Ra - GameNight! Se11 Ep16 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] g j ingenious [Music] supplies [Music] game night tonight on Game Night Nikki Lincoln and myself Rusty are going to teach and play raw a game for two to five players designed by Dr rer Kenia and published by 25th Century games so let's see who gets the raw deal out of this hey Rusty yes Lincoln will you teach Nikki and I this game that we haven't played for 15 years or so I'd love to actually uh raw we are Egyptian kings trying to improve our kingdoms uh and we are going to do that by drawing tiles out of a bag and adding them to an auction row where we will be bidding for collection of all the tiles in the auction rad to add to our kingdoms okay this game will be played over three epics which are tracked by the boat now in this version of the game that will move across at the end of the Epic we will score mhm and then we will reset and start again standard turn is either one of three things taking the bag and drawing one of the tiles out of it adding it to the auction row here okay that's your whole turn second would be starting an auction by declaring Raw you will place the raw tile in front of you the tile that's a raw tile I'm sorry the raw tree in front of you and the auction will start with the person to your left or the third thing is you may if you have a god tile and I will go over these in a moment but if you have a god tile you are able to take one tile out of the auction immediately and place it into your kingdom nice nice so let's talk about what these tiles are and what they do for us when we collect tiles from an auction they will go on our board here and our board has a total of seven different sections we have the section for storing our monuments of which there are eight different types of monuments that we can collect okay which will earn us points for having a variety of different monuments at the end of the game and for how many of each Monument we have earned the second type are pharaohs we will collect Pharaoh tiles and this is a competition between all the players Whoever has the most Pharaoh tiles will receive five victory points at the end of the Epic Whoever has the least will lose two victory points at the end of the Epic hey hey that's going to be Lincoln no I don't know about that next we have God tiles which will be placed on on this side here for each God tile you have if you still have it in your possession at the end of the Epic it is worth two victory points the next are these gold coins these gold coins are worth three victory points they do nothing else they're just three victory points at the end of the Epic we have five different types of civilization tiles similar to The Monuments for each type of civilization you have if you have three different types you will earn five victory points four different types you'll earn 10 victory points or if you have all five you will earn 15 victory points but there's a rub to this if you don't have any by the end of the Epic you will lose five victory points so you're wanting to try to collect at least one of these to not lose victory points okay and then lastly these are a combination of tiles we have Nile tiles these are where you will be growing your food MH okay these tiles you see the person with the vase and the food growing and on the opposite T side are what are called flood tiles Nile tiles are worth nothing at the end of the Epic unless you have at least one flood tile right okay and as long as you have at least one flood tile you will earn one Victory point for every Nile tile and every flood tile okay are you all the time from okay at the end of the Epic we will score these and hand out the coins which are these tokens here let's move these away these come in ones twos fives and tens these are secret so you will keep them face down so we all will not know exactly how many victory points everyone has but we all do start with 10 victory points at the beginning of the game at the end of each Epic any tiles on the left hand side of your board will remain they're there for the rest of the game but any tiles on the right hand side of your board will be discarded after they're scored so you're going to have to start building up civilizations again you're going to have to get floods again otherwise you're going to have very dry Niles and they won't grow any food and you won't earn any victory points for them dry Nile tile dry Nile tile so how do these get to our kingdom well we will as I mentioned as an option draw a tile out of a bag and as long as the tile is not one of these tiles these are called raw tiles as long as it's not a right raw tile it will go into the next empty space in the auction board that is the end of your turn you may decide on your turn instead of drawing a tile from the bag you may decide to de an auction okay auctions work this way whoever declares the auction also known as invoking raw will place the raw tile in front of them so that they are seen to be the last person to bid and starting with the person on your left they may or may not place a single bid to try to win everything in the auction as well as this sun tile this sun tile is how you bid we all start with four tiles in in a three player game and these numbers are from 1 to 16 but in a three player game it's 1 to 13 they are distributed evenly on weight but a player May bid one tile by taking one of their face up tiles and placing it out stating this is their bid the player to their left may pass or add another tile that is higher than that where the previous person will then take back their tile having been beaten everyone gets one opportunity and once we get back around to the player who invoked raw they will have the last