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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] championship showdown time in the gt4 European series here at the nürburgring race two of the weekend the final race of the championship round 12 of the series then and all three classes silver Cut Pro Am and AM are on the line and there's going to be a lot to look for in this 60-minute race the grid is starting to take shape and on pole position is going to be the BMW in the hands of Ricardo van to end up he was the man that set the qualifying time and this car in fact probably take him to pole positions over the weekend you have a chi for race one they lost out have been on pure pace yesterday but today as you can see the jovial Dutchman is very bullish about his chances as he sets them on pole position getting ready for parties K to be for him I suspect a long first stint to try and maximize the time in the car alongside on the front row is going to be the similar BMW in the hands of Gary Eric P Anna and on the second row of the grid will be more German SN and the BMW of Alec Udell it's going to be a 32 strong grid 31 of which will be on the grid one has to start from the pit lane is to carve at one yesterday of Alex Lambert's and remount Monte for causing a collision at Zandvoort it was quite a large accident to say the least that was triggered and so the officials said that the penalty for that is that you must start from the pit lane the decorated Bert and it's Lambo would be the start why before that is this race and hence that car well four starts before you compete and we'll see what progress can be made can be a very very difficult ask for it to be a winning car but we'll see what pace it has to try and get up through the order as far as the championship is concerned within the silver cup yankee shield max cobalt versus similan app and Alec gudell those are the drivers in with a chance of winning this down mcaren porterville SN are a long way back mathematically we just about possibly be possible possibly but they need a lot of bad luck for the other drivers so it's a pretty much two-way fight for the silver cup as far as the other classes are concerned Leanne's is almost done in favor of Clermont Siler and that's got Batman they're 22 points ahead let's just catch up with drivers on the grid and join our reporter Dakota Joe now Dan you'll be looking for a win today because those championship points are going to be vital today yeah weird stone with the shirt winning the championship but only if we win so for us nothing apartment wins acceptable today otherwise we're not gonna win so now I said win a lot there I think like five times I said the word win no worries now your brother's actually in front of you and you'll be racing with him what is it like racing with your brothers their dental disagreement or doesn't is mom watching a home go good her mum probably is watching but we still race each other hard there's no different ition of their car it's just not have to speak to the person afterwards for a few years which is unfortunate but and I'll racing like anyone else and he'll do the same with me double widow at Bonta you and McCoy has not yet had a win this year but could come here let's see listen in the frets of a short run McLaren is good to go they're on the grid back are lining up on the second row of great it's BMW BMW McLaren BMW front talk for Ben Massell nor German lest Hank gets himself ready to go and this is how pro-am look this is another class to be resolved marques pav road looking drift ahead of Mary's ERG and Gabrielle a piano so that is the championship fight it's a bigger gap before zhuge and piano to make up but it's doable possible but it would need again a bit of bad luck for Marquez pav red and blue keep treasure score in the top 10 just a slightly complicate matters there are one or two cars here and one or two drivers that have not done previous rounds if you join the championship late the last two you're not able to score points so that again slightly affects the situation for what you see on track to what is being scored so the grid with Ricardo van der ender on pole position and a Gabriele APR alongside the second row Porsche middle SM and Alec you dealt with David greener and Reinhart Koffler on the third row in the pro sport performance Aston and the true racing KTM respectively on the fourth row there is the white David Altman driven Aston Martin and alongside him Nikolai mala Madsen the outgoing champion in the Audi next comes Mark manda art who lines up alongside Dominik trommel's Mercedes Oliver sir de strim will start on the inside of the sixth row of the grid and then you've got the pro-am championship leading car of Marcos fatherhood they like that grandpa Sadie's they're lining up alongside then the silver Cup championship leaders a long way back on the seventh row Yankee seal we'd work to do here alongside is Nicholas Shirley who had a puncture in yesterday's race then you've got the ICAT angermaier KTM non-eligible points co-driver Madsen Lee Hogg is alongside is a gear mandra in the Audi that gotta drive to him yesterday Julian down at Aston Martin lines up alongside Andy Merrick in the bullet racing Mercedes on the next row of the grid ahead of Mookie Ben F in the Ginetta and champion elect Clermont sila and Pascal backward then is the allied racing Porsche number 21 Benjamin Maserati single-seat eraser will go first hand valorem who was the am category winner yesterday lines up alongside then after woes yesterday on the grid good to see Mickey Stanley for Academy motorsport and Debbie Dermott runs up alongside four sailors left in 780 is Kevin jelly donut racing a rally driver in the very smart goal came in Porsche and the Sandra Giovanelli is alongside him for Patrick selling tonight's team ahead of Derby lodges alkene and then under Adams KTM the next car on the grid is going to be the BMW of the less stripped racing team with Jurgen service from starting mac stress Aldi is next on the grid and then Finlay Hutchison will start last on the grid now he didn't qualify this car it was going to be will more to share with Matt Cowley quail has decided not to race Finlay Hutchison drafted a lease or taking the gt3 races but because he didn't qualify he's put to the back of the grid irrespective and then we have from the pins number 66 which is going to be started at five Alex Lambert's and that's our save the car but one yesterday so it's a penalty pit lane start and we'll see what progress can be made up through the grid so within pro-am it is an 18-point deficit but suka Piana have to make up whereas within the silver cup the margin between the two teams is just two points so that is what this year the cobalt have over canal and you del boy to start with 25 for a win one attempt place book about style and there is the gloom the winning car yesterday with the enforced lane and start penalty for causing a collision at Zandvoort field and led to a rather lengthy delay as well so we will go racing short it there will be of course a formation that before the cars get underway so now feel released pressure on one or two spots arrayed we also understand starting to fall which in a sense it should be surprised that the Nurburgring but glorious weather Saturday and Friday now that could be another variable and it looks very very dark indeed headlights off piercing the gloom as they go down a turn one and is that rain Kennedy Bella windows nothing yeah but this is a place with its own weather climate years never know what is coming he was yesterday on the grid Ricardo van der handles talking about the sunshine so they'll probably have snow before the end of the day well last night about five o'clock that happens absolutely open locally torrential rain thankfully it's dry now but not be by the end of the hour that constancy so dry I was thinking about arranged the championship and possibly concerns about the nature of the track of the grip available to them as the race gets underway so the Pirelli tires on which they all run might need to be changed in that pit stop for way to see through great variety GT for BMW you can see McLaren Aston Martin KTM out all through that first shot there is Ricardo van ender who's been initially a sequence eater start but they're very very successful in GT racing for a novel seasons now [Music] downhill my turn turn 8-car live at the head of the start drive again against Gabrielle a piano Gabriella the Italian who lives locally moved from Italy to the north region and very much a specialists around this place really three track and all five all the combined for 24 hours he lost its copybook a bit in the 24 hours this year though with rather much publicized coming together with Rene Rast but didn't press his team posture personal injury however have a good season in this car has Gabrielle yuki-onna he at the barriers to lose in his first year of car racing were victorious at Monza and at masado and example and here yesterday so four wins I see what pads out here is there the outer fix the car sideways we get rid of the tires [Music] has been declared a wet race so he owned was now is opportunites to sort themselves out guitars rather than expect the race to be halted so they can change [Music] now they start to get themselves in that 2x2 side-by-side formation Hiep window between 25 and 35 