Quick Trick to Pose Character in ZBrush

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[Music] hello guys and welcome to another sculpting tutorial in this one i want to do something a little bit more technical we're going to try to show you a workflow that can be used for posting the character okay now it's always a debate like when do you post the character how do you post the character kind of thing and i don't i think everyone has a different workflow so here i want to try to introduce a workflow that's relatively non-destructive and also able to go back and forth right so one thing you want to be sure is that you have uh something levels for example for this hair right it's it's dense but you can take a look at this other level you can see i can go to a lower level okay otherwise your performance wouldn't be good enough okay you can keep it as the highest if you want resistance here i don't even subdivide it yet i haven't even done that yet but that can be done anytime okay um so don't worry too much about that okay all right and also for any symmetrical part you want to finish already for example the boots are symmetrical so you kind of want to do that first i don't have anything here yet so um you wanted to finish it of course but again you can have something levels if you wanted to there's no problem on that but just don't leave a high resolution data mesh in there that's that wouldn't work uh for example the body as you can see there is a subdivision level in there right there's not much detail but i have something scattered here just to show you that this can be transferred over no problem okay the first step you want to go for is to go to the plugin transpose master and you click on the transpose mesh okay let's go to the lowest solving level for all your models and then put them together into a temporary model oops i think the shoulder patch is flipped directional that it was i need to fix that so and go ahead and let's delete this guy let me fix that real quick okay so this guy this guy is flipped so let me flip it real quick all right all right let me try that again right so uh it's up to uh z plugin right and then t bus mesh this one gave me a low res model right for the geometry again right okay now you can see right everything is on the lowest of the level okay you need this to have good enough performance all right and then we're gonna get this thing out so go to the export turn off the grp and then export okay i'm going to put it into the download folder i'm going to call this guy to maximo okay and save that okay i'm gonna use mix more auto rig to rig it and then we'll transfer that into maya and do the posing in there so now i'm gonna go here to maximo this is gonna be an online website from adobe you can basically register for a free account and then you're able to open it like this okay if you have an adobe account already it has to be a personal account so your school account wouldn't work right you have to use a personal one just go ahead and register right and then you log in and you'll get something like this okay and then what you do is you click on this upload character and then you go select and you select the one okay here that will export it that's gonna take some time to go through the whole process and load it uh let me pause the video until this is finished all right so once it loaded it's gonna show you a preview of the model if there's no problem we can go move on to the next and just move those various things based on the uh the placement marker here right this is the chin and then we'll have the wrists probably in there go you can go to the other side if you want it to be more precise elbow oh that's the wrist so put it in here oh this is the wrist sorry this is the elbow this is the wrist okay wrist will be yeah placed in here elbow and then these should be in there and growing uh this is in there so we probably need to go a little bit higher here right and then you can check on next and that's gonna go through the process of rigging and it's gonna go calculate the model uh calculate out the screen reading and everything and this is when like you really want to be careful about the model polycount you want to keep it low enough that's why we need to go to the lowest subdivision level right or we have something level right when we when we're doing the t pose uh it's going to automatically do that low res model automatically reduce it to the lowest subject level oops have some marker not on the character that's so weird okay let me try that again maybe this one needs to be higher has to be on the model but i think those are all this is the first time that happens to me so give it some more time um maybe one more twice yeah so you want to keep your model to the lowest subliminal level possible okay if you don't do that then it's going to take forever to rig it because you'll have a lot of polygons even you know things that that feels really light in the version may become too heavy for this so you're going to have to keep the polycount low oops i guess i need to go back and redo this maybe is there any way to refresh it there must be something that i didn't do right not sure what that is can i refresh it um let me just re-upload it there's might be something wrong i'm not sure what that is um maybe i i crossed the the side or something so let's try this again uh because this is actually the first time this happens to me i've done quite a few characters because it's okay let's give it some more time all right so one more time let's keep on going next chin goes to here wrist goes to here elbow goes to here knees and then that give this one more try okay all right let me pause the video this may take a while all right this time it went through nicely and it takes like two minutes or so right you can see now the model is in preview mode and everything looks fine right and we can hit next and that's gonna load our model now as the model being previewed in here okay and then we can you know we don't really need to use any of the animations but you're more than welcome to try that and there's no problem on that um but you know you can just get this thing out to to maya now okay probably steal one of the poses looks really cool um this one right and maybe yeah that should be fine okay i'm gonna go ahead and check on that to lock it lock it in there right so that way it's not gonna um doing any uh offset on the root and then right we can then download this fbx 30 frame per second skin whisking right and then download okay this will download the model with the animation in there right that's when you can use any software not just my or whatever software you're familiar with to load this fbx one thing to be aware of is that if you're using blender you may have to deal with a size issue because blender doesn't load the fbx quite well yet have to be aware of that i'm going to use maya in this case because that's the software i'm mostly familiar with okay but you're more than welcome to choose other uh this package as long as they can read fbx even unreal engine can do that you can load it in orange and create a post in there i guess that would work too yeah that would definitely work okay anyway i'm gonna go to file import and then i'm gonna import that standing dodge backwards okay this will load the model with the rig and animation all in there like this okay you can see now there is a drone structure in there i can turn on the john skeleton preview okay or x-ray for joints display animation tone size will allow you to change the size of the drone so i can change that to something like 0.105 to make them look smaller i think i want them to be even smaller right okay and you can see all the drones are there including the fingers okay now of course if you don't like this pose you can go grab the model and go to um rigging and skin there is a go to band post to go back to the bending post and you can post it yourself in whatever way whatever way you want right to have the model post but basically you can now post it in maya right