opportunity to bid whoever bid the highest will then take all of the tiles in the auction place them into their Kingdom take the sun tile that is in the center there place it face down in the empty space in their collection of sun tiles and replace it with a tile they have just bid with this means that someone else will be winning that tile possibly them even in the future you will only have as you can tell four opportunities to potentially win an auction during this epic so does that mean there's only four auctions there are only four Au there are only four auctions an individual can win during the Epic because they can only win potentially so if they if you let's say you've won each one of the four than any other auctions after that that happen after that you're out of you are you are no longer in the game that leaves it up to the other players it is possible for one player to be the last player with sun tiles meaning they will take their turn over and over and over again deciding when to stop when to continue to place tiles an auction can occur in two other ways other than a player saying I invoke raw mhm the second is that raw tile that may come out a raw tile does not go into the market in fact that raw tile is discarded and moves the raw boat along its path one space this indicates how how much time is left in this epic when the raw boat hits the final space the round is immediately over and none of the tiles here are auctioned and all of them are discarded and the round ends and we go to scoring but any other time that the raw boat moves we will have an auction whoever is the player who drew the raw tile will take the raw token and have been said to have invoked raw okay okay the last way that an auction can occur is if a player has placed a token that fills up the last space so all spaces within the auction Market are filled the next player has to start an auction unless they have a god tile if they have a god tile they can take a tile they can take a tile and then then it would come back to the next person and then they would fill in that last space that is correct they would fill in that empty Gap right but if you do not have a god tile and all the tile spaces are filled an auction starts you are considered to have invoked wrong okay there is only one rule regarding the requirement to bid in an auction if on your turn you are the one who actually specifically decided to declare raw as the auction you did not draw tiles it was not forced upon you by the market being full you are required to bid if no one else bids okay so if it gets back around to you and no one else has bid you are required to win that auction by giving up one of your sons okay okay my favorite son oh outside of that everyone can pass you are not required to win an auction if no one wins the auction and it's filled all the tiles are discarded and the turn passes and we start again I guess it could be that we've all a whole bunch of bad stuff came out that nobody really wants that is correct and then that person that is forced to start that auction would then have to win it and get stuck with them okay that's my game I already know this now okay now you mentioned bad stuff there are four tiles I have not discussed these are called the disaster tiles sweet I'm disgusted with your disgusting these disgusting tiles these tiles will destroy tiles in your kingdom the first one is a monument killer okay the monument killer will destroy two monuments you will have to dest them and throw them your choice but you will still have to destroy them the funeral will kill some Kings two pharaohs pharaohs okay you have to kill two pharaohs the plague will kill two of your civilization tiles Y and finally the drought will kill two of your tiles but the first tiles it kills are always flood tiles you have to kill flood tiles first and then you can start killing off your n tiles food n Tils n Tils there are two of each of these when you draw one of these out of the bag they do go into the market here o so uh there are times that you're going I really want that tile oh I'm going to use a god tile and pull that so if you have if it's the first round and you and this comes out do I get to choose like I could put it into play does it remove stuff from this the the ones that I've just uh won you will take everything from the auction place it in your kingdom first and then do it from the disasters now if you do not have any Nile and flood tiles it doesn't affect you you will then just discard the tile as you have met its requirements that won't be the way it works for me it never is at the end of an epic we will score there are three three scorings epics 1 2 and three we will see those by either the green hourglass the second round is the orange hourglass and the third round is the red hourglass okay we can see on our boards what items will score in which epics monuments only score in the last epic the very end of the game you can see the red hourglass here pharohs will score every epic end as will Niles and floods as will Gods coins and civilizations all right there is a last one at the bottom here this one is the sum of all of your sun tiles that you have at the end of the game Whoever has the highest sum will earn five victory points Whoever has the lowest sum hey that's me too will lose five victory points quite often it's just the highest the highest collects from the lowest player a five Victory Point token it's the easiest way to pass that on all of these will be given out and faced down correct for each Epoch well what will happen epic what will happen is at the end of this epic some or all of them will be faced down as they are the ones you have won from auctions right at the beginning of the next epic we