Rabbi YY Jacobson: How to Forgive If You Can't Forget

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the yeshiva.net [Music] okay thank you everybody boker tov good morning welcome welcome to all those who have been here for a few days welcome to uh all the guests who have arrived yesterday or today we're thrilled and privileged to have you and i'm so happy to be here with you on this wonderful morning dedicated to the theme how to forgive if you can't for get they tell an anecdote about a fellow who crossed the atlantic ocean from the other side of the ocean came to the united states and he had the reputation of for himself of being what's called a captain he was a poor man his father was a poor man his grandfather was a poor man he came from a city in belarus lithuania called pinsk and he arrives in new york he decides it's time to open a new chapter in life change the paradigm from now on he wants to be a respectable person he goes he borrows money buys himself a beautiful designer suit beautiful watch very exquisite shoes very elegant tie fashion hat he looks impeccable comes into the synagogue on shabbos from now on he's going to present himself as an honorable dignified member of the community instead of being that schlamazel the schlepper the bottle and always second tier so he decides to go and sit right in the front of the show you know near the president and the members of the board and the rabbi he's sitting right in the front you have to believe in yourself if you want others to believe in you as your therapist will tell you but then he thinks but how am i going to really become an honorable person and then he realizes you know in every shul they're always asking if there's a coin because for the reading of the torah you always call up first a cohen the priest so he thinks you know what he's going to become a coin and that way automatically he will be given honor every shabbos every monday every thursday when they have to do grace after meals when they need kohanim the priest to bless the congregation he will immediately be moved to the top in terms of the social circle of the community this is brilliant and his reputation his demeanor his destiny will be metamorphosized for eternity sure enough the gabba gives a scream before the reading of the torah calling calling any cohen to the end women's section men's section he's walking all over the place he goes to the kiddush club he goes to the bathrooms he goes to the corner until he gets back to the front seat he's feeling good prayers are over and everyone walks by the rabbi you know as they do to give gutshabbas to give a handshake and this man too goes over to the rabbit to give a handshake and their eyes meet the rabbi looks at him says yankel from pinsk from pinsk yeah yankle wow wow you've made it you've survived you're here what an honor what a blessing what a miracle gives him a big hug and a big kiss but yankol i have a question i remember you growing up i knew your father oliver shalom i knew you say da lover shalom i knew your great grandfather when i was a kid i remember your great-grandfather fine jews pious jews god-fearing people but not kohanim how in the world yankel did you become a poet now there are some jokes you have to say them in the original and then translate them so that's what i'll do and then i'll translate yankel looks at the rabbi he says rabbi this is america this is america as du kansai this is america if you could be a rabbi i could be a coin it works [Laughter] i just got it yeah it's a pretty good one i of course share this because we're talking about opening a new chapter a new chapter in your life and uh experiencing the art of forgiveness frankly it's a difficult question how to forgive if you can't forget i'm going to try to break it down into a few parts i'm smiling because there was once a rabbi talking about rabbis in america who got a call from a woman and she says rabbi i have a big crisis what's the crisis my husband buys the lottery every week for 41 years what's the crisis this week the lottery is 421 million dollars so what's the crisis he won the rabbi says halaway on everybody what's the crisis she says i know my husband he hears the news he's going to collapse he'll faint go into a coma he can die pasha mamash have a heart attack and expire at the moment it's too much i know my husband sensitive fragile guy the rabbi says no problem i'll prepare him emotionally send him to my office today on the way home from work before he hears the news great comes to the rabbi's office remember you called me yeah i want to know how you're doing he says how am i doing life is miserable it always was ms bill always being miserable can't make ends meet been struggling for 41 years robert says why don't you ever buy a lottery ticket he says i've been doing that for 41 years but people like me don't win schleppers like me never win people in montana win people in kentucky win that's a wins people who i never knew people like me right with the name zundel schwartz don't win we don't win lotteries the rabbi says but what happens just like the guy in montana could win you can also win if you get the right numbers you win please 41 years i never won a dollar in the lottery you think i won 421 millions but you never know you never know what happens if this week you won says rabbi if i won i give you half so the rabbi collapsed and had a heart attack and fainted and expired okay okay i'm taking you with me wherever i go i've been looking for a laugh like that okay because usually the crowd is for schluffing so i'm taking you with me okay yeah you can pay for my ticket now sometimes it's hard to hear the good news it's hard to hear the good news i lost the lottery okay i won the lottery sometimes it's hard to deal with good news