Quilted Scrappy Pocket Tote Bag Tutorial

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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel I have a new tutorial for you today this one is going to be super cute and fun this is why I'm calling it my scrappy pocket tote bag it's a really good size tote bag I think it's about I think it's like 14 by about 13 or so I have a fun pocket in the front here let me just show you that a little better and then it's also got this fun zipper pocket in the bag and then inside I also have added a couple of pockets in here but as you can see it's nice and big inside this would be great for carrying books your laptop maybe this pocket right here is perfect for tablets this would also be a great bag to make for like say a sweater quantity or shawl if you're in hitter so anyways let's go ahead and take a look at the supplies that we're gonna need to make this bag okay so just for basic supplies you're just gonna need some basting spray or you can pin if you prefer you could also use fusible fleece in which case you don't need this so this is just something I use because I'm going to be using my leftover cotton batting and I'll show you that in a minute you're gonna need a zipper and I suggest an 18 inch zipper mine's a little bit on the short side but I'm just working with what I have here but it's always good to have a zipper that is longer than your project and our bag is gonna be 15 and 1/2 inches wide so you'll want something larger than that and I also like to get these polyester zippers that way the teeth aren't metal and you can sew over them without breaking your needle you'll need a rotary trimmer a self-healing mat and acrylic ruler and then if you would like you can use pins I don't use a whole lot of pins when I'm sewing but if you're new to sewing I think these are definitely helpful I'm just to keep everything lined up or you can also use some clover wonder clips as well okay so let's talk about some of the fabric requirements so I have two different ways to make this bag I have a scrappy way and then I also have measurements where this can just all be one solid chunk they're all in the instructions in the link below so definitely check those out I chose to make - scrappy bag and so for that piece I just took five and three rows of five these are three and a half inch squares and I'm not going to patchwork them together because we have a lot of pieces to this bag today but I do have a tutorial on how to do that and so I will link it below if you don't know how to do a patchwork piece this is actually gonna be the back of the bag and so I just sew this row together and then this row together and then this row together all with a quarter of an inch seam allowance and then you simply sew this row onto this row and this row onto this row and you just make sure that your corners kind of match up as you're sewing and then you have like this kind of fun scrappy background like I said you can also do one solid piece for the back of this bag it's totally up to you I have cutting measurements for both ways and again the video I'll link below for how to do the patchwork section and then you're just going to need this small strip down here on the bottom of the patchwork section for the bottom of the bag and that's three and a half by 15 and a half you're going to need these two little side pieces right here which are two and a half by four and that is going to encase our zipper right here because we're gonna have the zipper on the back of the bag and then you're also going to need a top piece right here which is actually going to get folded in half and I'll explain assembly later but you're going to want this piece which is five inches by 15 and a half as well okay so that's kind of what the back side of the bag is gonna look like so I'm gonna just set these pieces aside and I went to when I'm making projects get everything cut out first and then I can kind of you know start assembling things alright the next thing you're going to need is just one solid piece for the front of your bag let's turn it this way and then to that we're going to also add a fun little pocket now again I have measurements on how to do this with a solid piece and with this fun little cactus below but essentially we're going to make the pocket on the front of the bag that you saw so you're going to need this piece right here is seven and a half high by 15 and a half and I use this super cute scrappy desert foot block pattern and this one is from burlap and blossom patterns and I will have it linked below you can use any six and a half by six and a half inch squared you like you could also use seven and a half by seven and a half I just added this little two inch strip up here to the top of the cactus so there's a little bit of breathing room before I add on my binding for the top so for your binding you'll need that piece right there and this is simply 15 and a half inches wide by two and a half inches or 15 1/2 inches long by two and a half inches wide and then I just iron it and have to prepare it and that's really all you have to do and then you also need like the back side of your bag a bottom piece that's three and a half by five and so we're going to sew these things together and then we'll have this pocket on the front now because you don't want batting or you know open seams you'll also need another piece of fun fabric just to be the back side of this and again all the measurements for all of this are below so that's kind of how that's gonna get assembled and then you'll also need we'll set that aside you'll also need two straps and these straps I make at 28 inches long by 4 inches wide I just find that I like that size if you're a taller person you might want to make your straps longer if you're shorter you might want to make your straps shorter you could even do short little ones and have them be more like handles it's totally up to you and then I'm also going to add a pocket to the middle or at the inside of my bag and so for that I just have two pieces of fabric and these are 10 inches by 6 and a half inches but you can really make your pocket any size that you want so those are the straps and the pockets we're going to set those aside and then here we have some lining pieces so you're going to need a piece of lining for the inside of the back as if our pocket we just showed so that's kind of what this is right here and this is 15 and 1/2 inches wide by I believe it was twelve and a half inches tall um again refer to the measurements below now I'm gonna be paying right now you'll also need two pieces of lining that are 14 and a half by 15 and a half just for the actual lining of the bag and then you'll need one more piece of that so three