Radio Communications: Busy Class C Airspace Arrival Procedures

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what's happening at Missouri online Ground School Jason and my beautiful wife Mac to here and in this video it's a class Charlie arrival [Music] all right everybody just departed Naples my my favorite co-pilot don't tell don't tell anybody else my favorite co-pilot Magna here my lovely wife hi and we are going to be making a class Charlie arrival there's a big boys flying up this way today um into Fort Myers this if you're watching this too this is after the Hurricane by the way too so I'm sure we'll see uh some interesting things along the way as well we're not going up the coast but uh the RSW Airport is open again and we're gonna make a class Charlie arrival into there let me show you something real quick here so on Winchester everything queued up cleaned out I just do a cruise checklist real quick and life looks good all right seat belts good so if you notice it shows the beautiful white box around the class Charlie to contact Fort Myers on 124.12 okay I've got that right here basically this is hopefully you watch the previous two videos to this on picking up bfr flight following this will be very very similar except we're just landing at that primary airport so we're going to start again with a cold call who am I where am I and what do I want Fort Myers Skyhawk 2-3 Mike Zulu three thousand double eleven zero three contact the power yeah he's busy 9780 expect a visual approach one one two three who else called me Skyhawk two three miles to the South uh RSW and Scott Collins please Skyhawk 2-3 Mike Zulu let's grab uniform quickly for him here Michael you're going to contact 12 miles south of the RSW Airport and second your top aircraft place 172. Dr maxilla writer proceed director for the left man seal down 1.24 traffic 12 mile final 320 customer still head right for the Midfield left down two four Scott through Mike salute a lot going on quickly huh you think we're in New York airspace I'm over here just trying to get the anus right now all right let's get that cute up one two four six five we're heading that way a little bit slower oh it's the creepy one Runway six DME out of show pants who's creeped out by the digital guy I know they're trying to say payroll dollars but I mean out of service seashell departure requires GPS departure requires GPS multiple taxiway signs missing numerous cranes in the vicinity of the airport Runway six two four central line markings of fjord unauthorized lasers at zero one two zero zero fny one thousand feet green laser saranza a green ladies caution birth Defender vicinity of Southwest Florida International Airport you have information uniform uniform 20530 wimp two four zero at one one two three four minutes 2.20 [Applause] 88 two nine or eight eight got it all right all is good he's got a guy on a 12 mile final I think we're gonna be a little slower than that we're still queued up for a big left downwind a big 45 to left down one for Runway two four let me show you kind of what that looks like obviously you can see two four here and you can see how to make a big old left down one right on in I'll draw it for you we're gonna come right on in we're on a 45 over and right on in to Runway two fours what that's actually gonna look like all right we're heading over to Tower I had Tower queued up I'm over to ground now too we're six miles out we're gonna check in with him enable Delta six JetBlue 1103. do you know if it's open or not just hard to tell from here I have no idea JetBlue 1103 Roger [Applause] if it's not open typically eleven zero three Towers got how cute here Mike Zoo lose five miles south to twenty seven forty four more Star Wars 2609 or Runway two four Clips take off right there in front of two four American twenty seven forty in order to do Mike Julia Roger enter a left down from my 2-4 there'll be one of Archer Potter rival is a uh Boeing 737. first I want our left Island for two four two they're mics of them I've got autopilot off and fly this thing for a second here so we listened to the creepy a sauce got our information he passed us off the tower I already had the tower frequency queued up always working to think ahead of that airplane I now have ground cued up as my next frequency as well and we're working our way on in I've already mapped out my taxi it's a pretty easy taxi here we're going to land 2-4 we're not going to the main side which would be a left turn we'll go into the right hand side it should be a pretty never actually I don't think we've ever been to RSW we fly over it all the time and talk to them but I don't think I've ever actually landed there so this will be exciting there's one departure hopefully they're coming in at a fairly quiet time so we'll see how that goes here in a second we'll meet Charlie already text you from private guy with information uniform right there foreign come on down to pattern altitude and again yeah yes it's a class trolley airport yes it's busy I'm Gonna Fly a normal pattern like I always would American 2740 County departure 26 hey good day today if you'll keep your eyes out for aircraft [Applause] landline two six zero at seven two four clear land thanks to their Mike Zulu I got that departure he's already cleared us to land or turning on a right turn for our left downwind onto 2-4 right now that was the American that just Departed the FBO I think is that uh building right there the big one kind of yellowish does it look like over there looks good all right established on our downwind and again yes it's a monster airport uh monster Runway not a monster airport I guess it's a monster Runway is a more correct way to call it here but we're gonna fly a nice normal traffic pattern just like we would I'm so happy to stay open again and operations back and this airport was closed for a long time it flooded really really bad and then all the wind damage of course but nice to see it back open it's only been open a few days so all right we're gonna go be more touchdown point carpi the power is going to come back here we go 10 degrees flaps yeah just like we would any other little airport not going to treat this one any differently and and we're a little spoiled right now I don't have anybody on you know trying to leave or anybody coming in you could adjust your pattern accordingly but we kind of timed it pretty nicely here so I'm gonna turn my base I'm already clear to land there's no need to make any more Radio Calls by the way I hope you guys are loving this radio communications series there's more to this video for you to check out as well and of course if you love our teaching style you can always check out a trial of our online Ground School by going to m0a coach will put a banner right here gorgeous yes and uh you can check that out there as well of course subscribe on YouTube like us on Facebook as well on base final looks clear power's coming back a little bit more next Notch of flaps now we're just coming on down nice Windsor right down the pipe according to the creepy automated guy strange like am I the only one that thinks that's weird the computerized no it's it's a weird noise like it's Siri or Alexa to do it instead can you imagine to have that voice Alexa give me the Asos yeah please we got the kids convinced you gotta say Please Don't lecture listen all right sterile cockpit here on Landon I see 24 outside I am purposefully a little bit high for those of you that are wondering coming into land because I don't have a big big Taxi looking oh I can't see on the camera there's a lot of water down below us where there's usually probably isn't water air speed looks great life looks good confirm 2-4 outside right the sun that's always the enjoyable approach right right into the sun there so much for Landon lock right I just you got I've got that natural reaction I just want to not leave good Runway behind me even though there's a lot of it around and out here even into the sun without sunglasses add that as an ACS item for a check ride land into the sun without sunglasses let it roll save your brakes and we'll grab the next taxiway then what we're going to do is we're going to shut down we're gonna grab some fuel and then next week well we'll do it today but you'll see it next week we're going to depart on out of here you can see a VFR class Charlie departure so make sure you watch for that let's see what happens here technically Towers should tell us to switch the ground let's see what happens we're gonna get clear here and Fort Myers uh Tower 457 might pop we have with you on the visual 24. this is gonna be a great scenario let's watch headlines power should tell you to switch to ground number three Mike Zoo parking via Alpha five remain this frequency alpha alpha 5 with you thanks to their Mike Zulu let me just get that out here real quick thank you foreign anyways listen hope you all are just having a blessed abundant day enjoying this video again check out the online ground school if you love these free videos imagine how good the paid videos are for you to check out as well go check out the previous video subscribe here as well and most importantly remember what is it back to a good pilot is always learning we'll see y'all [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 21,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #mzeroa, #mzeroanation, #23MZ, #jasonschappert, #Fort Myers, #airspace, #aviation, #ATC, #ATC Communications, #Communications, #Airspace, #HowToEnterClassCAirport, #Class C Airport, #VFR Communications, #Private Pilot
Id: o9q5-VIF3jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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