Raising Private Money: 3 Steps to Raise Your First $1,000,000

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welcome to the Bigger Pockets podcast guys my name is Matt Faircloth you might have heard me before as a contributor or as a co-host of the Bigger Pockets podcast and I'm super honored today to be having this conversation with you with my business partner my very good friend and very first Bigger Pockets podcast guest Mr irve franois irve how are you today I'm doing great Matt thanks so much man excited to be here part of my very first Bigger Pockets podcast really pumped up for those of you guys that don't know me I'm the author of The Bigger Pockets book raising private capital and for those of you guys that don't know irve francea irve is a 23-year Wall Street veteran and he and I have spent a lot of time and done a lot of work at D Roa group at our company raising millions of dollars and we're going to be talking to you guys today on how you can apply the Technologies we've used to raise all that money for our company to raise your first million dollars for your business and if you're a visual learner like I am go to the Bigger Pockets YouTube page where you can watch this webinar presented as a full deck with the podcast integrated with the as well it's going to be a great content hope you guys can check that out as well IR without further Ado let's hop in what do you think all right man let's go let's do this Irv the world's changed man it is getting very difficult and and just it's just different raising Capital these days isn't it Matt it is really really difficult raising Capital out there right we know that banks have kind of tightened up their credit Landing standards or whatnot very very difficult as deals keep on getting scrutinized even more important to have the right tools so you know how you can go ahead and start raising capital for your deals there's deals to be done and there are investors in all of our networks and of our cell phones dare I say that are looking for opportunities and and maybe are getting a little skittish on where wall Street's going and they're looking for another way and us as capital raisers for Real Estate have a unique opportunity more than has ever existed I think to show them an opportunity to make money in deals alongside our companies absolutely absolutely and let's not forget right banks have really tightened up over the past year they're getting a lot more more scrutiny over Deals they want you to have a lot more paperwork they want your deal to be absolutely Rock Solid we know a lot of deals out there are not very Rock Solid so just even more more pressure to understand the tools that you need in order to raise private capital for your deals hey guys we're super grateful that you guys are here with us today and we're going to be sharing some phenomenal content and value that you guys can use to grow your businesses raise all the capital you need for your deals lots of content coming your way but even better we're going to be talking to you guys about a tool that Bigger Pockets has to offer you called a Bigger Pockets Pro membership that you can use to raise even more capital for your business and better yet beyond that how about a free gift how about a Bigger Pockets Pro membership at a discount so go to biggerpockets.com slpro and enter the coupon code ytf funding 24 and you guys will get 20% off of a pro membership and we're going to be teaching you guys during this webinar and podcast of all the ways that you can take that Pro membership and apply it to raise that million dollars that you got guys need for your business and take it to the next level but wait there's more right if you want another even more amazing free gift beyond that stick around to the very end of this podcast and this webinar and we've got a crazy amazing free gift for you guys for those that stay till the very end so I'll see you there IR what do you think about a big procket Pro membership as a means to grow your business it's absolutely amazing I'm telling you right now Matt I've had a pro membership for years I wouldn't have been able to raise amount of capital that I've been able to for my deals without some of the tools that's offered by a Bigger Pockets Pro membership okay guys so as we hop in let's tell you a little bit about ourselves so as you might know I'm Matt F looth I am a been host and contributor to the Bigger Pockets podcast I an author for Bigger Pockets of my book raising private Capital contributor to BP and articles and I'm also a speaker at all I've spoken proud to say at all the Bigger Pockets conferences since Nashville many years ago and I'm super proud to be here with my counterpart here irve can you tell them a little bit about you and your work at doosa absolutely thanks very much Matt you know I come from a Wall Street background where I was a research analyst salesperson stop picker for over 23 years came over the Rosa group really pretty much to help out on the acquisition side but the Rosa's been around for 18 years start off traditional fix and flips started getting in a small mid multif family 7 years ago really picked up the large multif family and here we are today 1,700 units later across the country and let me tap you guys in to the why right uh why multif family why Capital raising why it's important to me when when Liz and I started our company 18 years ago we started it with a mission to transform lives through real estate because we believe that real estate as a vehicle is a way to affect a lot of people's lives be those the lives of our tenants or the employees that work on the properties or even the investors who just get to see a better way to reach Financial Freedom through working with us as Real Estate Investors so transforming lives through real estate is the foundation that our company's built on and that's the why that I put behind what's so important for me to raise Capital because as I raise more capital for my business is and as you guys hopefully do the