minutes and the pitstop that everybody has to make is 95 seconds fit into pit out everybody of course a two driver entry and so now the field turns towards the chicane the pace car will dive for the pit lane it's the softer version of the chicane that gt4 uses and the race about to get underway there the race itself should be a good one of the championship match nations are going to take up attention as well so then the final round of the GT for European series for 2019 is about to get underway the cars now turn through turn 17 sponsor radon the camera lens there the light on the gantry are red it's a long pole if the race director is happy they will go to greens a bit scrappy in the back but we are going racing good start is made by van de Endor then he tries to get the drop as they power down all to turn one Gabrielle a pianist swaps in behind him bar on the inside line Benjamin Lacerta the McLaren will go second also in a hurry needs to be out at udel in the first of the black BMWs away there goes Alex Lambert's as they turn into the first corner do they all get through safely the championship leading yet Kissel was at the middle of a real squeeze there I think he's got away with it as they got turn to now [Music] so the leading car the BMW of Ricardo and to end of autumn in there said second in the McLaren a really good start by the first of the Esther passes that looked like David brezner up into third base in the quicker of the pro sport performance cars were out the outside the bear goes yet kiss here lead Mercedes number four as they dive down all to turn five for the first time rock offer in the KTM the black nor engine white car gaining ground on the inside line as now they sprint down toward turn eight [Music] through the right-hander they turn back so an hour of racing and a championship new you're as old as I can endure my dives at the inside of the KTM in the background there my brother Madison's red Audi turns out he'll and the leader Ricardo van de anda is getting away as their Nicholas Shirl's blueprints that one over the curve kicks up the dirt through the Schumacher ass makeup for the first time and this 32 strong head tree then goes through the GSR all over the gravel even after that wasn't the wheel of it getting it wrong running out of real estate and while the man sir and the inside of Dominic trommel goes through doughsay yes and now trying to find a way around as well Oliver sir described in the BMW he's going to try the outside line as they come out of turn 12 does he go through there still side by side as they plunge downhill here through the king the BMW does go by place gains [Music] up to the end of that one so we're in all of this is Anna you dealt in BMW number 25 where is Mercedes number for the championship feeding car and silver cup there it is we'd work to beat down now the BMW ahead can't score points so notionally that's one place already games they come pouring over the line van den de needs SN is second the margin two seconds David greaser it is going really well in third piana fourth heading pro-am Koffler is fin sink this you del simply Dortmund eighties van der Hart ninth is mother Madsen 10th is citizen and 11th he's kiss he'll that means points for ninth is PR in pro-am and then SodaStream is not eligible for points so taking out of the equation what about my David orphan is here number one that's not how much brought the point yes so it's another face game in terms of points to be scored by the number for Mercedes [Music] although seven goes through which all their kicks in today's unioned are asked and Jamie Vanderpump will take that car over so right now and it you don't need to try to gain some places if you can because effectively already three up through top scorers in the same category is the silver cup leading number four yeah kiss yield Mercedes downhill they drop only two points between them right now championship advantage does go away of arendelle a lot can happen in the remaining 56 minutes after there you see think my mother Madsen in the readout and getting all over back of Mark Banda harm but art and CUDA Bogart sharing and sister cards the one picture to win the championship and to be quite useful for getting in the way of the yellow Mercedes taking points off it it's Michelle though the Cayman goes through the ship address the blue portion came and running up of over 12 that second in pro AB 50 pro-am is Marcus Pavan so the category leader it's got quite a bit of work to do here [Music] the drop down hill ready to go through the right-hander of turn 13 number 5 to pusher Cape at the end of getting away up front now turning in purple sectors with the road clear ahead of him as he now tries to break away from the opposition as an incident already being investigated and then number 4 Yankee steel gets up the inside of Oliver's earnest robe that's going to give him a place that's going to give him 10 overall coming up - all the timing guide the incident that is being looked at is between 71 which is mattress Aldi and 99 which is under earner the leaders go down Ward's turn while the leading gap is already up to 3.4 seconds so Van Deventer is getting away there is kiss he'll trying to secure that place and gains Oliver Soderstrom who doesn't score points anyway Nicolas shell gets up alongside as well can the Porsche get faster they have no not quite got for the water trying that's for sure the cars now go into turn three and why I eat goes barf and I'm if you like mother Madison gets past him so look in the background there look the red Audi ahead of the second of the black BMWs of the MDM Motorsport team for actress though the m4 in the lead is that of ricardo van den de runs wide up the curb leathers bit of gravel ready to trap you if you're not careful borge middle SN run Secord but already dropped three point four seconds and there david reasoner in third David who's been a very rapid driver this year but came from German Touring Car series such as the BMW 235 category such as the Opel Astra Cup has gone very well we both before coming up to treaty for racing this year clear of the attack makes its move now against Bart van de are who does need to repel him back the arse teammates fighting that car for the championship and our runs off the curb powering his way down toward turn 11 can he keep that Mercedes at bay yet kiss yield tries to get on his toes on the braking at the inside can't do it [Music] accelerating now to the right of turn 12 ready to drop downhill as a second of the third versed versus breeze at the gap up a little to the first second ever David Riesman hustling on doing his best to get close enough to have a go kiss heel on the back of mark and our clearing turn of service trim and then she'll break hard into the chicane got a Mercedes battle building up for 13th Dominic trouble ahead of Antibes Eric but right now a very wide BMW part Vander are trying to fend off Yankee seal Nicholas sure look at the inside of the boot Porsche does he go through no couldn't do it have a go on the inside of turn 17 not able to go by and a drive through penalty curbs for open air them for contact against mattress all these BMW [Music] down from turn one race leaders have golf kiss yield to the outside Amanda are that leaves the door open and a little bit of smoke there as the Mercedes goes wide the bodywork of the suspension propagates the tar got a slow KTM coming into the debates on the air day after service drive-thru at turn three here on the curb is yap kiss he'll try to short the corner and get a good line to turn forward have a go at mark man 2 no avail as yet flushable item and Emeric at the background as well as it comes up to have a go at Dominic travel [Music] so right now 10 points go the way of a u del C Mon command they're effectively affected the class viii would be Yankee seal and banker bolt so that's a difference of six points it would give championship to the BMW drivers in things stay as if they are it is unlikely but let's see what pans out right now it's involved in chapter 25 BMW and the sister car keeping at bay the championship rival for Sadie's so here Bob and are in a sense being the sacrificial lamb he's not being able to drive his own race necessarily he is doing the job of keeping that Mercedes at bay and Yankee CEO might not like it that part of the problem of course was he didn't qualify very well so that stuck here behind the VMS on the grid through the chicane they come the leader has just got over the timing live and our slides at the curb and this contact through on the inside goes yeah kiss he'll mark man that I've got it wrong tried to defend contact made he's run out wide and that gives now I'll have a service to him the chance to get him alongside him as well but kiss he'll needing no second invitation goes through blasts himself ahead whether the officials are gonna do anything about that whether they deem it a racing incident we will see but Bartman Durant got wider the chicane up a curb kiss here went for the gap that was a rub between the buddies gone through so soon as drum goes ahead Amanda art and now also nicolas shield comes up on the outside line as well and he married there could not be closer to the back of Dominic's Rommel look at the blue Porsche as Nicolas shell dives on the inside he's at the curb he's off the road never mind of a curb side by side into turn