pieces at fifteen fifteen and a half by fourteen half for the inside of the back zipper pocket as well so three pieces at that size and then one at the 12 and a half inch size okay that takes care of the lining okay so for your batting or fusible interfacing or whatever you would like to use these are the sizes that you're gonna need now I am using 100% cotton batting and that I use in my quotes and I just use this because these are all leftover scraps and whatnot and I like to feel like I'm not wasting materials however they do not make your bag very um sturdy it's quite flimsy it gives it just a little bit of um bulk to it so if you would prefer a bag that stands up a little bit better you could definitely use fusible fleece or I believe it's called so soft and it's almost like a foam it's specially for bags you could also use interfacing fusible interfacing whatever you prefer I'm just gonna use this because that's what I have on hand so for that you'll need two pieces for your straps you'll need one piece to back your front pocket one piece for your back pocket one piece for the front of the bag and then this extra piece is actually for the top portion of the back pocket and the zipper kind of goes right here again all the cutting instructions for these sizes are listed below but those are all of the supplies and fabric that you're going to need so let's go ahead and get started assembling our bag alright so when I'm assembling things like bags I like to get the small things out of the way first that way I can have them ready and then when I start assembling everything's just ready to go so I'm going to start with my handles and kind of how I do this is I will fold it in half first and just press and then the next thing I do is just press in about a quarter of an inch on both sides so I'll do this side and this side and I get a lot of questions about my iron this is a Panasonic nlw 600 it is cordless I love it can't speak highly enough of it and then once I'm done with that then I will put them together like so and I usually give it like I'm gonna finish going down this but I figure you guys get the idea here give it like one last kind of press just to get those creases and then once I'm done with that I will take my strip of batting and just lay it in there I'm sorry hit the camera and then we'll go back and I'll run a seam about an eighth of an inch away just making sure that I'm catching both of those all the way down that side and then just so that it looks for consistency I'll usually run one down this side you could also run one or a couple down the middle just for decoration it's totally up to you but we're gonna go that's how we're gonna prepare these handles and I like to do it that way because I like to add the batting in side just for a little bit of stability and if you want them even more stable you could use the interfacing like I mentioned before so I'm gonna go ahead and finish doing that and then I'll meet back here and then I'm just going to take my open side here and just run a seam down that and just close to the edge so that I get both and hopefully I get a little bit of batting as well and then we're going to do the same thing down the other side just for consistency and look and then like I mentioned if you'd like you can run you know one or two more in there it kind of helps secure the batting as well if you're using batting like I am if you're using fusible fleece and you've sewn it to your fabric then it doesn't matter okay so I've finished both of my straps they're both sewn on down each side and so the batting is nice and secure and so I'm going to go ahead and set those aside and while I'm sitting on my machine I'm going to also handle one other super easy thing and this is the inside pocket so if you don't want to do this you can certainly skip this step but I'm just going to line up my fabrics right sides together this is the inside this is what's going to show on the outside and I'm gonna sew starting about here I'm going to sew all the way around and then stop leaving and opening about this big so that I can turn my pocket inside out so that we don't have any raw edges so let's go ahead and do that and I'm just using a quarter of an inch seam allowance unless I tell you otherwise all right so when I get to the corner here I simply leave my needle in the down position lift on my presser foot pivot my fabric and keep going okay now I did a little back stitch where I started and stopped here and here just so that when we turn it it's you know we don't rip it but if you'd forget it's not a big deal okay so here's the pocket we just finished sewing and here's our little opening and before we turn it inside out I'm just gonna take my scissors and just clip off these corners just slightly and you just don't want to get into your stitches so let's see how close up we can focus here so here's my stitch line right here it's probably kind of hard to see I'm just gonna snip off those corners get both pieces and I'm gonna do that all the way around and it just helps reduce bulk it's just a if you forget to do this it's not the end of the world okay now we're going to go ahead and flip our pocket inside out and I usually just start growing this is just a super simple pocket if you want you can get like a they have the thing it's literally called a purple thing I'll grab it here in just a second to push out those corners you can also use your fingers so here's the little purple thing I got this in one of my fat quarter shop boxes and it's actually quite handy before doing things like poking out corners and it's got a really pokey side as well so it kind of pens on just don't push too hard so you don't actually poke a hole in your fabric okay so now that that's done I just kind of roll out my seams a little bit just give it like a little bit of a fingernail press kind of so that my seams are nice and pushed out and then we're gonna just take this opening right here and as you can see since we've sewn it already the opening kind of naturally folds about a quarter of an inch in so I just kind of pull that with my fingers give it a little fingernail press there and then I'm going to go ahead and press this with my iron as well just our pockets nice and ready to go and I'm not gonna close up this hole yet I'm going to leave it when we sew this pocket to our lining piece then it will get just sewn closed in the scene so just make sure that you keep this towards the bottom of your bag because when we sew this to our lining we're gonna sew this way and so that hole will get closed up and I think since this is a good size pocket I may actually run a strip right down the middle as well so I have two pockets but that's totally optional okay so speaking