIDS?! - Reddit Stories

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I am currently pregnant and have been experiencing some really strange cravings lately. Before meeting my husband, I grew up non-vegetarian, but I made the switch to vegetarian after we got together. My husband and his entire family are strict vegetarians. Recently, my mother-in-law came to stay with us to help out when the baby is born. Two days ago, she went out of her way to prepare a special meal for me and I truly appreciated her effort and the thoughtfulness behind it. I ate everything she had made and complimented her cooking. However, throughout the entire meal, I couldn't help but think about chicken wings. The craving was overwhelming and after lunch, I ordered some chicken wings for myself and disposed of the waste in the kitchen bin, completely forgetting that my mother-in-law would see it when she used the bin. Later that evening, she found the wrappers and confronted me about it. She was visibly upset and felt hurt, believing that I didn't like her food and that I preferred ordering out. I tried to explain that it was just a pregnancy craving and not a reflection of her cooking, but she was deeply hurt and disappointed. Now my MIL is being distant and is avoiding me and my husband is being neutral. He did express he was upset I ate chicken as we are vegetarians, but he is not picking a side and told me that he is styaing out of it. I am on maternity leave, so I am with MIL all day. My husband is on call most days, and when he is at home he is mostly asleep. I am not sure if I am TA, or what to do to fix the situation, and I genuinely have nothing against her cooking, I just had a craving and I didn't think this would still be awkward two days on, I thought it would just blow over. I (34F) and my ex-husband (36M) divorced two years ago due to irreconcilable differences. We share custody of our seven-year-old daughter, Lily, and have managed to maintain a relatively civil co-parenting relationship. However, things recently took a turn for the worse. Last week, Lily turned eight, and I decided to throw her a birthday party at our home. I planned the event meticulously, inviting Lily's friends, our family members, and a few close neighbors. I wanted it to be a special day for her. However, when I sent out the invitation to my ex-husband, I specifically mentioned that he would not be able to bring his girlfriend. Now, my reasoning behind this decision is that my ex-husband has been dating someone new for the past six months, and Lily hasn't had much interaction with her. I didn't think it was appropriate to have a stranger present at her birthday party, especially since my ex-husband and I agreed to introduce new partners to Lily gradually. My ex-husband, upon receiving the invitation, immediately called me, furious and demanding an explanation. He accused me of trying to exclude him from Lily's life and claimed that he had every right to be there for her special day. He argued that his girlfriend had already met Lily on a few occasions and saw no issue with her attending the party. Naturally, this turned into a heated argument, with both of us standing our ground. I firmly stated that I didn't think it was fair to Lily to have a stranger present, regardless of a few brief meetings. My ex-husband insisted that he had just as much right to be there as I did and accused me of being spiteful and controlling. The argument escalated, and we ended up involving our respective families, who took sides and added fuel to the fire. Some of my family members supported my decision, claiming that Lily's birthday should be about her and her closest loved ones. However, my ex-husband's family argued that he should be allowed to attend and that his girlfriend was an important part of his life, therefore she should be included. We couldn't reach a compromise, and in the end, my ex-husband threatened legal action if I didn't allow him to attend the party. This left me feeling torn between wanting to make Lily happy and not wanting to escalate the situation further. AITA for excluding my ex-husband from our daughter's birthday party? Hello everyone as the title says until recently me and my nephew were restoring a car (a foxbody Mustang) for him to drive once he had passed his driving test. However due to recent events no longer want to let him have the car. Please bear in mind that I have paid for the car and the parts. Recently I went on vacation and left my nephew with a key to my garage so that he could work on the car while I was away (this proved to be a bad decision). I told my nephew that he was free to go round the garage when he wanted while I was away. Well one night while away he decided to take my 1968 nova that I had recently restored costing upwards of $50000 and thousands of man hours out of the garage and for a joyride around my private land.This ended in disaster as he went to fast and crashed into a ditch and rolled it causing a lot of damage to the point that the car is now likely scrap. My nephew is fine by the way. I didn't discover that anything was wrong till I came back from my vacation and opened the garage to get one of my cars out and noticed my wrecked nova sitting there. As he was the only one with a key I knew it was him. I