for the Porsche has to give way there right hot Koffler going ahead of Allen Udell securing his fifth place replay here van de I've already made the mistake comes across key seal he wasn't fully along sidewalls Eames getting his nose in the gap that was closing let's see what the officials do they're having a look at it he's under investigation and right now Yankee seal tries to break away that is that going to penalty tough walk especially with the championship being on the line but van der holle was certainly very determined to dive across the road and defend that eternity little bits overly defensive in all of that always Yankees a little bit too optimistic to be Sadie's was never fully alongside however the officials will have a look at it this is how the silver cup currently looks provisionally but bear in mind that we've got one or two drivers in the race that are not scoring points just need to hold sway on those points yesterday's published points were wrong because of the graphic didn't take into account those that didn't score points so we'll keep an eye to have a situation pans out because of course yankee sealed now is in ninth place is a night overall take out a pro-am to take out at least one that doesn't score creeps up the order some tape they can't make so there is car number eight that it's the race leading Ricardo van den de [Music] as long as the BMW is ahead of the this is the 25 BMW is ahead of the number for Mercedes that should be the championship dump the downhill camels Ricardo van den de not really a factor for the championship but they've come so close him and you had makai two wins this year they had a second place at Paul Ricard they had a sec place at Misano a second place at CERN for a second place here yesterday but no wins and that's the main aim now try to finally score and outright victory Nikolay mother Madison goes through still being chased by the car of my David orphan number one is Nikolay mother Madsen accelerates down the hill once again here [Music] my David Altman with these divers that is not scoring point because he's late into the championship the idea of preventing wrinkles if you laughter coming in and scoring blade season came from gt3 racing it's been deployed egt before as well and for those for the company this weekend consent erased from the cart score points help Kissel because my table it's one of those riders car scoring points gates at the play supporting me so honor heard of at the back of the pack after serving his drive-thru and right now Bandar header to the saddest five point four seconds they've increased their rounds third Ryan Hawk Koffler is important and in the fifth he is twenty five panic you Zelda 111 Gabriella Kiana Stilwell clear in the pro-am battle the net pro-am car he's 22 old English Earl and the category leader currently only fifth in pronoun must have read a lot way back with work to do [Music] over the timing line go the race leaders the leading gap overall creeping up all the time there is Gabrielle a piano so he's heading for a class with us and where he is overall as long as he wins the class there's more contact under investigation now between number two interestingly a pro-am championship leader Marquez PABA Road and the 15 that be the Luke even if Ginetta so if Tamara gets a penalty or gets some sort of statute that's going to be Arta Gianna who's on the road leading in pro-am in the race of course there is the BMW because I'm Alamance closing catchy but irrelevant as far as the championship is conserved this is how pro-am whoops and Lymphoma still PABA rude and tres just have the advantage over soup and piano only by three the predicted points in three days they are have read as I say currently down and fifth in the class so really it was always going to be a bigger support soothing piano they could do it that car not finishing or one or two more proving ahead really they need number two to have some problems but if it's being investigated never know said Gabriela piano before she's off comes out of the Schumacher s accelerating in pursuit of silver Cup champions elect a new jealousy monk a nap replay here of the Mercedes of Alessandro Giovanelli big shovel decide by Kevin Giannone in the number seven one eight came at others to try and dodge through an avoidance you haven't had his senator luck racing teeth Mercedes coming back onto the road that in turn causes W damn on screen summers lack Mercedes to scarp onto the grass and avoidance given s internet also having to go wide trauma board the melee as well so what's going on the chicane no further action in the incident between Ibanez and pav rods that's good news for the pro-am championship leaders as the race leader is on lap eight now at van and 6.8 seconds ahead [Music] David reasoner running infirm plays only four tents back from poor German lesser call for his fourth Anna u del v sixth sPRM elements in his seventh there flashing the lights is Kissel coming up to have a go at my David Ottoman for position and that cars going to be given over to max cobalt don't forget that Sadie's in the second stage experienced driver is cobalt and it's indeed a champion two years ago so let's see what progress he can make up through the path of the curve goes the Mercedes but my David author ADAC F for eraser out of the position [Music] a car part of the pro sport performance squad keeps the place but you can see now Yankees Hill all over the back of it the polish driver former renault clio racer volkswagen calf racer raced in lamborghini Super Trofeo last year ever first really came to prominence in the Audi TT Cup he is right there on the back of Aston as they drop down hill towards turn eight that incident we saw between Giovanelli and Sheila Dhoni is after investigation as well from the chicane by David Altman powers his way out the hill dropping away now from bother maps and so this is for 8th place on the road [Music] Mercedes boobs up the hill look at the wipers from Mike David all of them those spots of rain we've been told about early have really come to anything he says tempting fate but the team's keeping an eye to the weather forecast just in case things are going to turn nasty because with the pitstop window getting closer in Qatar changes the ideally you want to do it in that regulation stop not have to make a second one so down the hill towards each okay counts think alive on a Madson outgoing champions imp and in our doctor made a good partnership last year along with Cedric Freiburg House to put a tough season this year because winds have been few and far between one example walk but follow Madson then in the Phoenix run car goes over the line there you can see David greener still thundering on in pursuit of mantra middle SM and that gap half a second as they come over the line Yankee seal and pulls out pulls back in again tries to unsettle my David Altman game down towards the first corner once again there so the Mercedes turns through the arena of the back of the Aston but it's right now by David although he's doing a good job hanging on that place then you fast forward into the second step who is going to be the quicker out of feet co-drivers of those two cars cobalt past experienced he will take over a number for Mercedes what can he do there to try and find himself up the order against the Aston Kenna be having speech that takes over at number 19 Christopher Lisa's brother gz3 racing Christopher B's so they're down the hill goes yankee seal up the curve fast rapid deftly done by ricardo van de anda who is well clear up front pulling away all the time now seven seconds clear of all German lesson mean of course we get the McCoys possibly fighting it out for a race win something to savor in the second part of the race David Rees now third close to that McLaren but not close enough to have a go I favored all the once again up through Schumacher s hanging on to what these eight plates on the track which is really seventh in terms of score up so therefore in elevator number for Mercedes eat the Furby take out the Aston you take out the pro-am BMW and so ninth on the road suddenly TCL is looking at scoring seventh place points which gets up of course closer to the fight against the BMW attitude L in fifth on the road now wallah behind run off poplar [Music] [Applause] at the curve goes Gabriela Chiara in the BMW he is losing touch just a little bit and he's losing time to Nikolaj follow up bats and that gets coming down for sixth and seventh in the race the incident we saw between Giovanelli and July Tony's going to be looked at post race so the story might well ramble long after the flag here down water turn one goes the BMW is an opportunity for Nikolai mother man to have a go yes there is he has a good look on the inside P Anna sensibly lets him go he's not racing that Audi he's going to lose a place overall but it's not going to affect the points score okay you can argue it gives him a buffer of another car between him and the class opposition but it's not racing it for points and so he lets the audi go Nicolae Balan Manson threw them into the top six now than the end of seven and a half seconds to the good we work that number Ted Schmidt Lucerne in second spot reason at third yeah Kissel getting ever all frustrated there can't find away passed by David Orban is it affecting his championship hopes to a degree yes because if