Race 1 - 2023 Porsche Carrera Cup North America At Sebring International Raceway

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radio [Music] good morning everybody and welcome along to the first races of a brand new season of the Porsche Deluxe carrerico North America it's John heintorff and Jeremy Shaw in our Glory Global broadcast Center and we've got live pictures on the world fee TV no need for a subscription it's always all free at imsa dots TV and at the live video tab at imsa radio.com we're right in the center of Florida at the historic Sebring International Raceway home of endurance racing and indeed Grand Prix racing in the USA 17 Corners just over three miles around and if these concrete blocks could talk my goodness me a very very moving rededication ceremony of Hendrix fail built named after a Floridian aviator who was tragically killed in the UK having just arrived to train b17c RAF Pilots at Paul Brook Airfield in World War II Lieutenant Hendricks gave his life and it is for him that this place is named and that rededication ceremony near the flagpole last night was absolutely superb and thank you to everyone who turned up for that every race of this video whether you're here in the US or further afield big crowd on hand for the 71st annual mobile one 12 hours of Sebring and this is what kicks off this tumultuous Thursday of non-stop action of over 12 hours let's give you the rundown of the starting grids alongside me John hind off here's Jeremy Shaw [Music] opening 40 cars for the opening round of the Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup North America for this season starting in the 40th position for Goldcrest Motorsports Economist 72 is Philip Marshall alongside him Christian Cole for McCann racing calendar 27 row 19 is Tom valarmus number 19 Grady Willingham in calendar 21 her 18 James McCann or Jimmy McCann Jr to give him his is the name of Robert by which he's better known kind of 83 alongside him another newcomer for a teammate for McCann racing is kind of a 63 that's Michael Merritt another newcomer on the inside on the outside row 17 Jake Peterson for Reardon racing car number 85 alongside Jeff my shack for gold Christmas Sports income number 29 row 16 Bob Mueller for gold Crest in caliber 28 alongside Connor Flynn and Carnival 95 for Irish Mike's racing two MD key Motorsports teammates on row 15 in the AM class is Mark kuami in Canada 43 93 row 14 Matt Holcomb for Goldcrest Motorsports economy 55 alongside John Getz the right Motorsports Econo 57 row 13 Chris bellomo for MDK Motorsports Garner 68 alongside the veteran Jeff mosing in karma 56 for top racing row 12 is the am pole sitter really good run yesterday in qualifying for kind of a 10 for MDK Motorsports has Scott Noble making his debut in the Carrera cup North America alongside him is last year's uh Pro-Am Champion carbon 99 for Kelly Moss that's Alan metney row 11 is two more Pro-Am contendersky for accelerating performance in Canada 44 alongside the Canadian Marco turoni in camera 82 driving this year for ACI Motorsports uh two pro contenders in row 10 Travis Wiley number 77 for top racing alongside Sabra cook making her debut for Kelly Moore singer number 37 Grant turkey for ACI Motorsport in carnival 81 and Thomas overall the Trans Am 2 Championship from last year you come a 47 for Nola sport make up row nine ahead of him on them on the grid is the Pro Am pole sitter Efrin Castro income number 65 for Kelly Moss top 15 they're all pro contenders they've got three classes of of driver in this race but everybody running the new 992 body shape Porsche come to 78 for top racing is Ryan Yardley from New Zealand in 15th position row 7 Elias De la Torre from Key Largo Florida in kind of a four for jdx racing Dan Clark in cumber 64 for Nola sport rice Nichols and then row six is Thomas never for for McElroy racing car number 24 and Michael McCarthy and car number seven for Kelly Moss Michael McCann will start in 10th position in car number eight for McCann racing alongside Sean varwig for Kelly mostly car number two row four from the UK Alex Cedric in kind of in 98 for jdx racing and Jimmy Libre from the Dominican Republic in card number 74 for LDK Motorsports TJ Fisher an excellent run to qualify six in caliber 58 for the brand new team 762 Motorsports alongside the right Motorsport Center calendar 13 is very and choxy Row 2 on the grid from Australia for McElroy racing newcomer to the series this season but very successful down under Columbus 17 is Tom sergeant and from the UK and calendar nine the jdx racing is Will Martin the front row the grid MD cable is what's Jason Hartley car number 20 and the pole position is car number 53 for Kelly Moss that's Riley Dickinson thank you the start of a brand new imsa Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup season that will see two Formula One support races we end in the 16 races but for now it's the historic tarmac and concrete of Sebring International Raceway all live and free across the world and the US and a great start for Riley Dickinson who's converted Pole Position immediately through turns three and four what a brilliant Sight and Sound to have these 40 flat six four liter