Raindrop Ripple Shader Tutorial with Unity

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hello and welcome back to poly toots today we're going to be taking a look at water ripples for a shader when it's raining we're going to be using amplified shader at editor for this I do believe that most of this can be done in shadow craft but we are going to use a flipbook node which as far as I'm aware shadow craft is that's I'll show the graph shade of Forge does not have so I could be wrong about that it's been a while since I've used it but I'm yet to my knowledge shader graph you can follow along share to Forge I don't think you can but obviously if you have amplify editor then you can as well and we're going to be looking at two versions one is this one which utilizes a normal map which is kind of happening over a flip book animation so it's a normal map that's the wrong one ripple is normal so it's essentially eight texture sheet so there's 16 frames of animation here and I'll also do a follow up sort of how I created this because I think I mean for the most part this you're actually creating this texture biz most of the work the actual shader is pretty straightforward so we're going to be looking at this version which is probably my favorite but then if you're looking for sort of a more simplistic approach there is this other version here which does not use a normal map and actually just uses this one little tiny texture here so it's pretty pretty cheap pretty you know inexpensive and obviously it depends on the style that you're going for but yeah so we're going to be doing these I'm going to start with the flip book one the nice one that I'm sure everyone probably wants to do so we're going to get into that right now okay so here we are in a blank scene so I'm just going to put down a plain obviously you can be what a geometry you want but I'll be using a plain just zero these out and then let's create a shader so my shader surface and just put this over here and it's a stick it somewhere sensible so poly tubes I'll call this flipbook rain and I'll commit that for now so we can just go ahead and rename this one as well so and then we'll just create a material from that and put it on net so here we go and we have absolutely nothing so to give you just a quick sort of glance as to what the flip book stuff is actually doing it's pretty sort of self-explanatory but I'll just run through it real quick so we have a flip book note in amplified shader editor and again I think shader graph has its own so you should be able to follow along just fine we will get some UV coordinates in here and we'll also just do this just as an example so we'll just say tiling we will keep all of this so you know it's not going to be thrown away so we'll put that into there and I'm going to use just a like a sample texture which I know is going to be a two by two if I can find it so we'll just put this into the albedo for now no sorry woman don't I haven't it's my bad sorry having actually specified it texture input yet because I'm an idiot so we'll just call this flip book test I'll just when it comes to actually doing this again I'll just rename this node so we want that to go into there and then this will hook into the albedo so we're going to basically we're doing a tech to sheet animation with this and I will be able to control the the tiling of it with this and we'll just commit that I come down here and let's try and oh it's right here so that's pretty handy we also probably want to set a speed somewhere so let's do a time x eval you call this one speed give it a default of one this is just you know it's it's a very common setup for controlling this speed of things so now hopefully this should just work and of course it doesn't okay I needed a tiling of at least one I forgot to put that in there so yeah you do want a default value of at least one so this is the flip book animation and if I make this a property and now we can also sort of control the speed so can go quicker and the reason I'm just showing you this as an example is there there is a bit of a problem and that if I were to increase the tiling you can see up here that there are actually sort of two areas where it's beginning to count down and the more you increase the tiling it basically half of these are right half of these are wrong there is a fix for that I did come across it on somebody else's YouTube channel and for the life of me I can't remember who it was but I will drag them down and I will post the link to their video in the description yeah so there is a fix for that and we will cover that when we actually put the proper thing together so as it is now it's completely fine but all we're going to do is we'll take that out of the albedo and we're just going to rename this to anything actually because we're not going to use this name we want to get ourselves a texture object and the reason we want 8 texture object is we will eventually want to two of these but for now just to keep things simple we'll just have one so you could just have one but you know we're just trying to save ourselves a bit of work later so I'm gonna call these ripple normals and we will I so in here we don't tell it to unpack because it has no idea but here we just want to select unpack normal app so it knows that this texture will be a normal map and we will throw this into the normal and at the moment it's going to go a bit wrong so we just grab our normal map here which I will provide so yeah you'll be able to do everything and just so we can see