Railroad Ink Gameplay Runthrough

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hey everybody today rado runs through railroad inc which it has a very cool new role in right game that comes in two different editions the cool and calm blue and the fiery red hot Edition now I'm going to show you how both of these work in a kind of unusual run-through today although before I get going I strongly recommend you turn your subtitles on to the Klingon channel so that when I make rules goofs you'll know what they are okay if you've done so well then welcome to the railroad everybody whichever version you get you end up getting six of these dry erasable boards it's just a question of whether they are blue or whether they are red functionally they're exactly the same and enough pens to hand out because this is a one to six player game now I'm gonna be playing solo today but not really because I expect you to be playing at home here's the deal go check out the links in the show notes for this video and you will find a link that takes you to a place where you can download your own copy of this board and then print it out and then you will be able to play along at home and see if you can beat my score spoiler alert you probably will um because this is a bingo style game where every round we roll dice and everybody has to use dice in whatever way they want on their own board and at the end of the game we see who use those dice the best now the difference between the red and the blue is not the board's not the core dice not the pens you'll get all of that whichever version you get the difference is all of these special bonus dice which allow for different variants you can play you can play with rivers or lakes if you picked up the blue edition or you could play with meteors and lava if you got the red Edition and strictly speaking from a gameplay point of view the blue stuff makes the game a little bit it gives you more opportunities in non destructive ways to score points whereas the red is generally about making things more difficult for you although you can also end up creating opportunities when Armageddon is upon us now what I'm gonna do today is I am just gonna do a full run-through playing through all the rounds and then scoring of a single basic game which means I'll only be paying attention to the four dice this is what happens you play through seven rounds with just the dice everybody tallies up at the end but I will roll all these other dice every step of the way and um what I suggest you at home is after you've got this printed out or maybe a few of them print out because you can use this video to play five sessions of railroad ink what a bargain what you I suggest you do is the first time you watch the video just play along with me play the basic game only paying attention to these dice then you can go watch the extended playthrough video where I won't play but instead I'll describe how each of these work then you can go back and watch this original video again and choose whether you're doing meteors or whether you're doing lakes or lava or rivers and play a whole separate game so you'll be able to give us feel firsthand for how the different versions feel if you're trying to decide which of these to buy okay that makes sense I hope so cuz we're gonna go like I said the game takes place over either seven rounds if you're only paying playing the basic game or six rounds if you add any of the variants and by the way you can only add one you cannot have lakes and lava you pick one of these four or one of the two if you've only got the blue version or you only got the red version so you play through six rounds of using those otherwise you play through seven and at the beginning of every round we roll these dice and everybody has to use all four of these dice now I'm gonna go ahead and roll these two if you're watching the second time then this is your chance to start playing with meteors lava or rivers or lakes alright and if it's your first time watching just ignore all of this it doesn't really matter right now okay so let's talk about these babies everybody has to start building roads or Rails you see I've got two bendy roads I've got a bendy rail and I've got this station that lets me um connect a road and a rail together which is very very nice I have to draw all four of these in the Bay sic rule for drawing on the board is whenever you add a new thing it has to extend off an existing thing now the being a game there's these roads and these rails that are exits so I have to start building off of those exits let's go on ahead and start out I will start this right here now actually when you're playing with other people you can play with up to six or heck if you own both of these you could play up to 12 player games and not everybody can see the dice what everybody can do if they if they can't keep track of the dices you could just say hey um oops took off the wrong side of the pin there was this one and this one and this one two of those and one of these and so everybody can just basically keep track you know and mark down on their board when they go a race when they've done it if they can't necessarily see the dice so that you can have big groups of people playing um you know it's kind of a shame they didn't have a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 9 here so we could say it's a 1 a 3 a 4 and another 4 and then everybody could just mark it because everybody has to see the dice originally but anyway so how am I gonna do this I'm gonna do the station first I'm gonna start right here I'll put my station in and I'll have the road go like that and then the rail goes like that now this is Mirabal I could have had the station go the other way you know you can rotate ever you want and you can mirror so I've done this one I still gotta do all the others I'm gonna have this rail now come out of there and go up like this Boop alright so I've done