What is a Message Queue and When should you use Messaging Queue Systems Like RabbitMQ and Kafka

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what is going on guys my name is Hussein and this video I want to discuss queues and when to use the queues message queues to be specific like there are other type of cues but I don't I'm not sure what are they so I'm talking about RabbitMQ 0 mq Kafka when do you want to use this in your architecture and do you really need it right and that's the question here you always have a question that hey do I really need to implement this in my system design or not and I'm just trying to kind of assess that and help you with that if possible so how about we jump into it and if you're new here guys I discuss all sorts of back in engineering this channel so if you're interested subscribe and like this video and share with your friends so that's it let's just jump into it alright so what is a queue and when do we need to use it and guys if you if you already subscribed to my channel you would see me repeat this over and over again any technology out there any back in technology out there it exists for a reason and it exists to solve a problem so I know that might sound cliche and makes just perfect sense right so yeah of course it exists for reason and that also means that there is no technology just exists for a fun avail because it's cool right you need to use it if that problem exists for you you cannot just use GRP see because it's hip and cool right no you should use it when you absolutely the problems that GRP see addresses solves your problem right addresses your problem same thing with a queue so how about we talk about the actual problems with the queue so back to the request response architecture when I make a request to a back-end and regardless of the communication protocol that I use whether it's TCP stateful TCP raw or whether I'm using GRP see again stateful or with a mime whether I'm using a stateless rest architecture that requests requires some resources at the backend to be served right to be consumed and executed that request what does that mean it means that requests might be less to get all the employees right or an update to do a booking system right so hey I'm gonna book the seat that's that's a that's the same thing right and this requires a finite amount of time of your server to actually process this and we talked about the ways you can serve your request and one way to solve this problem is a synchronous execution with a single threat like your server has one thread and that thread just keeps working the problems that it have right is hose serving a request this is now it's listening to TCP connection this is now doing that that's how node.js does it right other other web servers does it differently multi-threading multiprocessing right regardless right Apache does multi-threading node.js does a single thread but it's asynchronous and we talked about that I'm gonna reference the video here I think it's here go check it out but sometimes a single thread in a node GS or multi processing or multi-threading in a web server could not cut it because you will quickly overwhelm that single server to execute all these requests right and it really depends if that occurs is taking a long time to process and if it does that if that arc was taking a huge amount of time and unpredictable amount of time to process then there are flood of other requests that is coming I'm not talking about qz8 guys right just normal request response there are further requests coming and they are waiting and when I say waiting they the client is actually just blocked because that access to the TCP connection didn't even get a response back okay and that could be harmful for a user experience right the user will feel it what is going on I click and nothing happened and users hate that when they click and nothing happens you show me something that happens or tell me that something is happening but don't tell me that I'm doing something and I did something and I don't see any results they hate that you're a user you probably seen that so how do we trick that Eric a normal request response architecture doesn't cut it in this case if you were response time is unpredictable right because you had a lot of requests coming and you might say hey who's saying I'm gonna scale horizontally and that's absolutely fun you can do that you can put a reverse proxy have it configure to be a load balancer and Swizzle the request to all the other services and if you have if you start waiting if you started seeing requests taking a long time to process all right then you start spinning up more services or containers if you're on a micro services architecture and then start serving that and people do this to this day without a queue without the idea of a queue right and as I said this doesn't really scale well if you're processing at the back in is is very hungry processing hungry or CPU hungry or even Ram hungry right because you cannot spend a lot of time just having this process takes time so if you're predicting that responses will always take a long time probably spinning up multiple services will not help you right because the requests will be the same whether it's going it's sending to other server which are which is free or a service there is server doing other things as well yeah you're gonna still see some mind - cool - cool that I reward - cool friends but still it's gonna take a long time so here's where a queue is useful if you really think that request will always exponentially go large yeah maybe if your database doesn't have any rows but as you grow large that request will go slower and slower slower what is such exponentially not necessary expansion just polynomially with your number of rows so here's where queue really beneficial so what do you would do in this case is what is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna employ a queue in my system a message queue and that means if I am receiving across the server I will do a very quick operation that is constant that is a Big O of 1 it's a very fast operation and I'm gonna respond to the user whether with some sort of an identifier right and here's that's that's how it works so if I you send me a request I'm gonna put it in a queue that's a big off one because writing is always fast especially if you're in a LS m 3 kind of a database right and most databases now especially alright only just right to the end LS m right looks doctor McMurtry you're right and then you respond back to the user hey i committed to you user that i have received to your request and it's now processing or it's now it's in the queue it i can't promise anything else but hey i received it better than having a request that is not served right that is not just waiting so check user experience better right okay I'm willing to wait as a user yeah at least as did they received it and now really up to you as an architect you can have the client come back and ask and Paul pol deaths task ID that were given sigh hey how's how's this job down we're doing how's this job doing house just just up down and once that response actually complete the response will come back say that job is done okay you can now do whatever you want to do that's one way of solving the problem rabbit in the queue doesn't do it this way rabbitmq does it the push way right where is this like a stateful connection I forgot what the the protocol that rabbit excuse it but it's a it's a it's a very elegant way of using channels it's awesome I love it and I'm gonna make another video about this compared to HTTP to their idea of RabbitMQ using channels it's very similar to streams and I don't know who came up with this idea regardez get back to the point if I response back if that job is DQ'd right or executed that could push results back to the client immediately as they are received right so this way you eliminated the latency of wait Inc client is still technically didn't receive the result right cuz you don't receive those all but I can unblock the user experience I can show some sort of a progress bar I can I can give a better user experience and I elevated the flood of requests on my server now I'm gonna have a nice Q yes it's a centralized system still but it's a nice queue and people people services can listen to this queue and start pulling jobs pulling tasks and execute and write it back to the queue right very very similar to a pub sub system except the only difference between a Q and a pub sub a queue is whenever you remove an item from the queue is gone pride that service owns it it is DQ'd versus the pub/sub system you have a topic very similarly right the brokers have this topics and the service can as infinitely consume the same item many services can consume the same item right but now each service have some sort of a position that remembers oh I consume this yes I consume this I consume this and the service optionally can have a way to go back and forth in the queue and then pops up system so that's our very quick very quick way of knowing how do you actually when do you want to use a queue versus just a normal requester processes system and load balancing and all that stuff right so very quick if your request is in deterministic you don't know how long it's gonna take a queue is probably a good idea for you if your process is by nature long running a queue is good for you I just queue it and let other process pick up the work and write it back to the queue or if it's a resource hungry if your by default your process back in processing is a resource hungry it's a bad idea to have the web server itself do the work for you the web server should do one job and one job only shouldn't process your stinking request it should just response back to web traffic and service web it is a web server it serves web traffic and that's it don't let it process your prime numbers or do a very complex operations in the web servers stuff try to separate concerns as much as possible all right guys that's a quick video just to let you know the difference between when to user queue when do not use a queue hope you enjoy this video subscribe if you like this content like this video if you liked it I'm gonna see in the next one you say guys stay awesome
Channel: Hussein Nasser
Views: 49,786
Rating: 4.843678 out of 5
Keywords: message queues, message queue rabbitmq, message queue kafak, message queue comparision, Messaging systems backend, Mqtt, Amqp, Queue protocol
Id: W4_aGb_MOls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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