of our lining I'm gonna go ahead and just sew the pocket on right now so if I don't forget that way when I start sewing my lining together it's all ready to go and I can just set this whole piece out of the way for now so I have one of my 14 and a half by 15 1/2 inch lining strips make sure that the longer side is going horizontally it's 14 and a half tall by 15 and a half wide and I've just kind of eyeballed it here but I believe my pocket is approximately let's see here I don't know about let's say 3 and 1/8 inches in on each side and then I think I did about 4 inches down yeah 4 inches down so you can position your pocket wherever you want just note that some of this is going to get lost when we box the bottom of our bag as my effect I might even scoot it up a little more so it's like three and a half inches high or so I just eyeball this so no big deal and then I'm gonna go ahead and start right here I'm gonna do a little back stitch run all the way around making sure that I catch my opening making sure my openings at the bottom keep going and then do a back stitch here and then like I said because this is a larger pocket I'm also going to run a straight stitch down the middle just to give me two pockets in the inside of my bag so let's go ahead and do that all right so here's our one piece of lining this will probably be on the back of the bag but it doesn't really matter which side you put it in as you can see I've now got two pockets here and I just eyeballed this no big deal and then we closed up our seam opening down here so we can take this piece of lining and our other piece of whining and just set those aside for right now okay so the next thing we're gonna work on is the back pocket of the bag and I'm sorry I forgot to mention this when I was telling you about the batting sizes but you are going to need two small pieces that are two by two and a half just to give some padding to these little zip pulls and it is in the cutting instructions I just forgot to say it earlier so we're gonna prepare first the main portion and then we'll do the zipper so as I already mentioned I chose to do a scrappy back just because I thought it would be kind of cute and so I just did a three by five on each of these are three and a half inches square and five across three up and down and I just patchwork them together again I have a video link below on how to do this I wanted to save some time in this video if you want you can use this as all one piece of fabric you do not have to do this scrappy version and I have measurements for that below so in order to get this to the right size I didn't want to do another row I wanted it to kind of have a bottom on it you certainly could do another row this is three and a half by fifteen and a half and so if you wanted to four with you seen em you'd end up at the exact same size if you did one more row of patchwork I wanted to kind of have a same bottom as I have on the back is what I'm going to put on the front and so this just is what I thought looked nice so we're just going to put those right sides together and with a quarter of an inch seam allowance I'm just gonna run a seam right down this strip and then I'll meet you back here okay so I have attached this strip to the bottom and I'm just going to press that crease flat and again instead of doing this kind of scrappy thing you could just do one solid piece of fabric for this entire section totally up to you alright so for right this second we're going to set this piece aside and we're going to handle this piece that's going to go on the top up here and then the zipper runs right here in between it so this piece was cut at 5 by 15 and a half and what I'm going to do is press it in half like such and I'm just gonna move this guy out of the way a little bit so and I'm just lining it up wrong sides together and pressing it in half so that I have a nice seam there okay and then I'm actually going I'm not going to sew it in yet but I'm just going to kind of prepare it so here is we're having some spray adhesive kind of helps if you're using fusible fleece that's also another great option but I'm just going to kind of secure this in here just because I don't want it going anywhere but the general idea is we want this piece to have the same thickness as this piece and this piece is going to get put on to a piece of quilt batting as well and so I'm just kind of iron it on there and then if you like to use spray basting you could also just throw a few wonder clips just to keep this from moving around and also batting is kind of tacky anyways with fabric and so if you just run an iron on it it actually sort of stays in there so whatever you whatever makes you feel more comfortable so this piece is basically ready to go we're going to set that aside and we're going to set this bottom piece aside and the next thing that we're going to work on here is the zipper section alright so here's my zipper here's my two little side pieces and my two little pieces of batting so the goal here is to encase the zipper just so it has a pretty start and finish and so I'm just gonna take these small chunks and just fold them in half really quick and just okay and then same thing with the top we want this to have kind of the same thickness or consistency throughout the bag so we're just going to pop this little piece right here and we're going to do the same thing with this one okay all right now for our zipper basically what's going to end up happening is one of these it's going to go on this side and one of these is going to go on this side and that way as you are zipping and unzipping you kind of have this cuter little beginning and ending section now we need to make sure that this whole thing is fun fifteen and a half inches wide so I'm gonna go ahead and get my ruler and show you how I just make sure everything's lined up okay so I just grabbed my cutting mat for this because it's easy for me to see so here's the one and here's the fifteen and a half and my zipper is actually exactly 15 and a half inches the edge of it the end is it's a fourteen inches at burn so the end is here and then this end is one inch in which is not a problem like I mentioned I suggest you get a bigger zipper but I like to use what I have at home and so I'm gonna make this one work and so what I'm gonna go ahead and do I know I need to be at 15 and a half inches and before this little zipper stop right here so I'm gonna see what it looks like to put mine just at like 16 and a quarter there and then about a quarter of an inch over here now just to help keep my zipper together I did just run a little stitch back and forth with my machine there that way it's not flopping all around on me and I think I like how that looks that will