you were to get past you be able to have a go perhaps and the Audi Nicolai brother mats and getting himself a way up the road now as they come downhill into turn eight pick with those only just over four minutes and bit away from opening in the pro-am contest Gabriella piana leading from Nicolas shirt on trauma and he married and their fifth Marquez pomerode still in the lead in the championship in the am so via ham banner of is leading from Tammy Jo Jae Debbie demo in all of this is Kevin Siler he's drop got a long way back as Carol Siler into first with face overall she's actually at the moment sick big casts 22 points ahead so they virtually won it but come on sila possibly being very cautious in the first stint there's Luke even death on the back of 66 now that's Alex lamb guys don't forget the pit lane 24th he's running now turning through the sequence of the Schumacher s so for the pit lane start Alex Lambert's it's been a BMW 235 championship runner he's been a regular in fear land on the Nurburgring 24 hours he knows the circuit well getting on with the job ideally they need a safety car to really get them into the picture but certainly working up the order nicely is the second of the Bullock racing cars winner yesterday and American the car that he shares with the team Patrick Steven Patrick in 14th place at the moment as they're up towards the chicane goes number 61 that's the Academy motorsport kicker Stanley driven departing keeping a chaotic snappers for the boba [Music] a vigil Adoni incidentally number seven one eight porsche came and he's being given a driving standards flag for contact with somebody else now and he made contact with your home drop this battle pack headed by muffin that are comes down through the arena Trevon cemre dominic travel newsing while losing two places so shrapnel has lost out to Fanta I lost out to Al kanga Maya the wipers on one of two more cars still not really doing anything over on the pit straight and actually that group not with the wipers on so hard to really get a true indication as to whether drivers have put the bar that just left very case or whether it is actually starting to spit spot around the circuit band the end them however still leads the way lap times are going up just make smoke wonder a little bit about the nature for track now by the end of last time of two minutes six point while over a second slow that he was doing earlier and very few improvements coming in terms of sectors hangar bar makes a move against mark van der Hart now as they head off the hill I need at least lack of sex improvements are to do with battles van der Hart the curve gets it bra loses the pace to anger that was all triggered in a sense by Alex Lambert's because he went quickly through the sword through Andy Baron he went quickly through the Schumacher s got in a bit ragged up the curb and that made mark and are perhaps try a little bit harder measuring his pace against the car ahead he got him wrong and so the KTM Oldman on one scoring Amanda Mayer goes through beak flash of the light in the background as now PABA Road tries to get on to terms with trouble he's not going to be able to find a way by there drop the travel aiming the third week out raining in the class they come down into the turn 17 right handle once again as the DFW through of service trim wipers on now it's the inside line tries to go Dominick trauma at Marv and our who's been losing faces rather than gaining in this race she is able to fend him off there look as they turned into the corner [Music] through the Mercedes arena they come there is the Porsche Cayman in the background that big Benjamin fastest another German f4 graduate for two Mercedes here travel and of pav Road all over the back of our van de are in the BMW [Music] and are fending off for the moment but the pit window is about to open so two cars turn their way down through turn seven you all be gonna see fail early are we gonna have for example any of that evening prove it to give way to their co-drivers number 18 is david reasoner and your Rabindra shares with the very fast german so possible they might do an early stop you from writing on Coughlin behind with Patrick needa Hauser as his co-driver another quick driver deed so it can see who we get stopping we're here right the pit window is now open at you see all German lesson and the McClaren heads into the left/right flick up now Swartz turned 17 now that these needed cars are pitting Ricardo van den de moved past the pits one sport of the BMW well clear of everybody else this is the race they've been waiting for all season really but the pressures gonna be on you and makai to maintain that gap especially against his brother Dan who's gonna take over that McLaren in second spot thirds it's David greener so BMW / Clara and Astrid KTM howdy and Alec Udell pits early to give way to see Monica nap might david altman cubs it also to give way to have economies so the first of the stops are coming the car Nevada and uh I was done the fastest lap of the race there is a udell the America learning about new circuits and one Kannapolis bit around here many a time he will take over so it gets sobotka nap [Music] started off in like so many single seaters he was a Dutch foot forward racer before moving to gt4 we had a big block pan endurance in the early days a gt3 racer backed into G team four cars that he's really made a very good name for himself [Music] [Applause] they're turning through 18 David greaser right knock Koffler on the tail the cars now up to mr. Schumacher s once more so bunch middle si she asked able to maintain that gap see how much littler is on the outside line there so see where people have been running wide bringing the rubbish onto the circuit leading to a one pretty narrow line through the Schumacher s now [Music] to the inside line goes right up Koffler agrees an offensive off if they drop downhill absolutely together these two now for third before faces away goes sin mob nap can he stay ahead then of the number for Mercedes where that is given over to maps cobalt who drove with Simone at last year in the BMW they're going into the chicane right off poplar still hunting down David greener and now confident pits to give away the Patrick meter Hauser so he can't find a way through get out of the traffic do the driver change over the timing line goes water unless said david reason a now released in the sense that he doesn't have to defend and see whether he can break down that gap against the second placement carrot it can try knock off her that dropping down the order as he heads to pits and the car stops around Russia's pageant leader Hauser any clamors that very distinctive KTM front bodywork whole roof wintry whole section lips forward copper it's way too neither Howser so that car will drop down the field of touch and why the force everybody makes the hit stopped 92 seconds is the time [Music] just walked down the pit lane as well but poverty as there you see 26 battle track so that is the BMW now in the hands of who Bogaerts to take it over from our path the Army is there just ahead of David reason so in between second and third and that impedes Greece now rather going up toward the Schumacher s he's encountered it but he's only the wrong part of the road good burger will hopefully dive out of the way the answer massive lines have to have a girl inside up thwart now turned 11 and they'd be a breeze that does go through [Music] McLaren hanging all the second then third master party for Audi which is the car of Nikolai bull amounts in the outgoing silver Cup champion and who is the next of the leading group two kids there is number two then that's pedrad giving way to traffic and second stays out third stays out people that BMW was a lap down we need to be seeing in a sense is where the other black BM of civic can happen is but that again becomes over the laughter Demick until the arrival before mercedes has pitted in blue almost into the Armco as he presses off gabriela piada a pronoun leader in the race pitching for the championship but has he done enough to create out of his house really he needs for proposition to get between that car and the number to Sadie's with Lukey tres now serving its stock soapy Anna in it's the pronoun leader gives up the class lead to Nikolas sure love a Porsche she'll never come in as well about lamb let's just see 21 goats the sister garbage McMasters so nickel Michelle takes over the pro-am lead marios zoo here takes over the number one point one BMW meantime on track Ricardo van der ender is on that 15 as he comes down towards turn eight through the right-hander [Music] and now accelerates up towards the shoot my dress with the KTM behind okay come on having started in that car [Music] in the background back into the race number to Sadie's so that now beans that we eat rest is on tracklist cause the pro-am championship Enoch are interesting here though Vanda and a look through the corners been given a really hard time by the KTM so that car looked at Mount Celia does the second step is really pressing on silly house of course we made that pit stop way way down in 29th place but it's as we've seen from yesterday's race a very quick car through corners that in a straight line to snap the grunts - knee - turbo engine back through the corners demon quick and edits staying out for another lap maximizing