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Me [F34 and my fiance [M36 got engaged 2 months ago. I own the house we currently live in but after he moved in he started helping out with the mortgage payment. I have a daughter [Ruby, F12, she adores animals (she had about 7 pets so far in her life). Unfortunately, her dog Tic passed away. He was her closest friend and favorite pet. It was devastating for me as well because he was so precious. As a way to honor him, I've printed a middle sized picture of him (Ruby's favorite) and put it in a frame and hanged the frame in the living room wall. Ruby was so happy with it especially since she gets to see him smiling at her when she walks in, It gives her comfort. My fiance saw it and got upset. He commented on how strange it was to have the dog's picture up on the wall and how much of distraction it brings. I felt puzzled because we have all kinds of pictures that were hanging on that wall. He suggested we remove it but I ignored him. One day, I got home and saw that he's taken it down. Ruby was in her room crying holding the picture. I asked what happened and she told me that my fiance took the picture off and told her she's not allowed to have it hung up there, also told her to keep it in her room if she didn't want to lose it "for good". I was shocked. I rushed out and immediately started taking down all the certificates he had on that wall. His doctorate , master's and bachelor's degrees. And about 4-5 other certificates as well. All of them I took down and put in the bedroom. He discovered what I did and snapped at me and said that it's his house as well and I should respect his input. In my defense, I told him that since my daughter has to keep it in her room then he too has to keep his certificates in his room according to his logicHe yelled at me demanding that I stopped nagging him and acting childishly and spitefully. He wanted to put them back up but I refused and said that if he does that then Tic's picture will be put back up as well. He yelled about how I disrespected him and his achievements and treated them as trash, and then stormed out. He's been giving both me and Ruby the cold shoulder for days now saying he out speak to neither of us til we apologize and put those certificates back up on the wall ourselves. my (29f) husband (32m) J and me have recently had a baby girl. by recently i mean literally last night. a few weeks ago i was invited to dinner at my mother in law’s home. she told me she had something important to discuss and i knew exactly what was coming. when i sat down she held my hand and said, “me and J have talked and we think it would be best if i replaced your mother in the delivered room.” i said i’m sorry but my mother has already been invited and i’m not comfortable not having her there. she started squeezing my hand tighter saying that it’s not just up to me. side note my MIL has never been the nicest to me. she would always make snide remarks about my weight and skin colour. i said no again and said it is my choice as i am giving birth. the subject was then dropped but when we got home my husband blew up at me saying he has just as much a decision as me in this. i disagree it will be me giving birth and i need my mother there. he said fine and we both forgot about it. yesterday i went into labour. first i called my husband as he was staying at his mothers at the time. then after about an hour i called my mother. she was shocked to hear from me and told me my husband said i didn’t want her there. i told her i do want her there and she came straight away. my husband got to the hospital about 20 minutes after my mother and when he got there he had brought my MIL. i completely lost it. i started yelling at him and scolding him for telling my mother not to come then he started shouting at me for not letting him bring his mother. after he has shouted at me for about 5 more minutes i told him to leave. i said i didn't want to see him or his mother ever again. I'm still not sure if i meant what i said or not. because of the stress put on my body the birth became more dangerous but my mother as here for me the whole way. I am 37M, my wife is 38F. He have two kids, aged 17 and 4. Neither were planned, but we are happy we have them both. Our 17yro has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair. He can dress himself, he talks (a bit hard to understand at first, but you can understand him fine if you put a little effort into it), he does great in school and is a great great kid. My brother and his wife can't have kids. They have been through a lot of IVF and other treatments, but it hasn't been successful. I know they are both devastated about it, especially my SIL. We were all at my mother's house for dinner the other night and brother and SIL were telling us about their last unsuccessful round of IVF and said that this might be it and they probably won't try again. We all said we are sorry about that and that it must be awful. Later that evening my mom was asking my 17yro about his plans for the future etc, how is school going, does he have a GF, does he like any girls etc (typical grandma stuff lol). My SIL then said "can he even date?" to me (my son didn't hear it) and I looked at her and just said "what?". She then said "well he'll be in your care forever, do you really want him to bring a woman into that". I asked her to stop, but my brother said she's just asking a question. At that point everyone heard us talking. SIL then said to me