tried to call him but he would not answer his phone. Neither would his dad(my brother) so I went over to his house. When I got to his house he answered the door and immediately said that my nephew was really sorry for what happened and that he was only being a stupid kid. I told him that I was keeping the Mustang unless he paid for my car that he ruined and left. Once I got home I received multiple calls and messages from my brother and his wife saying that I was being unreasonable and that it's not fair to keep his car and that he won't have anything to drive when he gets his license in a few days and that he was only being a stupid kid. My nephew has still not directed apologized to me he has just passed an apology through his dad. I'm still furious and I still think I am going to keep the car or sell it to go towards fixing or replacing the nova. I also should mention that the nova has a large amount of sentimental value as it was my father's and we were restoring together till he passed away. Everyone in the family knows this but I am starting to wonder if this is clouding my judgement. Just to answer a few questions I know it was definitely my nephew as I have checked my security cameras My nephew and my brother towed the car back to my garage with my brother's truck. It wasn't very far away probably only a mile max. Unfortunately the car wasn't insured as I only finished it a few days before going on vacation I have considered taking them to court but even if I was successful they don't have enough money or assets to pay. I have considered reporting it to the police but I am on the fence as I don't want to ruin my nephew's future with a criminal record but I do think that he needs to face the consequences of his actions To be honest the value of the nova may not be $50000 but that is what has been spent on it The locks have been changed so he can't get in the garage anymore So I'm(19f) a pastry chef, I love my sweets to be on point as you can see them on pictures, nothing less or nothing more.My mom(60F) other hand keeps destroying my sweets by adding so much of everything. One time I made a strawberry cake for my grandma's birthday and she came to it to add a whole tones of whipping cream.At the end the cake was a whole disaster,it was falling apart from too much cream and I yelled her in top of my lungs that she keeps destroying everything I make ,she put on the sad face saying she won't bother with me and my sweets anymore. So Last weekend we were visiting my grandma(her sister too) and I made a fruit tart and a cheesecake.I put them on the fridge and warned my mom TO NOT TOUCH IT!!. When we arrived,we open the cheesecake and apparently she have put chocolate syrup all over it and the box/cheesecake itself was an ugly mess....At that point I had a breakdown and started yelling her and crying saying "WHY YOU KEEP DESTROYING MY WORK,IM SO FED UP WITH YOU",she kept pushing it off saying "it's not beautiful enough and it needed a better picture. I'm way home I wasn't talking her and she started yelling me that I was an assh@le to her in front of everyone and I need to learn manners. Looking back,I could handle the situation better but I lost my mind,in other hand though I don't want anyone to touch my creations. Am I the jerk for yelling at my mom in front of everyone? I (27f) have an older sister Jane (30f). Jane has been married to her husband John (32m) for 9 years, but they’ve been together since she was 17. I have been with mu girlfriend Sam (26f) for 4 years and we’ve lived together for 3. Jane and I are quite close and usually tell each other most things, including relationship issues. Full disclosure: for the past few years as I’ve grown up, I realised I don’t really like John, I think he’s a bit of an butt but I’ve kept it to myself unless my sister specifically asked. But at the weekend Jane and I were having lunch at my house, and she was telling me how worn out she’s been feeling lately. She works full time and is the primary earner in their house because John works part time and plays soccer for a local team on the weekends. She’s also in the pre-treatment phase of IVF. She explained to me that she feels when she’s home she’s always either cleaning or cooking. She commented that I’ve never ever complained about chores around the house or that Sam doesn’t do any. I told her that it’s because we split things equally. At the beginning of each week we jointly agree upon which chores in specific need to be done that week, we both have chores that we love but the other hates so we take care of those ourselves, and we divide both the planning and execution of the remaining ones equally. Jane gave me the run down of chore splits and it basically comes down to: he does a few short chores which she plans, and she does everything else including planning of chores they do together like grocery shopping. I told her that she’s probably been feeling worn down because she’s burned out from having to plan everything he does as well as take care of her own stuff for so long. She said that that’s unfair , he does do things and I replied saying that he physically does things but she does all of the planning and that even if the execution of those chores was equal, the division of labor still wouldn’t be. She does all of the