normally aspirated Porsche engines if you track side this is your alarm call and what a way to get walking up on a Thursday brilliant start from Riley Dickinson he's qualifying session was not just quick but perfectly strategized as well yesterday Jeremy he absolutely is putting down a Martin not just for this weekend but for the whole season said using his experience to full effect to he along with uh with uh Efren Castro and John Getz the only three drivers who competed in all's 32 Carrera captain races North America since its Inception at the beginning of 21. Riley Dickinson he's got a lot of experience therefore he's finishing the top four in a championship both years he's been on the podium here at Sebring before and he is now out in the lead driving absolutely beautifully and on the crest of a wave in terms of his confidence John three different classes here the cars are identical it all goes on age and the youngest drivers are all pro the mids section if you will are the Pro-Am and the older drivers are the arm you've got no choice if you're young to be in Pro but there is some wiggle room between the arms and the prams some of the older gentlemen are actually racing in the Pro-Am category Jeremy yeah including Scott Noble had a great run-in yesterday to start on the front row of the grading car number 24 MDK Motorsports he's 47 years of age you combine the age of the top three isn't much more than his age which is pretty remarkable Jason he's a long time Pro and he's he wants to run with the top boys he's not interested in just going for class on us he wants to win and hats off to him it's wonderful he's got this opportunity he's driving alongside Scott Noble who is the am pole sitter in this race those who won a championship last year together this year they're both driving separately before this for a this new team for them MDK Motorsports down the inside the bright green and yellow number 64 car making up the position for Speedy Dan Clark yes former champ car driver Dan Clark did these tours in the water in the Carrera cup challenge it's uh at Indianapolis on the road course last year at these Porsche sports car together Festival liked it so much he went away and started thinking about coming back to Pro Racing he's been doing what he described as hobby Racing for the past few years Jeremy he's lost none of his skill or indeed his passion or hunger for the sport nobody I spoke to him last night he's learned that now call him dad Dan not speedy dad that was in the past to speed you down bit when he was all Reckless and just going for it all the time now he's a lot more sense we've got a five-month-old daughter uh and uh he's loving life and particularly this opportunity to come back to top level racing oh Bad Day when party cars are doing different lap times and there's an errant wheel and Michelin tire from the number 63 it's the right front that's gone missing now this may bring out our Deluxe safety car onto the circuit that was that Michael Merritt it is I can see that the center lug nut was missing down at turn seven as he accelerates away on the old part of the circuit that used to go all the way to the fence before it was closed down now the wheel was making its bid for Freedom under the inside has it come back under the track well it has now the question is can we get to that without having to neutralize the whole track you'd see it wasn't online but that's a heavy piece of car as through goes Riley Dickinson two or four one we were down in the two or twos yesterday in qualifying second place for will Martin in the number nine jdx racing mcelray racing top sergeant Australian team run by in New Zealander with an Australian driver and they're making a splash Tom Sergeant was quickest in a couple of the test sessions here last week Jason Hart having a fantastic run for MDK Motorsports these past couple of days in the number 20 and third 762 Motorsports TJ Fisher in fifth position logo yellows dealing with that at the moment and I think that's all right from looking at the lines of the cars going through turn number seven in Prime Efren Castro is in a 14th position he's made up some positions for me starting grid moiseretsky down in 21st in seconds so a lot of pro cars between the Kelly Moss number 65 and leading program and the second place 44 as into the pits comes to murrett Porsche it are by the way Scott Noble who put in a brilliant qualifying yesterday for MDK mortler Sports is leading in 24 plays ahead of Mark twame his team leader in order effectively yeah and in third John Getz who's having a good week as well for right Motorsports yeah so karami got past gets on that opening lap and I spoke to Mike Mark last night he would be quickest of the AMS in practice but in qualifying he just didn't get a clear lap in the uh he's on three really good laps each time he found slower traffic in turn 17 so he didn't get lap together Woulda Coulda Shoulda didn't but he's already made up one position in this race now out of line at the back at the start and create you have to stay in line and the green number 20. that's Jason Hart [Music] looks like he might be getting a penalty for that check that 28 28 not the 20 and misread