Quiver Full Plath Family

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  1. Hearing young adults call their parents mommy and daddy will never cease to creep me out.

  2. "My favourite thing about my parents is that they put us to work" πŸ˜–

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/happierheathen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They’re amazing musicians compared to the travesty that is the Rodrigues family band.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JaneJosephine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok, I am getting more and more convinced that Kaylee's obsession with farmers is not about cows, she's probably been crushing on Micah for a while now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/not_kathrine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Note the advertising of the marriage age kids.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EllieJellyNelly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The music in the background just makes this creepier and creepier to me. And the fact that the parents just... talk for the kids.

β€œThe best thing about Hosanna is that she makes her bed”


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rosiedokidoki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was suprised when I realized they weren't Utah Mormons. Their accents, their whiteness, the quantity of them, their vacant happiness, everything about them fits the Mormon stereotype.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Justicebubble πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

There's actually quite a few things which (in my opinion) make them a tiny bit more normal than the Rods and some other Fundies...

First, the father has a career that isn't ministry or grifting focused. An actual, salaried profession that seems to provide decently for the family.

The mother went to Florida State. While she didn't specify whether she graduated, it is refreshing that she got a college education and one at a non-Fundie college. While she may have started drinking the Kool Aid since then, it gives me hope that they would be ok with their kids going to a regular college if they wanted to.

Their dress, while modest and looks to be skirts only, isn't nearly as uptight as some Fundies, including the Rods. It seems that bare arms and a bit more neckline are ok.

On the Plath family website, it is mentioned that a couple of the girls is into Ballroom Dancing- unlike the Duggars for instance who prohibit any kind of dancing.

Also, unlike the Duggars and Rods, they do seem to have some genuine music talent. Even if it isn't quite my style of music, they're good at what they do.

It actually really surprises me that they're friends with the Rods... They seem far more normal in a lot of ways.

I wonder if Nurie was one of Hosanna's 40 penpals, which is how they became "best friends", and the only reason the Plaths tolerate the Rods. I don't really follow the Plaths so maybe they're crazier than they seem in the doco.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/STLFleur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