same for yours you're helping your investors achieve the Financial Freedom while you do the right thing as landlords and properties that you guys get involved in so that's the why that's what's possible for you and maybe a big hairy audacious why that's well beyond making money that you can carry forward in your business as well transforming lives through real estate okay guys here's a summary of the things we're going to get into in today's podcast we're going to talk about why raising capital is is important why should you even do that why should you just fund deals with all your own money and not even bother raising Capital out of your own network there are just three easy steps to move your Capital game to the next level stay with us we're going to go ahead and walk you through those three easy steps and guys I'm going to be mock pitching irve on private Capital right here on the show with a script that you guys can use and apply in your own businesses and lives as well so stay tuned for that and then don't forget at the very end I've got yet another three gift coming for you guys so stay tuned for that also so irve before we go and start talking about raising millions of dollars for people's businesses let's talk about just why why is it important to raise Capital to begin with and why should people just go with their own money and why should they bother to raise money at all Matt that's a great question right and there's a couple of reasons but the main reason why is that we want to make sure that you use good leverage smart debt on your deals that allows you to go ahead and drisk your deals by going ahead and raising capital from investors as well gives your investors an opportunity to make a nice return on that deal you're putting together further of if I'm going to use my own money let's say I'm lucky enough to have enough money in my own bank account that I can buy a five unit apartment building right that's great but if I use the leverage of my network and raise some capital from my from just for out of my out of my Rolodex so to speak or out of my cell phone I could maybe buy a 30 unit apartment building or a 50 unit apartment building I can I can take down larger assets and get into larger deal sizes um perhaps lower risk factors or just more exposure that way by having capital and have other people partner with me and then yes I don't own the entire 50 unit apartment building I've got investors but I get I get to enjoy the upside and the the scale of that larger asset and the management plays all the things that actually larger real estate in some ways gets easier when you're into larger deals I can enjoy that system as ation that comes along with larger real estate and have some partners with me along the way so I get exposed to that larger deal so do my investors and I can grow that much faster absolutely and Matt what's so important to know is that how much easier it gets in raising capital for you after you do that first deal you wind up getting more repeated investors from those folks in that digital Rolodex of yours that's why it's so important get that first one done and you're going to see more repeat investors want to come with you over and over again the people around you in your network those folks in your social media Network and your cell phone and standing next to at your kids t-ball game as we're going to see later during our mock pitch those folks need a better way whether they know it or not they're looking for a way to build their wealth and achieve their Financial Freedom goals what if they could do that by working with you in your business they might not be aware of it and you as a capital Riser could be an educator to them on how they can achieve A Better Way for their financial goals through working with a local operator like yourself and raising Capital allows you to take the capital in your network and put it to work around you in the world and that enables you to give a better life to tenants a better life for employees and a better life for maybe those investors who can Achieve Financial Freedom and get a better way uh to get to their to get to their goals outside of Wall Street that they can get there by maybe working with local operator such as yourself so let's hop in guys to what we had talked about before the three steps to building your capital rais in machine and Guys these are real steps you guys can apply today irve what is the biggest mistake that a lot of people think this isn't the right answer right the biggest mistake that a lot of people think Capital risers make uh when they're raising money for their deals what what what are ones that you hear they're in the incorrect answer but but but the the ones that we hear nonetheless well Matt one of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of folks makes is that they start to raise Capital once they have the deal you have to start raising even before you have to deal again leaning into your digital rol index and talking to people about your real estate business that's definitely a mistake it's not the biggest mistake and I've also heard people think that the biggest mistake you can make in raising capital is maybe not having the right Network right or not doing the pitch the right way or you know not saying the right thing whatever it may be these are all you know perhaps mistakes but what we're leading to here guys is the the kind of the sneak attack big mistake that people make when they raise money is that they don't choose a market first when you're investing in deals and you're putting deals in front of your investors what you need to do is you got to put the market in front of your investors first let's pretend just because it's it's a fun name to say orve Let's Pretend We're talking about Albuquerque New Mexico right so I I'm G to start with Albuquerque I'm gonna lead with that and convince my investors that Albuquerque is the best place ever to invest in real estate then I'm going to present deals or why else should people go in