Radioactive Cat

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uh our cat recently got radioactive iodine therapy and as you can see this is a geiger counter which measures the radiation uh normal safe levels are under 100 counts per minute and as you can see from the safety card over 2000 is extremely high and you should evacuate immediately let me show you what the value looks like when i hold this meter up to my cap even outside the car we can already see we're getting up to a thousand counts per minute and it's already beeping sending an alarm as they get the meter closer to the cat so gray according to this card i should evacuate and report you to the government don't cut it with your cat after radiation therapy
Channel: Johnny Lee
Views: 2,128,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: radiation, radioactive, radioactive iodine, cat, radioactive cat, iodine i131, hyper thyroidism, don't cuddle
Id: mu8MdQgqtzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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