that one and you can see it's it's you're playing by yourself it's nice you just move the ones you've done off to the side if you can't adjust them cuz you're playing multiple players that's why it's good to mark down on your board and then a race when you've used them alright so I've got these two bendy roads let's go on ahead and have this road come like this and have the other road go like that okay do to to to to to to to issues there we go I've used all four now we're in the first round you should mark that these were all done in the first round this is a nice way to keep track of what round or in because you can see we just finished round 1 we're about to go into round 2 remember the game takes place over six or seven rounds depending on whether you're playing with the extras or not and I'm done and you might be done too although you might be thinking wait a min how can I make decisions because I don't know what we're trying to do at the end of the seven rounds we are going to tally up how well we did drawing these four dice every single time you must always do all four if you have the potential to do more basically at the end of the game we are gonna get points for our longest uninterrupted road we'll get points equal to the length of our longest uninterrupted rail we will get a point for every single time we fill up a space in this board a yellow so you want to get into the center and start filling it up because there's nine potential points there and we will also get points depending on how many exits we have connected to our networks I've now got this network in this network cuz they haven't come together yet this network is worth noting because this network has one exit and one exit is nothing but if I get these two things connected and say hey maybe get this thing connected actually that's kind of dangerous am I gonna get this thing connected that's kind of scary now that I think about it maybe that was a bad move well worried about it I've lived with it I mean anyway so if I get all three of these connected into one network which means I'm gonna need another station to convert this road into rail at some point then that's one two three that's eight points if I get a whole bunch connected into one big super I mean I could get like 28 32 36 40 or even 45 points if I get 12 exits all together all twelve into one big super network which would be amazing so that's what we're trying to do we're building with that in mind so you guys should have done building by now if not you can go ahead and pause because now we're going into round two and let's roll all these and again you're not paying attention to these unless you're playing through the second time all right the meteors are being kind in this game all right so there we go and once again we got to do all these right now this is interesting this is an overpass this represents two different networks because you know the rail is going underneath the road so you might think oh let's talk about how I want to bring together and you know I could like say I could do this and then I could do this and then I could do this let's say and I can do this no I'm gonna decide yet but so hey this rail is this rail is disconnected from this road because this did not bring them together only stations can bring separate networks together so what am I gonna do well I want to get into that Center and alright and so I do need to take advantage of this now one thing I haven't mentioned yet is every turn or every round in addition to the four that you must do if you want you have the option to do one of these specials which are they've got some stations and they've got some four-way intersections you can only ever take three of them so there's kind of a thing where you know if I can't get whatever from the dice I could always use one of these in the given round but I can only do three over the course the game if you don't use them you're not penalized you don't get bonuses for using them you just get to use three of these one per round I'm gonna wait on these I'm gonna wait to see how things evolve cuz these things might be what saves me and gets all three of these separate things connected because this will not like I said this would keep the two networks separate and that would not be that useful so what am I gonna do well I'll go on ahead and I'll go like that so I'm heading towards the center and I'm also looking for a potential station that might connect all these things here so that was one of them then I got to do another one let's go on ahead and so I mean I could do go like this and then later on I can just hope before the game is over I roll this and then BOOM those are connected I could go like that or I could just start building up into the center let's go on ahead and start building up into the center and I'll branch off like that alright so I've used both of these in round 2 okay and I still got to use these things let's go on ahead and get this rail line heading over just some things Ville right so I've used that and now I've got this Junction II who's II once so now with that let's just go on ahead and continue doing the road no I mean I could start this over here is like a whole different network then maybe I'll bring in or I could start it over here let's do that let's start bringing this exit in as well so that it'll hopefully meet up here in the center so I've used all four two two two two and again what I can use one of these once if I want but I'm waiting to see if the dice will give me what I want to connect this so that I don't have to use those and I'll save them for later so that was it we're done with round two let's go on to Round three and again remember you can ignore all of these rivers and lakes and meteors and lava unless you're playing through later on we're just playing the base game seven rounds yes this is what I was looking for we are going to get the station here and the rail that