Rainbow Friends as PETS in Among Us

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rainbow friends and simulator look at that okay we're getting judged oh thumbs down guys listen welcome to Rainbow Friends Pet s I'm red instead of giving this video a thumbs down do the opposite of that give it a thumbs up what just hit the like button so I show my mouth hit the Subscribe button alright boys uh we gotta name our pets uh hold on let me think of a name okay I don't like doofus I don't know you're kind of a doofus uh let's do that name hey are you guys hungry and want some popcorn no I'm good thank you good man thanks though all right let's do okay so how this mod works you can see down Center we have this love meter right so I got popcorn here hi popcorn so I'll pet popcorn right look my meter goes up I give him a trick make him do a trick he does a backflip my meter goes up our job is to level up our pets six times and I get a final ability every time we level up our dogs I get more abilities our goal is to terrorize this city we are trying to become villains like look at this guy he's a he's a passerby I'm gonna scare him get him yeah look at my my Bar's already full wait no I don't want to go this fast if I go this fast people are gonna know that I'm the impossible they'll vote me out I gotta be careful okay so here's what I'm gonna do so we want to terrorize this city right so my little popcorn pooped right right there and so if I clean this up watch my bar it goes down because I'm cleaning up the city hey what's up listen listen normally you put in the [Music] fountains disgusting I mean we are villains you know we're trying to race to be bad so I like it okay and there's a bunch of different ways to level up okay let me uh hi uh what do I do um come here popcorn let's go down the slide yay popcorn all right let me pet him one more do a trick there we go and wait I can also transform I got Mark territory in invis for my first ability so make sure I'm muted let me go invis oh popcorn goes in this too oh okay let's go over here whose dog name is fart you're a dumb dog take that wait is it you know what I'm gonna pee on Rizzy then I'm gonna pee on Zone you did a good job what Rizzy where's he just peed on himself oh come on you gotta clean you up oh and look at my dog he's angry now oh that's so cool I can't see my name above my dog or me anyways you know come on come on boys wake up oh okay so let me go level up my dog now all right come on wait oh who pooped on the judge stand I don't know dude I got rejected check this out come on popcorn you got this and now we have a mole and this mole's name is oh okay wait listen my animal is very annoying yeah just like you he's a mosquito did you get it mosquito no I don't like it I'm just cruising to get it he's very annoying oh yeah look how annoying he is look at his beady little zoom in on his beady little eyes look at him look at him just look closer look how annoying he is I think it's just you you know what take this oh nice little high five go get it mosquito your annoying animal okay let's transform thank you look my bar went up there was an NPC I almost dumped look at him he's got he's got a pat okay let's go invis so I got another ability this is pitfall trap uh okay let me press it okay oh I put it somewhere I'm gonna put it there or I can put multiple okay wait did that lower her bar hold on look at Biffle biffle's bar is getting full but that is definitely a weird dog name what is this hold on look at his bar his bar went down I gotta keep an eye on those bars because we're racing to get to the final form oh there's Nico got a good look I gotta stop it we're just gonna keep an eye on their bars okay okay let's level up my oh wait hold on I can also sabotage these stations like there's this station up here right check this out I can scare this little boy we're trying to be bad guys all right scare them no I didn't do that I didn't scare him that wasn't me why did you scare the robotic child I'm gonna I'm gonna make my mosquito pee on you again no one sabotage this no it's sabotage so if somebody comes up here with a full bar it'll like deplete at all now I just gotta wait for a victim and my bar is almost full so I can level up again come on mosquito you're annoying go be annoying all right Joe's let's scare some kids go Josie dang it okay let's uh hold on let me see if anybody's hot oh there's Gary gonna put that there as soon as this dog runs back and there's a Biffle biffle's carry carry that right there yes let's level up there we go okay picture I'm uninviz there we go I also need to be hiding my poops randomly my my dog mosquito will poop right I need to hide them so nobody else will clean them up and lower my meter okay come here all right come here let's go ahead and train let's go play in the obstacle go through there you go molecito all right give me let me pet you you're doing good move aside oh gosh why why you only have a dog still why don't you have them because I lost everything when I try to scare him you mean you can't find your pet you found a bubble uh he was he you're gone no no all right judges listen I'm gonna need an upgraded pet you heard me give me an upgraded pet oh gosh is that oh it's orange uh let's do this one I'm really excited for the next one Ian wait where is it all right where's my there he is look at him yes me and my fancy lizard the worm you know we're too rich for you pole folk come on look at us stay away from me give it to me I do it too take that oh did you pee on my yep you don't pee on knees uh I am a Chamillionaire stop it go wash your pets come on come here you know you're too all right come here all right there you go all right let's clean them come here Chamillionaire let me clean the suds off there we go get under the armpit let me get under the ear there we go all right chameleone you got a squeaky Chamillionaire now I do I just yeah I didn't sabotage that I'm gonna pee on Nico come on stinky little Buffalo come on I sabotaged it waffle you're so stinky why is Buffalo so stinky I don't know somebody peed on him did they're out of control okay but look just gotta do it wait are