and i should say that sometimes this is a uniquely not always but also it could be a jewish issue because jews for many years were used to the bad news and when you hear good news it's like oh there must be something miserable coming right they used to say the jewish telegram reads right start worrying details to follow but whatever the details are gonna be there's gonna be a reason to worry yeah now coach arrester on the other day the way to go from table to table is anything all right uh somebody says you know when a jew makes a fist you ever saw drew make a fist you know what the next step is a sham nobody so they say that many years ago the israeli economy was in the dumps so the knesset had a meeting what to do about the economy so drew gets up he's have a brilliant idea let's learn from japan and germany let's declare war on the united states of america they will wipe us out but then americans feel guilty always so they'll rebuild us into an economic superpower like they did to germany and japan and our economy will be healed will be awesome one old old jew 90 years old and the knesset stands up and says great great idea but there's one problem what happens if we win the war so i say all of this to you my friends because real forgiveness comes from appreciating the fact that you could deal with good news that i can deal with good news that i could win the lottery and not think god is going to destroy my life the next day because when it comes to forgiveness the key issue is that we forgive somebody else but forgiving somebody else is also a form of forgiving yourself people don't usually think of it that way because when i live with resentment when i live with negativity i am the victim of my resentment and somebody once said holding on to grudges is basically basically what it is is putting yourself on fire literally you heard the alarm seven o'clock in the morning it was a romantic way of waking up wasn't it right it's literally so the guy is like everybody come down slowly there's a fire in the building and so forth it happened two days earlier at the same time imagine somebody literally ignites themselves on fire god forbid you ignite yourself on fire hoping and praying that your enemy dies from smoke inhalation that's mamish what carrying grudges is like you're living with this enemy 24 hours a day in your head and by the way he lives in your head rent free at least charge him a nice rent he lives in my head day and night he drives me crazy he saps out or she saps out the last energy of me so i'm putting myself on fire and hoping you die from smoking a leash or somebody once said eating poison and hoping that your enemy dies from you eating the poison that's mamish what it's like so we forgive to forgive somebody else but it's also a form of forgiving yourself it's giving yourself the freedom to know that you can open up a new chapter in your life that you're really really not a victim and the greatest example for this was joseph joseph joseph was hurt very very badly those of you who watched my tissue above live stream i know some of you have this was our big theme joseph was a victim on the worst level i'm the worst his mother died when he was nine his brothers abducted him when he was 17. they threw him into a pit and they sold them into slavery in slavery he already made it to the top he became a very accomplished servant in the house of one of the ministers of the egyptian government and then he was accused innocently of trying to seduce and violate his master's wife and he was thrown into prison with such a life story what do you think a man like joseph would look like resentful a heart of stone angry very self-centered just trying to protect himself and yet when he meets his brothers 22 years after they did what they did to him and he says i'm joseph his first words to them is don't get depressed and don't even be angry you think you have sold me you haven't sold me god sent me in order to save the world from hunger and save my family from hunger now i find that strange he tells them not to be depressed they're the perpetrators for heaven's sake they should tell him you don't be depressed somehow the perpetrators became the victims and the victim is like telling them you don't be depressed he he's the one who suffered they're they're the ones who suffered they're the ones who inflicted suffering what do you see from this what type of mindset was behind this now i'm going to share with you what joseph was thinking and i'm going to share with you something else so many of us don't believe that we're capable of living that way because we don't know how to win the lottery we only know how to lose lotteries we know how to go like this we don't we know how to go not ah but what if i tell you that you could wake up in the morning free from toxicity free from anger free from contamination free from resentment free from negative energy and you're like rabbi which world are you living in do you know my sister-in-law do you know my brother do you know my nephew do you know my uncle do you know what type of mother i grew up with you know what type of father do you know the guy i'm married to do you know what happened after my father died with the will do you know what happened to me in my community do you know what happened to me as a teenager do you know what my ex is doing do you know what my previous partner is telling about me in court anybody knows what i'm talking about [Laughter] because i don't and what about the person who didn't invite you to the bar mitzvah after everything you did for them for starters i'm happy when i don't get invited about mitzvos i really don't know why people are upset it's like somebody called me this guy didn't invite me to the bar mitzvah i wish i wouldn't be invited to the bar