RAF's new Typhoon display pilot Turbo ready to push jet to the max

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yeah this is definitely a pinch me moment starting the typhoon display I'm so excited to do it and uh yeah I hope everyone else is as well I'm flight Li tenant David turull known as turbo and I'm from the 2024 T display pilot it's such an honor and a privilege to fly the display this year I know there's so many people that would want to do it and I'm like standing on the the backs of giants really who are helping me out with the display this year so yeah I'm I'm so excited to do it and uh yeah I hope everyone else is as well your nickname turbo where do that come from it just comes from my surname turno and I used to be relatively quick obviously with the years I've slowed down slightly um but now as part of the typhoon display it's time to speed things back up again and live up to the nickname turbo is unlike any other display pilot in fact he was chosen for the role a year before his start date shadowing his predecessor flight liutenant Matt brighty throughout his display season as a second pilot without the public knowing while he has started work on his display it's still in the very early stages as he's only completed 15 hours in the simulator I've uh only flown it live once so far uh we're going to be working down the heights uh but I absolutely loved it I love the the G and how the Maneuvers link together there's a couple of new things coming up obviously they might be tweaked as I uh work down to display height um so look forward to the slow speed pass I think that'll be good and there's some uh negative G Maneuvers which although feel awful for me hopefully will look good for you behind turbo is an impressive fighter pilot career with six years flying the typhoon under his belt which saw him take part in operation Shader exercise safe Seria and exercise Bama Lima now his attentions turned to a new way of flying yeah it's strange um what I would say is that when we fly normally the the combat that we do we call it bfm basic figh man Maneuvers that is Max performing The Jet and it's a shame because people can't see what that's like so the display is almost me showing what the aircraft can do how it performs in a in a fight so we do get to Max perform the aircraft but most of the time it's in a competitive way against another uh aircraft usually for training do you know your display season yet do you know where you're first going to be flying uh yes we've had the initial program out I don't want to release anything yet just in case it changes um but we've got a nice spread of locations hopefully everyone will be happy any new ones yeah yes there will be again uh we'll wait and see I guess we'll have to wait for the next announcement Kirsty Chambers forces news RF conningsby thanks for watching for more from forces news like And subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Forces News
Views: 152,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forces News, Forces TV, British Armed Forces, British, Forces, military, serving, military personnel, Ministry of Defence, British defence, British military, RAF, Royal Air Force, Kirstie Chambers, Typhoon Display Pilot, Flight Lieutenant, David Turnbull, manoeuvre, Flt Lt Turnbull, Typhoon, Op Shader, Exercise Saif Sareea, Exercise Bersama Lima
Id: oG2zqqBxsT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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