will turn them over and those are the tiles you have to work with that round Whoever has the highest value showing is the one who will start each epic okay and the game will continue until we have three rounds so um for these tiles what what do we score when they're face up or face down or what okay they will all be face up at the end of the game what happens is they are face down when you have won them in an auction okay and at the end of the Epic we will turn them all face up again giving them back to us all right and so at the end of the game we will do the same and turn them face up and sum them up for scoring at the end of the game but at the end of each epic we will turn them back and reset them so that they are what we have to play for the next round okay so that gives some value to the sun tile in the center it may be a 13 out there and even though there may be only two tiles you may be in a good position that you could win those two tiles on the 13 with just a three because everyone else has used their tiles and you could then win that and collect that for the next round [Music] cool angelic ingenious supplies so before we start clarification on the god tiles if you have more than one God tile you may use more than one God tile on your turn to collect more than one tile from the market but what you will do is you will use all the god tiles that you're going to use select all the tiles and add them to your civilization all at one time as if you had won it from a uh standard auction okay yes and then those God tiles are discarded and out of the game oh okay okay right and there is the question as to timing for disaster tiles if you decide to take one of those with a god tile but the general consensus is that you will take all the tiles add them to your civilization and then any disaster tiles that you may have taken with God tiles will then trigger so maybe you're doing that to like preemptively make it you know at your best position to get just get it out of your system or or get it out of the way that's correct but it generally it helps other people around the table as well okay all right so the game will start with Nikki because she has the 13 son oh what if I pull a red one first boom I hope not oo water FL cool Clear Water okay one of the nice things is every single one of these tiles has a black symbol on it that matches to each of the locations where they go on these boards ah ooh that's a yes it is flood Monument oh that's me yikes and so I will be the first one to start an auction would you like to bid on this Nikki I don't know what happens if I don't it doesn't matter you you hold on to your stuff yeah you will lose nothing I don't know flood seems good right yeah I will all right so I'll just start with this okay I'm going to pass I think I'm going to pass as well so you you've won the first auction so that was probably not a good idea no I mean those are good no those are good you will find that floods are something that you are desperately Desiring yeah I just want more tiles believe me I'm pushing my Lu understand okay as I was the one who wound up invoking raw with the raw tile it is your turn goes back okay go back well we got rid of one of them here we go those raw tiles hey civilization right yes clunk [Music] Pharaoh so sometimes you might want to invoke ohy what is what is happening to you I don't know would you like to bid on that am I going to be the only one bidding all the time no don't I mean I you don't have to no so you pass how about no those seem like really good tiles though they're just single ones though I'm going to pass I'm going to pass as well all right so those all go away no those will remain oh good okay right these will remain it's just if this fills up and no one bids on it then we that's a good deal could I choose to bid right now now without even pulling anything you could choose to invoke an auction and then uh Lincoln would start the auction M I would choose second and if neither of us bid you would be required to bid because you decided to invoke wrong well that's not going to happen right now and uh food right it's a it's a Nile Nile tile o a second type of civilization now you can tell the difference by symbols in these here as to which civilizations they are let's see if I can do this three times in a row I sometimes have that bad type of luck no hey another n time let's just keep going yeah this it's going to be well we only got three more and then it's going to be happening then somebody will definitely be bidding so you have invoked Raw that jokingly by the way so Lincoln you have the beginning yeah those are good I think um I'll bid seven ooh um wow see I think I'm going to bid nine on that you can go and take that seven back that means the only way for Nikki to win this yeah I'm not doing that 13 there you all right so I win the two yeah and I will take these tiles and that will end this turn nice and so it is turn well am I going to win any tiles before the end of this here hey there's another Monument nice well I mean you're going to if you do this whatever happens here I know that's a better number than what I had put up I could get I could get disasters and all kinds of things done the last one heyy I'm going to keep doing this I'm going to really Rush this first epic aren't I come on so no no and I will pass as well the bag is yours do these come back in at for the next appbox never wow are there uh the raw tiles I believe there are 50 I will have to there we go no wonder they're coming up so much come on who makes the bag I will pass as well I have no I didn't invoke it I was forced I don't want it either all right no good so we have five of them already cheese okay cheese and crackers so this game can