mitzvah could stay home for one night why are you insulted i didn't get a blessing under the cuppa are you lucky my father had a newspaper and for many years and he once had pictures of a bunch of prominent people and under each one he wrote a very long title very long and then one person he just wrote rabbi so and so without any titles the man called them up and said mr jacobson why would you insult me in public and not write all these nice titles about me my father told him because you i like so here's the secret the secret is when you wake up in the morning you open your eyes before checking your phone you find that funny okay it's a joke that there's something called before checking your phone you open your eyes before checking your phone and even before brushing your teeth you say in the judaism we say something a lot of you say it but i'm not talking about the words i'm talking about the meditation i thank you living and eternal king for returning to me my soul with a lot of compassion great is your confidence in me great is your trust in me this is the first thing the drew says when he or she opens their eyes even before we wash our hands before anything before we go to tend to our physical needs before we get dressed before we shower etc what is the meaning of this these words some of you know some of you may hear it now for the first time i would suggest to maybe you want to incorporate this into your life it's a very powerful tradition but let me tell you what it really means what it really means is you always have to define who you are the first thing you wake up either the day defines you or you define the day either the emails that you got define you or you define them either the people you're struggling with define you or you define them if the first thing you do you wake up in the morning is you say basically who am i i am a soul a divine soul god you have given me my soul i spoke yesterday at length about the electricity flowing through the refrigerator i'm going to refer to that again who am i i am divine electricity manifested in the physical world that's who i am who am i who am i i'm not a victim i'm not egotistical tell that to my mother-in-law i'm not narcissistic tell my wife i'm not meshuggah tell my friends i may have all this oh i may have narcissism oh yeah i may have an ego well not me but others i may have mental challenges i may have toxicity i may have trauma i may have pain and what about the pain of people who grew up with parents of holocaust survivors or grandparents of holocaust survivors you know some of these things epigenetics is teaching that it's going through the genes now it's going through it's not simple jews have been through one hellish history and that affects us but here's the question the question is who are you am i a piece of trauma or am i a piece of god if i'm a piece of god that was just sent down into the world i can look at all of the experiences but i maintain a deep spiritual equilibrium that nobody can destroy this does not mean that i'm not going to deal with an obnoxious person this morning sometimes you may if you're living in new york some say it's 50 chances 60 yeah if you're living in new jersey i don't know how much the statistics change with your taxes somebody asked me why are people in new york so tense and such a bad mood because i grew up there i said it's very simple you would also be hacked and fabulous and depressed and everything if the light at the end of your tunnel was new jersey now that's just a joke i love new jersey i love new jersey i send my kids to learn in new jersey in morristown we love new jersey but as a light at the end of the tunnel i'm not sure just going through that holland tunnel can kill you ever went through our holland tunnels i may confront challenges during the day and then one email and another email and when it rains it pours but if the first moment of the day i identified myself who am i i am a child of god i am an ambassador of love light and hope i am a divine ambassador of love light and hope i look at everything and i experience everything in a completely different context the madrid says that on tuesday the first tuesday of creation god created all vegetation all produce everything that grows from the earth but he created something else all the minerals including all the metals including iron and the midriff says and i quote when the trees the new fresh trees observed the iron what did the trees do wrote it and they began to tremble because the trees saw themselves as tall and splendid and strong but suddenly they observed the metals the iron and they realized that now their destroyer has also been created every tree can be felled with the ax and the midrash says i quote god turned to the trees and said trees trees don't worry no acts will be able to fail you if you don't contribute its handle to it because the handle of an ax is made out of wood which comes from the tree what's this medwish talking about what type of conversation is god having with trees the mattress is saying something very profound my dear friends nobody can cut you down in life without your own consent this doesn't mean they won't try this doesn't mean they don't have issues this doesn't mean you don't want to kill them okay this doesn't mean you don't want to send them into therapy for 69 years this doesn't mean you don't have to create boundaries sometimes you have to create boundaries what it does mean is you are never ever a victim and if you are it's because the voice that is telling you you're a victim is the voice of victimization which brings us did you hear what i just said not every voice that is in your mind you should worship as a god some of those voices are just like clouds black clouds that just flow let them move on you know what