the timing screen my fault so that's Bob Mueller for Goldcrest Motorsport he lined up on the wrong side of the grid and that's going to get him a penalty yeah and for this season there's a new uh penalty that is on the on the docket for for the race director which is at Randy buckets the race director for the uh Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup North America and generally speaking the directory in the past has had kind of one option it's it's no no action or a drive-through penalty now the race direct has the option of a 10 second penalty which will be added to the race time at the end of the race so if that is under investigation we should get a notification soon as to whether or not there has been a call on that and what the penalty might be please so we have had an incident down at turn seven and that should not have happened because there are yellow flags down there and debris Flags actually and that was a big clunk on the back of the from the 88 to the 93 and that is going to get a penalty I would think that was just clumsy driving right at the air max they're both going to pull away but there's damage on radnovskis rosinski's uh 93 car the blue and black car and he's gonna be a bit aggrieved I think at the incident there that'll be looked at I'm sure now maybe that's going to be one of those 10 second penalties that Jeremy was just talking about it's the 85 who made the contacts race control [Applause] yeah Jake Peterson who's a uh he's a budding musician is Jake he's from he's 22 years of Agents from urum Utah done very little racing uh prior to this weekend he attends the the Berkeley College of Music in Boston Massachusetts and he wants to put together bands and be a musician himself and really ambitious young man but uh he's he's in in here at the deep end don't be the club racing but not much more than that and he's finally at the hard way how difficult the sport could be he also by the way he says I love dogs it's like one of those teen magazine surveys isn't it from back in the 70s and 80s dogs of cats boxes are Braves Riley Dickinson out in front by 1.1 seconds from GDX Racing's will Martin in second mcelray racing in third Another Second and a half back so the front of the field just stretching out a little bit with half an hour still to go 40 minutes these races this weekend not as the different colors on the timing screen as well Pro is the orange colors am is the yellow number surrounds and green is the pro arm number surrounds on the timing screen so that you can identify them also big numbers on the windscreen I naught this that is one thing sure how the Trackside Marshals feel about that numbers front and rear are very very prominent indeed lap scores too well yes tend not to see the fronts of the cars or the backs of the cars you're looking at the side I thought somebody had left one off the other day and then I realized nobody had one on through goes Riley Dickinson it's another fastest lap two minutes three point zero nine two drive through for no excuse me that's the 63 coming back out again so that's Michael Merritt after that elusive front right wheel and tire went a walk about meantime Mark Farm he's carving his way through to Scott Noble now just has Jeff Mosey between them that's the number 10 and number 56 the number 43 sitting in 24th 25th and 26th position the last two laps of the race Rider Dickinson extended his lead just a little bit over will Martin it's not still not quite a second but each of the last two laps Ryan Dickerson has gone incrementally faster Michael McCann under pressure from Alex Sedgwick as the two red white and black cars come down to turn 10 to right-handed through the S's number eight is Michael McCann for McCann racing in the similar colors jdx racing Alex Sedgwick over from the UK Cedric right there with him now as they go through Tower turn and he's pulling Thomas never from mcelray racing the number 24 along with him another driver from north of the Border Cedric another one of the drivers who came across to the sports car togetherfest uh last year at Indianapolis and he's uh running with that that team but also um putting together their own efforts and uh Alex had a long chat with him on Thursday on that Tuesday excuse me forgot what date was that and he's really excited about this Championship season yeah but yeah the funny thing is at least 24 years of age but he was pretty much retired he thought as a roadside when he came over here last season and he he put together he put together that that scholarship partnership there along with PT Auto Sport and uh that's this he's more interested well at least was more interested in developing helping develop Young Drivers but now of course he's got this opportunity and he's going around the outside to turn more on that is not an easy maneuver he's got side by side with the number eight of Michael McCann and a big big grassy moment for Thomas Merrell for Nola sport behind that battle which is now the three-car battle for 11th 12th and 13th I think Cedric has completed that he has as they come under the Corvette Bridge through the sweeping turn six down Awards turn seven didn't even feel the need to defend at turn