go quickly depending on how there we go at least it's something come on Rusty don't draw a red one no more red for a little bit I know no disasters either there's two of each right there are two of each so a total of eight disasters in this bag of about 140 tiles oo two of the same that's not good oh that's isn't it bad I you want you want a variety but having two of the same is not going to harm you oh okay here we go I keep doing that and it's the back of it o Pharaoh a pharaoh okie dokie wow wow can we get some monuments here lots of civilizations now there are five of each monument and there are eight monuments so there are 40 Monument tiles alone hey there's another he the same same one wow can I say Wow to this mix wowy wowy woo woo I'm going to draw again a uh okay we're getting there already I'll bid seven oh you're going to make me have to bid 12 for that but I don't know that I want a bid 12 for that I'm going to pass would you like to bid I'm bit I'm passing wow okay all right congratulations yeah hopefully it works out I don't know do we stack them if they're the same it's easiest that way to see put in the wrong place there we go oky dokie clunk it's a big bag of tiles pharoh [Music] Pharaoh I'm trying not to I'm really trying not to I would like going to come up with one monument and some gods God tile that's nice d d d hey hey it's a different Monument I thought it was the same that's pretty great what are these little symbols at the top that indicates the number of the monument as there is eight of them I get it oh this is a monument this is a monument Rich Mix Hey Hey I'm going to invoke Wooh yeah okay so I have to bid you do not have to bid the first two I'll bid 10 do I want to bid 10 those are pretty good though it's not a variety on these it's just a number of the of the uh pharaohs right it is Whoever has most oh yeah and it hurts if you don't have any yeah yes right Whoever has least I'll B 10 my 10 goodness oh well it makes you guys you to do it well it gives me the most and we're getting close so yeah we are getting close and I'm I'm I think I'm going to push okay I think I'm going to push so if you're interested in it darn it I don't want to use up my 13 to gain a seven yuck man all right take it I don't know wow I'm surprised I don't know this is probably a bad move I don't know there's a a 12 sitting there now if you can make it happen and so bag is yours okay that's right she invoke raw right I did invoke because he's getting towards the end and I don't feel like I got enough but then I didn't take it so I don't know I'd very much like to see a Nile come I mean a a a flood come out yeah flood nope and no another civilization that would make your third and would be worth five victory points and it would make my third and be worth five victory points [Music] M these are all the same no no I'm sorry I didn't spread them out I should but I think instead of drawing I'm actually going to oh take that Civilization and that tile is out of the game and my turn is over all right do I just fill this or do we keep okay there's some more cool Nile food Nile tile wow look at all of the civilization I mean all The Monuments coming out I'm going to invoke again nice well I'll bid the 10 I have to pass cuz I can't out bid the 10 all right I will be doing the 13 okay nicely done here I'll let you go while I organ nice mhm so now comes the question to get the 13 I'm yes I'm going to try this I'm going to bid a six to try to get the 13 I will bid an eight takes me out on it 10 yeah okay [Applause] okay all right Ross almost done boo almost done with the first epic yeah still no water no floods no floods Nikki got the one flood I did so there you go nck you're going to score probably and the others might not hey God tile do you know God talks to me oh no that's different hey and that is the end of the round immediately yep okay so now we're into scoring for the first epic we will ignore The Monuments okay because they do not score in the first epic but the first section will be pharaohs we need to see who has the most pharaohs I don't I have two Nikki you have two we both have the most so we will both gain five victory points okay and I lose five you will lose two victory points oh okay so you can make change thought we said I thought you said oh no that was something else that was the five okay we will look at the Nile tiles uh only Nikki has a flood so she will receive three victory points okay nice two three okay okay but she now loses the flood it goes away all right this goes where does that go in the bag or out okay as is everything we did we're now looking at civilizations uh I don't have any so it's going to cost you five victory points for fantastic so I gained five to lose five MH all right uh I have three different civilizations so I will earn five victory points but there is nothing for just two okay and then all the civilization tiles go away okay uh we have no gold and we have no tiles for Gods okay and that is the end of the round we will now flip over our Suns and these are our bidding Suns for the next round the boat goes back do they go do you rank them in order you can if you'd like we flip over to the second epic we in the orange okay and you drew the ending tile I did that would be um you to start though because you have the 13 in front of you you have the highest and we start this again okay all right and the race for civilizations is on yep some water water Nikki wants that cool clear water water o Sphinx spiny spiny it's a comic strip character name FY that this is you lose um civilizations two civilizations will die yeah when when you take it ah so makes it a horrible thing to bet on but you have to okay okay more water oh come on with