Quilty: Tying a Quilt—Quilting How-to

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[Music] quilty quilty is brought to you by a pqs handcrafted quilting machines rfl autofill italian thread perfectly suited for all your quilting projects baby lock for the love of sewing clockworks inspiring creativity with art on fabric pavel sewing when you need to cut it close choose hobbles P&B our fabrics your lifestyle pathology the urban club space quilty remember this quilt it's almost done on today's episode we're going to show you one method for finishing it join us [Music] tying a quilt is a way to join the sandwich the backing the batting and the top of your quilt to join those pieces together and to finish your quilt and it's totally good in a pinch and we're going to show you how to do it today ultimately we hope that you will try a little machine quilting or even hand quilting or send your quilt to a long armor to finish but sometimes you tie a quilt and that's totally cool and so we're going to show you how to do it today the first step is to get your completed quilt top baste it and and put together with the sandwich in a secure way so before me I have a little quilt top that we did you might remember it from an earlier episode of quilty this is the strip II quote that we did with shauna a few months ago and we had all these scraps and we put them together in these long strips and it's kind of the perfect size for a baby quilt I mean this is a sassy baby not like any baby quilt you've ever seen before it's a quilt a baby quilt and so we're going to we're going to tie it I'm going to show you how to do a little tie on a quilt with this so the first thing you do is put it down on top of the batting and the backing so let's take a look down here the first layer that goes down is your backing fabric and you secure it on a really flat surface with tape I like to use like a duct tape or a masking tape you can do this on the floor you can do it on a huge card table it depends on the size of your quilt but I've chosen to piece the back of this quilt actually I use some black that was in the quilt somewhere or something that was similar and a piece of black that I had and I pieced it all together so that it was a little bit bigger a few inches bigger around than the quilt top itself okay on all sides you tape that down onto your table and I'd secure it like definitely one in each corner one on the sides make sure it's not going to budge anywhere you don't have to pull it really taut but just lay it down make it secure then comes your batting and this is a really nice soft natural batting that I used and that needs to also be cut bigger than on all sides then your then your quilt top you know at least an inch and a half maybe a little bit more just enough to be able to fold over to trim and fold over for your binding and then your quilt top goes on top and then you baste it we've done this once on quilty before when we were showing how to prepare a piece of quilting for machine quilting and for hand quilting but we're going to do it one more time here as we show you because this is the same process when you tie a quilt these are basting pins when you get all your layers down on your flat surface you need to secure them with basting pins that's actually a regular safety pin but that's a good thing to show you that's a regular safety pin and this is a special quilters basting pin and we talked about this before but that has a bend in it and the reason why that's awesome is because when you're putting your pin through just do it right here when you're putting your pin through it's got this angle you want to go through all three layers and bring it up and that bent pen is awesome for that so that is a very good supply to have in your quilting tool kit so you put those pins down in your in your quilt top and the rule is it kind of varies but usually if there's about a fist width distance between your pin like in any direction your basting pin like I could probably use one right about there so I'd put one in there you make sure you go through all your layers you don't want to miss a layer and you get those put in okay and then you can take your tape off and you're you know you're secure okay and then to tie your quilt you don't use regular thread don't use quilting thread so to thread this so this is a I found this thread and the clearance bin at the craft store it's like a poly blend it's variegated I thought that would be good for for this quilt kind of pinky and cute but it's got that scrappy look to it so you cut a piece of this thread you know a piece that long enough to work with and the needle that you would use to tie this quilt is going to be different from just a regular small needle obviously it's thicker thread you're going to want a better needle I'm going to lay it down right here this is a this is a basting needle you could use a tapestry needle or a wool applicator anything that's bigger it's got a little heft to it is going to be a good choice for you sometimes it can be hard to thread this guy because the the yarn and you can use yarn you can use embroidery floss you can use pearl cotton anything that's got some some weight to it will be fine but that can be hard to thread through that needle so a little trick is to take a piece of thread just regular quilting like sewing thread that you would put in your sewing machine and make a loop okay just a little tiny loop we'll get a close-up of it and thread that loop through your needle do this do you want to know something really gross this is a tip this is a tip I'm going to do it I'm going to do it grease on your nose this is some one of the first things I ever learned about quilting I know I can't believe I'm doing this on camera but the fact the matter is is the grease on your nose helps make a points that will get see it's it's going to work it's kind of waxy and quilters have used beeswax in the past to make their thread thicker see I got it um but that's that's like a tip I mean it works right I couldn't get it threaded and then just use a little bit of you know grease off your nose and it'll do it anyway so once you have your loop threaded through your needle just like that I'm going to put it down on this this area to see I've got this loop through my thread then just run your floss or your yeah whatever your yarn that you're using is through that it's like you're making your own needle threader and then pull the loop through through just like that because it's really hard I mean if it's hard enough to get that little piece of thread through this needle it's really hard to get the yarn through but see does that make sense a little loop thing little loop trick okay so once you have your yarn ready to go you're ready to tie so I'm going to go back into this little blue area because it's easy to see and you're going to go down through all four all three of your layers and then come back up not too far away you don't want to take a big bite of fabric this is probably plenty and you pull through you have to tug it a little bit but you have to be gentle because you don't want to be tearing anything and I believe you know a few inches and I go back down through you really want this to be secure I'd come back down once and come back up one more time right about where you went where you took your second second stitch here so you're coming back through you just want to make it a little little extra secure especially if it's a baby quilt you want it to be very secure okay and then you can tie it off now some people will use a surgeon's knot it's a different kind of knot I just do a regular square knot I think it's okay works for me it's worked for a lot of quilts in the past and then trim it off and about every every where you have a pin I would say double that amount of ties just make sure you're getting a very secure very very so you want to make sure all your layers are securely tied so that's how you do it it's pretty self-explanatory but sometimes it's nice to see that prep work done and now that you have the nose grease tip you're set for life so tie a quilt if you if you like it it's a fast way to finish it for more tips on quilting if you're a rookie quilter or an experienced one we've got lots of information for you and we love sharing it with you so join us on Facebook and Twitter and we'll see you next time bye will tea is brought to you by a pqs handcrafted quilting machine rfl rfl Italian thread perfectly suited for all your quilting projects baby lock for the love of sewing cloth works inspiring creativity with art on fabric Havel sewing when you need to cut it close choose cobbles Evy our fabrics your lifestyle pathology the urban load space quilty [Music]
Channel: Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting
Views: 363,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to quilt, how to quilt a quilt, mary fons, quilty, quilt, tying a quilt
Id: uYb5j7GJnFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2012
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