quickly now of course there's no controller so it's not a fancy rig at all but for the purpose of posing the character this is perfect right this is lightweight and you don't have to spend a lot of time tweaking anything it's having the basics there already okay so let me go to that pose that i like to go for maybe this pose right it's moving too far away from the center i can probably drag it back right and i can even do some more tweaking here like i don't like how those verses are going away from each other i can go for average vertex to even other location whatever you can do with modeling you can do them in here there's no problem on that you can probably create a blind shape to fix those things right right by doing that here using the sculpting tool oh well this model has some issues i can't do that all right well i have to accept this anyway so let's say this is this is the post i want then i can just grab the model and go for file export selection i can call this guy to the brush post okay now back here to zbrush i'm going to go to layers and then create a new layer call this one pose 01 dodge right with the recording model i can then go back here and import the uh to the batch post you because you know the post is loaded okay now in here again i can do my tweaking maybe in here it could be easier right wherever you want to pull to tweak it right before you transfer over you can do that so i kind of wanted to smooth that stretching effect because we don't want to deal with waiting we're not animating this so as long as our post will look good eventually we don't worry about having to you know really get a perfect waiting just for one post to work right we can work smart and ignore all those uh redundancies right now this is still going to be faster than trend trying to use a bunch of z spheres to rig the character for sure inside of the brush okay nope don't do that okay just do some more tweaking here just to make them nice and even because you kind of want this to to be tweaked before you transfer back otherwise you'll have a lot of stretching on those things especially when you have some details sculpted already in there okay and i believe this guy is underneath so i can push it in by using move topological or push that out whatever you want to do so there will be tweaking needed but the point is we we we wanted to be able to tweak it right and also we wanted to avoid having to deal with any technical things as little as possible in this case right let's say this is this is okay now we're happy with what's going on and then we just need to get this thing back to that high resolution scuffed and that should be an easy step we just need to go for here z plugging and t-pose back this up to okay now it's going to update the model into that pose we defined i have a skeleton inside actually right you can see now everything will be able to transfer over without any problem and then we can keep on working from this post right that's going to be the general idea here now at some point let's say okay i wanted to add more details symmetrically on the face now there are two options one is you can in the in the transform you can activate symmetry you can use possible symmetry i should be able to allow you to to do that gonna check the topology of course right if it's symmetrical or not then you can do it and that's one thing if you're you if you want to try right to add symmetrical uh effect alexis okay let's try here you can see yeah this is not bad at all right that's one thing and alternatively if you want to say okay i oh there's something wrong in there if you want to say okay i really wanted to go back to that original post that i was working on before you can so what you have to do is go back to this guy and then there is a layer right that's why we have the layer we can zero out the layer and that's gonna bring it back to the original pose right and that can still be transferred over back to use the t-pose to sub two and now we'll go back and then transfer the post back so now you basically have the two poses right your original scuffed impose right your symmetrical pose and then your new pose i can always go back and forth between those two poses while you are sculpting and adding more details all right that's going to be the basic idea of this symmetrical or non-destructive way to get things back and forth and to have the pose and of course right other packages like blender you can try that one of the problems i'm having with blender while trying to do this because in series it should have should have been worked uh if you can rig everything in blender using all right in there that's also fun i use the rigify but it doesn't really place the joint for you automatically right however you can try that you can import the problem i'm dealing with is that this can be imported the problem is the model is really small if you compare this model to the model we export it to maximo right that's the model we put into mix mode you can see how much bigger this is right compare that so this wouldn't work nicely okay if you get this this model in let's see get this guy right and file export you probably want to make it like 10 times bigger or something i don't know so if we export this as obj and you need to choose z forward right geometry we have to keep vertex order uh maybe scale i don't know let's keep it as one but maybe you want to change it like 200 times bigger maybe 10 times bigger let's try that and then export object object to [Music] post from blender i don't know what those numbers are for okay now they're gone so back here to the brush let's go back to our tuples just to be safe i'm going to create a new layer and name it blender pose okay and then import that you can see here it changes to something real small oh and also i have that i don't want that either i can just be uh right the problem the problem was on i'm exporting everything so i'm gonna grab that and export obj and select it only that should be to post from blender right okay that should transfer over let's see if we can receive that no prop without any problem right we can't we're able to do that it's just gonna get your model into a really small size if we go back halfway you can see you know how much you'll have to change this right of course this will i think this will still work though so we can grab that and then go deposit this up too this can still work and then just going to transport everything into a small scale we'll see right you can see the skeletons here the body they're able to transfer over no problem no problem on there but still you can see how much different it does make right so i i think there's something we need to be aware of when you're using blender seems like there's some clipping in that case right yes i think there's some problem on those things also it may not be the best solution by using blender or if you can come up with like the actual solution there just to get the correct size otherwise probably gonna stick with maya to get a better result okay again you can always go to different poses now i can go back to this pose all right this is the pose from my i can transfer it over again now be aware that if you want to keep working on this and saving iterations of files you want to make sure that when you're saving your file you save it as a z-batch project not a z2 because z2 only saves the two you're working on only going to be this guy you need this guy right this guy has all the process you have so when you're saving just press ctrl s and save it and yeah that's 20 minutes of a quick video tutorial on how to post the character quickly right of course there are things you need to tweak but this is going to be much faster than using for example disappear okay all right that's gonna be it for this video thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: UIW 3D Animation and Game Design
Views: 27,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mUflysw5XhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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