QwerkyWriter usage review

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hey i wanted to give a follow-up to the unboxing video that i did last week um with a more full review of the keyboard the quirky writer quirky writer uh 17 000 or whatever number they put on with it i think it's the two actually in any case um i have some good and bad i have you know some very mixed feelings about it so i wanted to put those out um i'm not gonna do any close-ups of the keyboard i mean you know here it is again but it's not it's just you can find pictures on the internet so there's really no reason to do that um okay so let's talk about the good the good is that it is fun to type on it is uh you know cherry mx is a thing cherry mx blue is a measurable thing you know it's got you know that sound to it it's got that responsiveness to it it's all good um especially if you understand what the cherry mx system is um so that's fine if you like clacky you're gonna like this keyboard if you like retro or nostalgia you're gonna love this keyboard um if you want to remove the nerd knobs on your 102 key keyboard and really get all the distractions out of the way that's also really good and you're going to like that too so those are all the things that i think this keyboard does really well and some of the reasons why people would buy it now some of the generically less good things they're not specific to me but they're things that people have commented on or that people notice first of all the the layout is tight i mean that's kind of the point right it's supposed to represent or or bring you back to that underwood uh you know keyboard of a actual typewriter so your hands are gonna be closer together you're gonna have to adjust your setup to make sure that you're still comfortable in that setting if you're used to again spreading out in 102 key keyboard or even those ergonomic keyboards this is going to be a shift you're going to have to learn to get used to that um still the loss of the 10 key is going to bother a lot of people i think um you know people are just used to shifting their hand over doing a little bit of numbers and then going right back to it so that's going to be something that's going to you know catch people also the missing insert key i've heard a few people a couple of friends of mine on twitter have mentioned already that if you do a lot of work with for example virtualization environments where that insert key or control shift insert to do control delete in your virtual machines that's going to be something you're going to notice isn't there and it's hard to get back and that's the last generic not lovely thing i had a challenge reprogramming the keys to do what i wanted them to do for example and i recognize this is my own little hang up i like the scent symbol you know uh alt 0 1 8 9 i think you know i i just i like using the scent simple instead of doing dollar zero point whatever it's just a throwback it's yeah it's me being again just nostalgic about things but i had trouble getting this keyboard to do it i've never had problems with other keyboards within the operating system or using a separate utility getting it to do it and it's really a challenge here so that was something getting an insert key on here probably easier it's more standard and it's not as weird as a scent but it's still something to keep in mind now as far as the personal items um the return bar wasn't as delightful as i'd hoped the you know this thingy i i really hoped i was going to get into the swing of smacking it and getting a return but it didn't do it i i did reprogram it to do something else it just didn't become part of my normal everyday habit um and the other thing and this is the main issue is that i was looking for air on chair level change and what i mean by that is five seven even ten years ago herman miller came out with a particular style or brand of chair called the aeron chair and it was very ergonomic it was completely adjustable you know lumbar support and all this stuff i don't have one i've sat in one a couple of times but the idea is that it was so well adjusted that anybody who sat there could sort of conform it to their sitting style and sit for longer and so developers programmers said you know i can sit for an extra two even three hours and not be distracted by aches and pains not have to go get up and walk around and because of those extra two three hours i'm being that much more productive and they were able to justify a very expensive chair by saying look at how much more productive look what that's going to give me and i was looking for that level of change here i was looking for the keyboard to help me focus to help me speed up my typing in some ways to help again remove those nerd knobs and those distractions from me i didn't get that and that might have been a very high bar to ask for a keyboard but that was what i was looking for that return to just type and just focus on the typing of what you're doing it didn't do it i i found myself really being conscious of how i was typing and what i was typing and it was it wasn't slowing me down so much but it certainly wasn't speeding me up and it wasn't any better and at the end of the day a keyboard that is this cost i don't want to insult anybody but this expensive i don't have that kind of money lying around for a piece of joy which it was i mean it really is it makes me giggle every time i look at it it is it feels good as you saw in the unboxing it has a weight to it and it has a very particular style to it that is really fun to get into but i don't need three hundred dollars of cute in my office i need things that work and and do specific functions so at the end of the day at the end of the week really i'm gonna box this up and send it back and i appreciate everything there is about it but it didn't end up doing what i needed which was to somehow level up my game when it came to actually writing so there's the review i don't do these a lot so i can't say that i'm you're gonna get another one anytime soon uh you will probably see my son and his snarky side comments uh occasionally from time to time but that's that's the review as it stands today thanks for joining me
Channel: Leon Adato
Views: 853
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, qwerkywriter
Id: YTBYmsliwrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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