and my wife "I didn't mean to offend you, it's just that a slow child might be too much work on their own, without dating at stuff". I loudly replied "our son is not slow and you are WAY out of line here". She then said to me "relax, please, jeez I thought you had more patience, since you are raising a retarded child". I lost it and said "you know what, it's a good thing you can't have children because you would have been a terrible mother". She broke down crying, brother called me an AH. I (22F) went to a wedding recently, for my friend's (22F) cousin. My friend brought me along for emotional support since she was being forced to go. My friend didn't like her cousin at all, because simply put, the cousin is horrible to my friend. She would make fun of my friend's appearance, which included anything from weight, hair, skin, etc, despite my friend being drop dead gorgeous. This has led to her having major self esteem issues. On top of that, there is a 10 year age gap between my friend and her cousin (32F), meaning it was literally, at one point an adult bullying a child. Friend's cousin is also just an awful person in general, the quintessential racist "but I have black friends" mean girl who gossips, and fights with everyone. However, my friend's parents believe that family is forever no matter what, so she was dragged to the wedding, meaning I got dragged along as well. The ceremony happened and we move to the reception. Everything was going surprisingly smoothly, until I started dancing with one of the groomsmen on the dancefloor. Bride didn't like this apparently. I know because she came up to me and asked me what the h*** I thought I was doing. I was confused and asked her what she meant. She asked me why the h*** I was "all over HIM", him meaning the groomsman. I didn't know why she was upset about it, after all, she had a new husband that she should be celebrating with. My friend intervened after she noticed the bride talking to me angrily. Bride/her cousin turned to my friend and asked her why she "brought this s*** to her wedding". I wasn't too surprised given the stories I've heard about her, but nevertheless, that still stung. My friend told her back off and not say that to me. Bride said that I was indeed a s*** for dancing with the groomsman. My friend explained to me that the groomsman that I was dancing with was her ex boyfriend. I turned to bride and told her that she just got married to another man so it wasn't like she wanted her ex back. She then told me that the chances are still high, and that I have no right to put my hands on him. I laughed and said "Ohhh, so you're the one who's actually a s***!". Bride lost it, screaming at me, cussing at me, crying, while her husband was trying to escort her away, and all the while I was laughing my a** off. I had a few drinks then. My friend had escorted me away back to our table. Now that the alcohol has worn off, I feel like I may be the a****** for saying that to the bride at the reception, as much as I hate her. According to my friend, she has been getting calls and texts from angry family members asking the both of us how we could ruin the bride's big day. So, AITA? Me (28) and my sister (32) have never really gotten along that well. My parents were divorced and so we never really spent much time together during our childhood. Once we got in our early twenty though that changed and we actually got pretty close. Both of us were in serious relationships and we would always talk about our dream weddings. Fast forward a few years and my sister was finally getting married to her high school sweetheart, Ive never seen her so happy and I knew this was going to be one of her most cherished moments in life. That was until my d****** of an ex boyfriend proposed to me at my sisters wedding. Needless to say I had absolutely no idea. I rejected his proposal and ended up leaving him after a few weeks of him showing no signs of him being sorry at all. My sister was rightfully upset with the both of us because in her eyes we had just took away her spotlight on a day she’s been dreaming of for years. I felt so bad that I ended up giving her around half of what she paid for the wedding, a little much I know but when you have your whole family against you, you’ll do anything for things to go back to normal. It took a couple months but our bond came back and I ended up meeting my now fiancé. Our wedding is in a couple weeks and my sister has been making jokes about announcing her pregnancy at my wedding. At first the jokes were funny and I thought they had no real threat to them but after today it was pretty clear she was not actually joking. My mom called me telling me that my sister said she was going to announce that she was pregnant during the speeches part of our wedding to get back at me for what “I” did during hers. I texted my sister saying that it was completely unfair to not just me but especially to my fiancé and neither of us were to blame for what ex did. She won’t hear me out and I told her if she won’t drop it then she won’t be allowed at my wedding. I guess she’s been crying to all our brothers saying i’m a b**** and a s****y sister for not only ruining her wedding but for not letting her get a tiny bit of revenge. I get it, it must be hard to have that happen at your wedding but how should it be my fault? I didn’t tell him to do and my now fiancé definitely didn’t either. My dad and brothers said I was being petty and that it was only fair I let her do that considering