Rainbow Friends Chapter 3 Has Arrived..

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today so many more rainbow friends chapter 3 leaks are here big army you don't want to miss this one hour ago chapter 3 Lobby updated we reacted to the original Lobby and there wasn't much in it but apparently there's brand new leaks in this lobby but first hidden chapters select rainbow Fringe chapter 3 leak I have no idea what he's about to show there is a hidden chapter select screen in the lobby and apparently that's how you can go to chapter three let's check this out thank you for all the support recently I love you all okay what does he do he's standing by the generator where you start in the lobby itself he's pointing to something it is a small chance of being in a normal server but where does he go to access this big army I am so confused but we need to figure this out what he just went through that wall here it is you have to click the red block I had no idea what chapter one in chapter three there's no icon because chapter 3 isn't created yet or it's not finished but that's how you can go to the lobby and that is how you can play it teleporting holds on guys can we do this as well and then it says subscribe for more leaks leaking chapter 3 gameplay soon let's test this out and then look at the gameplay okay here's the exact location that you go inside of and then you can just walk through the wall rainbow friends please don't bear me up I'm getting a ton of comments from my fans in the nick Army telling me they wanna see chapter three so let's do all right all we gotta do is go through this wall just like steel Jack did and apparently when we go over here there's like a one percent chance that we can walk through this wall Let's test it out no we can't go through but somehow when he goes through he's literally able to pass through the wall see the red brick that is crazy but the good news even if we can't do it he apparently has gameplay which is what brings me to these two videos chapter three Lobby updated what is inside of this Lobby you can see pink is in the thumbnail imagine if chapter 3 actually has pink okay the video starts and it says rainbow friends beta testing do not share video or images of this gameplay if you share anything you will be banned and not paid and this dude just hits I understand I don't know if this is real but you can see he's walking around in the lobby itself and there is a button that says chapter two this Lobby is unfinished I wanted to just show the update there's where you can go to chapter two there is where you can go to chapter one I don't know if this is actually real or not but you could see he is hacking he's fully out of this Lobby and you can literally stand inside of this circle and go to chapter three and now there's a pink button which is probably teasing pink from Rainbow friends chapter three I really don't know but rainbow friends if you're watching this if you want me to remove this I gladly will here's what the lobby looks like from the outside what I'm gonna show you next is even crazier and I can't wait to show you the gameplay video that apparently has pink too first subscribe to the channel right now to join Nick Army I don't know why the bars are so small and guys wait until I show you the gameplay that he uploaded to YouTube it will blow your mind okay what else does he show subscribe for more that's it but it keeps getting crazier I have obtained rainbow friends chapter 3 game files and you can see on his desktop rainbow Friends game files we're gonna see what is inside of it okay he goes to open up the folder you can see something inside of the folder it looks like a character or something I really don't know but when he opens it up look at this assets map concept and it's literally a bunch of coding apparently for rainbow friends chapter 3 but it keeps on getting crazier because when he opens it up images you can see blue you can see black a brand new character pink another red model and the old man so if this is real the old man will be in Rainbow friends chapter 3 as well but what else does he have to show he opens it up sadly I couldn't get Black's model what does that say error delivering model okay this is crazy what else does he have to show he's going to the old man and there he is back for chapter three if this is real but what about pink there she is just like how the leaks were thought of but this gets even crazier I found a secret room and rainbow French chapter 2 and this dude is in one of the ending scene rooms down of the chase okay the chase was cyan of course you will be again running through the last part of rainbow friends chapter two okay where does he go what does he do this man glitched in because obviously you're not supposed to be walking here you're usually on the court once you're finished running away you will see a door that says what does it say sight a wait it says door open wait what what you will succeed you will enter Red secret lab you can see there is pink okay all right all right we need to see if this is real we need to see if this is Cap nobody knew about this that's what they're saying look at all of the colors oh my gosh it's not impossible that rainbow friends chapters 2 could have put this in as an Easter egg to chapter three I really don't know rusty metal scraps for the robots just like I at the end of rainbow friends chapter 2 we saw the robot blue oh my gosh and others there's green you look over here this is Blue's Crown okay is this real is this fake I'm testing this out for you guys in the nick Army so you don't have to let's find out okay let's test this out right now for my biggest fans all I have to do if you didn't already know you just put your Roblox into a window tab go up on the zip line and this is how you glitch under to that ending scene while walking and then once you get over to this cart you just right click and hold it down for about 10 seconds and then you'll just land on this card just as so boom now that we're on this card we can just nicely walk outside of the map like this be a literally Invincible against all of the monsters and then we can go over here and what I'm about to show you will shock you okay to go to the secret room apparently all you have to do is go over here to the edge drop on down and boom we are now in the ending scene before we're even making it to that part of the game we're only on hour one right now guys I really hope this is real because I know you my amazing fans love Rainbow friends chapter 2 and you want to see chapter 3 so badly and I'm doing this for you guys so subscribe to the channel to join the Nick Army and please don't be disappointed if that Tick Tock was fake I'm doing this for you guys my fans okay we're in the same exact spot that he was in during the video and now all we have to do is find some sort of door and when we find this door apparently it will say you could open it up and we can go to Red secret lab site a right here but is there a door open Button let's find out in three two one it doesn't even let you go through that has to be busted but let's check out this gameplay and see if it's real okay map concept oh my gosh and there is the map right there the same exact screen beta testing do not share this but he did it anyways okay check this out backpacks found zero out of ten it seems like it's taken place inside of a school if this is real okay oh my gosh that is crazy I don't know if this is real I don't know if it's fake but that is literally pink in an early version so nothing really seems complete guys comment down below if you think this is real or Gap because I really I don't know it's hard to tell but what does the jump scare look like here she comes that is terrifying but subscribe for more
Channel: NicsterV
Views: 240,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KivKG7uQSzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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