RACE Across The Map with Fade | Fortnite Trios

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(birds chirping) - Omm. Omm. (bullets thundering) Omm. (Roach laughing) Omm. (shark growling) Omm. Omm. (metal clinks) (gnome grunts) Omm. (paper scratching) I'm ready. Time to dance! (upbeat music) ♪ Coming in ♪ (heavy music) (Crash Test Dummy laughs) (truck beeping) (Babecat groans) (engine rumbling) (wheels squeak) - Need a lift? - Oh! ♪ Everybody ♪ ♪ I'm all ready any time ♪ - I just fueled. - There's a gas station. - Is it just me or are we having to fuel these cars every 15 seconds? - They only get like one kilometer per liter. - I have no idea what that means. - This is terrible for the environment. (Jo whistles) (foot tapping) (upbeat music) - I shall reclaim what is rightfully mine, but first to defeat the dimwit. Behold, it is I, Goldenface. - Down with the failed tyrant! (bears growling) (Goldenface yelling) - Halfway, (pants) there! (Jo whistling) (car engine rumbling) (wheels screech) (Crash Test Dummy laughing) (explosion booming) (wheels screeching) - Curse you! (glass shatters) - Run. (intense music) - Whoa. - This is so cool. How fast do you think it could go? - I don't know, but it could belong to the marauders. - They ride a meteorite. This is a proper spaceship. - Are you okay? - I think so. But my ship isn't. - Might be able to help with that. - [All] Really? ♪ Friendship is a spaceship ♪ ♪ That zooms through the sky ♪ ♪ Let's promise to never say goodbye ♪ ♪ Only terrible friends would leave me ♪ ♪ I know that's not healthy to say ♪ ♪ But I still feel this way ♪ - I wonder, do you think it carries two people? - If you squish, maybe. - Wanna try it out? (metal squeaks) (both laugh) (water splashes) - Look out! - This isn't good. - Eject, eject! - Press the button! - [Babecat And Jo] Which button? - Guess I didn't really fix it. - Great. Can you get us out of, (air whooshing) (water sloshing) - I did it! What's wrong with you guys? You look like you just watched your best friends get launched in the space. Oh.
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 139,292
Rating: 4.8722386 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, thesquad, fortnitetrios, trios, the trio, chapter 2 season 3, chapter 2 season 4, chapter 2 season 5, fortnite new season, craggy cliffs, fortnite cars, fortnite crash test dummy skin gameplay, fortnite crash test dummy, fortnite journey skin, fortnite lynx skin, drippley, rippley, rippley fortnite, fortnite gnomes, fortnite gnome challenge, fortnite midas, funny fortnite animation, fortnite memes, fortnite siona skin, fortnite fade skin
Id: NrLxxhnbr_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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