baton behind-the-wheel bashment lucerne he's in and also in his David Rees now so second and third both down the pit lane here [Music] and they come [Music] stops cycle through succumbing energy see some leaving the pit lane including the Ginetta soul ascend and grease not come in with virtually nothing between them is Nikolai brother Madsen in yes is in the Phoenix round outing r8 GT before we've also got Nicholas Shirl 22 Porsche coming in there is Allah said arriving for Scotsman Dan Makai to take over his seat so be you keep for sure McLaren rapid driver change going through away blasts the max resolving Parliament early BMW pilot Paulo Melanie now four-wheel car suffered damage early on now he'd to the McLaren is Dan Makai the recently all DC member ready to see whether he can get ahead of his drummer maybe take a race win 18 he's now going to be driven by a hear of endurance I think over from David Riesman who did a really good first in what can rob Indra do now is fortunately their sidewalks await just job down by French driver affair Dutchman Ricardo van de and instill lead the race all those Klaxons in the background for Nicolae Balan Madson because he's got his own very noisy fan club here has he got out of the car fan club responding number 99 is under investigation for speeding in the pit lane 99 is the Dominic Albert driven KTN gonna threaten the leaders change for second place on the pit stops Acura Bindra gets ahead of down the kalila the aston comes out ahead of the McLaren now does that mean that it was a slow stop by the McLaren or a really good stop by the Aston Martin team it's a slow stop by the McLaren in comes the leader so 1 minute 37 for the McLaren 1 minutes 34 and a half before the Aston Martin advantage Astrid off the pit stops a slow pit stop by the pusher team and here's the leader in the caravan the end there's a give way to you and Makai the accuracy squad is experienced but can't afford to drop the ball here otherwise it's gonna cost a chunk of its lead you at Makai not as quick as Ricardo van to end up getting quicker all the time stands ready to take the car over so there is number 14 that's Dan Makai under a tackle from Patrick neither Howser so it's going to be you and Makai is the race leader ahead of actor Ravindra then down Makai then Patrick NIDA Howser provisionally as the top fourth and Nina has ridden that KTM he's looking mighty menacing at the moment as they come into turn eight remember he's a little bit further into the stint as well to have a slightly better grasp on what the car on the track feels like uphill they go way way back 20 or still is trapped into the pit laters come come on Sylar to give way to Pascal Backman the leading out this is their number 16 coffer neither houses KTM tries to take advantage of a bit of curb hopping from down Makai so neither house wall over the Macan it number 4 in so the silver cup championship leading car Yankee shield gives way to max cobalt let's see whether van car now is going to be able to score a championship or not pressure is all that's for certain well it's not a great qualifying and that's put the like team on the back foot here see Mont can app 7th overall at the moment and that's going to shuffle the game with more stop cycling through so the pit window is now closed everybody has been in there leaving is you in Makai but where is the opposition then where will the Aston Martin be there the top of the pin straight so it's still a big big gap that the BMW has over second third fourth where it is now Rabindra ahead of Makai ahead of need a housing ahead of crap through they term and does matter coupon we joined anywhere near this not yet still by given the release signal so Acura Bindra hanging on a second place he and David Riesman have run well together this year they could be on here for best result of the season damnit I in third and Nina Houser crawling all over the back of emphatic needed Houser who won at Brands goes through on the inside goes deep into turn three but recovers it that car the Brands Hatch winning KTM factory leader house a half ahead of down Makai goes into third and tries to sprint clean next target for leader Hauser will be a keel Rabindra however they are the part of the circuit where the brunt of the McLaren might just help against the smaller engine KTM need a house although those exactly how to defend defend he does they drop down hill now [Music] there are pit stops under investigation one of them is the number 18 Aston Martin another one is number 66 yesterday's winning car Omar Monty a wheel and another one that is being investigated his 61 of top would taking over from the coast a me top Warren former janessa junior front runner his early career looked after by Donington Park when crystal potato is in charge and supporting a local driver Tom would currently 21st but under investigation and getting a 1 second stop go penalty for being too short over pit stops Tom Wood gets a one second stop go penalty and there is the number 18 Aston Martin Avakian Rabindra but that is under investigation as well he's being given a one second that stop go penalty for being short on the pin stop a one second stop go for number eighteen and a two second stop go for from our multi Alex Latha so they started in the pitch the game back in the pits for a stop go yesterday's winners say the hard work done by the Aston Martin team the pro sport performance squad is about to be undone and of course significantly that's gonna promote C Mon can app but also promote max COBOL potentially with these penalties for people having to come into the pits of lose track position there Dan Makai quicker in a straight line more power in a straight line has a go at need a Hauser there both came again the place of course when that Aston fails for the pit lane [Music] for the arena they turn once again here [Music] I feel Rabindra running second but about to give up that place the leading gap is a mighty 11 and a half seconds you and McHale I head down getting on with the job pull away from the opposition and the Aston Martin getting stronger here in the hands of our vendor it's a real shame it's gonna have to take that penalty run out Monty he's coming in to serve his stop go yesterday's winning car will drop further back down the orbit submit snakes and ladders for that cart start last worker take a penalty drop down do it all day brigade down hill goes neither Hauser determined to find a way past rather than just rely on active ravindra's stop go penalty to give him second position down through turn eight they go and they climb for help once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] second third fourth as one up to alternate eleven and twelve a key Rabindra with this damn occlusion penalty still to be served need a Hauser then down Makai and in fifth not that far behind now is similar map [Music] a cam cimol can get close enough to gain all places in six seconds back for the McLaren which is still being held up a little bit by the KTM being held up behind the aston martin through the chicane comes Rabindra and it's not forfeiting easy you've got three passes of the line once the message goes on the screen it's going to be two of them so I can Rabindra running out of time to come and serve that stop go penalty otherwise the race director of the stewards are going to get very jumpy the ball to going out nevermind the fact that it's on the timing streets and the local officials hang the board's over the pit bull Acura Bindra brakes for turn ones damper kai comes back to the outside line approach we need a house up and he's tighter inside line should give the KTM the place he does need a Howser hangs on the third [Music] down through the arena goes neither Houser I can Rabindra hanging on to the place [Music] [Music] so just shy of 20 minutes of the race still to go the leading gap is up now to eleven point nine seconds because Rabindra here is that cork in the bottle preventing Patrick Peter Hauser from going after the race leader Makai falling back into the window fourth place he had that go didn't he coming over the line laugh time but he didn't work and he's lost a chunk of time against the KTM had Weber [Music] but he'll come the leaders there the second third fourth wagon with McLaren find that lost time behind simcha nap not really catching actually the BMW is fit I'm not ready closing and then in sick places Alex me stop scoring points ahead of back to cobalt so really you've got the championship silver cup leading drivers fifth and at six in terms of points [Music] that means that there's going to be ten for canapa dude out and eight for the Mercedes drivers for only two points between them anyway going into this so that's going to mean a tie on points then you go back to wins and a win that brands 40 she'll occur on to win it for Sarno now gudell have had three so there as a Kia Rabindra takes the stock go penalty on a tie-break on win the championship would go the way of canal and weed out if things stay as they are [Music] so now Patrick neither Howser goes over the timing line having to defend once again from Denmark I in the McLaren need to turn one now neither Howser if you'd like release from behind the Aston Martin 13 seconds behind the race leader and can he do anything about that this is the same Rose able to pull away the KTM as we know is good through the