Radiohead - The Numbers: Jonny, Thom & a CR78
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Channel: Radiohead
Views: 18,319,884
Rating: 4.935833 out of 5
Keywords: Radiohead, The Numbers, Numbers, Paul Thomas Anderson, PTA, Radiohead Paul Thomas Anderson, Radiohead PTA, A Moon Shaped Pool, Moon Shaped Pool, AMSP, Radiohead The numbers, Thom Jonny & a CR78, Numbers Radiohead
Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Colin Greenwood, Ed OβBrien, Phil Selway, Radio head, Dead Air Space, XL, Nigel Godrich, XL Recordings, Alternative, thm yrk, tom Yorke, tohm york, Greenwood, jnny, Jonny and Thom, Greenwood brothers, oβbrain, EOB, Selway, Philip Selway, Colin
Id: Ti6qhk3tX2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
good loooorddddd, can they do one of these for every AMSP song? Like a makeshift from the basement?
I hope when I'm 47 I look like Thom
This video is absolutely gorgeous, holy crap
I mean, the music is fantastic too (as always), but everything about this video is so warm and inviting. I love the scenery and colours
I bet Phil is worried about his role in LP10
Sounds great. Groovy as all heck. Reminds me of some desert rock.. Kyuss or something. Loving it.
While I am totally loving this series, I do hope this isn't a replacement for From the Basement.
An actual comment on the video - never read YouTube comments!
Thom's Nikes tho.
Just sad it doesn't have those beautiful strings on it. Still gave me chills regardless.