How to future-proof RAF Typhoons

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the raf's typhoon the backbone of combat air defense for the UK 2022 saw it Fly more operational hours than ever before but the aircraft entered service in 2003 and is now halfway through its service life so how do you ensure it remains relevant in the rapidly evolving landscape of Modern Warfare all military aircraft constantly evolved when they normally they follow an s-curve in terms of their capability what that means is when they first come into service they tend to be quite immature obviously and they improve as new capabilities are added tends to be quite gradual early in the aircraft's life but then there's an acceleration of new capabilities as they're added and you get onto a steeper part of that escort and that's when it really gets interesting and more exciting for a platform we're really on the Steep part of the s-curve for typhoon now we have been for a number of years so some really exciting capabilities that have been added just been added and we'll continue to be added over the next few years typhoon covers a full spectrum of air operations including air policing peace support and high intensity conflict in recent years it's been upgraded with Storm Shadow Brimstone and meteor missiles and it's soon to get a new radar which will allow it to simultaneously detect identify and track multiple Targets in the air and on the ground but what about a little further into the future what capabilities could we see Bae is working on an autonomous system concept that could act as a fast jet Force multiplier speaking from an experience you definitely don't want to load the pilot up too much with too many things to do so the whole idea of an autonomous platform it is it understands the task that it needs to do within set boundaries and then it can go about that task with minimal but appropriate human-in-the-loop decisions so for example you could give it a search task to do and report back and it had found something but unlike remote piloted aircraft today you don't have to be Hands-On all the time so the idea is that it could do what it needed to do but without continuous interference or oversight from a pilot an autonomous system working alongside the likes of the typhoon is another way of enhancing capabilities they could carry payloads for for instance reconnaissance packages a suite of cameras or other sensors we could load them up with electronic attack payload so to help with the suppression of enemy air defenses to allow other assets but would be fired from from a remote platform and uh you know we're not necessarily with the Reds Landing behind we're not necessarily looking at uh close formation um they're always tied like a sort of loyal Wing man we see these operators or certainly Beyond visual line of sight from perhaps the controlling platform Bae is investing its own money in this project in the belief there is a place for this technology in the Aria Fleet of the future Claire Sadler forces news RAF fairford thanks for watching for more from forces news like And subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Forces News
Views: 45,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forces News, Forces TV, British Armed Forces, British, Forces, military, serving, military personnel, Ministry of Defence, British defence, British military, RAF, Royal Air Force, Typhoon, air policing, peace support, high-intensity conflict, Andrew Mallery-Blythe, BAE, autonomous, BAE Systems, reconnaissance, air-to-surface, air-to-air, Storm Shadow, Brimstone, Meteor
Id: p-vPiSwdgao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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