connects to a road so now I've got this funky thing which none of the dice will ever do but this is the round where I will go on ahead although I shouldn't yet so any of you know so I need a road a road and a rail and something so I could take this one it should be road road road going north or this one which would be Road road and rail going north I don't have to lock those in yet but I know I've got this space covered I need to decide how is this going to evolve so we'll come back to that but anyway so I've used this that was in round three and I've still gotta use these guys um let's go ahead and use this one too [Music] alright so I could go on ahead and use this straight away line to come out here like this popped up up up up up up in three so I've used that and I'll use this to join up join forces railroads all righty and so I've still got this thing this will not connect there like that I got it oh I can't I could go like that but then I've just made dead ends dead ends at the end of the game aren't you lose you a point for every dead end so I've got to start working on another rail let's go on ahead and start working on this rail here because if I get a station I could connect this up and make it all still part of my big network okay so there we go that was also in round three and I could connect this but I'm not going to I'm gonna wait till later and I'm ignoring all this stuff so now let's move on to Round four all right okay bippity bippity Boppity bip bip it'ii Boppity boo again the meteors are kind alright but I'll explain that later basically giving you a lot of card meteor meteor which is very useful all right so mm-hmm all right here's that station I wanted but unfortunately it would lead to a dead end no um so tell you what oh no it's great it's great okay I'm gonna use this in round 4 to go like this alright so that was in four and then I'm gonna use this station to bridge the gap nice pop pop pop pop pop pop pop okay cool cool cool so now these exits are part of this I know I'm going to get this that's one two three four five that's a 16-point but now I need to get these other things I need to spread over here and start connecting more of these so I've used those two I've still got to do this and I was saying I want to spread out so let's go on ahead and go north young Road and mmm so I could just go on ahead yeah I might be cutting myself off here might be narrowing my options by doing this but so this has the potential to lead to both of these later on and then I've still got this that could come in unconnect over those so there we go that was my number four and my four and my four and what was the other one I see oh my four over here cool cool cool all right no whoops I've done something wrong oh whoops that wasn't from around four this must have been from earlier so you can see why you have to write that one where's my ones two two two two three three three oh this was a three it just looked like a four okay there we go so I'm all caught up and alright so starting a next round in round five six and seven that would be when I could use these things because you really want to wait as long as possible remember if you're playing with the bonus you're only going to six rounds anyway so let's just go in and roll I won't walk in yet alright let's see what we got rivers and lakes and lava and a slightly less friendly meteor all right go west young meteor and what do we got here is this gonna help me alright so this is the turn where I'm gonna lock this in I'm gonna keep on trying to go to that and try to grow over to these as well so um I think hmm let's see so that could get me up there because that could get me up there but then this corner doesn't do anything for me but oh oh oh oh oh so remember I could flip this so this could be mirrored so that comes over here and then there's a rail there and then this ends up going noplace but no I needs to I can't just connect just these two I need to connect them into that but I want to take advantage of this but that means I'd have to go all the way around and we're running out of time and I might have time to do that um I think instead okay I'm gonna go ahead and take my first one and I'm gonna do the road rails so it's a station with a road and a road and a rail and a rail beautiful okay and so with that in mind I'm gonna start expanding umm hmm or I could stop it right now and then just start roading over to there with alt with these guys and leave this for later alright so that was my bonus I got to do in round five haha oh but do I get these closed up now I don't I shouldn't necessarily dink around I mean I could just forget about this exit go like this I'd have a dead in there but I'd have a much better shot at finishing but I am I am feeling sassy so let's go on ahead let's go let's go bigger go home do a rail there which may that might go nowhere alright so I've used this one that was a five and I've got these things so this could end my Road so I'll do that station here and have a road going off in this direction alright so that's a five and so these guys I am just gonna cut my losses forgetting about that station I think no I don't cuz now I've got this whole road to connect in I could so there's this road I'm trying to get to over here and I'm trying to run to that and I'm creating a dead in there and I'm trying to run this over to there do I have enough room though do I have enough time oh my goodness I know this is not exciting for you guys to watch okay I'm just gonna take it easy I'm just gonna do this they were by kind of giving up on that so I've used that that was five and I'm just gonna go on ahead and finish it ah five okay so there we go five five number five is alive and I use the bonus okay and if you guys were ready to go on to Round six we're almost done and now remember if you are playing with the any of these expansions this is the final round you only play six rounds of seven