Racism In Hollywood

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2015 is set to be the worst year for diversity at the Oscars since 1998 every single actor nominated is white not even the actors critically acclaimed for Selma and get on up got Oscar nods and not a single woman was nominated in the categories of writing directing cinematography score or visual effects Kim is discrimination in Hollywood getting worse well I mean it's definite because it's apparent this how this award season because if you go go see Selma and you don't see what an amazing film that is what amazing directorship that was what amazing cast and crew and they don't get nominated for the that film racism exists and screw things up let me go add that in too cuz I'm a female I know y'all think I'm black but I am white but listen listen I do think it was it was a snob for sure and you know what shame on you shame on you Hollywood I think Hollywood and this is a touchy subject because I'm a person that obviously is in the business you can't bite the hand that feeds you type of thing but I think what the real question is or the real issue is there not enough stories given for diversity for African Americans for Latin American community so I think that needs to be the issue that's address even today now there are movies that are being made for the mainstream audience that you know for example happen to an African American but yet they'll put they'll tell the story from from from a mainstream white connectives so I think that needs to be the issue that's address and then I think we'll start to see more individuals like David a yellow whoa that was that do different tasks oh you got round hatrock yeah Paul well all prejudice is an injustice so I am very sensitive to racial diversity because I have always been against discrimination in all areas so de pander to status quo is just not acceptable and that's inclusive of the highly esteemed Oscars and Academy Awards so my takis was Hollywood are they patting themselves on the back from last year's wins or was this random no there's just a bunch of old white guys so you're making the decisions I'm not really I'm glad you can say that thank you yeah thank you all arenas we have made some strives I mean for the 20 years as we look back at history but we have a long way to go and that's what we have to really pay attention here's a problem here's why people complain Frederick Douglas one time said that is not a person living who would feel that slavery is right for them mm-hmm which it just goes now you bring it up to modern day it becomes very pointed if it's happening to you but if it doesn't happen to you you just desensitize yourself and act like it don't exist if you're not see if you're not a racist person that does not mean it doesn't exist Hollywood is just par for the course I've seen it over and over and over I get tired of complaining about it yeah I was making a statement again races on one time on Twitter and a lady texted me and said how can you say there's racism you host a game show how did it to compare well what the hell and because I got a game show that me Hollywood ain't got no racism in it that doesn't make any sense but people in their world if it doesn't exist in their world they claim it is that it just doesn't exist that's why that's important for them to nominate Selma so that people that don't think it exists go and see that and see the history regardless if you think racism exists or not yeah I agree and you know like television television is making some strides but did it go back to other way sometimes like now you see a black woman on TV who's playing the President of the United States in head of state you know and you're starting to show things like that on TV that makes you go wow kind of get me but it's still more work to be done because TV should have the same balance that this country has if you see see hot like I say it all the time how the hell you have a show in New York City called friends and ain't no damn black yes go to New York one time and let me know how far you can't walk and don't see nobody black just show me that don't make no sense man so you know I can see doesn't that go back to to really rooting and saying we've got to look at the root of this and say what about the hiring process what about the creative things what about the story of anything more than what we're just seeing right now it's enough yes it's not it's work to do there's some sums ground being made but it's more work to be done
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 293,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Racism (Quotation Subject), Harvey, Hollywood, tv, Prejudice (Quotation Subject), steve, harvey, humor, steve harvey, comedy, steve harvey daytime, Steve, steve harvey show, funny, whitewashed
Id: TvNKkwnyhA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 18 2015
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