cover this portion and this portion and give me a pretty wide zipper alright so I'm gonna kind of put it about there and there and I think that's going to give us enough my 15 and a half inch markers here so I'll be cutting off a little bit of each one of these when I put my bag together and that will be great so I'm going to take this over to the machine now I'm actually gonna put some pins in here to hold it so that it doesn't move and I put one on this side and one on this side so I'm gonna just take this over to my machine and I'm just gonna top stitch right along here to secure it and I'll do it probably back and forth just maybe twice just so that it's a little bit extra secure you just want to make sure at this point that your zipper is where you can see it if your zipper is still over on to this side that's not good because you'll be you won't but when it gets here zipper so just make sure your zippers pulled far enough in that it's kind of out of the way and then run a top stitch down the both of these okay so here we are and that's why I like these polyester zippers you can just sew right over them without breaking your needle and I'm just gonna take it easy when I get to the end I'm gonna just back stitch back trace back right what I came over and then I might even do it one more time just so it's secure okay now we're gonna do the same thing to the other side but as you can see now we've got this little piece secured on there and for this opening I do kind of just hold it together with my fingers just to make sure those teeth are nice and close all right so here's our completed zipper we've got the little pulls covered and the next thing that we're gonna do is just trim off these edges so that they are out of our way and I'm just gonna use my ruler and just kind of line it up and just get it outside on this side and then we're gonna do the same thing to the other side try not to get the zipper like I just did a little bit over the line it's fine okay all right so these are all ready to go and then the other thing I'm going to do at this point is I'm gonna go ahead and cut off the zipper right here because we don't really need this dangling around behind our bag it's just gonna make extra be careful when you're chopping it you don't run it over this little section right here because that is met usually metal and you will break your rotary blade or your scissors so I always just chop along that so there's that piece out of the way and we'll do the same thing on this side again being careful not to cut over the middle there okay we're back to the back side of our bag and now we're gonna kind of finish it off so while not finished off we still have a more stuff so here's our zipper and you can make it go whichever direction I tend to like to have it run this way totally up to you we've got our top that we just have the batting in we're just gonna leave that for now because this is going to be a pocket we have some lining to do so obviously if you go into your pocket you don't want to see the back of this or batting we're gonna put it on batting for stability you don't want to see that it's not very pretty so we are going to make a quilt sandwich out of this bottom section the top section will already have fabric on the back because we simply folded this piece in half so here's the lining and this is you probably can't see there's a small little pattern on here but this is the wrong side and the right side so we're gonna put right sides together first and then I am just gonna run a quick quarter of an inch stitch down this okay so here it is I've sewn it together and I'm just flipping it over and I'm just going to quickly press this seam once that get good instead I'm just gonna kind of scoot it up there I'm going to take my batting that I have for this piece I'm just gonna kind of line it up and it will probably go over the edge a little bit on the bottom which is fine okay and then I'm going to take this and pull it down and just carefully press that seam okay now this is a good time to use the spray basting just to kind of keep this in place because at this point we're just gonna do a little bit of quilting here just for fun and for looks and if you don't like to quilt or you want to skip this step then use fusible fleece in here and it won't matter cuz it'll stay adhered to your fabric I like to close so I'm going to add a little quilting to this bag and right here I just throw on a little bit of a stain I do suggest ironing it first just to make sure that everything's nice and kind of smooth and then again you can kind of smooth it out with your hands as well and then I will put a little bit on the backside as well just to keep that one in place and you don't need a lot this is a small piece and it's probably not gonna really go anywhere oh yeah okay so this is the lining side the other side is the outside and I just kind of make sure with this seam up here that everything's kind of pulled down okay now we're going to take this piece over to the sewing machine and we're just gonna do a little bit of quilting since there's patchwork here I'll probably do just follow my seams and do some vertical and then horizon-- strips and then down here on the bottom I might do a couple of horizontal strips you could literally do whatever you want you could do some free motion quilting on this I have tutorials for both straight line quilting and free motion quilting I'm not even gonna change the foot on my machine but you could put a walking foot on if you prefer I just am feeling lazy and it works just fine with my quarter of an inch foot on my machine anyway so let's go ahead and take this over and just do a little bit of fun quilting on it okay so we're over in my machine like I mentioned I'm just gonna leave on my regular foot one thing I'm not gonna do is any quilting along this top strand I'm going to be doing vertical and horizontal on the rest of the piece and this is going to also get sewed when we sew it to the zipper so I just don't want even more bulk up there so I'm just going to skip that it will stay in place just fine with a spray basting and also with the other quilting I'm going to do so I'm going to start right here and how I like to do it is just line up my foot it's a quarter inch on both sides here and I just line it up with the seam and I'll just roll down this side of the seam and then I'll come back on this side so like that so this is kind of the effect we have going so far and I'm going to go ahead and just finish this off and then I will meet you back up when it's done okay here is our back piece and as you can see it's all quilted and finished and hopefully you can kind of see some of that and here's the backside quilting and so this is