"Rainbow Disco Unicorn Dance!" πŸ¦„ /// Danny Go! Movement Songs for Kids

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Hi there! Today, I wanna tell you the story of a boy and the mythical creatures who changed his world! Now, this is a dance-along story so try andΒ follow along with the moves I do, okay? Here we go... I was walking down the street one day when I noticed all of us were walking the same way Stiff like a robot, and eyes straight ahead No color on our clothes, no purple, green or red But then I caught my eye on some sparkles on the ground So I ran, fast as I can Followed the trail to a place where the music was playing.... Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! After I had seen the color and fun I knew I had to share with everyone So I took to the town with a skip in my step Showed them my dance, with energy and pep But to my utter surprise, nobody seemed to care at all I wanted to quit, thought that was it When suddenly I heard that sweet music playing... Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! The people had never seen a unicorn [doing the disco] It gave them feelings that they couldn't ignore It made them wanna... Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! Jump up and down, and poke your horn Like a rainbow disco unicorn! A rainbow disco unicorn! Hey, don't forget to subscribe!
Channel: Danny Go!
Views: 13,398,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danny go, Danny go!, Danny go kids songs, kids dance song, dance songs for kids, kindergarten songs, brain break songs, danny go unicorn, unicorn song, unicorn cartoon, rainbow unicorn, rainbow unicorn song, danny go rainbow unicorn, unicorn songs for kids, unicorn dance, unicorn dance song, rainbow disco unicorn, unicorn dance party, danny go dance
Id: S1atmGLwbIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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