things a bit clearer I'm going to create a new float get a value of about 0.8 we'll just call this wetness we'll put into smoothness so this is basically a spec or glass so there we go as that increase the speed looks pretty ugly right now but it will get better so there's two issues that we kinda need to fix right now one is some of this tiling is playing the animations backwards as you saw with the 1-2-3 for example although before I get into that one thing that I do need to change is my columns because the the one-two-three-four texture I was using was just a two by two this is a 16 frame animation so you want to put that to a four by four so okay so that's a little easier but we still have the issue of some of these are playing backwards which for rain it's pretty it's pretty weird and so we're going to fix this by using fracks nodes where we basically split the U and the V and then append them back together so I get fragged and get another one so one for the you one for the V and then just move on that sorry and append and then in the X and the y stick that in there and that will work so now you can see they're all playing the same so the only issue we have to fix at the moment is you know it's very easy to see the the tiling of these and the way that we're going to fix that is basically by using the same thing again just slightly offset but before we do that I will just I'll introduce another float which we will get rid of later but for now it'll come in handy so this will just be ripple strength set it to a property we'll put this in the scale just so we can control basically how strong these ripples are and obviously needs a default value default value you can see 0.5 essentially this is just the component that controls the strength of the normal map so you can have it kind of a softer or stronger you can even go beyond 1 but I don't recommend it you can go into the - if you wanted to invert it which you know has proven pretty handy in some scenarios so we'll just give that 0.5 for now yeah we are eventually going to replace this with something a lot better something that will actually sort of help break up the tiling as well but for now let's just focus on layering this thing so I'm going to get the the tiling amount sort of roughly where I think it should be maybe 8th or so sort of imagining a as if this was sort of a first person kind of scale that might even be too big but it's okay for now so what we probably want to move on to from here is we're gonna get another texture sample and we'll do this and we basically just want to do the same stuff that we were doing here but onto this one but only you know offset ever so slightly the only thing that we kind of need to keep is the timing we can reuse this node so everything else we're kind of just going to copy and paste over so even the flip book which is already set to 4x4 if you copy and paste at least otherwise make sure you put those back in and so the time into the time you've ease into UVs and then again with the texture coordinates and what am I going to do is I'm going to basically separate this node out a little bit here and I'm going to register it as a local variable I'll just call this something like ripple tile and I'll put that into there and just give this a bit of a comment just so I don't accidentally think that it's an old set of nodes and I delete it and so now I can I can get that ripple tile and I'll put that into tiling and the reason that I do that is so when I come down here and I copy these over here I can just get again ripple tile and put that in the tiling I mean it wouldn't be the messiest thing in the world if we just had this running into that in fact you know that's completely fine but with the power of foresight and you know me having sort of made this before we are going to be using this again elsewhere so that's why I'm basically splitting it into a register and I get so anyways just go ahead and throw this into the UV we do want to mess with the offset though and so what I'm actually gonna do is if you try to kind of do this like manually then just keep sort of applying things and seeing how they look although bearing in mind we haven't actually hooked anything up yet so sorry about that let's just grab all of this and we will get a blend normals node because we're going to basically just blend these two together and then I'll use another register just so we don't have lines going sort of all the way across and we just read to this as ripple normals so then we'll just get ripple normals okay so now we're going to actually see both yeah as you can see it's pretty pretty crazy there's a couple of things we can do here first and foremost I do want to just get down a vector2 and I'll put that into tiling and so I'm not tiling I'll put that into offset keep that as timely and I'm going to put in a divided node here and I'm going to hook that in the tiling so basically what's going to happen here is I'm dividing my tile amount by an amount that that is yet to be determined I'll work that out in a minute and the reason that I have this vector to here is I'm going to basically visualize the offset myself on the actual material and then I'll just remember what those values are and so then I can put them into the detector coordinates or you could just leave them as as they are with the other vector two but I prefer to keep things a bit sort of tidier not use too many nodes so first things first we're going to keep for I think point nine might be okay actually let's see what happens if we change this