seven but we man these meteors they were wonderful this game I'm gonna pay much attention to but anyway so here we are in round six I get this round in one more I get two more bonuses to try and pull all this together I could potentially get this exit over to here with this connector I could totally do that let's uh let's do another station and with the rail so that's all the way and then it's gets all the way look at that beautiful oh so lovely and I've still got these guys and let's going ahead and just try and make a break for this road over here alright so that's a 6 and a 6 and a 6 and alright let's go for that alrighty so there we go that was a my quickest round yet I think okay so I still so I'm gonna get four more one two three if it works out I could still connect all of this and and get something reasonable although I have not made a very long rail line in this game I'm not going to get very many points for a long rail but I do have a pretty long road so I'm pretty happy with that and I've used almost all of the center so we're gonna see how it goes oh oh I can still take a bonus action do I want to do that see the problem is these are all four ways and I'm not gonna have enough time to finish it up so I could go on ahead and do this and finish this and then I just need to close that off and I would have done this or I could go for the thing I need here that connects all of these if I don't use it now I miss my shot ah but what are the chances I get the straightaway here that would then connect I don't know what to connect there because I don't know what I'll get there so I should wait for this one so I could take one now and I will because getting another me because what I'm am one two three four five six seven going to eight going for seven to eight that is that's a lot of points a lot less points um I'm gonna lose so I will go on ahead and use this oh this guy oh wait no I'll save that one I'll use this guy so it's a station and it's a 4-way there's a road a road road that goes north which will probably never fill and a rail line that goes south to connect this if this doesn't work out I've got this as to hedge my bets and that's a dead end etc etc so I just use that Ron and that was in round six six six six all righty oh wait a minute six six yeah yeah last round although remember you've already ended you've already tallied up your score if you're playing through the second time with one of those objectives but here we are in the last round all right or don't actually all these don't even matter they're out there done so we're playing around seven rounds here we are alright did I get what I needed I got uh I didn't know what I needed I got a line but then no corner for this I got a thingy that could then dead-end but I'm still created in Ian I need to get this connected so I'm gonna have to use another one of these which is gonna create more dead ends but I'll still I'll make more than I lose oh this is nice look at this let's go here let's go north young man young road seven ticka ticka ticka gotta go and hey didn't see this coming remember you can mirror stuff so let's row and Rael nice nicely nice nice nice now I got these two bad boys let's give up on that and just use one of them to head south and now this other one will not get me in where I need to go so I'm gonna use my fourth thing and it will be this one which is a four-way so I've connected and then this will just come down here and since it went off the edge of the road it doesn't lose me points yay all right that was pretty nice pretty nice that's it folks we finished now let's tally and see if you are I won first of all um let's do the longest road because that's the most that's the most fun one this is nice look this one's nicer and remember it's a single road you can I maybe didn't mention this you can't use branches you have to pick one path through the road so I'm gonna go one two three four five six seven eight nine I can't go one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 it's one path is my longstaff 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 points for my longest path on a road for my rail not as good 1 2 3 4 5 6 not bad though 6 how much in the center 1 2 3 4 5 6 pretty good just missed out on 3 dead ends I got a dead end here I got a dead end here I think those are my only two dead ends yeah baby that's negative 2 um right now I'm playing we don't get any of the bosses that would have been at the end of round 6 and now for my networks this is all one network isn't it I don't have any overlaps yes everything is one network thanks to these stations so this network is connected to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that is 36 which is always where you're gonna get the majority of your points is connecting a lot of networks by mean the oh oh I missed one more there's another so it's actually negative three negative three on my dead ends right - I miss anything else no I think so alright I really used any overlaps at all did I gosh I guess it didn't come out this game alrighty say anyway 36 plus a 9 is 45 50 150 7-6 55 54 total score 54 and that folks was the quick rundown Oh railroading how did you do well if you want to do some more go watch the extended playthrough by hitting that I in the top right corner and follow the show notes and I'll teach you the basics of how all those bonus dice work and then you can come back here and see just how much things change if we're in the middle of a meteor storm or we're trying to you know build a lake or what-have-you or go straight to my thoughts your choice in five four three two one
Channel: Rahdo
Views: 17,689
Rating: 4.9122806 out of 5
Keywords: radho, rhado, board games, rahdo, boardgames, baordgame, boardgame, review, board game, baord games, baord game, game, baordgames
Id: XubhtJ96sK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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