Market first and make that the first thing that they do when they start raising Capital listen you want to pick your Market first because you want to be able to show to your investors that there is a method to the madness right that you did some research that fully makes them understand how you went about by selecting the market that you did all the metrics that are involved right to protect the integrity and also show the growth of the deal because of population and jobs and so on and so forth there's some great tools out there that can help you do that research and guess what in Bigger Pockets Pro inel inel is an absolute amazing tool that can help you find those off-market deals in the right markets for your deals there's plenty of opportunities with Brokers to send you guys deals but enel gives you guys options for deals that are not controlled by Brokers off the market opportunities so once you've done your research and found the market that you want to invest in you guys need to go and do full Market infiltration by using tools like in V to determine which deals are the best for you guys and maybe get inside tracks on deals that are out there that no one else knows about on top of that guys what you guys want to do is once you've chosen a market it could be the market you live in could be a market that you used to live in or a market that you have good data on that's going to be showing good metrics for growth whatever that is go in the bicker Pockets forums and join conversations about let's say it again Albuquerque New Mexico markets like that that you want to become an expert in go and read up on what people are saying about Albuquerque what conversations are they having there join those conversations ask questions those communities of people of other investors on Bigger Pockets are going to help you become an expert and then take those conversations you're having with folks and take those to your investors take it to your investor base and say hey I'm learning this here are some great things about Albuquerque did you guys know this Factory is expanding did you guys know that that employer is adding more staff you'll find out that data by talking to other people that are in the know that you meet on Bigger Pockets in the markets the next thing you got to do here's the next tip ER on the way to raise lots of capital for your deals is you've got to get the word out about you here's the thing the people that know you right they know you and they know you're amazing because you're you but that you that they know could be the firefighter the school teacher the insurance sales rep whatever very viable very upstanding contributor Society job you have they know you as that person it could be their brother mother-in-law as well or other relations they have with you what they don't know is you the real estate investor and you need to start telling your Market about how great of a real estate investor you are and what you're learning through organizations like Bigger Pockets and start teaching them the best Capital raisers irve are those that are willing to teach those around them what they're learning from organizations like Bigger Pockets and whatnot about how great real estate investing is and how investors can enjoy all the great benefits we are already know of about real estate investing to teach those around them about those things as well and get them excited get them to know you and get them to know real estate investing Matt listen you are so right after I left Wall Street I figured how am I going to go about by meeting other Real Estate Investors where I could find folks to invest in my deals I started going to a local Ria meeting and I just started networking with other like-minded folks next thing you know I started sharing with them the type of real estate deals I was looking to invest and right from attending some of those meetings I went ahead and found a couple of my first Equity investors in my deal and things really just started to take off for me that's awesome R and you know that reminds me this conversation reminds me of a point in raising private Capital that I talk about the three tiers of capital raising right I just want to highlight that real quick so tier one are the people that like and trust you because you're you you know like I said your brother-in-law the guy you go bowling with if you still go bowling the the the the father of your kid uh's best friend at t-ball all those kinds of things these are people that like and trust you because you're you these are people that are more likely to get consider investing with you because they already they already like and trust you and this could be immedia family friends whatever it is the second tier of capital raising are referrals from tier one so your very own mother may have someone she grew up with that's also looking for uh another investing option or something like that you ask for referrals from tier one for tier two referral for tier two folks and that's how you expand your Circ circles out then tier three is what we're going to talk about now and that's where you really go public with your Capital raising game by taking the deals you've hopefully done with tier one and tier two people you take that that's your track record and then tier three is when you go and pick up the lovely megaphone of social media and you go and tell the world everybody about what you're up to and how amazing it is and how it's going and that's where you start doing more and more content on social media that could be on the organizations like Facebook or Twitter or it doesn't matter what it is it just matters that you're broadcasting what it is you're up to uh using hopefully Capital you've gained through tier one and tier 2 relationships and of course the entire time you should be posting about your journey and asking questions and contributing on the Bigger Pockets forums because there are people that are walking that same road alongside you and maybe a few steps ahead of you on that road