the water floods red good I'll give this to you cuz you're next uh [Applause] four I will go a six EK I'll do the eight nice water's good so you're not getting this that is correct okay and the 10 goes to me and these I get water in another Monument okay Monument Monument six I wanted to put that in my kingdom God tile well you know you're telegraphing I'm going to take it it will be mine yeah it could oh man this will be the one I win I'll have two of the same again but that's good for the second half right that's correct those are uneven or you score in two different ways on those yeah you will score if you have three or more of a particular type it's five 10 or 15 for three four or five and then you will also score victory points based off of how many different variety you have hey water cool clear water flood I'm going to invoke you are invoking 11 I'm out I don't have anything even close to that that is worth 10 11 victory points plus the god there there are multiple facets there there that are strong yeah all right I'll do the 12 that is yours pharaoh oh there Nikki scores three for that one too right off that that's great hey guess what all right so that is yours um oh I've got those in the wrong order still in the wrong order you're right I I I can math good um yeah why not I'll put up a six for it nope I'll do nine all right okay those are yours congratulations okay Pharaoh spiny oo Pharaoh killer Pharaoh killer two it's always two it seems like it it is M dang done [Music] I hey some water oh it's a flood yeah flood but so what happens now is you do not have a god tile so you are forced into a position of invoking raw sure okay um for that I'm going to bid seven I don't know okay eight well this sucks I I guess I'll do 11 and that's mine but I lose these and well no I just lose these and one of these goes in there that was really terrible okay you don't you did not have to bid on that by the way and no but it's I I need the other things okay still not a good mix of those okay it's Rusty thank you I thought it was your turn to draw he was required to invoke raw unfortunately and now I am invoking raw would you like the 11 move that let me look at this [Laughter] again um no I mean I'll be four yeah I yeah a you're going to I should have thought of that oh well I will bid the six okay sorry it's not it's not that great of a tile but it gets me of this for next round yeah you had a pretty bad mix of tiles yeah highest is seven but that's my own doing well yeah you're just bidding on stuff it's not bad I mean come on you're doing well it's fun God tile Pharaoh yeah whatever I can win it if I have to hey we're going to be bidding anyway oky do that doesn't boo I will bid the nothing affects anybody unless I bid the seven all right no h well he'd have a lot of pharaohs I'll be the 13 okay what did I win six so I believe it is my draw gold EAS to H denominational nuggets a [Music] pharaoh WOW gold okay so those are three times for each one of those we have those are three victory points per tile yeah that's pretty great don't know if it's worth it yet ah I think you're calling it oh me four seven really mhm really really I'll do it for eight yeah cuz I can tra I trade up to a 13 here absolutely and you got at least six victory points there if not them and that was me or no yeah she was invoking raw by drawing a tile this epic is going a little slower yeah we didn't get as many of those coming out this time Wow Pyramids H but as we go deeper into the bag with the third epic if we're not pulling out as many raw tiles what will happen is there will be plenty of them left for the third epic and that will move hey hey hey I for the eight H I'll try with a three nope I'm out you are out for this round kind of a bummer okay but that is worth five victory points for having that third one there right oh there comes the floods and it will just be the two of us going back and forth oh right he doesn't even pull a tile okay your eight is face up I know I'm done so don't forget that you have a god tile I know but there's nothing there [Applause] yet coins m this is going to be a mistake no okay I'm going to take the civilization okay dang one turn too early could I add four oh let's just go H all right and now it's a forced raw you have first bid all right um five's does this Advance did we advance this uh no we don't because it was forced only when the red tiles come out but that's a good catch I I have to play the seven there 's too many victory points out there for me for that it's just too valuable yep so you have the bag now it is your draw okay just um a good chance to sort of St I know that's all right I'll draw really slowly it's fine see how slow I can draw I'm already sorted okay there you go oo civilization I ible what is that getting rid of civilization that's painful especially if it's minus five when you don't have any right oh [Music] man what am I doing why am I doing that because that's all right um it would kill the two civilizations I would have nothing mhm I'm going to pass you do not have to bid but you do have the option of bidding well it would kill these two and I would still at least have one that is correct and I would get some more matches it's actually not that bad I'm going to use the one actually get rid of the one yep woohoo Rusty might get stuck with that one now I I'm GNA just get rid of the two that are in front of me perfect now could I have chosen because these are matching I don't know if that matters but absolutely you would you would place all of the tiles that you went in the auction into your kingdom first and then you would use the disaster tile and to start from there come on so would you like want the one no I don't want it you sure