emotional labor as well as her physical labor and that the division isn’t even close to equal. She got mad and left, she hasn’t spoken to me since which is unusual. I told our mom because I was worried and she told me I was an AH and overstepped because I don’t like John. I didn’t think that was true but now I’m second guessing. AITA? For context, my mom has never really cooked that much. Growing up she might make Sunday dinner or a random meal during the week. Fast forward to now, I'm almost 30 and have my breastfeeding wife and two daughters (1mo, and 2yo) over visiting my retired parents for the week. My mom has been excited about this special dish shes been wanting to make all week. So, yesterday evening my mom begins making this jambalaya dish. She claims it tastes better after it sits for a day to enjoy the following day. She makes a large pot of a tomato based stew for it with cooked sausages, bacon, vegetables etc. She finishes it around 9pm. I wake up today and it's been left out on the stove for over 12 hours in a covered pot, no heat( it's currently almost 10am). I don't believe she plans on touching it again until she makes the rice for it later today for tonight's dinner. I know for a fact, especially now after researching it that food can't just be left out like that for so long especially with meat in it. I now have to make things very awkward and potentially embarrassing for her by saying my breastfeeding wife, 2 year old toddler and myself will not be risking that tonight for dinner. I know she's going to say things like " I've been feeding you your whole life and you turned out fine" " I do this all the time and I've never been sick" " don't believe everything you read online" etc etc WIBTA for confronting her on this and not letting my family eat this food? If so, how can I NBTA during this confrontation? We're still visiting for another few days. So my roommates found out my Big Secret™️. I've been renting a house with three other girls (Stacey, Lynn, and Rebecca). We're currently in year 1 of a 2 year lease together and have always gotten along. A few weeks ago, I found some pictures from my wedding, and I was so happy about it that I posted them. A few hours later, my facebook notifications were blowing up and I had several missed calls from my roommates. I didn't realize this, but they somehow didn't know, and they are not happy. I don't understand this. They say that I lied to them by "bringing another roommate in" and have "completely changed the dynamics of the house". I haven't though? My husband and I got married at 18, before I even started college. For practical reasons, we decided not to live together until I finished school and had the chance to gain some work experience. I've never had him visiting me any more than any other roommate had an overnight guest. I also lived with Stacey and Rebecca during college and quite honestly they had men over way more than he was ever there. Even now, while we do spend all of his leaves together and I make trips out as often as possible, it would never be anything that would violate a standard lease. They say it doesn't matter because he had the legal right to live here and I "just blindsided them with that", putting them in an awkward position. Rebecca's parents are mad that I was ever living with them because I'm "in a different life stage". I didn't! They obviously know he's the only person I have a romantic relationship with. They know I take long trips to see him and talk to him as much as possible. I wear a wedding ring. I just don't make announcements. They're so mad at me and I don't understand. I'm not different than I was three weeks ago. I don't think how I conduct my personal relationships changes anything. Aside from obviously having different men (or women) around all the time, my life isn't different from theirs. Now they're looking into breaking the lease and I'm freaking out. Am I really the jerk here? Alt account for obvious reasons. My (30F) ex-husband (32M) and I have 2 children (4M, 2F). We have been divorced just about 6 months and he is now expecting a baby with his new girlfriend. I’m admittedly not over him. We were together 10 years, my entire adulthood. It was and is a messy split. I’m still bitter and hurt about it and he seems to have completely moved on somehow. When we had our oldest, neither of us wanted him in daycare (no judgement, we just didn’t feel comfortable) so I stayed home and eventually started my own business that allows me to work 99% remotely. My parents are also local and retired and help me out as much as they can. This arrangement works for me and I get to spend time with both of my kids. Now, ex’s girlfriend is 5 months pregnant and they got in a huge fight because she asked him to tour daycares and he said absolutely not, he wants her to stay home with the baby, none of his kids are to go in daycare (admittedly the ones here do suck). He called me to vent and I listened then he dropped the bomb. He asked if I would be willing to take care of their baby since I’m home with our two and get help from my parents and when I have to take the kids to the office I can because I own it. He mentioned that I know how he feels about his kids in one of these daycares and I sort of lost it on him. It was a year and