number seven in fact he was trying to make another maneuver because they've caught up now with Sean varwick in the Kelly Moss number two the sort of camouflage Urban Camouflage car big throw down the inside from centering at 10 doesn't get there and does manage to haul the car up on the ABS which these cars do have unlike many Carrera cup around the world the option box for this Championship has been ticked through resting behind that is the Porsche Motorsport North America's belief is that drivers who come out of Porsche Deluxe because they're Eric up and a career path will be stepping into GT4 or GT3 Machinery which has racing ABS on it into the pit Lane there Jeremy it's kind of 85 Jake Peterson for that to incident responsibility uh following an incident that turns seven with the Stefan rosinski so uh Jacob serving his drive-through penalty let's drop him farther to the back of the field cool looking car there he's got two cars actually under that awning and they both have tribute liveries one of them to to Jimi Hendrix and the other to Jimmy Page uh which is interesting obviously a guitar coming down to five minutes away from the half five minutes away from a half five minutes away from the half five minutes away from it's Porsche Carrera cup for 2023 round one of 16 for the Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup North America of season and good to have you come to eat whether you're here Trackside or tuning in around the world on imsa rejoins the TV on the new Porsche Carrera cup North America website now big big bumps and turn 17. as ever and we'll be seeing a lot of cars where their Michelin tires are scrabbling for grip through turn 17 huge bump on the Air Max there the drivers swear that it moves a little bit every session never mind every time they come back here I'm not sure that's quite the case but what a personality what an atmosphere what history at this circuit venue for the first United States Grand Prix in 1959 [Music] Stars itself of the home of U.S endurance racing as well great history down through the uh so Jack brabham pushing his car across the line to win a championship right in front of our Global broadcast Booth here steeped in history that's where now working the seventh lap check that the eighth lap seven laps complete it and Riley Dickinson has established a two and a half second lead at the front of the field and he's managing that at the moment very close to his best lap again last time around we saw in qualifying even in just seven eight or nine laps Jeremy how consistent Riley can be at full Pace he's clearly managing things at the moment and he's at the moment it's like it's metronomic yeah it is the last four laps uh we're within one tenth of a second this one yeah fraction over a tenth of a second so it's five laps uh between uh two minutes three point zero eight and two minutes three point two one so just over a tenth of it's like a really nice consistency there from Ryan Dickinson all of a sudden now that Gap over the second place car of will Martin it's stretching out uh by uh half a second on each of the last two laps uh Tom Sergeant they're running in third position then from Australia in Columbus 17 for McElroy racing he's maintaining Pace actually a little bit quicker than it will Martin on that last lap and Jason Hart the veteran learning a nice job there in the fourth position as well in card number 20 for MDK Motorsports and TJ Fisher in that 782 Motorsports Porsche in car number uh 58 that's a great story uh that number 58 car David Smith is the the one of the team principles there at that team and I asked him yet last night yeah what what's the reasoning behind the name later well we bought a Porsche last season uh and uh the the last three numbers of the VIN uh on that were 782 and he said well yeah rather than messing around with sort of convoluted names for a team let's just go with that brilliant love it I've had a lot of stories about team names over the over the over the years but that's the first I like that I like that one a lot doing a nice job too for that team's debut at this at this level running in fifth position is TJ Fisher's got Jimmy Libre who's very highly rated from the Dominican Republic right behind him because number 74. I'm not sure how many series can boast uh two drivers from the Dominican Republic but we have it here of Porsche Deluxe killer Harry Cook for 20 23. I mentioned the calendar eight venues two rounds at each venue two here at Sebring and still the absolute stock in trade and this actioning body for Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup for 2023 but Porsche Motorsports North America spreading their wings on the imsa and Indy car schedule at Long Beach again we're taking in the NASCAR Infinity weekend at Road America as well as Miami F1 Grand Prix and also the Formula One world championship event at that in fact will be the season finale for the 2023 season and also in Porsche terms with 75 years of Porsche and the 60th birthday of the 9 11. it seems absolutely perfect sense for this Championship to be going to Ren sport at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca for two rounds as well so a varied calendar