basically ready to be put together so we are now going to take our bottom piece our zipper and our top piece and sew them together and so what I'm gonna do first is sew it on to the top piece it doesn't really matter you could do the bottom piece first if you like I like working with kind of a smaller chunk first and then we'll put it on the big piece so all we're going to do this is the folded edge this is the raw edge we're gonna flip that down on top of our zipper so that the zipper pull is on facing you and when you put it on here the fold is facing away from you kind of or pointing up and then as you notice I left myself a little bit of room on both sides of my zipper just so I could kind of you know have a little bit of leeway there and so I'm just gonna kind of visually Center it on here like this and then we're just gonna run a stitch right along here and I'll kind of show you what to do when we get to the zipper right here so here we are at a machine when you bring it over here you might wanna just double check that it's all going the right direction everything I like to put the zipper up so I can kind of see where I'm going now if you have a zipper foot you can certainly use that I'm going to go ahead and just use my quarter inch foot and I'm going to sew about a quarter of an inch away from this edge over here and I will do a back stitch at the beginning and then just take it slow it's a lot of layers to go through just make sure you're continuing to line up your zipper as you go and I threw in a couple of these wonder Clips just because can help now before I get too close to my zipper pull here I'd like to just go ahead and get it out of the way and so the best way to do that is to leave your zipper already leave your needle down lift up your presser foot and then just carefully work that by now you may have to and in this case I do have two most machines if you pull up the presser foot and then pull a little bit more they usually will give you a little bit more leeway my other machine gives quite a bit more leeway than this one does just kind of depends on the machine but anyways it's usually enough to get the zipper pull past the presser foot and so now that it's out of the way we can just finish on down as we were [Music] okay so you should be having something that looks like this now and I'm going to take it over to the iron and press it so that the zipper is folding back this way and then when we come back here we're gonna run a top stitch back across here you just want to make sure you're not pressing it going this way because then your finished edge will actually kind of get in the way of your teeth as you're trying to zip and unzip it and that's not really a good thing okay let's do that and I like to use steam here just to it's a lot of layers to go through and then I'll fold it over and just kind of do that on this side as well okay now we're going to take it over to the Machine and just run a top stitch right along here just to secure that top piece in place all right so here we are we've got our zipper completed and it's attached to this top portion does zipper pull is on this side right here so it's right side up and we've got our bag rights on the pocket right side up we're just gonna take that and flip it down so essentially right sides are together and we're gonna do the exact same process we're going to sew along here to attach the zipper flip it up press it and then sew a top stitch to finalize it again we're pressing so that the zipper appears to be completely flat on the backside here you don't want it coming in this way hope that makes sense so when you flip it over it should look like the zippers just totally flat alright now we're gonna go over and do what we did before and just run a top stitch right along here and then this panel will be done okay so here's our completed panel and I just went ahead and trimmed it up really quickly it should be 15 and a half inches wide at this point by fourteen and a half inches tall and as you can see it's lined so when we open our zipper and we peek inside there's lining so we can go ahead and just set this piece aside now it's basically ready to be assembled hey guys so now that you have this back panel made I actually forgot a step in the video and you'll see me here in a couple in a couple of steps ahead where I realize I forgot to do it and I fix it and it's totally fine to do it that way as well but I just wanted to pop in and make a little note here to tell you that if I hadn't forgot it normally the order that I would do things in so normally as soon as I finish this back panel and we've got the top sewn to the zipper and sew in to the bottom portion of the bag here I would flip that over or put the right side down onto your table and then take the 14 and a half by 15 and a half lining piece put that right side down as well so the right side of the lining is touching the backside of the pocket or you know the backside of the zipper back here and then so that all the way around to attach the lining to your pocket that way when I open it up you see your nice lining print and not like the backside of this lining hopefully that makes sense the way that I did in the video still works out just fine and it wasn't a problem but I just wanted to kind of pop in here really quick and tell you that I'm sorry I did miss a step in this but I do fix it and so if I'm confusing you right now just ignore this little segment and just follow along with the video and the next thing we're gonna work on is our front pocket so I have all my pieces here I've got the batting which we'll set aside for right now the lining which I'm going to set aside for right now and the binding for the top edge of our pocket this cute little block in the middle and then the bottom of the bag okay so a little bit about this piece like I mentioned before I use those scrappy desert cactus quilt block pattern and this is from burlap and blossoms patterns it's really cute her patterns I think most of them come in six and a half inch square or twelve and a half and I went ahead and made the six and a half inch square triangle here I made a cactus I made a modification though there is a bit of a bottom on this block for like the sand or whatever I did not add that to it instead I added this little piece at the very top which was basically two inches by six and a half inches and that was enough to get me up to my seven and a half inches by 15 and a half so this just white section right here is seven and a half tall these little side pieces were five inches by seven and a half inches and I just added those on as well and then like we did on the back pocket just for consistency we've got this bottom edging here I wanted to do that on the front