thoughts are here's a teaching from the tango very powerful teaching thoughts are garments the altar ever abstract of the founder of the author of the tanya in his whole book he calls thoughts what's his name for thoughts clothes now when i was young and i started to read the tanya i never realized the brilliance of that metaphor now i understand thoughts are clothes they're garments what do i do if my jacket is dirty and i don't like it what do i do i don't go and start crutching about how miserable my life is because my jacket is so dirty and smelly and horrible not this jacket but other jackets it doesn't match my tie not this time but other ties right take it off put on a new jacket but i can't i don't have another jacket i need a jack okay so you're wearing a dirty jacket doesn't mean you're dirty doesn't mean you're filthy doesn't mean you're hopeless doesn't mean you're a depressed soul it means your jacket is dirty so for 10 hours you'll sit in a dirty jacket on the airplane or wherever you're sitting after 10 hours you'll change it that's what thoughts are so i'm having these thoughts she's making my life miserable he's making my life miserable i can't live i can't breathe i can't this i can those are thoughts i am not those thoughts who am i i am a divine ambassador of love light and hope and healing and redemption and with every step i take every move i make every breath i take [Laughter] every word i say and every action i produce advances the world to redemption brings goodness cleansing healing some people will do different things again sometimes i have to protect myself sometimes you need boundaries good neighbor good fences good neighbors make robert frost thank you good fences good neighbors make sometimes you need fences fences are not about resentment fences about respect for boundaries we remember what the khatsuka always said did you get that okay if i am i because you are you and you are you because i am i then i am not i and you are not you but if i am i because i am i and you are you because you are you then i am i and you are you and now we can begin to schmooze what he was saying was something very profound if my entire eye is a response to you then there's no i and there's no you you're you as a response to i my i is a response to you we call it codependency but if i am i and you are you i am i you are you now we can begin a relationship so bow injuries in life are very powerful and very very important but who am i when you open your eyes you have to define who you are we say the mantra of the jewish people israel israel the lord is our god the lord is one which happens to be a verse in this week's torah portion deuteronomy parashat actually in the section of khumash that's learned today friday i think it's shishi five vicious what does it mean god is one so everybody says god is one means there's no like thousand gods okay that's true what else is god is one god is one means god is not made up of limbs and organs god is a transcendent being who's not a composite of different diverse compartment compartments he's not compartmentalized so there's no many gods god is one but here's the real interpretation god is one means this is how the balsham have explained it this is how the shallow explain that this is explained that god is one means that there is oneness in the world that there is oneness everything is part of that oneness the choice that we have is either we identify as part of that oneness or we don't identify as part of that oneness when you identify as part of that oneness you're basically plugged into the electricity when you don't identify as that part of the part of the oneness you're just unplugged because everything is divine the divine energy is at the core of all reality the question is if i define myself that way i don't define myself that way if i define myself that way the reality i'm encountering at home or in business or wherever it is an old story a new story may be the same i can't rewrite my past what i could do is i have to always choose where i'm coming from how do i put it in context do i define it or does it define me if i am part of the divine then nobody can cut me down without my consent nobody could anybody traumatize god can anybody destroy god's confidence can anybody destroy god's love god's happiness god's optimism god's hope well you are that you are a peace of god you are a piece of hashem nobody nobody can destroy your ability for faith for hope for optimism nobody can destroy your confidence nobody can destroy your inner core you are invincible not because your ego is big because actually you don't have an ego ego stands for easing god out and you are essentially the manifestation of the divine in this world so you're a divine ambassador of love light and hope do i have an ego of course my thoughts which are impacted by the cover-ups of the world often produce flows thoughts are just a flow of chatter that doesn't end it's like a yenta living in your brain and doesn't stop uh i meet you brother we have a filing cabinet for everybody before google was created i meet you the google in my brain says oh i know this guy don't trust him he's suspicious he's anyway an idiot he's a why is he here how did he get here who paid for him did he make money recently he owes me fifty thousand dollars forty years ago you know i would go oh shalom alaikum it's nice to see you even before the shalom aleichem your google mind already experienced approximately 963 thoughts about them 99.9 were pretty negative but you're all smiles everybody by the way good morning it's nice to see you but why are you here in the crowd get out i'm just joking i once heard from the rebbe he said that why do jews meet and one says shalom alaikum and the other says allah why not reciprocal i mean