rabbit r1 Prompts and Memory Recall Use Cases - June 2024

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hey everyone Adam here and I am an early adopter of the rabbit R1 and yesterday they pushed out an overthe a update that made a lot of changes and about 48 hours ago or so they published the R1 prompt handbook and so I thought it might be fun to go through some of these prompts and then also try out some of the new features that were part of yesterday's update which provide rabbit R1 what they call memory recall so let's try it out so in the prompt book we're going to start with some easy things we're going to ask for some motivational quotes let's see how it goes tell me some motivational quotes believe you can and you're halfway there Theodore Roosevelt the only way to do great work is to love what you do Steve Jobs success is not the key to happiness happiness is the key to success if you love what you are doing you will be successful Albert schwitzer great so I got three quotes but I wonder if that was a pre-programmed response let's ask it for some additional ones that was a nice start can you provide a few more motivational [Music] quotes success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm Winston Church Churchill the only limit to our realization of tomorrow we'll pause it right there I did notice it didn't have the scroll down format where I could see all the quotes on one page let's do something else from the introductory introductory section of the promp book my daughter would like this one tell me a bedtime story once upon a time in a far away land there was a magical forest where the the trees whispered secrets to the wind like Tex under the Moonlight in this Enchanted Forest there lived a wise old owl named Aryan or was known far and wide for his knowledge that's a pretty long story we won't let it read out I wonder if I can tell it to change a story let's just try this can you tell the same story or a similar story but this time put unicorns in it in a mystical realm beyond the stars there existed a land of shimmering rainbows and sparkling waterfalls where unicorns roamed freely under the watchful gaze of the Moon among these Majestic so this video isn't a full review but already simple things like that make this a great use case for my kids I have a 9-year-old and a six-year-old let's go on to getting some answers on the go so let's check the weather what's the weather like where I live checking the weather in your location the weather in cambi Indianapolis on Friday is partly cloudy with 90° f% precipitation yeah and I can scroll down and see the weather by the hour very nice um oh here's an interesting one from The Prompt book about gForce gravity I'm going to do it word for word search wolf from Alpha and explain how gForce gravity works let me ask wolf from alpha gForce gravity also known as gravitational force is the attractive force between two objects with mass it follows Newton's law of universal gravitation and we'll cut that off so that's helpful the next one this is interesting is about the Paris Olympics and in Indianapolis near where I live we just had the Olympic Swim trials let's see how up to- dat rabbit is with that information search perplexity for the latest information on the Olympic Swim trials in Indianapolis provide a list of some of the event winners let me ask perplexity AI about lmpm Trio Wells there is no information available about the elix limem trio wells in Indianapolis okay so that was maybe user error let's try it again search perplexity for information about the Olympic Swim trials that just took place in Indianapolis list event winners if possible let me check Olympic Swim trials information now here are the results of the Olympic Swim trials in Indianapolis hashash men's events men's 400 mree Aaron shackle 3455.462185 so you can scroll down but I get right now that the vision is for this to be a a voice first and listen first device um let's go to asking follow-up questions so in these scenarios we want to ask a question and then do a follow-up and I was actually doing this this morning researching the USS Indianapolis um I was heard about that Battleship didn't know a ton about it so let's just kick that off can you tell me about the USS Indianapolis Battleship the USS Indianapolis was a Portland class Heavy Cruiser of the United States Navy and I'm sure it would it would go on with more information but now I'm going to ask a follow-up question are there any memorials in Indiana to that ship and if so when are they open searching for USS Indianapolis memorials in Indiana the USS Indianapolis Memorial is North End of the Canal Walk Walnut Street and Senate Avenue Central Canal Indianapolis Maran County Indiana 46202 and was dedicated on August 2nd 1995 okay so it didn't answer the second part of my question maybe it thinks I said when it was opened or when it was dedicated let me ask one more followup well actually it's an outdoor Memorial so it's always open uh but I could ask about the park is that Memorial open at all times or Are there specific park hours when it's open checking USS Indianapolis Memorial Park hours now the USS Indianapolis Memorial is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week there we go so it's outdoors you can go visit it at any time okay so so far we've done a pretty good job answering basic questions even doing some follow-up questions what about taking notes with our voice let's try that um I'm actually going to take a grocery list note and I played with this today before I went and picked up grocery items for dinner and I want to show you what I learned playing with it so here we go create a new note called grocery list and add steak eggs and mushrooms to the list saving your note I have saved the grocery list to the rabbit hole what's on my grocery list searching now your grocery list includes steak eggs and mushrooms you know what I forgot to add macaroni and cheese for my daughter and I better add some broccoli so that my wife knows that I eat vegetables occasionally can you add those to the list saving your note I've added macaroni and cheese for your daughter and broccoli to the grocery list what's on my grocery list now checking your updated grocery list your grocery list now includes steak eggs mushrooms macaroni and cheese and broccoli nice so that's that's exactly right now I did run into a challenge which I guess was user error I went to the grocery store then I got in the car and I said I bought everything and rabbit congratulated me but it didn't erase the note so I I did find a phrase that did it so I'm going to show you what I said I said remove remove all the items from my grocery list I bought them saving your note all items have been removed from your grocery list as you have bought them what's on my grocery list give me a moment to remember checking your grocery list your grocery list is empty as all items have been bought so previously I tried saying check all those off or I just told it I bought all of them and that didn't remove them it kept telling me I still had items on the list but this did work so remove was the