edging as well so I'm going to just flip that right sides together you could also do a patchwork for this section or just some scrappy thing put it together you could also make this whole section one big piece of fabric this pocket and I have instructions or cutting measurements for that as well so I'm just going to flip these right sides together and run a quarter of an inch seam down this side and then we'll be right back all right so here is our finished block and I went ahead and just pressed it open or not open just pressed it towards the blue fabric and now we're going to make a quilt sandwich with this and then we're done we're going to put some binding on here so we have a nice finish for our pocket edge so we're going to set this aside for just a second and we are going to grab the fabric we chose to be the lining for our front pocket we're going to place it right sides down so that the wrong side is facing you and then we're gonna place our batting for the line in the front pocket down on top of that and again I'm going to use a little bit of spray based hair I like to place it first and then spray if there's any darker colors on this I'm just going to get them up off there and if you place it and get it all straightened out first when you spray it I just think it's a lot easier to lay it down okay so there's the back side and we're gonna go ahead and take our front piece here that we just assembled and a pretty sure I mentioned it but I'll put a link for this pattern below she has a little red riding one that I think I'm gonna make next it's super cute and she has a million other super adorable quilt blocks okay so we'll get that piece down aside and I tend to spray my batting I'm not sure if it really matters if you spray your fabric or your batting if somebody knows the answer feel free to leave a comment below okay so now that it's not gonna move around we can go and do a little bit of quilting on this block and if you're using fusible or if you don't want to do quilting I definitely suggest using a fusible batting because then it won't really matter okay so I'm done I just did a quick stitch along both of these seams and then one up both of the sides just because I didn't want to there's already a lot going on here I didn't want to you know make it even more crazy with a lot of quilting so the next thing we're gonna do is add our binding on and this is super easy and this is exactly how I find all of my regular quilts but we took our piece of binding and I initially said to fold it in half lengthwise and press it this was a two and a half by 15 half inch strip and then we're going to take the raw edge the edges that open right here make sure it can open up on top so the raw edges are going to be lined up with the raw edge of your quilt here and we're just going to sew quarter of an inch right along that to secure it okay so now that we've got this secured on the top we're just going to fold our binding up and fold it around to the backside here and then fold it over and then we're just going to run a stitch right along this edge to secure it on okay so here's our pocket it's all basically finished it's lined on the other side so this is ready to get assembled so we can go ahead and set that aside okay so now we're going to work on the front of the bag so I've got the front piece here should be about 14 and a half by 15 and a half it's going to get yeah and then here's a 14 and a half by 15 and a half piece of batting and this is the only piece I would say if you have any fusible I would probably go with that because you don't really need to have quilting on here because it's gonna be hidden behind the front pocket and so you're not really gonna see it since I am like to use at my scraps like I mentioned I'm gonna go ahead and put some quilting lines on it it'll just be a decorative touch and so we just have laid down a piece of batting and then like I mentioned I kind of arranged my piece of fabric on top that enables me to just kind of easily flip it back in place and I'm gonna do the same thing on the other side so now we just need to take this over I'm just gonna probably run a few straight lines going down it nothing major just something to hold the batting in place and then this piece will be done and we'll be ready to start assembling our bag okay so here is my front piece of my bag and I literally just ran a few sideways lines just to secure the batting and like I mentioned this would be a good place to use fusible because you really don't need to do that I just need to secure my batting okay so moving on we've got that front piece and we've got our front pocket which is ready to go and as you can see when you reach in your pocket it's nice on the line so you're gonna just set that on there and then the next thing we're gonna do is grab our backing that we created and put it this direction so we've got the lining of the backing facing us and then the front both front pieces of our front bag so you can kind of pretend like this is one thing this whole section is the front of the bag with the pocket make sure those are right side up and then make sure your backing is your right side down and then for this one I am gonna grab some one that's because there is just a lot of bulk and I will make it a little bit easier okay so when lining this up I just want to mention quickly if you've done what I did and you have this kind of bottom section of your bag I just make sure that these two pieces are lined up because that's the scene that's really gonna matter you can trim anything else away if it's got a little bit wonky so I'm gonna do that on both sides just make sure these Blues are lined up nicely clip there and then I'm going to kind of straighten out the rest of the bag then I'm just gonna throw a few clips make sure you get all your layers so I'll pop it in there now this is going to be quite a few layers for your machine to go through you may put your walking foot on for this I'm gonna just try it with my regular foot cuz I like to do a wild and crazy like that and yeah I think we're good to go so this is the top of the bag body of the bag we're gonna sew from this edge all the way around to the top and I'm gonna do just a little bit more than a quarter of an inch here just to make sure I get all my layers not quite a half an inch maybe like three-eighths of an inch or something like that but just to make sure that you get all of your layers in if you want to do a half inch because this is so bulky feel free it's not you're not really going to lose a whole lot in the width of your bag so I apologize I forgot a step this is what happens when you do these pockets on the back so that needs its own lining as well and so before you sew all of this