imagine in english right i say good morning and you say morning good how are you you are how what's up up watts to the guy is michigan but in hebrew we do it all the time i heard this from the rabbit myself 1985 i think out of a brain in 84. and he said because when two jews meet even before they begin the conversation the first thing they have to do is disagree that's the first thing and once we disagree now hopefully we can have a peaceful art a peaceful conversation i wanted to say a peaceful argument see how bad it is you're wrong the first thing is you're wrong you got it all wrong as the other way and now we begin are there times that you don't forgive that's the question and everybody says yeah in my family in my family there's no forgiveness we are the quintessential dysfunctional american or east european jewish family for 23 and a half generations the dysfunction continues [Music] my dear friends i don't know how to break this to you the dysfunction is universal it goes back to adam and eve listening to the snake and that's when everything changed that's when everything changed what the snake accomplished was it pitted eve's opinion against god's opinion the snake didn't tell eve don't listen to god the snake just said god has issues he's insecure and he doesn't want competition and this tree is like you know lsd let's start davening with this tree with this tree you're going to become a sickle you're going to know too many things don't eat from the tree what did the snake accomplish nick said oh god has his agenda i have my agenda that's when the world went into therapy the first question god asks adam is ayaka where are you what do we do in therapy we sit down and say where am i who am i right they say the definition of chutzpah's you come to the therapist because you have a split personality and then you want a group discount the greatest split that exists is the split that i believe that i'm not part of god that i am not infinite the moment i detach myself from infinity i become a vulnerable very nice a vulnerable beautiful beautiful i asked for this but whoever did this i'm not going to forgive so easily but actually i'm divine i am going to forgive i'm good i'm good okay now that was easy i know that was easy it's not your brother-in-law the electricity very good very good you get an extra piece of cheesecake my lunch rabbi epstein very good you were listening the electricity with shivani so my dear friends that was the secret of yosef what did joseph have joseph had a lot of pain he had pain he cried he set boundaries when he had to but one thing joseph had he never ever saw himself as a souled pink punk ball he saw himself as a shleak as an ambassador as an emissary of the divine the most powerful imagery one for me one of the most powerful imageries in the whole of the bible and i discussed this at length in my tish above in my ninth above presentation on the yeshiva.net many of you were alive is that we're alive right yeah very good many of you join me live thank you for the correction i hope you i hope you forgive me don't forget but forgive is that moment that joseph is defined in the famous psalm 126. yes those who plant with tears will reap with joy with song joseph is defined as a seed what do you do with a seed what do you do with this you don't leave it on your windowsill what do you do with it you plant it you plant it and where do you plant it under the earth and what do you do do you cover it or do you leave it exposed you cover it you cover it you cover it there's sunlight there's air there's oxygen there's water right why is joseph refined as a seed he's a person he's not a seed the answer is one of the most powerful moments in the bible because joseph was thrown under the bus or more accurately was cast into a pit in the earth how many times in his life anybody knows how many times was joseph thrown into a pit give me the three number one his brothers threw him into the pit number two in jail they threw him into a pit and what do you say number three he had to stay in jail for 12 years so joseph is the torah refers to both of them in the same word bar what's bor bor is literally a pit it's a pit in the ground it's exact it's a hole in the ground what do you put in the hole in the ground a seed so here's what happens a person sometimes is thrown under the bus or thrown into the ground thrown into the earth what happens at that moment you're experiencing darkness here's my choice i tell myself i was just buried i was just buried life is over i was buried i am so filled of rage or depression rage or depression or joseph said i was not buried i was planted planted by god doesn't mean it's not painful it's painful the seed decomposes and i was watered how was i watered hazarim bedima i was watered with with tears jacob's tears watered me jacob didn't stop crying for joseph he believed that he was alive that's what sustained joseph we all have those tears tears of our parents our grandparents our great-grandparents our souls all the way to god himself so you always have to decide was i buried or was i planted and i should just mention in parentheses one of the reasons that we're so focused on burying a corpse not cremating why is judaism so into burial because burial is also seen as a form of planting because when mashiach comes there's the concept called asim the dead come back so when we put it into the earth the body it's really a form of planting a seed it's going to decompose but it's going to emerge as a tree joseph knew that wherever he is in the world he was taken and he was planted and what's going to come from this is great sheaves great produce great trees indeed what happens he literally becomes the person he is the one who provides grain to the whole world and he saves the world from