Quilt as You Go Mug Rug // TUTORIAL!

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[Music] hi and welcome back to my channel my name is Erica today I'm gonna be showing you how to make this a super fun mug rug this is going to be a quilt as you go tutorial I am using this prairie sisters lined by poppy cotton as you can see the colors are super fun and beautiful so this project is gonna be five and a half by ten and a half inches finished I wanted to have a space for my mug and then a little area over here for maybe a little snack or something but if you'd like to make these just a more traditional coaster size just make a five and a half by five and a half or six by six inch square and you can do the quilt as you go method or you can just do a solid piece of fabric this is a super fun and easy project and a great way to use up your scraps let's go ahead and get started supplies for this project are really easy you're gonna need a little bit of leftover quilt batting I just use my scraps you will need a couple of larger pieces of fabric this one is five and a half by five and a half this one is five and a half by ten and a half this will be our backing for our project and then I wanted one of my sides to be a solid piece if you don't want one side to be a solid piece you can just use scraps and then of course you'll need a bunch of fun little scraps it's helpful to have an acrylic ruler your rotary trimmer and then I just grabbed one of our mugs this one says always stay humble and kind it's one of my favorites and I just have that just to make sure that it's gonna fit on my little mat that I'm making here alright I think that's it for supplies you also need a sewing machine but other than that we're good to go let's get started so the first thing I'm going to do is take some of my 5:05 basting spray and I'm sorry I forgot to say this in the supplies I always forget it I'm going to take my piece of backing and just lay it on one of my little pieces of batting here I'm just putting a little bit in the middle trying not to get a whole lot of overspray we just need this to stay in place while we're quilting so just a little bit good to go and then I'm going to go ahead and just trim around this just so that I know where my edges are while we're quilting on the other side so I have trimmed this whole piece down to five and a half by ten and a half you can of course make yours any size that you would like the next thing I'm going to do is just take my ruler and I'm gonna mark this at five and a quarter inches you could also do five it doesn't really matter you just want to make sure you're going far enough over with your scrappy section that when you go to add a larger piece it will overlap by a quarter of an inch all right now we're going to take this over to the sewing machine and I'm just going to start adding my cold as you go scraps on this side and then we're done we'll add our larger piece to cover this side so I've just got one of my scraps here and I just kind of basically placed it in the middle I'm not really measuring anything and I'm just gonna run a couple straight stitches down here to secure this now that our first piece is secured we're gonna go ahead and just grab a second piece I've got this yellow one right here obviously it's too long so I'm just going to place it on here and then kind of eyeball it and just trim it off I'm not really measuring just kind of winging it here alright that's about the right length now I'm going to place these two right sides together lining up this edge and I'm just going to sew one quarter of an inch down this edge right here to secure it and then I'm just going to finger press this open you could take it over to your ironing board as well I don't see any need to I'm not going to worry about it oh and we got lucky this one went all the way to the edge so there you go and now I'm just gonna run some stitches down this one as well alright and I'm just going to keep adding new strips in that same manner as I go this one is obviously way too big so we'll cut that down [Music] I decided I want these little chickens on here so I'm just gonna sell them onto this one make myself a little bit of a longer piece and I'll just press that open and then we can add them right here this one's a little bit long so I'll trim that off all right so this site is mostly covered I'm going to go ahead and get my larger piece now and just line it up right on that edge there and we will add that piece [Music] all right we're done with our panel and it's already quilted on to the backing store good there we just need to add some binding but first we're just gonna trim this up so I set this at about five and a half by ten and a half but if you have any pieces of batting that are still showing you can really just cut those off it doesn't matter just make sure it's all nice and squared up and you should be good to go all right so it's all nice and trimmed up and the next thing we need to do is make the binding for this so you can either use your scraps I like to make my binding at two and a half inches for my big quilts sometimes I'll go down to two and a quarter for these smaller projects but you can use whatever size binding you feel comfortable with so you can either use up your scraps for your binding or you can cut a special piece for your binding so I just cut a couple of strips from a fat quarter I have I'm gonna place those right sides together and then I'm just gonna sew them together right here using a quarter of an inch strip and then I'm going to press them like this I'll show you after I press alright so I just sewed these two pieces together and I pressed them open and then all I did was take this over to my ironing board and just press this whole thing in half lengthwise this way and then let's head over to the sewing machine and I'll show you how to add it to our mug rug alright so I'm going to start on one of our longer edges because that will be easier and I'm gonna go ahead and lay my binding down I'm lining up the raw edges of my binding with the raw edges of my project and then I'm going to scoot clear down here and I'm gonna start attaching my binding using a quarter of an inch now I'm going to stop when I'm a quarter of an inch away from this edge right here and I can just kind of feel it so I'm I balling it lift up your presser foot diagonal about 45 degrees and then I'm gonna do a little back stitch and cut my thread now we're going to turn this whole project to the side I'm gonna place my finger right here and just pull this binding straight up so that now it's in line with this right edge over here and I'm just gonna kind of finger press that a little bit and then I'm gonna pull it down towards myself so that these raw edges are lined up and you'll have this little kind of flap here leave that flap down and we're just gonna start sewing right from this edge [Applause] we're gonna repeat this process on all four corners so again pull it out so we're going to just pull our binding again straight up and then straight back towards ourselves and again keep going on this corner we're going to do that on all four corners as you can see that was our last corner and I just sewed a little bit here now we're gonna take this back over to our cutting board and I'll show you how to line up the edges so here's our starting spot and here was our extra flap I've just lined these up so they overlap by 1/4 of an inch and trimmed this off I eyeball it but you can of course measure it and now that they're overlapping by 1/4 of an inch we're just going to lay them together so that they're flat you don't want any pieces twisting and then open them up like this and then we're gonna take this over to the sewing machine and lining these edges up so 1/4 of an inch down this edge now because this is kind of a small piece I find it easier to kind of fold it in half you can also pin these pieces in place [Applause] alright and then we can just open this up and it should lay it nice and flat there and then I'm just going to fingerprint it press this seam open and then fold it in half and just kind of press it again and now we can go ahead and finish attaching that to our coaster [Applause] all right so it's all attached to one side the next thing to do is flip it over and attach it to the back side and you can hand bind if you like or you can machine bind which is what we're gonna do today so I've just pulled it so it's nice and snug on the other side and you can kind of feel where the other side of the binding is on here so you just want to run a stitch right on the inside of that and right on an outside edge of this backside binding to secure it to the front now when we get to this first corner I find it easiest on these small projects to just let this lay all the way down and then carefully fold that corner up and then just do your best to make these line up and I just take one stitch into this one and then I'm going to lift up my presser foot turn it with the needle still in the down position lower my presser foot and then we'll just keep on going [Music] alright guys as you can see that was a super fast and easy project I hope you enjoyed this one I'm trying to do a little bit more of these kind of quilt as you go tutorials because I think they're a great way to use up your scraps and who doesn't want to have a fun and cute mug rug I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did please make sure to thumbs up and subscribe that way I know to keep making fun tutorials for you thanks so much for joining me and I will see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Erica Arndt
Views: 79,566
Rating: 4.9769535 out of 5
Keywords: How to sew, how to quilt as you go, quilting tutorial, how to quilt, how to sew a mug rug, how to sew a coaster, erica arndt, sewing tutorial, how to, beginner friendly sewing tutorial, mug rug, quilt as you go, free mug rug pattern, how to sew, mug mats, quilted mug mats
Id: _-AiaWfYywA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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