you wait what happened to your eyes oh no I can't clean bubble because I got soap in my eyes oh my gosh oh no I need to take a shower should I should I maybe not watch this okay you're not I'm I'm not watching thank you okay you're welcome okay thank you I'm better now but now and now I gotta say buffle look what look what you did God Chamillionaire we got better things to do than mess with these people how do you like this you know why okay we're almost there we're halfway to the next pet I hi hi g-rex come here Chamillionaire go that way okay you literally just caught it I threw it at your face how someone uh guess what no don't lower my meator don't do it don't do it gotta clean up the poop you know there's dogs around here you gotta you gotta take care of your dog man don't you eating don't worry Gary wants to do that I'm going I got another ability this is dirt in this it's too easy something's just so bad I gotta find somebody holding poop I wanna I wanna throw dirt in somebody's eye when they're holding poop oh and I also got lizard speed hey look at me boys that fast you're all clean buddy oh yourself oh gosh you're so gross all right come on Camille tremillionaire let's scare this guy is he gonna scare oh there he goes wrong yeah and I'm gonna feed him come here good job I'm gonna feed you now yay that's such a weird mod oh no I'm gonna pet you there you go all right judges listen I need you to upgrade my pet right now upgrade them don't listen don't listen don't do it yes wait Gary your your Bar's almost full here let me help with that my bar why it was okay that is wrong so they can't use any abilities when they get peed on that's weird um come on spider let's go oh I said we got another ability cocoon toss let me go and visit and try that whatever spider Josie can I wanna try it on oh that's what it does good job look at spiders in the evil form look at him dude that's terrifying okay we gotta level up we gotta keep leveling up uh anybody getting full okay nobody's bar is full right now oh hurt is this and garys all right let's level up Josie you know what I'm gonna blind [Applause] if you hold D you'll get you'll get uh go straight to the uh the the washroom the shower I don't think that's how it I don't think well all right uh what else can I do come on spider uh go this way go catch the Frisbee yay all right good job all right let's get it you want to buy this oh gosh okay scare him hey man have you found your spider uh yeah he's right there he's got eight eyes look at him okay realize realize realize you know that's what they say Hey whenever you talk I vomit so just kind of throwing that out there come here spider let me pet you look good okay there you go yeah yeah spider hey hey mine's better is your spider named cat why is that a thing it's a cat dog spider I don't like that my spider's gonna pee on your spider oh I'll be watching you don't you watch me don't you watch me oh I'm gonna go scare this guy now I can't all right come here let me pet you there you go all right your Bar's full come on let's go let's go see if you're good enough spider come with me come on are you good enough thumbs up hey there we go now we have a bird this bird's Nick boys listen I don't want to say this but we to win this we need to stick together we need to stick together like come down here I'll come with you my bird velcro oh because that well velcro also is if you pull it apart and it makes it that's not that's not a good velcro because it's like a bird it's just like a bird it's like yeah it might don't pee on my it's your dog coming through something I'm gonna win no you're not I'm gonna win because you're dumb and ugly sorry that was mean okay yeah but I got a bird my almost final ability check this out we have dive bomb let's see if anybody's getting Gary no so wait two people have Birds three feet four people have Birds I gotta hurry oh hello I am I gotta stop hello I am dive bomb look at him dive up [Music] good oh my gosh oh my gosh it's gonna be okay right get on that bad boy hey what the heck is that hey hey T-Rex where they just go why do you keep bubbling up let's level up this guy I gotta hurry I gotta hurry transform uh scare him get Crow there we go we gotta stick together you and me that's why do I talk all right let me go pee on someone uh let's pee on that's weird uh go pee on biffle's dog oh he's right next there oh please don't be happy no please sorry beautiful sorry all right we gotta get there we gotta hurry uh let's do that bomb die bomb who's getting close let's go into this use my lizard speed nobody's getting close I did that everyone this is crazy wait My Pet's gone are we gonna go I gotta keep filling up my bar we gotta we gotta win this anybody else getting uh too strong let's transform come on where's my dog velcro I told you we need to stick together come on velcro come up here scare the child oh it's a fake child it's fine okay don't worry about it I'm gonna pet him come on velcro we got this hey do you want this bag of poop uh hold on let me let me smell it yep where did I walk in okay okay uh let me inspect it really quick if you don't want it I'm giving it to the fountain okay come on come on velcro judges please love him all right judges come on accept my pet hey Biffle I know you can't see anything but stand still you have a little you can see a little bit right as far as way as you can I'd run as far as always you can I can't run help my final form the tentacle monster you are my final old pet join me thank you I think oh where is everybody at I'm gonna say bevel for last I'm gonna hit the snipe oh there's Gary hi Gary I think it's just Biffle now oh hey beautiful hey Biffle uh yeah I can hear you okay listen listen I'll lead you to the shower follow me okay follow me okay this way this way this way keep coming keep coming okay the shower's right right here oh I forgot zud all right we win hey we didn't give me a thumbs up yeah hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,794,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qEfMIivyQBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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