in terms of what we'll be sharing with Porsche Carrera cup North America this year spoken to the teams and the prospect of being on two Formula One supports lightly One Porsche super cup does of course over in Europe I know that selected F1 events so absolutely historically correct so this cracking battle going on now yeah coming out of tower turn and for fifth position yeah fifth on down that's anything goes awry here and there could be big changes of position but TJ Fisher under pressure from Jimmy Lee but then Michael McCarthy is the number seven car that is the white car with the green over the top of it and the sort of bright purple around the front splitter that's the teammate car to the leader Riley Dickinson then Daddy Dan Clark as if you told us we've got it let's call him now that's not going to stick that one sorry then for a chess keeper right Morten Sports in the 13 the top 10 meet up with another Kelly Moss racing car so three Kelly Moss cars in the top ten two mdks [Music] Sean farwick then just holding on to that 10th position yeah and so they've just completed 10 laps on the ninth lap Riley they can sell a new fastest lap at the race and the two minutes uh 3.031 that's just well and that's whisker outside the lap record that was set a couple of years ago by uh by said prio on his way to the championship that first season of the career cup North America but yesterday qualifying we saw the lap records decimated but this Super Battle going I'm here for for fifth sixth seventh and eighth there and you talked about how quickly things can change well Sean Val we're getting count number 13. he was running in Sixth and then one one slight slip but when uh Michael McCarthy was able to find a way past him like costume three positions so he's down down in tenth but very much in that mix still big down the inside maneuver and a sideways slide it turn ten in that battle we were watching a little bit earlier on and Jimmy Lee Britton side by side with teacher and he goes through that was very nicely it wasn't easy and TJ didn't give it up he continued to fight that's great racing really respectful aggressive move from Jimmy yes it was defended by TJ certainly but no paint was rubbed there even with the cars sliding around and the green and white car of Dan Clark sitting in behind green white and yellow it looks like he's had the highlighter pens out on that one even on the wheels as well I do like colored Wheels to match your your Livery yeah yes absolutely he was the one who started that and Dan defending to the inside to turn 17. from Sean varwick Sean got alongside but couldn't go the long way around right out to the blue and white banded tires at the exit to turn 17 across the line quicker than I could read them off just to head there is a lapped runner so that is going to be danger time for this group as they come up to the 85 of Jake Patterson remember he's been in and out the pits that incident at turns seven that we talked about earlier on [Applause] that had Travis Wiley and Sabra cook will be investigated after the race they're still running in 17th and 18th in the Pro category celebrity inaugural recipient of the scholarship from Kelly Moss for female racing drivers there are initiatives from Porsche as well as another spinner and that's the white PW machine for Martin in that number 72 car he has gone around hopefully he endures where reverse is [Music] destroyed yesterday for Philip Martin in the gold Crest cart and there I see one of the things that I always do when I jump into a race car is remind myself where reverse is because you never know when you're going to need it and one of the first times I drove a car I didn't know where it was and I ended up facing in the wrong direction not by my own hand I should say it was coming out to turn 16. lost the back end of that he lost the battle with the laws of physics there now coming down the Almond straight the back straight again bit of drafting going on here well and that's the lap car just ahead of them another lap car yeah I think here they come down into turn 17 for the moment that Hazard flashes were on on that lap car from uh Zach Thompson through they come Jake Peterson uh Jake Peterson all right they didn't get him earlier on in the in the lap okay there's five tremendous battling going on there and also by the way it's game on for second place because Tom Sargent is slipping back at a rapid rate at knots now from Riley Dickinson has he has he used too much of his mission in Tarzan in this race because Tom Sergeant now he's got his mirrors full of will Martin and Jason Hart and Matt Hawkins had a spin in the mystery machine colored car and again that looks to me like The Far Side of the track coming onto the back straight right next to the WBC PT looked like he just clipped the wall with the back end of the number seven gold Crest Motorsport machine now did he jump I was he pushed on the bumps turns in and he's 16. now he's just lost it again it just lead it on the michelins too hard oh it was a far more substantial contact than I thought and actually although it was the rear end the front splitter has come off the little rubber part underneath the nose and that's