value especially this is controlling the tiling of one of them so you can either make it bigger or smaller than the other without having to actually create like a different tiling property so we we still don't only have one just controlling both but what we're doing here in the shader is we're saying that one will always be bigger than the other so you know it helps keep things a bit simple and I'm actually kind of okay with 0.6 so now with my offsets I'm going to just play with them here and I'm just going to try and sort of position them in a way that I think sort of hides the tiling the best is kind of okay where it was I mean it helps that the the tile amount itself has changed so that's going to create a lot of sort of randomization there is a very straight line that moves down here but I mean for the most part it's pretty good like it's kind of hard to tell where it's all happening now so imagine later on you know these are going to be sort of not as strong you're going to have your own sort of textures and different normal maps of those textures sort of overlaying so it's yeah I mean you'd be hard-pressed to find the tiling once all of this stuff is kind of layered on so anyway I'm just going to do what I said I was going to do so I'm going to copy these values so I'll take this offset no doubt and 0.77 and 0.53 is what I'm happy with it could be different for you you know you don't need to follow these number by number so now if I just commit that we get the exact same result and the shader itself is sort of you know it's nice and it's nice and clean yeah so that's kind of that bit and so the next thing we need to do is I mean aside from just comment with favorable normals mmm I need to work on the the masking because essentially this is you know this is too many raindrops and we've already kind of hidden a bit of the tiling with the other tiling and the offset but the fact that these like all of these are appearing at the same time and they're just full you know it's it's a bit much even if you were to kind of like lessen the effect and bring these normals kind of down although it helps actually if ripple strength here was also attached to our second normal map so yeah even if you have to do that [Music] it's still a bit unconvincing in my opinion I think there's still too much going on I think I think we can do a lot to to help this along so put that back up to say I don't know point four or something I think point five is a bit too strong on its own bearing in mind that nothing else happening here we're only seeing the ripples so it will appear to be quite strong so yeah we're going to move on to the masking and I don't know if this is know necessarily the best way to do this it was the first thing that kind of popped to my mind but essentially what I'm going to do is use a a noise mask to control the scale so at the moment we have this ripple strength value which you know on its own you can make it weak or you can make it strong and so my idea was you have this sort of tiling noise mask that is just panning and you use the black and white values of that to control the strength of the normal map so it will kind of it would almost sort of give this effect of not all the raindrops as sort of equally as strong as each other and it also helps to create this sort of fake almost like a wind effect depending on how you do it so yeah we're going to basically just do that right now so the first thing we're going to want to do is a noise generator and if shadowgraph or Shady Forge don't have this I mean I'm pretty sure Forge does not but if shadowgraph does not have a noise generator node you can use any sort of tiling just noise texture in fact is probably something I mean so yeah anything that kind of looks like this which you can easily make I can Photoshop using like the clouds filter it is completely fine for this yeah so don't worry if you don't have this a texture will work just the same and so let's get a UV coordinate because what we're going to want to do is pan this basically so it's got a pan er as well and we'll hook this into the UVs of the pan and then out into the majority I'm going to hit the other P key so we can actually see if it what's going on probably should have been doing that down here sorry about that now it's messy as all hell I'll fix that up in a second so yes our I should be working with these previews open yeah so from here you know obviously we increase the tiling we get different noise and it's the exact same thing if you were to use a texture like so long as it tiles at least obviously if it isn't a tiling texture don't expect it the tile so let's go ahead and we're going to use the get here because I might be wrong about this I might want to change this but essentially we have another tiling note here and we have these nodes which we were using to kind of control the tiling and so let's see if this number will actually be any good it might be might be too small might be too big it might be just right who knows that is the moral of the story of Goldilocks and the three little bears or this is just the three bears just the three bears I guess only one of them was a little so yeah there's a noise generator there's a panner which is moving at the moment so we have again I'm just gonna go time I'm gonna multiply that by a value so this will be I guess you know I don't know if you want to make this component an actual property so for now I'm going to leave it private and I'll give it a random value and we'll just test it out because we're already