RabbitMQ Tutorial - Message Queues and Distributed Systems

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what's going on guys assalamualaikum welcome to amigos code in this video i want to teach you about rabbitmq this video is part of the microservices series so far you've been learning about microservices how to connect to each other and you kind of have a good understanding on the microservice architecture and currently our application doesn't really cope with failures and when you know other parties such as twilio or firebase are experiencing problems so currently you know if there is a problem somewhere else our application will fail all together so let me teach you about rabbitmq and next week i'm also going to teach you how to uh use kafka so this is something that you guys have been uh asking for some time now so today you're going to learn about rabbitmq next week i'm going to teach you about kafka before i continue go ahead and literally take two seconds i don't know why i keep on saying two seconds but anyways two seconds smash that like button and comment down below literally just say anything just say hi or any video that you want to see next or any questions that you might have if you're not part of the amigo squad community go ahead and join both discord as well as private facebook group and without further ado let's go ahead and learn about rabbitmq so far we have this implementation in here where we have the load balancer customer fraud and also notification now in here we have got no asynchronous communication within these microservices so fraud and our customer to notification now let's say that notification takes let's say 10 seconds to send a notification to our customers now this means that from the time that clients are using our application there will be a delay of 10 seconds in total plus some milliseconds and what not but in general 10 seconds now this is a very bad user experience so maybe twilio is having an incident or firebase they're having an incident and they can't really deliver messages for now and it's taken them 10 seconds now you can see that we are depending on twilio and or firebase because this call right here from customer to notification it doesn't have to be immediate so it can have a delay right so whether the customer receives the notification or sms after one second two seconds three seconds one minute it doesn't really matter what matters is from the point that when the customer registers into our system in here customer talks to fraud so this score right here cannot be asynchronous because we need to check whether it's a fraudster or not if it's not then this call right here indeed can be a synchronous because we don't depend uh for any other checks to be performed currently this is a problem that we need to solve even more let's say that customer right here is sending lots of traffic and we only have one notification instance now what happens if notification gets too busy well the notification won't be able to handle the requests coming from customer nor from fraud it's just going to be too much well you might be wondering okay maybe we can add a second instance so just like that well it is fine but again still a problem because you don't know whether this will be enough and the same let's say that you kind of want to have 10 servers for notification now this is not using resources correctly because one it doesn't scale correctly and also things are not a synchronous and even worse let's say that we kind of need to perform an upgrade on notification so we found a bug and in the meantime a bunch of requests are coming through now if notification so in here so if we get rid of notification then it means that the entire call from here to customer fraud and in here notification zero instances this will fail and at this point we already registered the customer and the only thing that we need to do is just to send the notification but if notification is not up and running then the customer will be created and the response that the client will get is a 500 and you can see that this is not feasible right so this is pretty much what a message queue allows us to deal with next let me show you the example where we slow down notification and see what happens within intellij i do have all of the micro services up and running so if i click on run you can see that i do have customer fraud as well as notification now let's send a request to the api gateway and before the request reaches notification let's stick a breakpoint in here so notification is running in debug mode and i've got this breakpoint in here so let's open up postman and in here we're going to send this payload to the api gateway which is listening on poor 8083 and from here you can see that this is very quick so it takes about 941 milliseconds um give or take right so this is when the request goes from one end to the other now if i send this request so this actually took me to this breakpoint and now let me go back yet to postman and have a look this request right here is hanging now what i'm trying to simulate is the case where the request reached notification and by the way this is without the message queue right here so the request reached notification and now let's say that twilio is taking forever or firebase they are taking forever to process our notification now you can see that postman is actually hanging in here so it's saying send a request and it's waiting waiting and waiting forever now if i oops i was just going to basically uh remove the break point but i can see that this probably was a timeout and before i send the request so let me just go to uh notification and in here let me just resume this and eventually it sends the notification but let me go back yet again and let me send so let me just wait for a second and you'll see that so let's just say that twilio was having a bad day and they took some time to process the notification now it worked let's just resume back to postman and have a look 18 seconds to process our request which is insane so you can see that we have a bottleneck in here now within zipkin you can see that in here i do have the calls so this one was the first one that took some time and then this one was the one that took 18 seconds so if i click on show in here now i want to check this out so the request from the api gateway took 18 seconds customer made a request to fraud and have a look fraud you can see this line right here which is barely visible so this was super quick so if i try and click on that and have a look fraud controller and if you show all annotations you can see more information but this was really quick so this call right here was very quick and the problem really lies within notification which is taking 18 seconds i will look this line is actually all the way through the end so this is the bottleneck so you can see also why having zipkin is really important because we can visualize all of this stuff now this is when the message queue comes to rescue so at this point if we stick the request inside of the queue it returns an acknowledgement back to the sender in this case customer and then if notification is taking a while then basically we