a half of walled up anger and hurt and I said some nasty things that I’ve since apologized for. Fast forward to 3 days later, new girlfriend pulled me to the side when I dropped off my kids to their house and asked why I was so ugly about it and why I thought my kids were better than hers and why her baby doesn’t deserve the same things mine got. I never said that but apologized if anything I said came off like that, told her I’m happy for them (I’m not but, pleasantries) but was certainly not going to babysit their kid. She’s a nurse so I get she can’t work from home and doesn’t want to give up her career but they should’ve thought about that. I left before it blew up again but ex called me about 2 hours later and asked me to come get the kids because he and new girlfriend were fighting and he didn’t want them around for it. I picked them up of course and ex texted me on the drive home and asked AGAIN if I would babysit for them for $200/week. I said no and he called me a bitter bench and said I’m being an jerk because I’m hurt. I don’t see it this way at all, I reiterated that the request is absurd and I would not be talking about it anymore. This was yesterday and all day today new girlfriend has been texting me and having her friends and family review bomb my business. I’m not worried about it, my clients know my work. Ex-husband hasn’t said anything else but has been shorter with me in our conversations about our kids. So, AITA for refusing to keep my ex-husband’s new baby? My family and my brother's family visited my parents at their vacation house for Memorial Day weekend. There, I noticed that my normally energetic nephew (14M) seemed very upset at something. I pulled him aside and asked him if there was anything wrong. He told me that his parents promised to buy him the Lego Roman Colosseum (nephew is a HUGE ancient history buff) if he did well in school. But when the package arrived, they said that he should be a good brother let his sister (11F) help. My nephew told them that having his sister help was pointless since she's completely nonverbal and has a habit of kicking things when she gets upset. As a result, my nephew had his lego set returned for talking back and being disrespectful. After we went back home, I asked my brother if what my nephew said was true. He said that it was. I then asked if my nephew said anything (e.g., calling his sister a vegetable) beyond calling the idea of letting his sister help ridiculous. He said no. I told my husband that I'm seriously considering buying my nephew the Lego Roman Colosseum for his upcoming birthday in August, as my brother and SIL were being completely ridiculous. My husband agreed that my brother and SIL were being ridiculous, but did not like the idea of me replacing the returned Lego set. He said that I would be undermining their parenting and provoking an unneeded conflict between our two families. My SIL (L) who is in her late 40s doesn’t have children. I know bits from my MIL that they had fertility issues and she was very upset about it. I don’t know if she ‘authorised’ her mother to tell us anything. She has never directly talked to me or my husband (her brother) about it. When new family pregnancies are announced, it must hurt but she is generally congratulatory and warm. We have 2 kids and my SIL is a great auntie to them. Due to distance they don’t see each other often but when they do she spoils them, plays games with them and shows an interest in their lives. They rightly adore her. My 13f has recently started asking why Auntie L doesn’t have her own kids as she is so nice. I’ve kept being vague but she’s become persistent. I don’t want to break a confidence. I say I don’t know. She says she will ask her. I tell her not to. She might be upset. She says - well she can just have some then. We have a row. Rinse and repeat. My husband and I have discussed it and I wonder whether my daughter may have heard something. L and her husband have just been in the area and came to dinner with us. It was nice until my daughter asked her why she didn’t have kids. I didn’t really know what to do but glared at daughter and told her not to be rude. L said something vague about things not always happening how you expect. Daughter pushed it further and then said about me telling her but not to ask me because I’d be upset. Implying I’d said something to her. L said something else vague. When kids had gone, L made a comment about being a topic of conversation in our house. I said that kids do this sometimes and apologised. L clearly thought I’d been gossiping about her (which I get from how my daughters comments were phrased) and was visibly upset. They left soon after dinner. I feel bad but am not sure what I should have done differently. AITA? Ok so after I (28M) got kicked out of my apartment I needed a new place to stay. My sister (24F) is living at her friends house and says they are cool with me crashing for the summer. I only need about three months anyways. When I show up the place is a MESS and even worse the room I was suppose to take is a dump ground for my sisters stuff. The kitchen is cluttered and disgusting. The bathroom is cluttered, moldy, and stinky. I decided to stay anyways because hey free rent. Over the course of the past month I have been