CYAN SAD ORIGIN STORY! (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] ah hello blue is is that you uh guys come on this isn't funny it's a good thing I'm fast whatever this thing is it's gonna have a hard time keeping up with me huh this thing's huge got a speed demon I gotta hide oh God God there okay now I just need to stay quiet there's no way it'll find me in here what the what's that noise it's head they're using it like some kind of detecting device [Music] is is it gone oh yeah wait please don't do anything Daddy I just don't want any trouble enough I'm not here to listen to your pathetic pleading I'm here because I need to get my revenge hey you're not a giant you're not that much bigger than me we can get it see what happens okay you're tough you're tough look I I don't know what's going on but maybe I can help you help me out no one could help me out not after what was done to me you see not too long ago I was just an ordinary girl I spent most of my days hiking with my best friend searching for lost treasures dreaming of one day of striking rich but that's when everything changed what is it boy did you find something over here oh boy I don't know what it is but I've got a good feeling about today [Music] oh well if it is an old magnic head and her pathetic puff find anything good today couple pennies Maybe that's mine give it back what this oh I better go find it see you around magnet head it's totally busted I'll never find any treasure oh what's this some kind of gemstone much [Music] it's beautiful that gemstone changed my life from that point on I was a somebody later that day I sold the gemstone for more money than I had ever even dreamed of and I used that money to find myself a bunch of fancy new treasure hunting equipment and the entire park I found the gemstone in four safe measures but it didn't remain a park for much longer my investment wound up paying for itself 10 times over we found massive deposits of strange cyan ore suddenly all my dreams had come true I was filthy rich but I'd soon come to learn a devastating truth money can't buy everything the vet told me he had come down with an incredibly rare illness suddenly my best friend only had a month to live and there was nothing I could do about it please sister there has to be some kind of surgery or something that can help him I'm afraid not his condition is incredibly rare and incurable I'm sorry but this isn't about money there's just nothing I can do it was a dead end but I wouldn't give up that easily without the Vets help I didn't have many options so admittedly I turned my focus to some more unscrupulous back channels but no matter who I asked all roads LED back to the very same place a place of rumor to be performing some of the world's most cutting-edge controversial surgeries [Music] [Applause] I had to go see for myself I broke in late one night and wandered the abandoned fun house unsure what or who I was truly looking for hello is anybody here and eventually I found someone or should I say someone found me [Music] oh how silly of me for a second I thought you were real I made a break for it seeing one of you Monsters made me forget the entire reason I had even shown up at this terrifying place but as I desperately searched for the exit I wound up finding something else who are you and what are you doing in my laboratory kill an intruder aren't you please I came because I need your help and why would I help you because I can make it worth your while he was greedy just like I was and I used that to my advantage red and I got to work on a design for my dog's new body but it wasn't going to be just any old body we were designing him something entirely new a body that would make my boy the perfect companion for detection and excavation a much needed upgrade but unfortunately all of our nights of hard work would end up going to waste the doctor's estimate of a month wound up being two weeks my best friend was gone so I went back to red and explained to him what had happened to my boy the body he was designing was no longer needed and I wanted my gem back yeah yeah stay I don't know what I was thinking what kind of fool would just go back to that horrifying place just to get that gym back my error ended up being a fatal one ha ha ha oh I woke up strapped to an operating table what the what have you done to me I've merely given you an upgrade I'm sorry friend but I couldn't afford to see you leave with my precious Jewel the light come back here and that's why I'm here to finally get my revenge on red wait wait wait wait hold on you want to get revenge on red why don't you just start with that silly I'd love to help you get revenge on red you would of course nobody here likes red not after all the Terrible Things he's done to us let me help you cyan with your speed and mind together red doesn't stand a chance you know what I like the sound of that we're done now just who goes there your reign of terror in this place is done red Now give me back my gemstone oh well if it isn't my magnet at creation Siam fancy seeing you back here and it looks like you found yourself a friend don't make the city harder than it has to be read just give her back the gemstone well I must say you make a compelling argument Orange but I think I'll hold on to it a bit longer find them you leave us no choice let's do it the hard way you two may be fast but my neck suit is even faster it's lunch time I'm happy this institute foul Beast this is disgusting time to finish this for my best friend [Music] thanks now I can get back to work give me back my gym Rider [Music] bring me into a monster was never a part of the deal red but he went very specific when we were discussing things oh my head wait I have an idea time to finish this better stand still so long Siam I'll be taking this oh no [Music] foreign
Channel: GameToons
Views: 1,362,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wtPxqPyan8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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