don't have to wait for 18 seconds as you've seen right because we know that eventually the notification will be processed so this is why we need to use a message queue if you have any questions please do let me know otherwise let's move on so when it comes to decouple microservices and provide a synchronicity between them as well as brazilians there are a couple of big players in this field one of them is apache kafka now apache kafka is open source and i believe it was initially developed by the guys at linkedin and it's basically used by a lot of companies so it provides high throughput it's scalable one cool feature here is that it has permanent storage so you can store streams of data safely in a distributed durable fault tolerant cluster in here so something that rabbit mq for example does not provide then is also high available so you can stretch clusters efficiently over availability zones or connect separate clusters across geographic regions now kafka on its own it's a big big beast i have to admit but still i'm going to basically show you how you're going to use kafka with spring ball at a later stage then what we have is rabbitmq so rabbitmq is the most widely developed open source message broker for this course we're going to begin with rabymq due to its simplicity of getting started understanding its concept and the integration with springboard will be really straightforward as you'll see we also have amazon sqs so amazon sqs stands for simple queue service it's a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservice distributed systems and serverless applications so if you are deploying your applications to aws then this is a great solution because it's fully managed now one disadvantage of using sqs is that let's say that you want to port your microservice architecture to google cloud so recently there were a couple regions of aws that were down for example now in this case if you are deploying to multi-clouds i.e you're deploying to aws as well as azure and maybe google cloud you know let's say that you've managed to deploy to all those three at once right so it's it's a very difficult job i'm not gonna lie but let's just say that you've managed to do it now if you are tied to sqs then you can't really move across any other cloud provider because sqs is aws specific whereas maybe if you are running your own kafka cluster or rabbitmq then you have more flexibility in here so usually you'll see that you have teams that are dedicated for making sure that your cluster i.e you know either using kafka or rabbit mq that these are always up and running because again if they go down so in here so if you lose your message queue then you can see that again so if this goes then you have a big big problem but usually it shouldn't be a problem because when running kafka or rabbit mq you want to run in multi-ac for example right multi availability zone so if one availability zone is down then no matter what you know things are still up and running so you'd never have one single message queue for all of your micro services when running in production and before i forget i'm going to leave a link where you can learn more about the differences between apache kafka rabbitmq and sqs so that you have a better understanding of these tools so you've seen why we need a message queue and amqp stands for advanced message queueing protocol and it's a protocol that enables conforming clients applications to communicate with conforming messaging middleware brokers now what is brokers well a broker a broker receives messages from publishers i.e these are applications that publish messages and they're also known as producers and it routes them to consumers i.e other applications so the broker receives messages from publishers and it routes them to consumers now since this is a network protocol the publishers consumers and the broker can all reside on different machines so you can see how you can decouple your applications so in here you've seen that we have these micro services they talk to each other and currently if customer sends a notification to the notification microservice a notification is down or notification is having trouble handling requests then you can see that this can be a bottleneck for our application and instead what we do is we use rabbitmq in this case now i'm going to touch on rabbitmq but later you'll also see kafka and i don't want to go too much in detail about the difference between these two but for now let's just focus on rabbitmq now the broker is everything that resides within this rectangle in here so the way it works is a fraud or customer they want to send notifications to the notification microservice they send a message and the message is pretty much the payload right so the json payload in our case now this message here gets sent to the exchange and the exchange job is to route the messages to the according consumer so in this case right here you can see that this exchange forwards these messages coming from fraud as well as notification and then notification consumes the messages from this queue right here so fraud customer are produces the messages go through the exchange the exchange routes to the queue inside here this is the broker and then outside we have the consumer which can be any micro service that is configured to pull messages from this queue and with this architecture we gain a ton so one is lose coupling so fraud customer notification as well as the broker they can leave on separate machines and since we are following the microservice architecture this is actually loose coupling all of these services together the other thing is performance so we gain performance now if notification is down let's say that notification is down right so let's say that we don't have a consumer right here now the cool thing is that fraud and customer they can still send notifications and at this point right here the exchange right here receives and then puts it inside of the queue then once notification is back up it pretty much just reads the messages that were hanging in the queue and the benefit is that our clients don't even experience that notification was down also we can start sending messages asynchronously so if let's say twilio is taking 20 seconds or more it doesn't really matter because from our point of view if any producer is able to publish messages to the exchange then we are good we can also scale in a way where if you need to run this as a cluster two or more machines you can absolutely do it and you should run multi-az whenever possible also the benefit of using rabbitmq is that it's language agnostic so let's say that fraud right here it's written in java and notification is written in golang for example so it doesn't really matter right because all notification needs to do is to be able to pull messages and then transform the payload into whatever struck for example if you are using golang or if you want to use python then it basically takes the messages and transforms it in a way that it wants now messages also they don't get removed from the queue unless the consumer acknowledges that it has received the message which is a good feature right so if notification has