that are willing to reach back and pull you ahead give you some tips and maybe I could tell you irve I've met multiple investors that have joined our organization as pass investors on the Bigger Pockets forums because I've been you know okay to get out there and talk about my journey these are folks that maybe you're looking for some things that I'm creating in my business it's a great way to meet people as active investors that could be your friends colleagues uh and you know folks that can help you along and also potential investors are out there as well and that a great way to go ahead and touch even more investors out there perhaps is go ahead and start a newsletter you go ahead and you start a newsletter you're going to go and start sharing things about the market that you've chose to invest the kind of properties that you're looking to invest and you might even find a great article in BP that you can include in that newsletter as well there you go there's a lot of great articles on Bigger Pockets that you can share with people like I said Capital razors are Educators and if you've got people that are on that newsletter base and again that newsletter base could be your uncle Charlie your Aunt Sally and people you went to high school with doesn't matter who's on that newsletter base eventually it's going to grow and you're going to promote stuff that's going to educate them about why real estate investing is amazing that's really your primary purpose until you've got a deal and guys one last thing if you are a pro member you might think it doesn't mean much but I can tell you what that little blue little badge you get at the bottom of your photo on Bigger Pockets matters it means you're invested it means you're serious it means you're committed to really raising your game as a real estate investor and you're willing to use the tools that Pro provides and I'll also give you guys real data a PR membership is proven to increase your network faster those that have Bigger Pockets connect a network with three times more people than those with a free membership on Bigger Pockets why do you think that isve it's because it's proven that that that like it's a visual thing partly that you've got that little Pro name underneath your underneath your picture but it's also Pro opens up a lot of tools that people can use and gives them that Advantage let's say it to go in and spend their Network that much faster on Bigger Pockets it's it's a real thing really matters 3x surve isn't that crazy that's absolutely crazy man I think really what it's shown people as well is that you are active you are engaged you are all in on your real estate business and that they you are someone that they can start connecting with asking questions and as well even start networking and the way this all Trails back to raising Capital guys is the bigger your network is these are all maybe potential investors or potential deal referral Partners to you your network is a example of the amount of capital you can raise So the faster you can raise your network on Bigger Pockets I'll be guys then more money you're going to be able to raise for your deals all right tip three you guys want to raise more money you need to raise your game and let's talk about what that means it means three things you get great at analyzing deals you get to share those deals and you use a format that's really easy for investors to understand so let me ask you you start talking about analyzing why is it important for a capital raiser to be able to analyze deals why does that matter listen it matters because the deal that you're looking to analyze the numbers have to play out right they have to make sense is this a good investment or not not only for yourself but even more importantly for your investors yeah and well and they're going to ask you right I mean if I'm an investor in in a deal I'm GNA say why does that make sense is that cash on cash you're quoting me we're really going to make 10% on our money that sounds amazing where does that come from and as a capital raiser you need to be able to understand your numbers and know where those numbers came from to a point where a more Savvy investor might ask some more pointed questions and you'll be able to answer them with a wellth thought out answer I've raised a lot of money using the Bigger Pockets calculators and you guys should all check those out because you know what they're easy to understand and there's plenty of jargon full uh you know lots of data and charts and Excel spreadsheet oriented uh you know deal analyzers out there the Bigger Pockets calculators are not that these are easy to understand the spreadsheets that I'm talking about are great for Real Estate analysts and people that sit in a cubicle all day and love to play with the Excel um and maybe those are necessary on much larger deals but if you guys are presenting your investors with like a 5 unit or a 10 unit or something like that the Bigger Pockets calculators can give them something easy to understand that their eyeballs are going to easily flow through they're understand how much money is going to be put into the deal how much money is going to get made from the deal where the deal is located and nice easy to understand charts and graphs that they can quickly with their eyes get their head around what it is you're putting in front of them and it's important to meet people where they are a lot of people aren't full-time Financial analysts or anything like that these are folks that have other time other careers just looking for a better place to put their money the Bigger Pockets calculators is a great vehicle for people to understand where what it is you're asking to do with their money and how they're going to get it back out irve a lot of the deals that I talk about in raising private Capital were fixing flips and bur strategy deals did you know at that point in my career I exclusively use the Bigger Pockets calculators to put fcks and flips in front of my investors that came in