you don't want it I mean you could you can take it for a five I mean it's a great deal want it oh sneaky that looks good to you it does look good do I want to invoke for the one I know that's the sad thing I I would keep flooping if I were you get some more good stuff yeah hopefully you're going to have to bid hey wow were these shuffled I don't know they're in a bag they were shuffled yeah Rusty what are you to I'm going to invoke raw so all right do you wish that for your five darn it no no you're going to pass the one is yeah no I don't want to get stuck with the one I just got rid of it I will bid with the two but yeah how many points did you just pick up yeah it wasn't that it wasn't that many but but we are very close to the end of this round and I wouldn't mind you know getting something out of there so I was going to just keep filling it yeah it's not yours not yet want to I love wanting to it's the same thing everybody wants to keep drawing it really doesn't I mean you have to leave it to that person decide if they want to do something but yeah if everybody's doing the same thing hey there go and the round is over and nothing happens boom shook a bloom all right those weren't looking too bad for me either I was considering okay so let's take a look at the Pharaohs okay we all tie yeah so none of us get anything okay because we are neither leader exactly yeah so that's a good thing for everyone uh does everyone have a flood it looks like everyone has a flood I Four Points we will just count them up you will get five and I will get six okay I'm getting rusties together thank you I threw in one to take a four and don't forget to now get rid of your floods whoa I miss okay I was wondering how that works okay uh then we will move on to civilizations uh zero minus five right so it's a minus five for that we do not have enough to score any points on it but we do not lose any points because we have at least one civilization okie dokie okay so that will go away go back to here gold we're now on the last Epoch you will get six victory points for that and I will receive three victory points okay there two three thank you and then God tiles are worth two victory points a piece okay these go away too those go away and we lose the god tiles we lose the god tiles as well so you'll get that's the worst I wish I'd remembered that everything on the right side of the table M goes away we then flip all of our Suns over and now I can remember how to count and Nikki has the 13 so Nikki will start the last epic I have like seven point such a good feeling we all want to see those don't we love a good [Applause] drought civilization jeez W oh yeah I think this auction is probably going to wind up um going away well there it is we have an auction starting would you like to bit on it Nikki what is it wiping out the water two water and two civilization since nobody has flood and I nobody but it will kill two of these as well oh it's the okay oh it's starts from this side oh that's right that's right yeah that's that's clear yeah I'm not doing it yeah I don't think so I have no desire to bid either so oh no those remain oh okay we will have to fill that up before we can get I need to get a god tile so you can take that and just take it hey another BD yeah what do you think I think this is well it'll probably be mine since this has been game no one will more than likely collect this so what's going to happen is as long as I don't draw you are there's a FL it's a forced start yeah do you wish to bid on this jeez if none of us bid on this this will all go away right but it wipes out two civilizations which I don't have two of these right three of these uh it it all four yeah all four two and two one and you would get lose both of those because it kills the civilization I'm going to pass I'm going to pass as well I'm passing all right this o has gone away hey a flood They Might Be Giants yeah hey ah well Rusty wants that oh he does want water and he's got an 11 flood it's a flood a flood okay um nope I have to I guess I don't really I don't think that you do I do you wait for more the game is moving so I don't feel okay that is your turn Okay gold starts with me again yeah pass I mean it's three points for sure and you don't lose five why aren't you I'm passing okay I need to win something besides that I just thought if I'm going to spend a small amount because you guys have better values than I do mostly Rusty is not doing too great well I was going to wait anyway um cuz I'm looking at these not um matching right so Rusty use your four because I wasn't going to do it you're not going to do a five I well okay I mean I think I think I think a five would be yeah I mean I'm not going 11 but it's it's something I'm willing to bid on yeah I I think it's got absolute value to it well you're not losing Five Points exactly hey need a what at least one yeah I did five five or whatever I did for that at least I score wow I think somebody's going to win pharaohs with that one I know but just Five Points such a weird tug of war H I'm going to invoke raw okay um um I don't know that it's worth 11 to me I I will bid four because I think it's got value but everyone cannot bid me nope eight okay just hoping I don't lose um Five Points more n where are the floods mhm that ain't a flood mm many Christmas too many crickets I know this is going to sound strange but I'm going to bid one on it I bid seven yeah that gives Nikki another third of those which is makes that Five Points yeah so it gives me five as well six points total I mean I you know where we're at on this I'll just do the nine okay okay does it matter I mean it just it's to get the points yeah I know I'll bid seven Wow Pass I'm not bidding 11 for a