twiddly bit so the nimble two liter turbo engine car now he's able to pull away and the McLaren accelerates through hit third place but you see the gap is wide compared to what equals over the timing right so that second third neither Howser got to make out 13 seconds against the race leader not easy there in the background he's number 25 so that is similar map ignore the Aston Martin because although it's running sixth it doesn't score points and there is the Mercedes so in real terms six four points in the silver cup set to tie but lose on number of wins could not be closer could it in the silver cup or a way to end the year so now ideally cobalt needs something to happen to see mom come out even if meat gets head doesn't help it even if he gets ahead of meat doesn't help him because that card often score points [Music] up the hill climbs the Mercedes then where does a killer Bindra drop back into after his stop go penalty a long long way back is the answer so real shame for the Aston Martin T one second short that was all on the pit stop that's Boston dear so they're going through is the 2017 champion max Cobalt and that car accelerates and downhill birdie looks as though despite their best efforts they're going to come up short here at Google I'm part of that you've got to say without a qualifying a car mod towards midfield struggled to make progress in the first part of the race so the per Sadie's out of leash okay the leaders go through them with 20 laps completed now twelve point seven seconds is the margin [Music] turning their way they're down through the arena with you and Makai being caught a little by NIDA Hauser damper coffered simonk an ad for various meats of cobalt berry a soup seven heading pro-am but loosely truths is third it pro-am amass enough secured the championship yesterday we got through 28 laps of the race before one hour to go and there is another for Mercedes once more through the arena this car looking as though it's gonna just lose out tied on points are losing out on number of wins on the tiebreak as confirmation for points today will be scoring if things stay as they are [Music] system or cannot drop down he'll still be chased by the elect Mies Aston Martin tips to see the pace of Ligue 2 pro sports performance attitude relative to the Academy cars but that will have to go imports at the other one that could score points is eleventh now I hear upendra after the stock go penalties actually proving a lot worse but eleven is where the car is is it more cat running forth dropping away from the top three so you get the feeling out the aim here is just to bring it home score well and the job will be down 40 will be notified simple can happen the pace the progress of metal cobalt what the championship situation is as long as he stays there and qurban stays where he is they're good for the title a long way back though from the leader the margin is 20 seconds from a leading BMW you and McCoy has gone through has Aegina how that will come through shortly in second place as champion elect within the silver cap saman can happen havoc you dealt add it to the term 17 right-hander don't forget first visit to the Nurburgring for haven't you del racing Europe up until this season so learning about new circuits adapting well all the time lead gap twelve and a half seconds is coming down by tenths rather than by chunks of second so you and McCoy still with 13 and a half minutes on the clock and looking strong looking good for the win [Music] is one one one BMW of Mario sook [Music] zoomx Carter moving into cars this year with Gabriella in piano is a good quick co-driver and and driver coach which of course is the other important factor that the pros bring to all of this they had a really good season with in pro-am but with the tide had seemingly unless dramas before Lukie trends but been a good season nonetheless a car for the Bahrain vision STS team swooped through one of the best color schemes great very distinctive and downhill drops the program BMW them [Music] so it's going to be if things stay as they are the program championship - Markus Babbel Rue de Buci crafts from Valley assuming Ohio Indiana and doctor travel and yeah morena gonna have to finish to net third in the championship [Music] over the curb right Zook thanks for right now towards the returning level left-hander brake sets the car up houses it through writes the curve on the inside there is now another investigation going on and that is between the number one Audi and yet again the seven one eight Porsche to that circuit Freiburg house and he bound Jacopo now being looked at for an incident at turn 12 it's gonna be looked at after the race the final resultant fee GT for showdown will find all the champion websites are suspect because it could be that the stewards have got a long afternoon number two then the champions elects in Pro Am would be trapped a newspaper would come up now into the chicane for the twenty second type of asking hunting down will see a Kia rapid through there the Indian driver former MSV for before racer and right now saman canal the championship an example of nice on his tail so they asked him Martin trying to find a way ahead of the BMW but doesn't effect leads for championship because as I'm insanely Aston is not the voice for a car for two drivers in it late into the championship if you cap it within the last two events you don't score points so although there's going to be a place change sim on canal the only benefit to can have to keep him they asked him behind you so he doesn't they're not being caught by the Mercedes but it won't affect the championship if the Aston goes by save on canal will still inherit the points with you to the scoring take that Aston Martin out of the equation so even if he loses a place on the road he'll gain it back in terms of the points someone can have doubt from Ternate hanging on a position fill them over again there's a decision to be made do I fight do I get involved in a battle might go wrong or do I let him go and then Matt's cobalt might be able to catch the BMW so C Mon can act with ten minutes to go going through the thought process there is the number 17 Aston Martin which has got Pascale Backman and the wheel now bait with 22 points ahead of Aaron gray and Debbie DeLozier coming into this Pascal back map and Claremont Siler they should still be on target for the championship in the am count Clarence Tyler the young Swiss came into the sports after a spell on two wheels actually driver Pascal Backman running with him in that car soaked in the ABS the street art racing edrick Belgian team Pascal Batman is behind a wheel of it at the moment but there's a claim on Sylar his father apps while we well-connected motorsport figure for a time part of TW art squad on the marketing and promotional side in the Jackie O days better over the line as Pascal Backman now look behind simcha now he's under attack very definitely after attack from Alexander nice and matte cilia out has got himself up past mapped Kerbal so that for sixth place means it's very much advantage BMW because cobalt has the lost a place they use it in the background the KTM has gone ahead and that city how does score points so no longer do we have a tie in respective and what the Aston Martin is up to can I can afford to let him go so now that blue-and-white KTM in the background taking a place away from maps cobalt secures the championship for the BMW the KTM gets back past the BMW fair they're going to be on point once again aren't they here they come up towards turn five equal a point to meet you go to the tire you look at the number of wins BMW wins on the tiebreak through the number of wins so still the VF with the advantage but mad selling out here could pay quite an important part in this got past Cobalt and now he meets to try to bake our 3.3 seconds and get past in eight minutes so battle is joined there 24 goes through turn eight so similar drops to fifth in the race but actually comes back at me look as they head up the hill still gives him forth in terms of points which gives him 12 and they're in Sydney out going ahead of Pascale back when is back I've got a problem always just being very slow very careful letting them go he got a puncher that Aston Martin got a puncture in the background so the car that's not taught me to win the amp car from something getting a bit concerned about might have been just purely gentlemanly driving and getting out of the way but it was just something off corner of my eye that made me be concerned about that car let's have another look comes down the hill no just being a gentleman there's some rubber flies though still getting concerned about it three turns but Batman getting out of everybody's way and letting them go again chunks of rubber flail underneath that karabakh from others to keep an eye to this so pass got backward out of the UK he's going to carry on at any rate for another lap countless through seven minutes on the clock now so right now twelve points go the way of the BMW and it's gonna be eight points going to the number four Mercedes which gives a two-point win in the championship to the BMW however if the KTM there get through are going to end up tying or pointing your max number of wins so tense situation here all round what the Mercedes team now needs is the Madson you have to have a nibble of the BMW