Quilt Binding Without Binding What?

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this is Loredana again and I wanted to do a tutorial on how to do your binding using your beautiful back fabric and this is a I did this years ago this is how I used to do some of my quilts especially the ones that I was donating and I wanted you don't need to make binding strips that's what this is about and it's just a really neat technique that saves you tons of time and you make a beautiful straight line seen when you're done now I just went and did stitching in the ditch quick I'm not like wilted this down and so I'm kind of using this as a demonstration of what you would do to do the technique that I'm going to teach so first of all usually when you get your quilt top off of your machine you have a lot of leftover batting and a bat fabric and what you tend to do is cut it all off and square your block off when you're doing this technique you need to make sure that you have everything square when you quilt it and do not go off the edge of your your quilt but we're going to imagine this as being a quilt even though it's just a block so when you have your quilt you go back and you start cutting all that batting off and you trim the batting off of the edge of your quilt top like I just did that we're going to cut the back fabric and we're going to give from here this area I need an inch of that fabric so I have my ruler here and I'm going to get my rotary cutter and here's my inch from here to here is inch I'm going to start cutting on my back fabric here's my back fabric I'm going to cut keep cutting make sure that you have a complete inch out of your back cover so here's one I'm going to rotate this so you can see it here's my inch I need an inch all the way so I'm adding an inch to the whole block so here I have a this straight and I'm folding over and I you have your iron on and you make sure it's nice and straight as you can get it and we're going to iron this hopefully you can see this I'm not on the block at all I'm literally right at the edge I'm butting up to the edge now with my glue stick this is when we start to play with licit we're going to hit the edge of your what you just folded you still have your hot iron and then we're going to fold over and this is binding using your back fabric so there's that beautiful clean crisp straight edge seam so here I have done my first fold and it's folded over we're going to fold this triangle area like this or this edge like that fold it we're going to iron it I've noticed and then we're going to sew once you have that I recommend you put glue right to this corner just like you saw me be there and we're going to tack it now we're going to fold this seam again and we want to make sure that it's butted like there's some extra padding make sure you cut trim it off and we're going to fold this over and try to get it straight of a line as we can get and then we're going to heat press it just like that see that so here I have this folded over and now the next step is we're going to get that glue stick again and we're going to start gluing all the way down and make sure we have it as straight as we possibly can now this corner area I want to put glue right there now after you've done that you roll this over on top of the way you would this would be your quilt block and you start ironing it and while you iron you fold it over now while you do this you come to this corner I don't know if you see this a perfectly mitered corner right there like that it's beautiful right so now we're going to do the other end remember here and we're going to fold it over make a triangle we're going to iron the triangle again we're going to glue we're going to glue the bottom part if you want to you don't have to but I notice I just have more control when I do that what I'm getting set up for the mitered corner now I'm going to fold this over right up but it up right to the edge of your this would be your quilt block okay or quilt there's this and then you would roll so now we're going to go and put that glue all the way down and glue the corners get a nice set of glue down I recommend you start at the bottom like here and start working all the way through this do you see that beautiful night of a corner yeah I love this technique so we're going to turn it again we're going to fold this corner right here make a triangle try to make sure my fingers aren't in your way it is I like putting glue there to make it stick for me so it doesn't shift or move when I'm adding the other elements now we're going to fold it here but it up to the edge now we do see down here I also have this area I recommend that you do your triangle now because it's your last one and you see how it beds up perfectly straight I think you see it there you go so then we're going to fold this over put my glue down there we see that then we're going to get our glue again and we're going to put it in that mitered corner space and we're going to roll it over we're going to make sure that this corner is mitered on the bottom I'm going to keep on make sure your ironing straight steam is getting on my fingers a nice beautiful so everything is completely tacked down up so this is your finished from the back do you see the back it's it's there's no extra scenes you're not making by doing the steps you're using your back pad right to do the binding for your quilt top now there's two techniques that you can do you can literally hand stitch from the front or you can sew it so I want to sew it because this goes so fast and it's so clean and it comes out so nice so that's what we're going to do and so I'm going to just start filming it and because I already talked everything down there's no movement or rippling the fabric is not shifting on me now I'm not going to go into the minor corners I'm just going to come and make a complete square around this flap which I've done this I'm quilt so it works here I am I sewed all the way around the edge of this fabric so this is binding without making binding and look in the back the back looks clean there's just a beautiful clean seam line now there's no bulk it doing this can save you several hours on binding and it's clean its professional it looks like you took a lot of time doing it and it's easy and so this is binding without making binding and using your back fabric I hope you like this tutorial I had a wonderful time sharing it with you but
Channel: Lorena's Quilting
Views: 482,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilt, binding, piecing, tops.
Id: hw_OBqG_nAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 08 2015
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