controlling the tiling here so the idea at least is once you've kind of set this in like your real-world scale you shouldn't need to adjust some of this stuff but yeah that's it's very short-sighted of me to say so that's okay fine let's just do it let's just make it a property I'm going to call this mask speed or ripple mask speed just so everybody's on board yeah and so this is going to go into the time of our panic because at the moment it's not doing anything so for the speed and I would say 1 1 1 probably should be fine and I mean that's pretty much it we might tinker with this a bit in in a minute so we're going to register will call this ripple mask and then we'll come down to here and I have this is a mess okay I'm just going to speed through the video real quick while I just fix this ungodly mess that'll do and then we'll just give this a comment as well just call this ripple mask and so before we were using this ripple strength here to control the strength which we don't wanna do anymore so we're going to get rid of that and we're going to get a triple mask that we just made so check that into scale and check that into scale and already it looks like I've done something wrong but we'll see okay it seems okay yeah we're probably going to give it the same treatment as we did with the normal maps actually where we're going to actually use another one of these the noises and we'll have it Pan the other way which could could help us out of it so I'm gonna believe this to be a lot bigger so yeah essentially we just need see another noise generator and we're going to need another panner and this textures and the time we're going to keep so we'll put the time into there so these share the same thing and I'm happy with the tiling so I am going to just get the ripple tile again and I'll put that into there so you see already this is kind of like it's paid off of it by creating this little ripple comment that's weird ripple tile so now we don't have just all these nodes going all over the place and we can keep everything in their own sort of separate little boxes which is just a bundle bar so yeah so let's just go ahead and stick this into that the only thing we do want to do is before with the panel we're using one on one so we'll do a minus 1 and minus 1 and then we will essentially add these two together and this does create some pretty nice effects like I mean there's a lot that you can do with this no chain here they lends itself well to you know liquidy watery kind of stuff because when things get close I mean you can see for yourself what it's doing it's uh so yeah so don't think that this is just for rain ripple masking this has so many uses women when it comes to shaders and so we'll stick this in here and I guess we didn't actually need that much space so let's tidy that up a little bit and see how this looks okay so it sort of comes and goes sometimes you get these gaps sometimes you don't I think my speed is a little too low I mean this just looks crazy I hope that I'm recording it 60 frames per second because otherwise this is just going to look like basically ah yeah so let's just continue and what I'm going to do is this mask I think I think we can make this a little bit better so I'm gonna I'm going to introduce something but we can actually control the the power of it so let's just multiply this and get a float here that into there that there so now the idea hopefully at least is and control the strength of it you don't want to be too strong because we're gonna get like a bit of a cut-off but let's just say mask strength for now I feel like I could think of a better name but obviously I can't okay well that might have been a bad thing it's making a property default of three is probably a bit too much okay now that's fine so essentially what this is doing is it acts the same as that other strength thing that we had a fight with here we don't want to call this mass travel it's the exact same float that we were using before if you remember when we were doing the don't want the default value to be so high so when we first put in these normal maps we were controlling their scale with just a slider but we wanted it to be a little bit more random whereas now we kind of have the best of both worlds in that we have this mask which will kind of do it's sort of nice stuff where it's white it will essentially try to make the strength of the normal map high where it's low it'll try to null it out but then we also have this slider so we'll put this as a default value of 1/2 0 to 1 so we still have this slider which is just great so you can say that it's not raining anymore and then you can say psych is raining loads which you know pretty handy and I feel like there's something that I am forgetting here but I'll move on a bit just just to kind of hook up some of the actual the the base maps so let's go ahead and do this one so these are the you know the textures that you would be using so this is your base sort of albedo and we'll multiply that by another texture which will be your ambient occlusion occlusion I always forget how to spell occlusion to C's two S's who knows I think that's right but whatever so that will hook these together and then also just because it's cool will also add in a tint color default it as right and I don't know if we can just pan onto that maybe we can maybe that's not the smartest thing to do it's probably not the smartest thing to do so let's multiply this by that and then maybe multiply that by that I'll test this before I actually finish this