Alex delay it and things could change anyway because we've now got number one surgery Fryeburg house coming down the pit lane in the Audi that was a car behind this group anyway but it's going to shuffle the order for the second half of the field and change how the overall order looked before the very end but it's silly how it gets up with the BMW and attacks a delay you sim on can app could incur bolt strike it's not that far behind up he's struggling to make up those final few seconds sim on can out I suspect however is experienced enough not to fall foul of a battle we'll find out what hackers we've remaining minutes as the cars now swing through turn eight here six minutes are on the clock and the leader remains you at Macau see much of him in the last few lats but he's terrific very well here finally looking as though it's going to be a first win for it it's curable we should go [Music] and you can see the way the Celia was caught right up to the BMW so now C Mon can app has to make this decision does he defend for another five and a half minutes eight go be easy or does he let the KTM go and relies on the tiebreak right now he and Alec Adele are champions by two points which is a handy cushion to have up a curb climbed mad silly hug accountants now through that right hand from turn 17 [Music] over the timing line goes the B n goes the KTM the BM should have the advantage now in a straight line as they go down all to turn one we're on lap 26 three laps to go or grokken as they head into the braking zone that's quite a lot to ask we've can app to defend if the KTM is much the quicker through the corner they tur [Music] I'm bout silly now goes for the inside line simple can app gives him room effectively let him go there's no boys picking the fine with that car so simple can add hands on to the championship yes silly hog has got ahead of him max qurban he's closing and this could be the last battle then in the last four and a half minutes can that Mercedes get up on the back of the black BMW through turn five they come so yet again we have the tiebreak situation in the silver cup got the title points but the BMW team will win on wins on the tiebreaker on the count back flash of the lights are masker bolt trying to unsettle simonk canal through the right-hander of turn eight so four more minutes to go you and makai leads the way leads the way comfortably as well [Music] there he is up the hill and you and McCoy looking strong looking good for the victory here as he comes into the chicane once a gate so you've got time for two more laps since the surface comes now into turn 70 but Ginetta is behind which is lamp of course a lot way down in 27th place through goes you and McCoy it's second spot will be pashmina Hauser but he's a long way back and in third it's gonna be dan McCoy in the McLaren team leader Hauser break to be eventually see the gap in left point for second top coming down at all for the win Denmark I third fourth then Alex nice fifth it's there at silly hug [Music] turns throughout of Simkin app and then max per volt over the timing line they go you and Makai still clear in the race lead eleven point four seconds to the good match cobalt breaks turns into a turn one right-hander [Music] so the Mercedes hustles off [Music] and Sevilla hanging up to fifth on the road [Music] [Music] so downhill heads that the BMW in the hands of Simone can app berries matte cobalt still chasing on behind doing his level best to get home two terms the girls that sprint up the hill [Music] fourth down hired Patrick Peter Hauser running second you have become a comfortable race leader that's curveball still chasing there is the number eight BMW new and makai news on his last that bet less than a lap time left in the race car number eight on target for the victory there lower down is the slightly easier class to resolve pro-am the drafts is on target to score the honours [Music] that is Mercedes that comes through [Music] become I'm looking for the first web turns through turn eight you and Makai and Accardo van defender of targets for an overdue race victory you have Makai tomb CLE from flats the cars part of the the Odyssey Rising Stars program looking after young British talents he's worked so so hard for this [Music] there you got the VFW all targets for honesty comes up towards turn 12 [Music] [Music] checkered flag at the ready and the final round of the GT for European series is gonna be won by the echo his team on the BMW here in the m4 in the hands of ricardo van de anda and human makai taking a first victory of the season they've worked so so hard for that but it has finally come and it's a win for the BMW the championship though it is going to be similar connect and Alec gudell who will come through the BMW there it is going to be a tie-break on wins it is going to be three to four the BMW civil cannot add it you Dale wins the silver cup in the championship on the line virtually from Matt Kumaon and yang Kissel delight from the BMW team the lights flash the celebrations begin and there in the background Gabriella P Anna Anna Mario some zoogs BMW comes home to win throw em in the race that this car will win pro-am in the championship rookie trends Markus pave a road up towards the checkered flag and others for the Mercedes as it comes across the timing mine the Viper and better sport car wins the pro-am championship and Pascal Batman and Clermont sila win the amp championship as the Aston Martin crosses the line as well [Music] still they pour over the line and lower down there are one or two cars with penalties potentially with interpreters being looked at pose race but it's not going to affect the leading seven across the lines if you as I say take out the number 19 as doesn't score points it ends up with this car and the number for Mercedes tied on points and with more winsome on canal and Alec you del take the 2019 GT for European series crown it could not have been closer couldn't been more tense could it either towards the end of the race an excellent season for Alec you doubt in particular bearing in mind that he's new to the circuits so as the field heads now down through the turn five sequence down the hill be much to discuss I'm sure post race and the drivers get into the park Fairlight area shame as well that we lost a fraud by leading group the ocular bent row David greener asked a mouse in the Austria driver Jamie Gries nothing said he was a German during the race apologies the Austrian driver we've done a really good first in the robe in preserving that stop go penalty about the former ski jumper and cross-country skier david reason that they one of the standouts in the band's first stint Cemil can invent new champion [Music] it's the MTA Motorsport team well be very very pleased eat championship title but it's community to see what have you dealt ask Lex is he there to stay in European racing is he gonna stay GT for boots gt3 where's he go next has been a very very good season for him down the pit read become a delighted ricardo van de anda goes to join you and Makai finally they've had the wind they've been working for all season so out gets here for kite Ricardo Van tender celebrates the course he's also a was Cetina what should winner because he is watching his pole position as all the class pole position drivers to get and that's here and from our winning drivers because Ricardo van to ender and you at Makai are with Dakota guys congratulations after yesterday I bet you cannot believe that you're finally here on p1 yeah finally like in 2017 we got two victories in this car here at the Nurburgring last year was a first and a second in the McLaren so to do a first and a second this here this weekend again in the acre say a BMW I'm really delighted you guys had a fantastic good stuff as well yeah I think we're a second in the pits up challenge so we weren't really aiming for that but it was okay but yesterday in qualifying I only did one lap which was good so I had a peek in the tire for the first couple of laps so we just gone if it's okay I want to dedicate this win to the Akers Motorsport team because we've been suffering a little this year and to all the people who work in the acreage BMW dealership because they've been working their asses off and I want to say hi to my daughters bye bye that's Gracie we're gonna have a word with you and you want to come over and say I can say congratulations to you finally you come out the better brother almost I think they just be as in the championship a couple of points two points very close in the end but to finish with it when is great handed shores she'll so much effort the Acuras boys are put in they've been working so hard every weekend since you know we didn't even start that first race at Monza haja Shores where we could have been in the championship with this car is so good so quick and we show that today I think you finished a twelve point five seconds different so total domination well done going on a great race for that BMW team a great race for another the MDM motorsport squad taking the championship with simonk an app and Alec you dealt and second place in the race behind this BMW combination Patrick meter Hauser and also right heart Coughlin having another good run and the like that drivers Luca traps and Marcus pavatt they are the pro-am winners but in the Mercedes silver cup almost at you dad