going to cause him problems and there was a bit of bumping and boring coming out of 17 as well ah delatorre off as well and that's at the turn seven hair pin newspaper has he had a bit of a oh who was leading Pro Am the Pro-Am class by a couple of seconds over moizeretsky in the car that you cannot miss that's the pink car who is uh who I think is that Castro who's just behind him now well it could be a letter Toro dive down the inside he was never gonna get that stopped there was a contractor in the field yeah he's uh hopefully has a damage to the car that he ran alongside up the inside the Right leader yes correct Efren Castro what a season for effort last year so change for second place now Australia now we're ahead of will Martin and Jason Hart is right with uh with that little little battle as well but in the meantime Ryan Dickinson is checking out at the front of the field is now six and a half seconds clear in the leading caliber 53 that uh Kelly Moscow with the Children's Hospital of Alabama and Portia of Austin on the colors of that car Jimmy Libra still holding on to fifth position Dan Clark now right in behind him then TJ Fisher he had fifth He Slipped down to seventh this is the battle coming down towards the mobile one crossover Bridge Dan Clark goes to the outside at turn seven he'll do the cut back here the old over and under try and get the throttle on early see squares the corner off through eight and nine they are flat he'll try to cut the inside at turn 10 behind the side-by-side action again the Sean varwig as Alex Sedgwick coming through the man from southam in Warwickshire trying to get down the inside and makes it that's clean as you like nicely done from Alex in the jdx racing he's inside the top ten now meantime Dan Clark weaves right weaves left coming to Tower turn trying to get a little bit of crossover to to move up into that fifth position big gap between Jimmy Libra eight seconds between him and fourth place Jason Hart he's only half a second behind third place will Martin who's a second behind Tom sergeant in second who's six and a half seconds behind the leader Riley Dickinson and we're inside the last dozen minutes yeah super racing going on here particularly this battle for uh for fifth on back it's absolutely tremendous and they've been changing positions regularly I'm amongst that little group there but in the meantime Riley Dickerson is checking out again lapping again consistency now two minutes 3.3 last time around everybody else is in the fours [Music] so Jeremy Shaw and John hind off with 10 call it 11 minutes to go imsa radio imsa TV seamlessly together live unblocked un interrupted coverage and it's all free once again this season no need for a subscription no need for a sign up we don't need your details you just come in log on and enjoy Deluxe Carrera cup 2023 a long established single manufacturer Championship which is a global formula and that's why we have 40 cars here full field for the full season that were more than that wanted to be here but the championship has had to limit the enemies to 40 because that is the most they can have at the track with the smallest amount of space in room in the pitch for them as Dad Clark tries the outside move it turns and that's outstanding stuff showing that he's lot lost nothing in his time away from Pro Racing Dan Clark set that one up brilliantly and Jimmy Libra did nothing wrong there defended held his line really really fair racing from Jimmy there because he didn't move in reaction they're done but Dan did him up like a Kipper there that was mint oh there's Jeff mosing's not a problem as well as he lost the wheels no no that's the wheel that was there yes it is that's right he's got real life we definitely found it yeah that was a great movement Jimmy Libre was pretty defensive uh going into turn 10 but that compromised his exit and Dan Clark he's been around the sport a long long time as you suggest and he said okay I know what to do in this situation the over under there and through goes down Clark now into fifth position meanwhile that incident we saw a little while ago with De la Torre and the number 65 Curry and Castro I think Castro is struggling because he got back onto the position onto the track in second place in Pro and behind Moise but he dropped back a lot on that last lap eight and three quarter minutes to go Clark sprung like a from a bottle how far up the road can he get is we've got side by side action going into turn ten Thomas Devon Thomas morale Merrill side by side for mcelray racing and Nola Sport and another car off the track and [Music] that's turn 16 again another spin now it's not people just being a little bit over anxious on the throttle Michael McCann caught out this time in the number eight McCann racing car and a spinner turn seven and that's gonna cause contact and almost picking up the wheel there was there before Sean varwick sort of Cedric at the Dodge through that as well now let's see who that got the damage there for anybody McCarthy's got through even though he got a little bit of a tap three wide coming into seven Shirley was never going to work actually I I think the spinner wasn't the car that was hit if