key word for me maybe that'll be updated in the future some other things you can do according to the prompt book are start some meeting recording I think there might be a bug or a lack of functionality here because I think it times out around 15 to 17 minutes somewhere in that 16 17 minute range and if the and if the device gets connected at all the recording isn't saved to the cloud at least this has been my experience maybe others can comment below and say they've had a different experience but let me show you how this works you just say start a recording and I do like this graphic here of the recording session and it's recording what I'm saying and in the rabbit hole which is the online repository for all of your interactions with rabbit it will take the words and create a transcript and it will use AI to generate a summary for example if this was a meeting or just important discussion and according to the update from yesterday you can even reference these recordings when you go back so I'm going to say something kind of random and see if we can get it to pull up in memory recall I have a dog named Quigley and he's very Rowdy um he's about 12 years old and I need to find a dog park to walk him okay let's see if that shows up later so I just stopped it and may not have seen that on the screen it said your recording was saved to the rabbit hole so let's give that a moment to hit the cloud let's see if I can ask something about my recording what's my dog's name searching now your dog's name is quigly that's I'm pretty impressed by that that's pretty impressive what did I say I needed to do for quigly let me see what I can find in the rabbit hole checking your notes you mentioned that you needed to schedule a vet appointment for quickle okay it just made that up or misinterpreted my text let's try one more time in my last recording what did I say I needed to do for quigly searching now let me check the last recording for that information one moment so I'm not cutting away I want you to see the full response time maybe because I said search the last recording it's actually going through all of the transcript or all of the audio or maybe it's just going to timeout I'm going to give it a few more seconds let's try one more time I'm going to click let's do it again what did I say I needed to do for quigly what did it what did I say I needed to do for quigly give me a moment to remember in your last recording you mentioned that you needed to find a dog park to walk there we go I did say that all right so don't know why it said vet appointment that's we don't want it to hallucinate although we know no AI does um so this thing can also play music from Apple music Spotify I'm not going to go through that right now it can you can point it at spreadsheets and ask it to move around columns or add data which is kind of neat you can take pictures with this by double clicking the button and it opens up a camera and you can move this to make it a front-facing camera until yesterday if you just clicked and took one picture it would take a snap a photo but it didn't retain the original image it sent it through this really kind of cool filter they call Magic Cam and it made like a pixelated version I'll put some on screen here but now it saves the original photo and shows you magic cam but the best part about vision is that you can hold the button down when you're pointing at it and ask a question about what you're seeing so let's try that now I've got this box just so you can see it of the road I think I'm saying that right vog kit let's see what rabbit says about it rabbit what do you see so I took a picture of it a look now I see a box containing a road vlogger kit for mobile phones the box has an image of the product and indicates that it is a film making kit for USBC devices someone ask a followup question how much does that kit normally cost give me a moment to remember I do not have that information at the moment okay what if I ask it let's try this search perplexity for the cost of that kit searching cost of Kit with perplexity AI the cost of the road vlogger kit for mobile phones is $141 199 that sounds about right so I have found this in my early days with this device if it says it doesn't know it doesn't have it in the data set if you search perplexity it often gives you a better answer this also connects with wolf from alpha to do calculations so I can say something like what's 55 * 1,00 / by three working on it the result of 55 * 1,000 / 3 is 18333 33333 repeating repeating right so does some basic calculations you can also use Uber I haven't tried and you can also use door Dash I haven't tried so I can't report back on that functionality and you can search Yelp and it will save your search results to the rabbit hole you can click on them and on the web that is and go to a a fuller review of the restaurant and if you have a paid mid Journey account you can ask it to generate images for you you can also translate between more than a hundred languages I haven't tried that out and you can talk to the rabbit to manipulate its settings so you know I there's a lot to be said about what this device cannot do compared to maybe its presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas but for $199 it's a really pretty cool perplexity machine wol from alpha machine it's getting new features all the time I think the memory recall is going to be the foundation of building on it I can imagine using this to brainstorm content ideas taking voice recording notes and then asking what I said and building on it and it because it has the connection with perplexity and perhaps other llms that I don't know about it does a nice job with generative AI too so I can ask it to generate an email or generate I did at the beginning of the video a bedtime story all that gets saved into what they call the rabbit hole online so you can copy and paste that and use that for your various projects so just wanted to show an overview of my experience with the rabbit so far this isn't a full review but it's it's it's a device in progress the development team is making Cloud updates and over theair Hardware updates weekly and the Discord is really active so if this has any uh if you have any interest in this it's certainly not going to replace your phone certainly not as powerful as the iPhone 15 Pro but it's also a fifth of the price and for those of us that are thinking about providing a device to our kids to go out and ask what plant is this what animal is this and questions about the world or history I would much rather hand them this than my phone which has my contacts my work email um and the potential to buy things on Amazon so let me know what you think of the rabbit R1 I hope you enjoyed this video and walking through some of these use cases I know I didn't go through them all but I hope this was helpful if you enjoyed this at all please hit subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: AdamJonesInk
Views: 3,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZg6Wo1oiNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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