At least they seem to know the kids and what they like unlike many of these families. Or so it seems. I wonder if each of the kids will also have 538939 kids.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jolpop29 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Children of the corn much?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JLHelz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi I'm very slack father of nine children has been the one beautiful life here I do travel demand forecasting for a consulting firm that works for Florida's Turnpike you know when I'm not working on that home with the family in the dog doing thousands of other things [Music] laughs [Music] so I was a music major at FSU we learned a lot about music music history music theory different instruments how to play different instruments how to teach different instruments I told Barry when we got married don't worry honey the children have free music lessons we never dreamed we'd have a band Kim is a great list maker delegator mommy keeps me in order my mom and dad are the best parents that are living on the earth my favorite thing about my parents is that they put us to work consists of always you know provided everything for all of us they are give me sometimes like they are chasing each other some days show you we tickle mommy so I'm really thankful for parents that I have [Music] I'm saying I'm the firstborn himself here was the company he's a great guy you loved it he just loved old even just bought his first car it's a 1950 Chevy liner it needs a lot of work but he's already done a lot of work to it it wasn't running when he got it he's got it running now that's good and he's out in the barn all the time he's taking things apart putting things back together replacing this part fixing that but I was watching him and I was thinking he would be so unhappy with a car that was brand new that didn't need him he's convinced in his line there's nothing he can't build or fix he is such a happy joyful guy he loved making people laugh he also really entertains us we'll be on stage performing somewhere and he will just pop out with some statement that's just hilarious so Ethan Ethan talents our piano accordion singing he's developed a really really nice deep bass voice he's a great addition to the band [Music] so Hosanna feels quite amazing with her musical abilities to start it out on her start shopping channel in the flat family and then she really can beautify and trim the fiddle she picked up so many other instruments dobro banjo now on the guitar Madonna has developed an amazing ear for harmony she's always been the harmonizer for the group she can hear harmonies even if it's a song she's never played before she can just jumped up and harmonize with it it used to be when we would learn a new song that Hosanna would teach everyone their harmony parts now new song they just jump right in and they can harmonize together it's really fun to watch so Havana's our oldest daughter and she has always been a really really great help to me the an underling she makes her bed everyone we were in a store the other day and someone saw her with the little girls they said oh do you help your mother and she said yes I do and I just kind of laughed and we walked out of the store and I said you do all the cooking cleaning laundry every 12 everybody does when you have a large family you have to structure things where everybody pitches in and help if somebody stops doing laundry as a household comes to a grinding halt Louisiana loves to write she has about 40 girls that she writes to if there's something that needs to be written out by hand to doing it one of the reasons that she's able to have forty ten pounds is because she writes them all back immediately but they take their time writing back to her [Music] [Music] so Michael lost Gardner I have to veneers um like a bell that everything green if you're wondering where micah is because you can't find him he is expanding his gardening efforts he bought his brothers gardeners and now he's farming twice the land these he has also a knack for making a buck Micah like to make a little money and he produced a lot of garden crops and stole them all and bought his first mammal in the second family those garden is financing a lot of things in life for Micah most mornings Micah gets up and before breakfast before any of the other children are up he goes out to his garden and he starts working he puts the time in in a start he's really concise about what he does everything about him has to be perfect yes the Gloucester luckily be granted Jesus is my speed mariah early on made a statement I want to be a singer it was funny though because Mariah would say that she wanted to be a singer but she also wanted to be a veterinarian she also wanted to be a freak and I asked her why and see this is back when we were listening to classical music a lot and she said because they only perform Hallelujah Chorus Handel's Messiah in the wintertime you have to do something else the rest of the year she was young enough she didn't understand that there's a lot other songs out there than just that one she sings all the time we hear her when she's outside singing when she's inside singing I even one time you saw her singing in her sleep he can be weird at some moment encouraging others Mariah really really really wants a big tour bus oh yeah be a lot easier for us to have our all our stuff in one spot than having to bring everything from one hotel room back into the van and back into another car but right now our tour bus is a 15 passenger van pulling the 12 foot trailer [Music] when I was pregnant with Lydia someone gave me a card I didn't find it until years later but it just stuck with me they specifically were praying that Lydia would bring joy to our household after she was born we named her Lydia joy I wasn't even thinking that at the time she definitely brings joy to our household she has a contagious smile she's bubbly she's cheerful she's energetic I can talk to her she doesn't think I'm cute you can see the banjo is a really fitting instrument for her I've heard it said you can't be sad listening to a banjo the chin now is one of the singers she has a really rock-solid Alto part that she does with the girls harmonizing and she's now starting to solo on a couple songs so we're real excited to see her progressive bands [Music] [Applause] Isaak is learning to play the guitar right now and Isaac is also singing now with the group he loved just been playing all his free time is consumed with the thought food Jetson swings he could probably just fit in a library with a pile of jet the plane book something I'd be happy except that Isaac would probably rather be out in a field with a pair of binoculars helps come out to the field with binoculars and just scour the sky looking for a jet it's kind of fun to sit back and watch the family dynamics and to watch the money exchange or the goods exchange for example Isaac he might clean the kitchen for one of the girls in an exchange he gets to take pictures on their camera until the batteries are low [Music] amber has always been real bright as soon as she could start learning numbers I don't remember how old she was when she started but she just started picking up math and going with it she even said one time I would rather do math than eat cake she didn't get that from me I don't know now that she's earning a little bit of money probably from helping Micah in his garden she loves counting her money so we joke about someday we'll make her the accountant for the band amber plays the fiddle amber Singh amber loved playing fiddle and singing [Music] here's a sentence it he is crucified in 2014 Cassie had an eye accident and she ended up having three surgeries that summer that is an instance where family unity just kicked in we had to have the older ones taking care of little ones we had to have everyone pitch in and help cassia loves to sing she's got a real strong voice she's got a really good sense of pitch I'm amazed that even as a young four-year-old she could sing the melody and stay right on pitch and when her other sisters come in and harmonize she doesn't waver on her pitch [Music] Mercy's three and she's so cute and she was so sweet and I think everyone's favorite is when she thinks Jesus loves me when I was pregnant with Mercy I was getting a little bit overwhelmed with the tenth verse and just thinking about everything that could go wrong in the birds and I just was crying out to God for mercy meaning I wanted him to help make the birth smooth and easy and done and no complications in the middle of the night I woke up a few nights later and I just heard Mercy Shalom and I knew that was the Lord saying I've heard your cry for mercy and I'm going to give you my famous first but I'm also going to give you Shalom I'm going to give you my peace sure enough her birth was quick and simple and done but I also knew if it was a girl that was going to be her name mercy Shalom so that's our mercy as a Christian you know I understand I have an M&E Bible calls in the print out of the air and he is the one who doesn't like the family you know Jesus said house divided cannot stand we really want to stand in unity in the Lord and that's been a theme in our family is to draw upon what God has done for us and is doing for us and you know we'll continue to do for us and that is unify us by your spirit family unity is important because it gives a good picture of what God's design is for the family God's designed for the family isn't for everyone to be scattered and doing different things God's designed for the family is to be one body in unity and that doesn't mean that we're all doing the same thing he might be working his job and I might be carrying out what he wants done and the children you know doing different things so that the household functions so that our overall goals as a family can be missed and I see the whole whole family is how God has designed it a man and a woman children you need the members of the family to all do their job in their part to to make the family function and then you need all the different families to function together to make a society function and that glorifies God because it shows his heart for his people to live in unity the husband and the wife has to be on the same page and I know you ladies will love to hear this but the easiest way to do that is for the wife to get on the husband's page and from there that the husband and wife in unity can then bring the children along everyone's on the same page my family means everything family means like it's all being together all the time that's what I like it means nobody is bickering and picking up fighting preparing your cheesecake at you families need to have fun together these days everyone's so busy with all the different activities from working and going different directions nobody has time to get together and do anything fun together as a family and I just think that's bad and I think it's really important for families to try to get together figure out what your goals are what your common purpose is as a family do something productive together but also have fun together it's just so fun to make music together my favorite thing to do together as a family into music I'm not saying everyone should do music everyone should start a band everyone should our family's different than your family but find what it is that your family can do together in musical harmony has two different notes that vibrates in accord with each other so they sound good together when the Harmony is off there's a clash there with the sound waves and there's nobody like that and it's the same way with with us as a family each individual member they're playing a different note they have different interests different things that they do or light but with that common purpose it all goes together all of these the sound waves meshed together the music is a byproduct of the love we have for each other the love we have for God and the unity that we have as a family and it's beautiful I I love it I love every one of my brothers and sisters I love everything they do even when they're having a bad day life would what I wouldn't know it the life will be totally different without them you
Channel: Quiverfull Documentary
Views: 415,624
Rating: 4.2795229 out of 5
Keywords: Large Family, Christian, Band, Quiver, Full, Children, Quiverfull, Full Quiver
Id: hfSftly0w8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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