I'm honest [Music] Alex Cedric picking his way through there very nicely yeah doing a nice job remember Alex Cedric's name from from quite a few years ago that the red racing drivers club which is which is an organization of his equivalent to the British racing drivers a club in the UK it's made up of of many top-line racers from from all age groups all the way around the world but they run a program called safe is fast uh skilled assured fit and empowered and they a lot of years ago seven or eight years ago it was when the program started out and Alex Cedric won a helmet that was beat that was donated to the cause and I remember that name because I was involved in the in the selection process for that and he had to write an essay he was 14 years old but at the time and he's now in his 20s so it's very cool Sorry good for Alex Cedric uh car 58 was the spinner at turn seven and that was TJ Fisher and he's out from the top ten down to 16th but I don't think he was tipped there I'm not sure what was going on behind him it was uh Sedgwick and varwig and Michael McCarthy in close Comfort uh course uh competition there our Pro-Am leader uh is uh the number 44 Moisture Rescue in the pink car and going through turn one now the very classy white and blue of Scott Noble who's five seconds ahead of Mark Kwame MDK Motorsport so the two MDK cars the 10 and the 43 first and second in arm John Getz sitting about it the second further back yeah and John Gates has actually said a slightly faster lap than the other two uh but um but he's not not quite on terms well he's on terms certainly with Mark kuami he's only he's right behind Mark crime it's a Super Battle for second in that uh Pro M class and both that is a new lap record by the way for the am contenders the old record was Mark Kwame last year at a 206.2 and John Getz is on a 205 0.7 in this race so a really good effort for him they're running in the 24th position overall and battling with last year's dominant am Champion mark kuami into the last five minutes in about nine seconds time continues at Cedric now with another red white and black car and behind him a couple of cars further back is uh Sean farwick Michael McCarthy Kelly Moss in there as well in the number seven they're coming through far side of the circuit now [Music] straw from Marco chironi battle for second in the Pro-Am category straw then holding on to the middle of the road [Music] down into 17. who catches the bumps better Alan metney is right there as well so second third and fourth Castro chironi and matney in Pro arm to Kelly Moss with the ACI the meat in the sandwich and that's it on it meantime around the outside that's a great another great maneuver 77. Travis Wiley and Sabra cook having a battle [Applause] just TJ Fisher isn't it that's having the battle there around the outside maneuver not quite working Fisher coming back from that spin town at this part of the circuit turned seven a couple of laps ago can't see any damage on the right rear of TJ's car so he may just have been a little bit greedy trying to take the corner speed and another spin a turn number 16 a very classic silver Porsche that's GT silver this is the number 83. Jimmy McCullough can racing he's the uncle by the way of of of uh uh Michael McCann where's Michael Michael had that spin and he was down in 29th position icon number eight but he has been running uh in uh just outside the top ten waits till the corner workers tell him it was safe to move cars are all supplied in that GT silver color however very few of them stay in in that shade yeah we've got all sorts of color schemes fantastic Super Battle for second position in the Pro Am class here uh taking advantage of that spin for efferent Castro he's pulled away about five and a half seconds now but Castro has kept going again but I think there might be a little bit of damage to that guy but he's struggling to hold off both Marco gironi and last year's Champion Alan metney well we haven't talked very much with two laps to go about our leader and that's Kelly Moss Racing's Riley Dickinson he is literally in a class of his own 7.7 seconds at the line his lead this is a young man on a mission Jeremy um remind us how young he is because every time you tell me this I have to shake my head because it seems like Riley's been around forever and that's because he has been racing a long time yeah he's been racing these Porsche four years he's done three years of Carrero cup he did a year of Jesus recap before that and he's 20. yeah fabulous drive though today really really impressive by Riley he was masterful yesterday in qualifying just brought his tires in absolutely perfectly laid down two really good laps in qualifying to ensure himself of the pole position not only for today but also for tomorrow which is uh taken from the second either the second best lapping qualifying or the faster lapper in the race and most of the drivers are going to be setting their time from yesterday is that this is that that's Travis TJ Fisher I think yesterday isn't it yeah TJ who had that spin at turn seven earlier on may have been assisted he's gone straight on at turn seven that is has he got a right rear puncture there or is