video because I might have just messed this all up I don't have an ambient occlusion for the texture that I'm going to be using but theoretically you should work register and obito and then we'll come over to here and we'll get albedo stick that in there and yeah let me want another one so let's just comment this and we'll just say albedo and then we just want your face sort of normal map normal thing Wow I cannot type and think at the same time and this this doesn't really need anything fancy happening make sure you unpack normal map if you're using a normal map if you want you could hook something up to the scale you know and same as this if you wanted to control the strength of a normal map that you're putting in that's where you would do it I don't think I'm going to bother just to keep this a bit clean it's probably going to get very cluttered and even though this is just a single node I'm still going to register it because I'm a weirdo like that so just say normals base normals just so I don't forget that in there then come over here and get base normals put that into oh yeah now sorry we need to do blend because we're already using the normal map channel so blend operations we're going to blend our ripple normals that's wow that's not what I want we're going to blend normals sorry there we go into there into there so now the ripple normals are going to be blended with the normals of our texture that we put it in and before I hit that the gold commit I'm going to tidy this up a bit so I'll have tiling at the top and I'll have my albedo of occlusion normal map okay and now it looks a bit funky because it wants some inputs we don't have yet so let's see must be well that was it like 12 or something so albedo again I'm just going to use one tried and trusted oh my pebble there you go I mean already that just looks pretty wet so we have tiling here which is not the tiling that we want actually so we actually need to hook that up so the tiling will call this riffle tiling and we don't want it at the top of the shader because that might confuse someone who uses it so whether I like to do things is I kind of prefer to have like the texture and then the corresponding you know variables for that texture and then the next texture and corresponding variables for that texture so you know it's all relatively straightforward so yeah we have ripple tiling just commit that so now ripple tiling there and there we go pretty nice but we don't have anything to control the tiling of our actual texture yet so let's get a UV coordinate and we'll get a flow value so we'll call this one base tiling Oh texture time or just tiling Carling spine and we'll put that into their default value of 1 otherwise everything is going to look weird and let's just hook this to you V's movies there and we also want it to go into the normal map view V's so let me just roll my pants because I don't want to now you know what I will not just do that it today I don't usually like doing this because you know now if I want to move this these kind of have to come with it which means this kind of has to come with it but yeah whatever no no biggie okay so there's that did I set my tiling to some ridiculous amount it's a bit strange how the tiling for some reason is eight it's just okay and let's put the tiling at the top of the shader and pores may be a bit much too is probably okay yeah so this is already looking pretty good there is really only one more thing that I would like to add which is at the moment we were sort of controlling kind of like how wet this looks by just the wetness value which did we lose am I blind did I take it out wetness oh it's not a property well done Lee and so there's a witness and this should be a slider to be fair because there's no point in going below zero or above one so yeah this is kind of what we have to specify whether or not this is wet and it does look nice to be fair but there is something else we can do I'll just make the tint as well a property and I keep forgetting to keep things property values so there's that and it's quite neat yeah so we're going to be using another normal map basically to create a little bit of water movement here and again we're going to be able to control the strength of it so you can either have it like like some sort of flood like this thing is just completely like covered in water or you could just you know have a little bit of it sort of trickling away but I mean if you were happy with how it looked as it is and you don't need anything extra then oil means just stop watching and mess up my analytics but yeah if not and carry on because we we're going to go do that right now so the first thing I guess that we're going to want to do is make ourselves another texture sample because we're going to be using another normal map although again we're going to be using two of these but for now we'll just just stick with one so say puddle normals and let's use a register like immediately and we'll call this puddle gnomes and it's get some UV coordinates in here and we'll use the same tiling as the base texture maybe we might want to split it but for now we'll just you know what no no no so sorry if this is a bit confusing I was about to sort of say that we should use the the tiling that we already have for our base textures so that when you scale the tiling of your main texture the water will also kind of scale with it but I can imagine some scenarios where you might not want that to happen so now you know I'm um I'm a big fat liar I'm gonna do it anyway we're gonna