hunger where does grain grow from the seed a seed so was he right or was he wrong that's where his power of forgiveness came from it's power of forgiveness was not that he didn't know the pain it came from the fact that mentally every morning he was in a different space and it's the space that everybody could go into no matter what happened to you in your life it's a space that every person can go into it's the space where i go into and i become a divine ambassador because that's who i am i am plugged in the choice i have to make is whether i unplug or i don't or i plug in all the mitzvos that we do from prayer to study to charity everything in judaism is basically to help yourself remain plugged in that's what it is if you don't get this about judaism you're looking at the trees you miss the forest you have to always understand the forest what's the forest of judaism to remain plugged into infinity you walk into the lunchroom don't worry it's going to be in a few minutes you're plugged into infinity and then when you see the black and white cake and the brownie and the cheesecake and the papka and the 600 assortments of healthy cookies even one can kill you 600 of them will kill you on the spot your funeral will be right here god forbid yeah it depends always who i am who am i who am i and how am i filling my voids the last question is is there a time that you don't forgive i know your family i know that i know your family don't forgive ever that guy is such a whatever is there a time you don't forgive i cannot forgive you for something you did to somebody else when somebody says i forgive somebody recently i forgive the germans i wasn't killed in the gas chambers i can't forgive you for somebody else i can't forgive bin laden for the victims of 9 11. i can't it didn't happen to me you stole a million dollars from somebody else he has to forgive you i can't forgive you there's boundaries in forgiveness i can't forgive you i can forgive you what you did to me i can't forgive you what you did to somebody else i can't i would love to but i can't how do i know this god himself says it the mishna says on yom kippur god says i can forgive for the sins between you and me i can't forgive for the sins between you and your friend why not why can't god forgive i ask god to forgive why not and the answer is god says he didn't do it to me i forgive you i forgive you for the pain that you did to me but you now have to go seek forgiveness from the person that's number one number two if through forgiveness i am helping somebody continue to perpetrate the crime forgiveness is forbidden if there's a child molester in my community and i'm forgiving him and therefore removing responsibility and saying all is good but this man is unrepentant he is continuing continuing a criminal act then forgiveness makes you an accomplice of the crime you're not being the saint by forgiving when do i forgive i forgive in one of two cases number one is the right thing to do number two is the godly thing to do even though it's not obligated number one when somebody asks me for forgiveness when somebody asks you for forgiveness even if it's hard try to find within yourself the ability to forgive and it's interesting in jewish law you're not obligated to forgive because you cannot obligate somebody to forgive the way the jewish code of law says it is try not to be stone-hearted that you can't forgive try to forgive you can't tell somebody forgive because it's not about a verbal declaration it's about an inner commitment to forgiveness but judaism says if somebody asks you forgive what if somebody doesn't ask you if they're continuing to perpetuate the crime and by forgiving them you're allowing them to continue then it's a serious issue you have to consider there is a wonderful custom of the result not obligated but a wonderful customer of the arizona that every night before you go to sleep there's a special prayer it's called ribonus that even somebody who didn't ask forgiveness i choose to forgive if the forgiveness is not causing more bloodshed more violence more abuse etc do never confuse forgiveness with protecting yourself those two are completely disconnected if somebody in your life is toxic and is driving you crazy and is destroying your relationship with your children or your grandchildren forgiveness does not mean removing boundaries and allowing dysfunction and abuse to continue never confuse the two don't allow the beautiful word of forgiveness to become an excuse not to create the proper structures to protect those people you are responsible to protect beginning with your self never confuse the two so my dearest friends i bless myself and i bless all of you that we should be able to have the courage the confidence the resolve and the clarity to be able to live in the space of divine infinity how do you know you're living in that space the verse says in psalms we say it every morning in god's space there's two things confidence and joy when you live in a space of divine infinity you live in a space of confidence and you live in a space of joy you can do it and i can do it thank you thank you thank you [Music] this class is brought to you by the yeshiva.net please help us continue the classes make even a small contribution at slash www.theyoshiva.net
Channel: Rabbi YY Jacobson
Views: 45,346
Rating: 4.7264152 out of 5
Keywords: TheYeshiva.net, Torah Study, Religion, Judaism, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Rabbi Jacobson, YY Jacobson, theyeshiva, the yeshiva, Torah Online, forgiveness, grudges, pain, yosef, selichos, rosh hashanah, yom kippur, yossi jacobson, rabbi yy, kol nidrei, kal nidrei, forgive and forget
Id: tyi-6PWn1bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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