with me as lenders and Equity Partners on those deals and when I started doing slightly more complex bur deals and those kinds of things as I talk about in the book those were all presented with those investors and they join me on the journey through presentations made in the Bigger Pockets calculators I'm not surprised Matt that Bigger Pockets calculator all of those calculators they're going to be able to really siphon the deal for you to show you whether or not the deal plays out or if it doesn't the great thing about using the Bigger Pockets rental property calculator it'll take you about 10 minutes to go ahead and analyze a deal it'll go ahead and show you all of these great reports that you can go ahead and share with your lenders and with your Equity investors if you want to raise your game why not get around more people raising their game man and the the Bigger Pockets boot camps is something that's a great way to get around literally hundreds of other people through the networking groups that are provided through those programs through the accountability groups that are provided through those programs to get around other people that are raising their game too as I said before Capital raisers are educators and if you want to educate your investor base on why real estate investing is an amazing way for them to reach their financial goals you need to get around the conversations that are there for you whether that's through the multif family boot camp that you and I teach through doosa group or through many other things that are taught through the rookie boot camp the burough Boot Camp or many other boot camps that are out there they're all there for you guys to learn and raise your game and get around other people that are doing the same thing and not only the opportunity to go ahead and raise your game but to go ahead and network with other investors that might be looking to invest in the same markets that you're looking to invest to maybe you want to go ahead and do a JV maybe you want to go ahead and partner up with other folks that perhaps have skill sets that you don't have because you like to look for deals but they like to go ahead and underwrite Deals and you guys are located in two different cities all of a sudden you meet each other on one of these boot camps you're starting to talk with each other you're starting to network you're starting to do deals there are people that met each other at our Bigger Pockets multif family boot camp they met each other in the accountability groups they decided that they liked working together they they decided that they had a lot of the same core values and those folks that met in our boot camps are now out there doing deals together raising Capital together finding opportunities making things happen together and they met in a boot camp all right irve you ready for the pitch I am ready for the pitch well here's the deal man I got a pitch coming your way we're you and I are going to do a mock pitch real quick and we're going to do this as valued listeners and webinar guests because a lot of those folks out there they've got people on their Network that they want to talk to they're ready to talk to about raising capital for their deals but they just need to know what to say and guess what guys it's not that difficult you just got to kind of know how to Tee It Up so you ready you're gonna be a dad at my kids t-ball game okay right all right I'm going to be teeing this up uh in a manner for you guys to use and we're going to be talking we're going to be targeting in an avatar that's in all of your networks millions of dollars of money is ready for for it to be invested in your businesses um and you'll see where I'm going to go here with it and you'll realize oh wait I could have this conversation with many people in my life okay all right everybody here we go here we go hey every how are you today man I'm doing pretty good I'm doing pretty good I'm watching your kid play t-ball over there he's pretty good man not too bad yeah he's all right sometimes I'm not sure if he even knows there a baseball game going on and some days I feel like he's he he's the next Eric Jeter I don't know at this game with we'll see right that's the game hey man listen congratulations on that new job you got man thank you very much man it's exciting a lot of hours but I'm really pumped up to be able to switch jobs and I'm and I'm really glad for you I I I know you would a good get going at that last company we were talking at the you know t-ball a couple months ago about how happy you were uh with all the benefits they gave you there but I get you got to move all you got to move forward you got to move upward um question for you man yeah at that last job that you had you a retirement account didn't you yeah I did I was at that job M for about 8 nine years so I pretty I built up a pretty significant 401k plan probably company match and lots of you know lots of uh ways to help that help that money grow and the stock market's been doing really well these for now it's been going really well right absolutely absolutely but I I got a question did you know that that 401k you had at that at that company it's you know it's no longer 401k and you can actually move it to whatever you want because you don't work at that company more are you aware of that yeah you know I did know that I wasn't going to be able to keep it in the 401K so I went ahead and I transferred those funds into a traditional IRA and I was just going to plan on letting the money sit there and grow until I'm able to tap into it once I hit retirement age and you've done well uh with the stock market going as well as it did but the question is I mean things the economy's changed a lot and so it might make sense for you to consider putting that Ira into something else yeah let me tell you something right now I mean I am kind of concerned of all of the exposure that my Now new tradition IRA has to the stock market right I'm inan a variety of different stocks um granted