what happened at hers. My fiancé is on my side though and thinks it best I don’t let her come or at least not come to the reception. I know it might seem a bit unfair for me to not let her get back at me but I didn’t pay the 15k pity money just for her to try to ruin my wedding years later. We are both adults and at this point I think I could be being overdramatic. A pregnancy announcement and a proposal are two very different things but I won’t lie and say it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if she did do that to me. It's summer time so while Mom and I work, our 3 kids are at home, ages between 8-15. We were talking with other parents about what our kids do during the day and some friends were shocked that I was being so strict during summer break. Here's why. They have to do chores everyday. Chores include:Daily - Clean bathroom, bedrooms, playroom, and any dishes. Basically pick up after themselvesMonday: wash/fold/put up their laundryTuesday: sweep and vacuumWednesday: Mow and weed eatThursday: nothing extraFriday: sweep and vacuum Mon-Fri. they wake up and run 1 mile and have 15 min. to do it. If they don't make it in 15 min. nothing happens I'm just giving them a very achievable goal. Electronics are turned off at 12:30 until we get home from work around 4:30. We have a pool and they have so many toys. They have things to do that don't include electronics. They have to complete the chores by 4:30 so they spend the morning playing xbox or watching tv, eat lunch, then they do chores and entertain themselves. I don't want my kids just sitting in front of a screen all day because it's not healthy. Being forced to use your imagination isn't a bad thing as far as I'm concerned. I want them to run because they all play sports and they get gassed out rather quickly. This is the first summer we've done the mile thing and I'm hoping it helps once fall sports starts. I'm just trying to equip my kids the best way I know how. Other parents had made comments about how summer break is all about relaxing and getting to take a break from responsibilities. All fun. I felt conflicted. So AITA? I (29f) am married to David (30m) and have been for 3 years, we have one beautiful daughter (2f) and have another one on the way. The other week my husband approached me asking if I could not go to the toilet as much in the night as it was keeping him up and he had work early in the mornings. So that night I held it in so he could sleep, but one night I couldn't hold it in any longer so I got up and went. Next morning husband asked why I went to the toilet in the middle of the night and I blatantly told him that I couldn't hold it in, he dropped the subject and headed off to work. Thinking I could now go to the toilet in the night again, i tiptoed out of are room went to the toilet and came back, husband seemed not to have woken so I went back to sleep. This all seemed to be fine for about a week Then one day im out cause I have plans with friends that day and am out till quite late. When I arrive back home I crawl into bed and fall asleep, again I wake up and go to the bathroom but when I try to open it I find it's locked, and a new lock has been put on the outside with a key hole. I immediately confront husband asking why there is a lock on the bathroom, husband wakes up visibly angry saying "to stop you from using it in the night and waking me up" he continues to say how he has a big meeting the next day and to leave him alone. I leave and go and sleep on the couch for the rest of the night. In the morning husband's gone and I find the bathroom is now open, with a newly written timetable on the Fridge titled "bathroom timetable" it then goes on to say "open between 7am and 10pm" "closed between 10pm and 7am" I was stunned that my husband would limit what time I could go to the bathroom. I decided to call my brother and ask him to remove the lock he immediately came over and it was done and dusted within 20 min. When husband got home he was extremely angry saying how " I shouldn't of removed the lock" and how "you just made a big mistake" he then stormed out and I haven't seen him for 2 days Did I overstep by removing the lock I M37 have been with my fiancee F37 for 2 years. We're getting married soon, I've only met her family a couple of times. My daughter "Judy" F16 has never met them til very recently where they hosted dinner to celebrate 4th of july and that's when they met her for the first time. Judy has a visible burnscar on her forehead. It was due to an accident she was in when she was 9. She used tk be incredibly insecure about it. To the point where I was forced to home school her and it was hard trying to deal with and navigate through this rough time. Now she's doing a lot better though some comments can really cause her to become stressed out and anxious. My fiancee knows all that and respects it. Before we went to her parents house I asked her to tell them about Judy and her struggle and get to try and not say anything negative about it or possibly mention it. She said she would guarentee no one will say anything. We got to the event and they talked to Judy and she slowly warmed up to them. Everything was going well til I was dinner time. My FMIL looked at Judy while she was eating and pointed at her scar. Basically asking questions about it which made Judy lose her appetite and start to get uncomfortable. I kept sending my fiancee and her mom signs to knock it off but to no avail. Finally, FMIL then brought up the