cleaning and decluttering everywhere I could. I cant believe her friend puts up with her actually I can she is also responsible for the mess. I have thrown away countless cups, plates, canned food, candy, pasta, coffee, tea, hair accessories, cheap rings, sandals, Tupperware, trash, clothes, hats, countless socks etc. I know it sounds like this stuff could have been donated but all of her clutter comes from cheap dollar stores. They both love having me as a roommate because they think I am handy. I am. Slowly my sister has been noticing her stuff missing. She has questioned me and even called me asking if I have seen her shoes or whatever. I just deny seeing it and say I only throw away expired food, duplicates, or broken stuff. I am able to get away with throwing stuff out because I only do it on trash day. lol. Yesterday I messed up though because I forgot it wasn't trash day. I had filled the trashcan with a bunch of my sisters clothes and I was to lazy to take the trash out. She rarely uses the kitchen trashcan anyways since she doesn't clean up after herself. I was wrong and she noticed. I came home to an emptied out kitchen trashcan in the middle of the kitchen and she demanded I explain my self. I simply said that I had a "trash box" and a "good box" and that I emptied out the wrong box while I was decluttering the laundry room. She didn't buy it. I am doing her a favor and her friend a favor but they just don't see it. AITA? We were having people over yesterday and my mom was hosting, so she was making food and cleaning. Dad was at work, while my sisters were in the kitchen helping out. I went up to my mom and asked what I can do to help. She kinda signed and told me I have eyes. I left confused, so I walked around the house and then came back. I asked again what I can do to help and she exploded. Telling me that I am 17 and I can’t see what needs to happen, that I can’t see the carpet needs vacuuming or take the garbage out. That my sisters don’t need prompting to help. I came back with I am just asking and I don’t like her tone. It got in an argument and I left. I talked to my sister and they told me I need to apologize and use my brain I(37M) and my wife(36F) have two kids 5f and 7f. My wife is pregnant with our third kid now. She's 20 weeks pregnant. So my daughters have never been picky about their food since I used to cook all meals and never introduced them to junk food. However, about 2 months back I was assigned to a new project at work and started working long hours(70/week) so I have been unable to cook as often now. I wanted to hire a cook because my wife was having severe pregnancy symptoms but my wife said she wanted to try cooking for our kids and she also didn't like the idea of a stranger at our house. I agreed to her idea since she suggested it herself. For the first month or so, she cooked pretty diligently for the kids and both of us as well. however, after that, she reduced the quality of the meals. What I mean is, she started making easy to cook foods for the kids. she also started giving them junk foods as snacks so that they wouldn't be that hungry for real meals. I chalked it up to her pregnancy nausea for the first few weeks but last week when I prepared an elaborate meal for the family on Sunday, the kids refused to even touch the food because they wanted the usual buttered noodles. So I told my wife that I'd be cooking all the meals from now onwards because the kids are getting spoiled from eating junk food all the time. She got mad at me and said that she's trying her hardest and I should be more appreciative. I told her no one forced her to cook and I had already suggested hiring a cook but she was the one who refused. She said that I don't understand her discomfort with having a cook and that hiring one was out of the question. She also told me that I can cook all meals if i think it is so easy to feed the kids healthy food. I told her that I would do just that. That very night, I stayed up making different kinds of healthy food options for the week. Fruit salad, chicken stir fry, pasta sauce(with veggies, mushrooms and tomatoes then blended it all), cauliflower soup and banana bread. I froze everything so they can be reheated during the week. I have been just reheating food throughout the week and giving it to the kids. Since they want only noodles, I add the sauce and chicken stir fry to the noodles along with grated cheese. The just eat it without detecting any veggies in it. For their school lunches I pack ham and cheese/tuna/chicken sandwiches the night before along with fruit salad and chocolate milk. They get a slice of banana bread for after school snack. Sandwiches and soup for dinner for me and my wife. My wife told me the food tastes good but it's stale food so she doesn't think it's any better than what she used to cook for the family. I told her at least I was putting effort into the meals unlike her who was using the kids picky behavior as an excuse to be lazy. She got mad at me and said that she wasn't being lazy and that the kids really were picky. Now she's not speaking to me for the past 2 days. AITA?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: XjjhbhBO-jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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