use the same tiling just to keep things nice and simple yeah I do have a bit of a I don't know a fear I suppose of just like crazy complicated shaders that just don't need to be so complicated just like a million things like this hopefully this is kind of within the realms of self explanatory but some of the things out there are just reading kidding so anyway we're gonna hook this into you B's and TVs and we'll push the snail push it why am i speaking like this is some sort of SVN repository it's not so we should have unless I did something wrong I think I didn't press the button I will probably be it I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I haven't actually hooked it up to the get so I'm just going to hit the P key just for a second here because now you know what doesn't it always seems like it doesn't matter how organized you try to make it eventually everything kind of comes here and so this is where it gets kind of messy so if anyone from the amplified team are watching it would be pretty great if you could actually kind of like scale this a bit like so you pull it down and the spacing on these would increase that would just be fantastic but for now it's fine it's just you know you try to make things clean and they can't be clean nobody so there's a normal blend blend blend normals again and we're gonna do these ones so we're not using that and we'll get our new puddle normals put that into there and put that one into normals sorry if I'm not zoomed in enough to see what's kind of going on hopefully I'm explaining it okay if I had a bigger monitor this wouldn't be a problem but well not bigger monitor bigger resolution so okay so we have this and it just wants a normal map to go into it very much if you don't have a normal map and you know don't because this shader is looking for normals and there isn't any so it's messing up so anyway let's must have something in here water or something you can use any kind of like noise generated stuff so it's water bump and let's mess around a bit with the scale so I'm going to put in a divide node and a temporary float which will make a property put that into tiling and I'm also going to give us a another one this one will be a property that will keep and this will be puddle strength so we can control the strength of it because like one is like really strong then it looks like everything's kind of flooded so we'll put it point three as a default value and so this is a property that's a property so okay let's get the strength of this okay some things are not quite right Oh tiling needs to be at least one okay so let's hide ripples for now so ripple strength will bring that down so we're looking at essentially trying to just sort of change the scale of this puddle normal map doesn't seem to be going very well if I hooked everything up correctly by normals but normals potholes seems to be working now I mean we know it's there because I can see it because it's all noisy but if it's some reason okay let's just do this manually so we'll have this one as puddle piling and then meanwhile I'll try to work out why that wasn't working I guess so definitely normal map puddle strength okay there and then power tiling make sure the default value is one okay so I mean that that works so I have no idea why why it wouldn't work if we were just doing it as I was doing it before but no biggie [Music] little tiling probably one that to become small and again some of the things like the strength for the most part you might want to a bit low unless you it is you know torrential and when we get some movement in this ah it's going to be good I assure you so let's give ourselves some water ripples back in fact no no no less let's not complicate the visuals so let's get a texture object and so this one was called puddle normals but I'll just call it something random because this one is going to be called puddle normals and put that into texture and then get another texture sample into that so now we have two oopsie make sure I'm packing a moment now we have two normal Maps and put the scale and scale try to tidy this up a little bit so these values will be shared the only ones that want going to be the UVs so sorry not that UV Stevie's will be shared the panning won't and we don't have a panel yet so Anna and so let's just stick this into B and rather than doing that whole like time x speed thing all I'm gonna do is create another property and we'll call this one puddle speed and I'm going to just put this in to speed and then the time I think if we put this not that one let's find my water come to x1 bump it's no offset puddle speed put value of one oh my god I'm sorry I must be out of my mind I haven't actually hooked up the UVs to it so put that into there and bring this speed right the way down and everything else seems to be fine default value of 1 on the puddle tiling that always seems to catch me out like one I do telling you things like I forget the default value and then I wonder why nothing shows up so there we go so that's moving there and we'll be able to control the speed through here though we're probably going to want some crazy low values neato so now what we can do is we can get hannah and see this Panna at the time and the UVs all we need to do is put this into speed grab our UVs and two there now they're both going at the same way but what we can do I think is just minus the time on the panel node itself so pretty simple kind of messy but you know hopefully that makes sense so now we have two of these moving in opposite directions