it something more Sinister he's there is a way out of the circuit there he doesn't have to go into into the hotel at seven which is called seven Hotel there it is and yes nowadays let me just stop in there and get a lot here before he goes back to the pit Lane final lap of the first round of the 2023 Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup North America Championship has lost a lot of ground on that last I didn't see what happened to caliber 65. he was running second in Prime now down to a distant fourth and Marco turoni up to second place in the cast just ahead of Alan metney Scott Noble uh still leading in am with about a 2.8 second Gap to his teammate Mark farming John Getz another well John gets is right there actually with Mark Kwame we'll check in with that but for the moment let's celebrate with Riley Dickinson he's got about two-thirds of elliptical so just over a couple of miles now checking back to that battle we were talking about underneath the Corvette drive over Bridge [Music] the 81 of grand Torquay Ryan the oddly Thomas nevert right in the scrap there and more side-by-side action coming down to turn seven yeah and right behind Thomas invertis Sabra cook is doing a nice job there the first race at anything like this call it kind of level as you said the women the the first inaugural recipient of that we're in the win in racing scholarship by Kelly Moss and other organizations Deluxe plays a big big role in that uh in that initiative as well and say we're running in the 15th position overall yeah she's had to avoid a few incidents in front of her Point yeah so coming down into the final corner for the first round of the 2023 Porsche Deluxe Carrera cup North America here at Sebring Riley Dickinson converts from ball position he has not been challenged and at the line the Gap is going to be something around eight seconds top points Paul faster slap and the win it's a perfect weekend 7.9 seconds back to Tom Sergeant in the debut for Michael Ray racing and for himself in this Championship he'll be second step on the box will Martin for jdx completes the pro Podium for this first race of two today now everybody pretty sensible today because the cards have got to come out later on I wonder if we'll see the same amount of care in race two couple of incidents for the race control team to look at as well coming through for pro and my siretsky in the number 44. will win it by a similar dominating margin six seconds ahead of Marco chironi accelerating performance number 44 and Moishy wins it from aci's Marco chalani in second place in the 82 five seconds at the line and he was pushed all the way by Alan medley for Kelly Moss and in the arm category that very lovely blue and white classic colors looks great on the 992 Cup car the number 10 Scott Noble MDK Motorsports from his teammate yeah 1.6 further back MDK is Mark varmy he's the m in the k and John gets again right on the tail bites of Mark varmy right to the end so Noble Grammy and gets for the arm Podium super battle between those three really covered by as you say less than two seconds between the three of them as across the start Finish Line in 20th 21st and 22nd and it'll be Mark John Getz who has the honor of the uh a new a new lap record for the am class going into tomorrow's race the Super Battle there uh top three in program then we're at moizi rescue Marco troni and Alan medley but overall boy that was all about Riley Dickinson and Kelly Moss and uh it was Efren Castro who set the fastest lap in the Pro and category although he is one step off the podium finishing in fourth in his category suffice to say that Riley Dickinson has been Picture Perfect in this first round with Paul fastest lap and the race Victory and was not bothered by anyone behind all of the action that went on behind he'll have to watch the highlights for him to find out what happened behind him Jeremy yeah well and uh he also uh Africa Castro does have the constellation he had that incident earlier on with the uh with De la Torre but he doesn't get a new lap record also in the Pro-Am class at the front of the field sir Prius his record is still attacked to a 2.999 was that record set back in 21 uh Riley Dickinson's best lap in this race at 203.031 so super close but Ronnie Dickinson did the job he needed to do and that's win the race comfortably well it was a race of two parts at the front of the field for the first round of the 2023 Porsche North America Riley Dickinson clearing off and converting poor position quite impressively we had action and incident Aaron Wales trying to make that bid for freedom and a little bit of bumping and barging down at turn seven turn 16 the major action area with the bumps there catching a few people out we couldn't drink congratulations to Riley Dickinson and Scott Noble are three class winners in round one foreign
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 75,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, Porsche Carrera Cup North America, Porsche, Sebring, Sebring International Raceway, Porsche Deluxe Carrera Cup
Id: lGdsygbwP4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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