wedding and asked my fiancee if it'd be possible to "photoshop" the scar out of any wedding photos that will have Judy in them just in case they distract viewers. I was dumbfounded, fiancee said nothing just stared casually while nodding. I looked at Judy and it was clear this got to her. I leaned closer and asked if she was feeling uncomfortable and that we could leave if the answer was yes. She took her time then nodded and said "yes, I'm feeling uncomfortable right now".I got up and told her to get ready cause we were leaving. My fiancee, her mom and the family started insisting we finish dinner and stay but I refused. I took Judy and got in the car and left before even talking to my fiance. Obviously, she was p*****. She called an was angry talking about how I disrespected her parents by taking Judy and leaving in the middle of dinnerand not even "saying goodbye", i told her that Judy was feeling uncomfortable with FMILs comments and questions. She said Judy overreacted and is in need to go back to therapy if a simply mention of her scar caused her to react that way. I got tired of arguing and asked her to give us some time but she went on me and said that I have no respect for her and her family and that what I did was irrational and now she won't speak to me til I clear things up with her family after ruining their celebratory dinner. I went on a hike with my husband and a group of his friends. On the way back I asked my husband to carry me the rest of the way. He was having a conversation with three of his friends when I asked but they went quiet after I interrupted. I told them they could keep talking and ignore me but one of the women told me their conversation was private and that I shouldn’t have come if I couldn’t handle it even though she and others had asked more than once if the group could take a break, so I was obviously not the only one struggling. It was super awkward since she was obviously annoyed by me but also continued walking next to us. A few other spouses asked to be carried and it caused some arguments when they were told no, and she made a comment about how it was my fault. My husband told her to stop and then made a joke about his friends being too weak to carry their spouses which caused some of them to try. This ended up slowing the whole group down and the woman kept making indirect comments blaming me for ruining the hike. AITA? I'm still fuming over this so forgive me if this post isn't perfectly put together. I just need some third party insight. I (26F) have a 28F sister, let's call her J. J is a mother to three kids, aged 4, 7 and 8 years old. The father is a really absent parent and not around much, he works the night shift and then sleeps all day. I feel bad for her because it definitely isn't a fair situation and she doesn't get any time to herself. Anyway, the situation is as this: my sister invited me to hang out on Saturday night. I agreed to come around and hang out with her, but she said she would have to leave to run an errand at some point. Cool. She said she'd be half an hour so could I look after the sleeping youngest child while she quickly nipped out? I reluctantly agreed. The other two kids had been dropped off at our parents for the weekend, so I understood she would want some time to run an errand she normally wouldn't have time for. As long as it was only half an hour. She promised it would be. I come over, we chat and catch up and watch a movie. It's really pleasant until she says she has to leave for That Errand, and leaves me Instructions of what to do in case the kid wakes up but says to just call her because she's only around the corner. I'm really on edge about it because I struggle a lot with really bad anxiety and panic disorder, which I'm currently in therapy for and experimenting with meds to manage, however we haven't found anything that really works yet. She knows this and knows I would really panic and cannot look after a kid for longer than she initially promised, I'm just not there mentally to be able to deal with crying for example. Anyway half an hour passes and she isn't back yet. 45 mins. I call her and ask if everything is OK and when she will be back, and she answers after multiple rings. She said something came up and she'd be another hour, maybe an hour and 15. I basically lose my s*** and say if she's not back in 15 minutes then I'm leaving. She said I wouldn't do that and to please just stay there and hung up. At this point I'm on the verge of having a panic attack so do my breathing exercises, ring her husband, leave a message when he doesn't answer, text him about the situation as well and also text my mom and leave after 15 minutes as I said. Apparently my sister didn't come home for another 2 hours and when she did her husband was with the child and they are both fuming. He got my message 15 minutes after I left, so 30 minutes after I sent it and now both of them are refusing to talk to me, saying I endangered the child's life. I feel like me staying would have been worse because the kid slept through it all and a panic attack may have woken him up to find me a dysfunctional mess. AITA here? A week ago, I(24m) had dinner at her (23f) place, and her mom made this absolutely divine pasta. She said the sauce recipe had been craftily modified by her family across generations and everyone who learned of it was sworn to secrecy. Later, I was craving it again, so I asked my gf to make it since she knows the secret family recipe. She agreed, and went out to