Quickly Create a Turntable in Autodesk Maya

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to another tutorial and this is going to be about how to create a turntable so in the previous tutorial we took our character and poster using miximo this time we are going to create a turntable to show off the model now there are two ways you can show your model or to create a turntable and i'm going to show you both one is how to create a camera that will rotate this around or to how to rotate your ca your character itself now the reason why i'm showing you both is because it all depends on how your lighting is laid out so for example if you have really nice lighting with rim lighting and you've set up a bunch of really nice lights to get some nice highlights and you don't really want the lights to move then turning your character would be the best way to go however if you your lighting is perfect in all angles then perhaps rotating the camera will work just fine i'm going to show you both ways all right so let's go ahead and get started let's say you have even lighting in all directions the character looks great everywhere and you're just going to go ahead and just need a camera to turn around her what i would suggest is open this up right here this is your resolution gate and this will show you where your character is going to render if your character gets cut off here her head is going to get cut off in the render so this is really nice the next thing i'd like to do is select all of my objects and then just press the letter f which will focus the character and then i'm going to just kind of pull back a little bit just to make sure the character's in a good place all right now that i have this let's go to animation over visualize we have something called create turntable and let's go to the options i'm going to reset my settings just to make sure that you and i have the same settings and you'll notice that number of frames is 24. 24 frames per second that means this will rotate in one second that's not gonna work so depending on how many seconds you want this character to turn depends on how many frames you want so usually i just put in 180 and then you have to choose between clockwise or counterclockwise so i'm going to choose the default clockwise you have to select your geometry which i did and then click on turntable so what happened one you're going to notice down here that you're now under turntable camera so what it did is that it created this new group and this group is animated between 1 to 180. if i open this up there is in fact a hidden camera notice that it's gray dark gray and that's because it's hidden and if i rotate this you'll see that the character is now rotating what i like to make sure is that the character is in fact in the center and it might be a good idea to turn off the grid just so you can see and if you want to press play now if yours goes buzzing through right click on your timeline go to playback speed i'm playing every frame max real time if you want to you can click on real time so again rewind press play and you can see your character rotating so one of the things that would have probably been better is that if i selected the turntable because right now the focus is not there so what i'm going to do is delete this group one and try again so again i'm going to select i'm going to start off with the best angle for my character select my base as well press f just to make sure it's focused and then zoom out a little bit and visualize create turntable you'll notice that again we're in turntable and then i can watch it and that's way better the base is in the center and the character is revolving i'm going to go ahead and cut myself 180 frames so that i don't have to watch it so there you go she starts and you'll notice that there's a little bit of acceleration and deceleration it's really up to you if you want to keep that i personally like to keep the rotation even so what i'm going to do is select a group that has the animation on it so remember it's not the camera that has the animation it's the group go to windows animation graph editor and you'll see that this is the graph the animation graph i'm going to select these two points and just make it straight now if everyone in play you'll notice that it's very even by the way if you guys watched the previous tutorial on how i created this um this pose i added this sphere i created a kind of like an effect it just looked weird that she didn't have anything in her hands i did this tutorial on how to create like this energy shield and i just shrunk it so it's got this animated glowing uh texture that i thought was really cool and i'll post the link below if you guys are interested in looking at this but this is actually animated so when i do the turntable it looks like she's holding an energy ball all right so that is the first way of creating a turntable so we have a camera called turntable camera and now it's looking good so i am going to render based on the turntable camera so in my render settings so click on render settings when you're ready to render you want to well mine shows two cameras i don't need it to render twice so i'm going to delete one of them and you want to choose the turntable camera that is the one that's going to be rendered this is very important you want to make sure that you choose to turn table camera i'm going to go back to panel's perspective perspective so here we are back in perspective and i'm going to show you the second way of doing it so this one involves making sure that everything is in a group so make sure that the head's in a group that the base is in a group everything is in it i'm going to grab everything and just group it all together this is going to be my turntable group so the purpose of this is to just show you how to animate this without using the turntable camera just in case your lighting is in a really good place so what i'm going to show you is that we're going to animate this group ourselves so starting at 1 notice that if i scroll up nothing happens i'm going to go ahead and click on so shift r will only keyframe rotate x y and z then i'm going to go to 180 frames and in the y i'm going to rotate this direction now it's up to you if you want to go positive or negative i'm going to go to negative 360. and then shift r now it's okay if you guys click s i'm just trying to keep it you know controlled again make sure you have your turntable selected so now let's take a look so you can see that the character is moving perfect same story i'm going to go to windows general editor oops animation editor graph editor select the two keyframes flatten and now when i press play it's rotating so very nice she's in the center everything's looking good now i'm kind of taking a look to make sure nothing gets cut off a little bit of the bottom is okay for me and now she is ready to be rendered rendering so let's go to our render settings and this is where we're going to render the important part is to make sure that the camera is rendering to the camera that you're looking through so in this case it's perspective so just make sure that you choose perspective and then you can then it will render this which is pretty sweet and that is how you render your turntable so it's up to you which one fits your needs one last thing about this one is that you can actually create an animated you know how you get those close-ups well you can actually animate your camera to go up as this character starts rotating because the character is actually keyframed so for example i might actually create a separate camera so go to create camera camera just because i like to look at it in both ways so this is my new camera press the number six if you want to see it and go to show lights to hide the lights let's say i want to render this and let me get in a little closer here whoop if you would like you can animate this camera animating upward so for example [Music] i'm going to start here of course i got to start in frame 0. maybe it's a good idea to see what i'm looking at here we go see how close we are i can go ahead and keyframe this camera so i'm going to keyframe this one and then around 180 i'm going to lift this up to up to here so the effect is oops i got to go here as the character's turning the camera is just going up and taking a look at her cool character so what i'm going to do next is go ahead and pause this video and i'm going to render out my turntable so you can take a look at it and see how this character looks like so i will be right back and there you have it you now have a character turntable they both do the exact same thing except it's up to you which way you want to do it so that is how you can quickly create two types of turntables one with using the visualized turntable or you can select a group and just animate it yourself so those are the two ways i hopefully you found this information helpful let me know if you guys have any questions by leaving a comment below if this has been helpful and you guys posted in social media i would love for you guys to tag me because i'm always a big fan of people that of artists that grow using my tutorials so please tag me in twitter or instagram and of course i have a facebook community which you can find all the links below thank you again so much for watching please like and subscribe of course because that always encourages me to create more videos and don't forget to take a look at academicphoenixplus.com where you can sign up for my newsletter which will give you some information about what's going on on my end and also you can get free ebooks free downloads free trainings and so much more so take a look at academicphoenixplus.com it's got a lot of stuff just dedicated for you thank you again for spending the time with me and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 8,750
Rating: 4.9746032 out of 5
Keywords: color, turntable, arnold renderer, arnold, render, autodesk maya, maya, tutorial, video, education, learn, 3d model, 3d artist, 3d art, difuse, cg art, cg paitning, cg textures, quickly, how to, maya 2020, animation
Id: HxB1yk5ws7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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