the Market's doing well right now we know in the past it tends to be a little bit of volatile who knows what's in front of us over the next 12 to 24 months um I'd hate it for it to take a huge hit as I'm approaching my retirement years but truth be told I don't really know where else to put the funds in that traditional IRA it has to continue to be exposed to stocks and bonds but what if it didn't I got to tell you I've been doing a lot of and I I I love what I do for a living as well but I'm also taking control of my financial freedom and I found a website that teaches me to do that called Bigger Pockets and on that website I've met a lot of people on their online forums that have many investors that invested in deals with them through IRAs Believe It or Not Bigger Pockets has taught me that there's a vehicle called a self-directed IRA and I can take that retirement account for people in my network such as yours and they can roll it over to another account doesn't cost much and that Ira can get invested in all kinds of things including real estate deals I met a guy took one of their boot camps from multif family taught by these two great guys at the doosa group and they had somebody in their student group there that had bought a 10un apartment building with somebody that he knews IRA and that IRA account was the equity investor it didn't the person didn't have to do anything just that IRA took some ownership of the apartment building and the other person was able to be the operator of the building and those two people partnered up I got to tell you I'm really serious about this real estate thing and I've made some real Investments of myself through a Bigger Pockets Pro membership and through other vehicles out there to advance my education I've got a great deal and as you know I used to live in Albuquerque my sister still lives there I've got great inroads in the market of Albuquerque I've been there to visit it twice in the last couple months we even told you how much I love that market if you remember our conversations I've got an opportunity in Albuquerque and I think it is something that I'd love to show you on how maybe that retirement account of yours could actually become part owner of this 10un department building deal I have what do you think should we get coffee next week and talk more about this Matt listen right now I got a lot of my funds obviously in traditional IRA and the funds in there they got exposure to the stock market right now stock market's doing pretty good but you know at times it could be kind of volatile I hear you talk about real estate there are some things that I like about real estate but tell me right now particularly with my IRA performing as well as it is why should I invest in real estate right now rather than just keeping my money in the stock market here's the deal man you know that times are changing quickly right you know read articles and everything like that we're not the times today are not the times of two years ago and there's also like what's the stock market going to do tomorrow you know it could go way up could go way down it's important to diversify into a few other things I'm not saying you should take that entire IRA and put it into real estate but you certainly could take a piece of it and all I'm trying to tell you is there is another way for at least diversification and other things you invest part of that in real estate you've at least got the Sticks and Bricks the collateral of the dirt that's there it's not going to go to zero is it so you've got something that's there that's going to pay regular predictable cash flow on a monthly basis and I'm happy to sit down and go over the numbers with you to show you what we're projecting this deal is going to do and we're going to hold it for five years and then sell it that should generate another big shot in the arm for your IRA account it's just it's not that real estate's better it's just that it's different Matt you know what that sounds real compelling let's definitely meet up next week for that coffee to talk more I'd like to take you through the entire deal I can show you how self-directed IRA work I'll show you a great uh little pit sheet that I put together using the Bigger Pockets calculators on how this deal is put together and kind of cash flow projecting I'll see you there ma all right man see you next week so that that was a little mock pitch but the point I wanted to carry across is a lot of people in your network are presenting that opportunity to you whether you know it or not they have retirement accounts from jobs they used to work at many people used to work at one place and now work at another place the place they used to work paid them a retirement account it's part of their compensation package and they can take that retirement account once they don't work there anymore they can take that retirement account and then use it for all kinds of different things when they don't work for that firm anymore they can do all kinds of stuff with it through through a self-directed IRA including investing in real estate that going back to the to the part before Capital raisers are educators and you as a capital Riser are there to teach those in your network how something like their retirement account for a company they used to work at could get applied directly into real estate opportunities you have to provide them if you present them in the proper late hey guys listen to sum it up Irv and I have talked about three tips to get your Capital raising game to the next level and to raise that first million or more for your real estate business okay just to summ it up tip number one get your Market down really understand that market research infiltrate that market perhaps use some tools that Bigger Pockets has that are available to you to help you understand and find some off the- Market deals in the market tip number two tell everyone about you right tell everyone about how great of real estate investor you are including those people that like