get groceries for it (along with the some other stuff I asked her to pick up for me). After dinner, I asked her how much I owe her for the stuff she bought for me, and she said “I don’t remember, just check the bill.” I checked it, and while looking for my stuff on it, I found a bunch of really unique and surprising ingredients that I figured she must’ve added to the pasta sauce. I really love reverse engineering dishes and figuring out their recipes, so I had some suspicion already. The rest of the ingredients (that she already had at home) I figured out by taste. So I decided to try hand at the recipe based on the information at hand and made what I can call a pretty much perfect copy. I had her try it to confirm and she asked me how I managed to figure out the mystery ingredients and I confessed the grocery bill was a big help. She’s kind of upset because she suspected I tricked her into making it and is saying that she failed her family by not guarding the recipe well enough. After I explained myself, she believes it was an accident but thinks I should’ve pushed it out of my mind as soon as I learned about it and respected the secrecy instead of making the sauce. I have a five year old boy (I’ll call him Jason) with my wife. Me and my sister are little to no contact. She has never watched Jason alone or even been in the same room with Jason alone. Weekends we all sleep in, my son usually wakes us up every morning my no later than 11:00 AM. I woke up an hour after that, went to go check on Jason because again, he’s never slept in past 11 and he’s not in his bed he’s not in the bathroom he’s mo where to be found. I stated freaking the f*** out, I looked everywhere I woke up my wife who was also panicking i looked outside in the attic my office everywhere. Until I see a note on the side of the kitchen counter while I was about to call the police. From my sister saying she took Jason. Nothing else but “hey took Jason hope you don’t mind” and then her name. So let me just break it down. She came into my house unannounced, took my kid without me saying it was okay. I didn’t know where the h*** she was, where she took him or anything she hasn’t answered. So I called the cops. They came quick I showed them everything. Long f***in story short She was at her house with Jason, I got him back the same day she got arrested she got bailed out of jail. My son hated it over there, he started crying when I got him. He’s extra clingy to me and my wife now. I blocked all contact with her. But my family is p***** with me because of this. They hate what I did. My mom says that she can’t believe she raised me to be so cruel to my sister my other sister is saying that she deserves an apology and I need to stop acting like he was kidnapped and my dad is saying that It’s ridiculous to do something like this to my own sister. He said that I should apologize because it was under a heat of a moment and we should make amends. What was expected of me to do? She took my KID!!! Almost sent me to the f***ing hospital myself. (My sister does not have a key that I’ve given her but my mother does, and my mother is the only other one that does have a copy besides us so she got the key from her. We have changed the locks after this) I f31 am currently engaged to my fiance, Caleb m34. We're planning on getting married soon. But his 13yo son got diagnosed with a medical condition that will require months of treatment. He'll be receiving treatment next month. Caleb and I chose and agreed on a wedding date. I found out recently that he decided to change it. I was so confused especially when I heard it from one of his friends. I asked him about it and he said it was true he wanted to change the wedding date and gave those reasons: (a) because he wants to focus on his son and his recovery and give him enough time to get his health back. (b) he wants his son to be at the wedding looking healthy and happy. (c) doesn't want his son exposed to large crowd while recovering so he thought the best decision was to put off plans for the wedding til months later. I felt upset and couldn't help but start arguing with him and objecting to this decision. He argued that I'm being selfish and short sighted and that I clearly don't care about his son like I say I do. I told him he was being unfair and treating me as if I'm happy with these unfortunate circumstances although me and my family have been more than supportive. He told me that if what I'm saying is true then I should be on road with this decision. I thought that was illogical because now I'll have to go look for other venue and make other arrangements because wedding reservations need strict timing and planning ahead of time. He snapped and said that clearly, a wedding is more important for me than my stepson's health but I disagreed and explained that his son can still attend while he's on treatment but he was having non of it. We had a fight and he went out. His family think he's being reasonable and there's no need to rush but I feel like my opinions and thoughts were stomped on and ignored because he knows I have a specific date on mind that is special to me and if I agree to postpone then I won't get the same date unless I wait another year. AITA for my reaction, did he present a valid argument?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 24,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: hyIzLNZm3UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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