and they're controlled well both with the same thing for the tiling with the speed with the strength it's so synergized let's blend these two together put normals and then is that which is you know Sara the beginnings of your bog-standard water shader but we're just using it for a puddle so let's just comment everything will just call this puddle and okay I think I mean that's pretty much it so puddle just can tidy up the shader itself a bit here so puddle normals go there and then all of the components underneath it anything I think that's compared out of place is wetness but uh it's fine that's okay so the speed is definitely definitely wants to be constrained and it's put our ripples back in mmm they seem a bit weak so let's keep doing that and I've already forgotten what this ripple mask speed note did okay so let's go to a ripple normals I think there is something I'm forgetting here but let's just have a quick peruse so we have ripple speed and have a look at our mask we have the strength and the ripple mask speed okay no no that's pretty self-explanatory I think that's a bit sparkly I wonder if that's because of yeah it's product with the post-processing and now it's incredibly dark great yeah so I think I think we have everything we need here we just need to fiddle about with the actual sort of scale of things and strength of things and the speed of things to get things looking kind of just right so put the puddle again like I don't want anything particularly too big and little speed come it's very easy for that to kind of get a bit crazy so we'll be point two for now [Music] yeah I don't know I mean this is basically the end of the tutorial because I don't think I have anything left I will be doing another tutorial where I show raindrops that sort of don't use the normal map and they just use you know a very sort of basic texture just just this one but obviously if you wanted something sort of cartoony that uses the flipbook style of thing anyway then you don't need to have this as a normal map I mean because this started life as just this is going to break everything but I'll just I'll do this so this is just a black-and-white map essentially and again as I said before I will do a quick little video on how it is I'm I made this just in case someone finds it interesting that's pretty much it the idea now I guess is just play with the values find something that you like if if the raindrops are kind of to free me for your liking then essentially all you need is more frames in your flip book and animation or a higher speed but the you know if it's too high then it would look weird hey did ya know that's about it it does look a bit dark I'm not sure why and I've I have actually had this issue before with amplify where I've had to basically recreate some albedo nodes and whatnot but in fact we were talking about this earlier I think I may have done something a bit weird here so hello this is me from the future remember I was having some issues with the I mean occlusion multiplied by this tent and the albedo that makes everything dark even though the colors set to white I've already finished recording but I've just realised my mistake and the problem is is that I'm multiplying the color by the albedo and I don't introduce this tint to the ambient occlusion so I wanted you could try and bury mine this won't work but I'm just gonna put this here because you might think that this is the solution but it's not if you were to change that to an add it solves half of your problem in that we no longer get the the darkness but now we can't really control the tint too much like it changes a bit but really not too much so we do want this to be a multiply and the fix is it's just a case of hooking the tint into the end multiply so it's running through everything so now if I do this and now everything should be normal so we can change the tint as expected and you have a slot for having occlusion as I said I don't have one but you know anything that would be an ambient occlusion would would work so yeah that's that now I guess carry on with the rest of my tutorial and I assure you that was like the only mistake I made so enjoy yeah so that is that I hope you learned something and if there's anything that I kind of went over too fast or you just you know something that didn't make sense then let me know as I said I will be providing this ripple sheet the only thing you need to make sure is by default it will be a black and white map so if you're using unreal or something else you'll have to convert it to a normal map but if you're using unity then yeah just make sure you convert it to a normal map basically I've set mine to sort of smooth and this value doesn't really matter too much you can obviously control the strength of it as well here so you know if you didn't want it to be happening to too much just these little kind of you know like like this sort of the remnants of rain yeah up to you so yeah again thank you for watching I hope you learned something and I'll be back with another ripple tutorial this one not using the normal map but just a pretty cool tip that I picked picked up on from some unreal tutorial so yeah that's it goodbye hope it was good you
Channel: PolyToots
Views: 24,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, game dev, uv, game art, shaders, amplify shader editor, tutorial, Water, Ripples, rain, rain drops, raindrop, puddle, effect, shader
Id: 32VeEzhQ3Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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