issues reading from the queue and the broker doesn't receive an acknowledgement then the message is still intact rabbitmq also offers as a management ui which you'll see in a second and the community has built lots of plugins and you can run rabbitmq on the cloud which is a good thing right and you'll see how we're going to run rabbit mq through docker and as you know if you dockerize your applications then it's really easy for you to deploy on whatever cloud provider you you want whether it's aws azure google cloud lynn node and others so this is pretty much how everything works next i want to dive deeper into how producers are able to produce messages as well as the different types of exchanges when producers want to send messages these messages will first land inside of the exchange the exchange then forwards the messages based on a routing pattern now this is possible through the binding the binding is what binds the exchange to a particular queue so you can have as many queues as you want and you can have also as many exchanges as you want but the thing is you can attach multiple queues to one exchange now this exchange right here has different types you can have a direct exchange a fanout topic headers as well as one which is special to rabbitmq and it's the default and it's known as the nameless exchange where the routing key is equal to the queue name if i open up intellij and in here this is some configuration that you're going to learn in a second but here i'm defining the exchange that i want i'm defining the queue that i want and also the routing key so here i'm saying internal notification routing key so this is the internal exchange that i have and i'm saying that if anything goes through with this key then i want to route it to this notification queue then the producer on the other hand all he has to do is send the payload to the exchange providing the routing key so providing the routing key so providing the routing key and this is configured through the binding to send to this particular queue so since you saw some code now this should make sense when the producer sends a message to the direct exchange which is this one right here it means that the routing key as well as the binding they have to be the same so when they're the same if you send a message so let's say that we have a message so let's just take this guy outside for example if you send a message it will land into the exchange and from the exchange it will land into let's say this queue in here right so this is when the routing key is equal to the binding then you can see that we have the fan out exchange which means that if the producer sends a message this message will be found out so here it will be sent to all queues just like that it fans out the messages so every queue will receive the exact same message then we have the topic exchange and this is mainly for partial matches so when you send a message if the routing key is full dot bar and then the binding so let's say that you have a binding here and let me just add some text and this is full dot star and when you send the message in here you specify that you want to say full dot bar right here so this is a partial match right so full dot bar matches this binding therefore this message will be sent across in here then you have the header exchange which uses the message header instead of the routing key so obviously this is a bigger decision that you need to make according to your needs but this is pretty much how it works and actually almost forgot is that you have a special exchange which is only specific to rabbitmq and it's the nameless exchange and this is when the routing key is equals to the queue name so if you have a message which has been sent and this message right here has the routing key as app b and then q so because we have a queue with this routing key it gets sent to this queue right here and to be honest this is pretty much how everything works obviously you can grab the diagrams so you can basically check for yourself but if you have any questions please do let me know otherwise let's implement all of this in order for us to have a rabbit mq locally let's use docker open up your docker compose.yaml and within you can see that we have postgres we have pg admin zipkin so right after it let's just take this in here and let's just paste that in and this will be rabbit mq just like that then for the image rabbit mq column and then let's just use the same version so that if we have any breaking changes things will still work so three point nine dot eleven dash and then management and then dash alpine so we get the smallest version for container name this will be rabbit mq for ports we want to expose 56 and then 72 so 56 72 the same on the other side so the first port is the host and the second is the container now this port is what applications will be connecting to ie microservices so if we want to publish a message to eq we're going to use this port then we also want to expose the 15 672 and this is the management port just like that so that we can use the management console and to be honest this is everything and i've just noticed that this should be al and then pine so al and then pine now let's open up our terminal make sure that you are within the working directory so ls you can see dockercompose.yaml now type docker compose up dash and then d for detach press enter and this now you can see that it pulled the image and it has started so for you if it doesn't pull as quick as mine it's because i think my one was cached but you can see that the rabbitmq container is up and running now let's take this port so 15 6 7 2 and open up our web browser say localhost column and then 15 672. press enter and check this out so now the username for this is guest and the password is also guest press enter and i'm going to save this password and tada you can see that we have rabbitmq running locally now in here there's a bunch of information so you can see connections you can see channels exchanges so i've explained about exchanges as well as cues so if i click on exchanges by default we should see few exchanges right here with different types so these are defaults and we don't have to worry about and if i click on cues so you can see that we have no cues so far if you have any questions getting this far drop a message otherwise let's move on okie dokie i hope that you had fun learning about rabbitmq and if you want to learn how to pretty much just pull everything together through the micro services that we've been building so far go ahead and roll on my course where it is still at discount price and literally this is the last week before the price goes up and yeah i hope they had fun next week i'm going to teach you about kafka this so for now and i'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 89,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amigoscode, rabbitmq tutorial, rabbitmq, rabbitmq vs kafka, rabbitmq spring boot, kafka tutorial, microservices spring boot, microservices architecture, microservices tutorial, java, java tutorial
Id: nFxjaVmFj5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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