nine I'm sorry that's yours I'm all right with that yeah it moved you up yeah no it was a good play what is that monuments a monument killer no two monuments I don't want that business you want to see oh yeah I need floods I need this to happen a little bit is that a flood no no no flood for you coin well I mean you can kill monuments that you don't have multiples of sure I mean it does screw up with your still messes that up but hey there's a flood but as you have only six they're one point a piece because one to six they're one point per different type right so you would only be losing two victory points for doing that whereas others 10 pass yeah I think I'm going to have to pass on that there's just not enough there for me so I will kill two of these mhm I don't know which if I had been tracking which ones were well you have four I mean that's a big jump there so I would keep the four for sure yeah I just gave them those two I mean it's fine you're goes oops [Applause] here and the bag is now yours okay okay come on really wow I don't want that mess civilization [Music] you wanton it don't you he's going to just play out isn't he I'm one sow we're almost done yeah one more raw tile will end the game I think I'm just going to go for it okay doesn't matter and that's mine that's yours this goes I'm out lose two there's one and there's another one I got at least I'm not losing any points necessarily on that okay did I that's your one that's my one I don't know why I flipped it over I did cuz I was not thinking and the game is over oh come on that is the end of the game that is horrible yeah okay so everyone flip your sun tiles over so their face up now we are going to I didn't win a single auction in the thir epic now we're going to score monuments you have four on one of those don't you I have four wow here so that's worth 10 victory points for that okay and you will receive four more victory points for having four different types okay two okay I have five different types so I will receive five victory points but that is all you have four different types and two at three so you will receive 14 victory points from that okay cool you have the most pharaohs you get five and I have the least Pharaoh so I will lose two we are now looking at Water I have no flood so I receive nothing I have one flood and so you will receive four victory points one for every water tile and Nile I get eight I'm going to discard a two to take a 10 okay sweet and then we can discard the floods floods civilization uh you do not lose any points but do not have enough to earn I will lose five victory points because I have no civilizations and I get nothing I like it yeah you have two oh okay okay uh gold you will receive six okay five mhm and then Gods none of us have Gods right yeah we didn't get any of this last round and then lastly we will look at the total sum of our sons okay I have 19 which is terrible nik's going do I think I have uh 25 Nikki's got it 21 35 y so Nikki will receive five victory points and I will lose five victory points yes is Right pain and then we reveal our victory points and r Whoever has the most ones I think oh I got a few tens at least is the winner so I have uh 30 four I have 22 right I have 55 Nice N ni done her aggressive uh invoking raw worked I guess [Music] so [Music] Angelicus supplies man it was crazy I mean this is going to happen all the time you know what I mean for sure what do you think Nikki P well it's been a very long time since we played it I vaguely remember being terrible at this game so well you've got I think you've gotten a lot better at auction games even though you don't think so um yeah that's where I was going I'm like I guess I have gotten well I definitely feel we played um kenia's uh Trum fabriek the new one um dream not Dream Factory uh it's the new one from trick or- treat studos which is great by the way we it's you're making a horror movie yeah um but it's pretty awesome anyway we'll get back to that in a minute sure yes I enjoyed it I'm having vague memories of the original right again cuz it's been 15 years we estimate uh but I really like it I like the bits I like the colors all of it pring very pretty um this is so clear and obvious what's going on it's really great um I I I liked it yeah what do you think Rusty I know you love it he's the one that I mean everybody kind of wanted to do this game cuz Dave and Aaron both were like into it but Rusty was the one that actually made it happen he actually has the deluxe version which we not playing with this is the standard version of the game which is pretty nice it's pretty amazing yeah it's it it is amazing just the the retail version is of such high quality and the deluxe just takes it a little over the top where all the tiles are wood tiles and the victory points the cartuchos are actual dual tone metal coins and it's amazing but I I have this is in my top 10 games of all time this is one of those that just hits a sweet spot for me it's got a little bit of auction a little bit of push your luck little little bit of set collection and there is that player interaction where you're having to know what the other players are doing and having to take that little bit of I'm going to take the risk that he's not going to play that and watch things crumble and I I like that I like that little disaster bit Rusty you kind of had it crumble it's it's Weir because you did you had such a great first round really great first round and you still had a pretty good second round I feel Epoch I'm sorry epic um but this is terrible I mean you had low numbers both the last two rounds I did you had really low uh numbers the previous one at least this one you had you know uh oh no you had seven something