together I've already done it like I kind of just showed you but you need to add the lining for the back pocket as well that way when you unzip the pocket you see I'm something pretty not like the backside of the lining of your bag okay so we're gonna just lay that right on top of there so we've got the back pocket lining right side down the back pocket right side down and then the front and the front pocket both right side up and then you're going to sew all the way around the side the bottom and back up the top leaving back up the side leaving the top open so I'm gonna go ahead and do that really quick so I can fix my little mistake here okay now we're back on track so I have my back pocket lining the back of the pocket the front of the bag and the front pocket and we're all good and we have it wide open like this now before we flip it inside out we're going to do one more step but we're going to do this with the land the lining kind of at the same time so we're just going to set this whole sandwich aside and we're going to get out our pieces of lining that we talked about earlier and this is the one that I had added the pocket to so we're going to put it right side up and then the other one right side down so we're sewing right sides together we're just gonna line them up if you'd like you can pin okay so you're lining should be looking something like this now we've got the right sides together and then we're gonna go ahead and sew using whatever seam allowance you used on the the portion of the bag that we just finished we're gonna use that same seam allowance here we're gonna start at the top go all the way down across and then stop about here start back up about here go across and up leave that top edge open and leave about maybe 7 or so inches down here open so that you can turn the bag since this is kind of a chunkier bag okay so here we have our bag and I lining and I just sewed it together and I've got my opening down here and then the top is open and we're going to now my door our corners and we do the same exact thing to the bag we the main portion of the bag and the lining and in order to do that I like to just stick my hand down in here to this bottom corner and fold it into a point and then you can kind of do the same with this one fold it into a point I'm just kind of straighten everything out and sort of what I'm trying to do here is line up both side seams so that they're even and do that on both kind of sides I find it helps if you make this sort of triangle here make sure that this seam and this theme are essentially lined up and when you make the triangle then it can kind of fold up and I'll show you this again when we do the back portion so I'm going to just fold one of these triangles back out of the way really quickly and then this point you can determine how much of a boxy bottom you want you could not do you could choose to not do a boxy bottom at all it's completely up to you I like to do usually about one and a half to two inches on my boxy bottoms it's a completely a total preference thing I'm gonna do probably one and a half on this one so here's my half-inch and here's my one inch so Worman why don't half-inch mark is right there and I just put that point right at the tip of this triangle and then I use this diagonal line right here along one of the edges and they don't it doesn't have to be completely perfect and then I just take a pin or a marker you won't ever see this and just make a line across there and then whatever I did to that one I also will do to this one okay and we're going to do the exact same thing to the main portion of our bag and this is where a pin might come in helpful because when you are moving around to your from your cutting table to your machine things can get kind of shifted and this if you stick a pin in it'll just kind of happen okay so we're just gonna set this on a side and we're gonna do the same thing to the main portion of our bag and so here we have the whole bag we created and again I'm just going to stick my hands in here and I'm going to kind of clasp them together so I've got this little sandwich thing happening and this one's gonna be a little bit finicky err because it's not a word more finicky just because there's so many layers going on here but I think you can still get it okay so there's that and if we fold this back we've got our top triangle as well and then we're just going to do the exact same thing mark it at about one and a half inches stick a pin if you can get it through all of that and do the same thing to this one and like I said this is gonna just take some finagling on your part because this is a lot of fabric okay your PIN or maybe even a wonder clip for this minute put a wonderful these are super handy when you're working with fabrics okay alright so now we're going to take it over to the machine and we're going to sew along these right on the line okay so here we are in our machine and I just carefully carried this over here so I didn't move anything around I'm just gonna fold the first one back and out of the way and as I can see I have my line here so I'm just gonna stitch right on that line and I am gonna do a back stitch at the ends just to give it a little bit more security [Music] [Music] so there's that one now we're gonna fold this one out of the way you don't want to sew it again and we're going to put this one up and do the exact same thing we're going to repeat that for the outside of the bag as well now because this one's so bulky I'm actually probably gonna go back and forth over it a couple of times to reduce some of the bulk I'm going to push this seam that way and this seam this way and that will kind of in essence nest those seams and just move some of the bulk out of the way I'm actually going to strangle okay so now we're gonna push this one out of the way and bring this one forward and do the exact same thing again I'm going to make it so my scenes are kind of going the wrong direction and it won't matter what this looks like because it's going to get cut off by the way if you're wondering this is a juke etl mm Qi I'll put a link for it in the description box below but as you can see this machine is pretty hardcore it's great for machine quilting free motion quilting and all of that it's got a nice big throat space over here and as you can see it can go through quite a bit of fabric okay we're back over to our cutting table and as you can see hopefully you can see we have our stitching right across here so all we're going to do I'm gonna leave about a half of an inch or so and just chop off that tip then get that one out of the way make sure you don't accidently cut through it and I'm just kind of roughly eyeballing that so now we have something that kind