let's see what can happen the ABS well done Clermont sila and Pascal battling oddly last in the race but still taking a championship title um acai taking honors is the seed in Parc fermé eight the top three overall and in the classes and as well so Marcus pav rod and Luke eat rafts our new program champions with Decatur a massive well done winners a program how does it feel to be standing down here yeah if it's really great and marketed a really good shop at the start and I'm really happy that we went the championship so yeah it was so nice the whole season was perfect so yeah thanks to my teammate and to my team life at motorsport and Marcus oh yeah he did a great job and yeah I'm really happy Marcus is this great teamwork this year and obviously the results shows yeah for sure you see the cars been working perfectly all season I think we're one of the only cars who's been finishing 100% of the races and that as you see works out in the end now we championship winners and yeah I can't stop smiling congratulations guys go get your trophy so in a good season for the two of them again the interest is where do they go next is it going to be another season within GT for let's just confirm the results that of the race first of all the Cardo van to end at you and Michaela the winners from Reinhardt Koffler and Patrick neither house at third dan McCoy and four twin Lucerne ahead of Mike David Altman and Alexander nice in fifth place we have mad silly hog and I can Jamaa ahead of simul can have another Hugh daily enough to give him the championship on the tiebreak from the yankee Sheila max cobalt with Mario sook and Gabriela piano winning pro-am from Yankovic and Nicolas shell and after a stop go penalty David reasoner and Aki Ravindra taking 10th place lower down the order and have the second hole of the field good drop I finly Hutchinson am at County we didn't see terribly match of the but good fight up through the field there from the back of the grid for me Hutchison not have you even qualified the car being parachuted in after it was Wilmore who decided to stand down not race this weekend [Music] and Dominic overt and steep Patrick we lost as well sadly and Emeric have been going strongly but that car we lost in the final third of the race [Music] so the drivers very shortly will be heading up towards the podium a great season of GT for European series racing for two more of the same next year and Canadian to see what is the car to have what will be the best driver combination for this year on the tiebreak with more wind similar map and Alec Adela head of Yankee Sheila Matz cobalt Dan Micaiah more terminal SN v you and Makai seventh for header with Ricardo van to end ahead of Reinhardt Coughlin and Patrick neither Houser with the outgoing champion Nikolai mother Madsen with Cedric Freiburg house next and even though they needed a part season good results of Alex Lambert's or amar Monte makes one wonder what could have been achieved have they done the whole season so that is how we end the season within the silver cup [Music] and as far as the pro-am situation is concerned a confirmation that Marcus poverty and bigoted refs take the title ahead of Marius Zhuge and gabrielle8 piano they were always going to be the outsiders but they got to within eight points which is pretty good going got to say and Marius Zhuge in his first year of car racing doing a very impressive job in deed so let's see what develops next year with Dominic trauma and yang arraigning taking third ahead of yang catabolic and Nicolas to show and Arthur take Gregoire the bustier race winners this year within the class button sir absent here this weekend [Music] Seiler and Pascoe Backman the victors within the am Cup this year 20 points to the good of Debbie OJ and to Eric Bowie who again were cast winners within races you have an aroma John but bets also stood on the top step of the podium this year they completed the season third ahead of the absent from this weekend Missa proms and Gary Judy let's have a look at some of the best bits then of the final round of the championship with that pit lane start for Alex Lambert's and it was Ricardo van de anda getting the advantage as they dived down towards the first corner early in the race Mark Van der are trying to defend from the number four Yankees your Mercedes but eventually the door was prized open as in to the pit lane came the Mercedes the drivers pit stop cycle through and blasting back into the race getting ahead on the stops Accio Rabindra into second position but he was too short on the pit stop cotton stop go penalty and that meant that the number 18 asked him dropped down the field giving second place to Patrick neither Howser and Reinhart Koffler there was no stopping the a Chris BMW though that was on target for its maiden win of the season you and McCoy and Ricardo back to end of the race winners but the silver cup champions being similar map and habit you del off the road was the geum mantra and Lauren Jasper's OD as through to the checkered flag came BMW number eight a good win for you in Macau and Ricardo van den de and this sums up the silver cup together on the road tied on points more wins though giving the title to Simon can app and Alec you down at the end of a great season of GT for European series racing so they're 4/3 per second you have the drivers off the podium bunch middle assailant damper chi now up step right hardcore and Patrick neither Howser rate winners ricardo van de anda and you and McCoy [Music] congratulations Ricardo Van de anda and beaut McKay winners of the final race within the GT for European series so now the trophies brought forward that top three that you see is also called the top three in the silver cup for second place race winners this year I don't need a house that Reinhardt Koffler receive the trophies at the other end of the podium water in the Sun and damper car having race winners now a race winner is you and makai along with Ricardo van de anda everyone together for photographs then they will spray the champagne no doubt [Music] champagne is ready race winners at the Nurburgring Ricardo van de anda and you and McCoy Dan gets an eyeful of champagne and still struggling to get the cork out of the bottle here you'll get there eventually yes take that urine he says it'll be a very very proud down port makai I'm sure watching that Paul himself a former racer before a huge huge accident at spar in Carrera Cup GP and he's still recovering but listen he was he's here as ever walking around the paddock very proud of his two sons that would both of them on the podium it would be quite a day so well done you and McCoy and Ricardo van to end up race winners there the Norwegian flags but Marcus poverty and Ricky drafts third in the pro-am race but champions Ricky Travis the German driver the Norwegian his market average gets a good reception as he steps forward them on to the podium third in pro-am in the race second number 22 yank as Pollock and Nicolas shurl in the very smart and Porsche Cayman run by the Allied racing team Nicolas shell came to prominence really here a year ago in the Central European Championship and then the race winners vanquished in the championship Gabriella P Anna and Mario Sood [Music] well Don Mario sued Gabriella Piana a great season they have had missing out just bow on that championship in terms of race wins they look strong all season as they're the trophies going to mark as favorite and Toluca traps 30 the race winners in the championship for second place they're the trophies - yeah Cass Pollock - the race winners of the chapter runners-up mario sugan Gabrielli piano [Applause] everybody now marshal forward to the top step of the podium to the celebrations can get underway [Music] [Music] so they're a very happy Lukey drafts and Marcus pivara first season of driving together has worked very effectively indeed as partnership drivers making their way now from the podium and that leaves us with just the am drivers to protect themselves and they are the champions another bunch of them as well Pascal Bachmann and Clements either they stride with third going the way of treating the Devaney a dougie demo for seconds it is Bob Haber have a sandwich you have a Nellie the winners and you have a Durham and now the trophy is presented to modulus of 88 and we've seen racing here blocked by cheating sports car as well as in the punch up the bell car for example and now coming into gt4 along with w demo there the second-place drivers le the winners drum overheads yah Havana [Music] so there's a national anthem fades the drivers now have champagne at their disposal congratulations to Havana room and Jean look bets the winners of the final GT for European series race of the weekend who gets for soaking at the other end of the podium championship officials scatter and it's the team yes the cops are the worst of it so everybody gets a good soaking and a great season of GT for European Series action champions crowned we look forward to more of the same next year from the Nurburgring at David Anderson for now goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 70,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack
Id: Kgw2x2Rhmzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 19sec (5719 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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