right no you didn't win anything this round I didn't win anything this round that's terrible that's just terrible I thought what was going to happen is you and I would finish out all the O like have nothing and he would just be like no I I knew this was coming I mean I did I I did I did all mine right I end up um but I mean it helped so you know my taking that one you know it's like I didn't want to lose points here I really wished I could have got a different one but it just didn't happen um so you know I I I did actually sort of turn things around because I literally had below 10 points I believe um at at the end of this round yeah before at the beginning of this round this is a game that I first played back in wow I I'm trying to remember if it was early 2008 or 2009 it was one of the earlier games just when I first got into board gaming and um I I did not do well at it but I just love the Simplicity of it and I it's never let go ever since the um the raw it's number one in the Ala series which is behind you there and if you notice ours is fat because I don't if you can see it behind Rusty yeah you can kind of see it it's because we actually have the BGG bits which are pretty new too it's geeka bits for that and I think that the almost the entirety of the game is in those bits because it replaces everything and does plastic but this is really nice I I some people were not excited about the bright colors but I feel it looks kind of I don't know about this but sort of this stuff looks like Egyptian art and you see the the restored uh pigments of what it looks like they were pretty brightly colored so I feel this is this is eno tool and it's just really gorgeous pretty um really really this is just great I mean all this stuff is nice this is overkill but I mean I guess you know like Bo it's a monster I kind of like the how big the original one was yeah it's about it's not thick like that it's about like that size I don't really remember it comparable to this by standing on its there was the dice game the raw dice game had like a smaller but chunky great one that I know you wanted more of to like do jewelry or something for you know but Jew uh that one didn't uh that dice game didn't last that long right yeah this is great I think they did a really nice job of um uh turning this you know into a a kind of a lux production for sure and um I really like kenia's auction games but I'm not good at them um when we played with uh the new one nightmare production is the name of the new one um so we have like several versions of uh trome for is it holwood Blockbuster was the one as the other one and then there's another one right there's a dream I think it's called Dream Factory I yeah Dream Factory was the I think we have that one from a Spanish product uh company um but the new one is the new one is very neat cuz it's you're making like n said earlier a monster movie and you have to get monsters in your movie and stuff thematically it's pretty great but good goodness it's hard um because you know you're going on it's Film Festival circuits is what you're trying to you know like a uh a festival that you're trying to win the the stuff and it's just hard I just am not good at determining what's of value I do think I did okay on this one in the final bit but um it's I'm I don't know about like I I did call it once but I knew we were getting close was why I was like I just want to make sure I win some a few things cuz like this pushes this to a five right where it scores nothing Well scores me two but well it would score you one Victory point for just having that type but as soon as you hit three in a specific type it BEC an additional five viory yeah which is great yeah now um you were mentioning the production of this I know some people that are watching this are going no but what's this boat and where did the board go well I think that's one of the great things about this they reduced the size of this board we can have this laying out here so it takes us table space but they included this boat as a way of giving people an option as to how they want to keep track of this the other side of the board is intended for you to Alla the old version of Raw to set the raw tiles out here yeah until you get to the end interesting so you can either play with the old method of putting the tiles out there which some people may prefer or keep provided we remember to move the boat which I think we did I I questioned it one time when I was wasn't I was confusing it anyway that it's the tiles that Advance it um it's crazy though we had so many that first Epoch right yeah that the the other two went a little bit longer before they uh and I think both of them I I bit I well I did the last one and that ended it but the previous one I was done a round or two ahead of that I should have at least tried to compete on these things cuz I didn't use my God tile that's what I at a minimum I should have taken one of those and a hard thing is the timing to know into it both Nikki and I got she got to use one of them but then she got a second one that same round um and then didn't didn't get to use it either that's too bad that's unfortunate because those are powerful toes yeah they're very T powerful yep well cool Rusty thanks for teaching us you're welcome and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our Channel if you click on the Bell get notified when we put up new videos see you next [Music] time [Music] oh
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 25,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: EM_-w_gkMB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 18sec (4278 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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