of looks like this we're gonna chop off the tips of the big bag as well and for this one because there's so many layers I'm going to grab my scissors and gonna be a little bit easier than my rotary blade and voila okay and then we're gonna cut off this one as well okay now we are ready to assemble our bag and it should be looking something like this so we're gonna take whoops we're gonna take the bag portion and flip it right sides out and just poke out those corner pieces now when we check our zipper pull you'll see that there's lining on the inside the other thing is to just make sure and you might want to just put a few you know you could put some pins or something but just make sure that that stays on this side it is also possible I did this the first time around to sew it to this side and then you won't have lining again on that back zipper so just make sure you keep everything on the side it's supposed to be on now we're gonna grab those straps that we made in the first step and we are going to adhere those and the lining to our bag and we'll be basically done so I'm going to take the bag the handle just make sure it's not twisted or anything like that make sure you have a nice arc here and then I like to just kind of place this on my cutting mat and just kind of eyeball it and maybe go in about maybe I don't know a couple inches from both sides totally personal preference just whatever you do on this side of the bag do that on the other side so I'm going to go ahead and clip this one in place and this one okay and we're good there now we're going to flip this over and like I said just make sure you don't have it twisting your handle I'm going to flip the whole thing over and add the other handle to the other side the exact same way and again at this point instead of using my mat a lot of times I'll just kind of line up my edges and line them up this way you can still measure it in if you want as well completely up to you so here's a couple inches let's see how close here yeah right on okay now that your straps are in place and you could pin those as well it's just I like to use these wonder clips when you're doing bulky stuff we're gonna put this whole thing inside of our lining that we just made and so this would be the time where you'll want to maybe decide which side you want this little pocket on front or back you know it's totally up to you whatever you prefer you're gonna leave your lining inside out and your bag right side out and so we're gonna open up our lining and then we're gonna sort of I like to sort of fold my bag in half just to cup it out a little bit and we're gonna put it inside there okay and then this part just takes a little bit of patience I start on the edges you're just gonna line it all up I like to start on these seams and just kind of line those up because they should be relatively close and I'll put a pin or I wonder clip on that side and then I'll do this other side put a click there and then let me shake it out a little bit here there you go and then I'll kind of just work my way around the edges clipping it now what you want to make sure is that your handles or just folded all the way down inside your lining so that when you're attaching them you're only sewing you know across the top right here you don't have extra handle pieces in there so once I have it kind of in there where I want it you're just lining up these raw edges along the top here I'll take off my handle clip and just grab that lining and then I'll usually put one or two more in the middle just to kind of hold everything in place and then we'll flip it over and do the same thing to this side and now we're going to go around and about 3/8 it into the 3/8 of an inch seam allowance again here and we're just going to run all the way around this bag and I usually start on one of side scenes do a couple back stitches and then just slowly make work my way around [Music] okay I'm coming to my first handle here and so I can see I don't know if you can see but I can see that it's turned to the side just slightly and so I'm just going to straighten it out try and keep it where it was and then I will probably also run a cup run back and forth a couple of times here you're gonna get another pass when we flip the bag but just to give it since it's a handle just to give it a little bit of extra security and then just keep going around and just adjust this edge as needed as you go okay guys this is the fun part so we're gonna go ahead and reach in the little hole here and just carefully pull out our bag so I should be looking something like this we've got our bag we've got our lining and before we can finish this bag off we need to soak this hole down here that we flipped through and if it tore just slightly it's okay not a big deal and I go ahead and just you can finger press or you can press this I kind of usually just give it a finger press oh you know maybe that'll stretch materials so just be careful and then we just take this over to the Machine and I'm just going to run a quick stitch along that to close it up alright so I went ahead and just ran a stitch right along that edge hopefully you can kind of see it really close to the edge just to close up that opening and then we can go ahead and push our lining inside of our bag and just kind of push out those corners just get everything straightened out and then I am going to instill the help of my iron at this point just so that we can get this crease under control and then I'm going to run one last stitch across the top of this just to hold the lining in place all right so here we have our finished bag it's super cute we've got this front pocket as you can see that's nice in line and then we've got the inside with our two pockets in here and then we've got our zipper pocket on the back side and as you can see we've got all nice lining and everything in there and so yeah there we go alright guys so that was this fun bag it definitely had a few more steps than my normal bags have however I still think this is actually a pretty easy bag to make I think the hardest part is the zipper part on the back and really even that it's pretty easy once you get going so I hope you really enjoyed this tutorial if you have any specific things you're interested in having me do a tutorial for please make sure to leave a comment below or if you have any questions or anything like that otherwise thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Erica Arndt
Views: 107,434
Rating: 4.9489756 out of 5
Keywords: Coah_YT, Tutorial, Tote Bag, Sewing, Quilting, How To, Scrappy, Pocket, Tote, Zipper, Quiltling, Patchwork, Knitting, Project, Bag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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