and trust you because you're you and also the greater World about you and your journey through real estate investing and also why real estate investing is such a great vehicle for all people and number three raise your game guys get to know people that are on the same path as you get your underwriting game down so so that you can quick analyze deals that are there for in real estate opportunities and show them to people that want to invest with you get those things really tight and get around people that are you know walking the same walk as you that can kind of help you along maybe even partner up with you through the Bigger Pockets boot camps and that sums it all up R to something that that we can offer you guys today that can help you really really put rocket fuel into your spaceship of real estate investing to get you guys to the next level and that today guys is the Bigger Pockets Pro membership right the bigger Pockets Pro membership can help you take everything we've talked about today and just get there that much faster right Bigger Pockets pro has a discount on inel and irve could you real quick just highlight inel I know you I know you're a user of it tell us real quick why invel is amazing and why people should consider bicker Pockets Pro so they can get a phenomenal discount on that service yeah listen Matt inel is an absolutely amazing tool a lot of folks are always concerned and complaining about how they can't find deals it's hard to go ahead and put offers on listed deals and things like that and V has their resource of off-market deals so now you can go ahead and start looking at deals even before they hit the market even if they don't hit the market at all but you have an opportunity now to go ahead and search these off Market deals as close as right even in your backyards then you go ahead from there use the additional tools that Bigger Pockets Pro offers you're going to start analyzing deals start printing out those reports and start sharing them with your investors Bigger Pockets Pro gives you that Pro member badge and PR member tools that you guys can use remember the pr members at Bigger Pockets expand their Network three times faster than those with a pro without a pro membership that's the upper hand that you guys need to meet more potential partners and more potential investors for your deals the Bigger Pockets calculators is is something that a pro gets access to and they can save Deals they underwrite and you can download deals you underwrite using the Bigger Pockets calculators and email them off to prospective investors you can put your cool little company logo in there you can do a lot of great things and take those calculators to the next level and use them to raise capital for your projects we talked about the Bigger Pockets boot camps as a way for you guys to network raise your game meet other people on the same Journey enjoy the networking and accountability groups as boot camps have to offer well guess what Pros get 50% off all the boot camps what a great value that is so you can join those boot camps for half the price if you can upgrade to Pro and you can you know just get there that much faster I meet lots of great people that are that are doing the same thing that you are probably Pro members as well right so guys as I said before you can get there certainly on your own but why not get there using such a great vehicle as Bigger Pockets Pro and use the coupon code we've talked about today to get 20% off of BP Pro YT funding 24 YT funding 24 is that coupon code use it at Bigger Pockets slpro to up upgrade right now and if you guys do it right now my book raising private Capital sold like 60,000 copies and people have paid really good money for that book you my friend my listener friend and my webinar Watcher friend get a copy of that book for free capital F free Irv can you believe that so you can read all the great things in that book including the three tiers of capital raising all the great stories of my personal journey of capital raising everything from what a cash provider and a deal provider is and everything else that I've covered in that book that you guys can use take your Capital raising game to the next level it is yours for free when you upgrade right now using YT funding 24 when I got started in real estate about 7even eight years ago raising private Capital by Matt Fair call was truly one of the first books that I've ever read I'm not lying I took that thing I read it from front to back I took notes along as I read it and I'm telling you it has some incredible tools tips advice opinion on things that you can Implement right away to start raising money for your deals you have to do it don't think about going into your saves account and seeing how much you have so that's what you're going to be able to afford to buy for your next deal you have to raise private capital for investors but you got to do it the right way get that book raising private capital and again with this coupon you get it free thank you so much for your kind words surve and listen man congratulations on your first Bigger Pockets podcast appearance it's been an honor to do this with you today guys we hope this podcast was of value please apply these principles to go and raise millions or more for your real estate businesses and thanks for [Music] listening
Channel: BiggerPockets
Views: 6,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raising private money, private money, private capital, raising private capital, how to raise private capital, how to raise private money, creative financing, multifamily, multifamily real estate, multifamily real estate investing, apartment investing, real estate syndication, small multifamily, large multifamily, how to invest in real estate, invest in real estate, how to invest in real estate with no money, invest with no money, biggerpockets, biggerpockets podcast, invest
Id: YyJmlQ5dNvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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