Quick Tip 45: Cloth Wrinkles With Smoothing Deformer

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this video is sponsored by rhizome lab the creators of my unwrapping software of choice rhizome UV during the upload month of this video my viewers can enjoy a 20% discount on rhizome UV by going to rhizome lab comm and using the code of digital meet at the checkout I will also be giving away 10 free licenses for rhizome UV during this month so make sure you're following me on Facebook and keep an eye out for those giveaway posts [Music] hey guys it's Sandford digit we'll meet again and in this cinema4d quick tip I want to show you how you can introduce wrinkles to the surface of a polygon object so let's get stuck in I'm gonna create a sphere in my scene and make it sit on the floor something else before I begin I've got scene South but just got floor sky some lights and a camera and this tutorial is not ready to do that so I'm gonna close that back up and move on so I've got my sphere in the middle of our scene I'm gonna apply this material to it and we're also gonna let's have a look at the sphere like this okay let's let's add some more segments to this say 50 and I'm also going to change the sphere type from standard to hexahedron and this just guarantees that all the all the polygons in this model quads whereas if you've got the standard you've got a load of triangles at the top there so yeah I'm gonna flip over to hexahedron good stuff I'm also gonna make this shape editable now let's go back to another view by pressing na that takes us back to ground shading I'm gonna select our sphere and I'm gonna hold alt and click on this here that'll add a subdivision surface by holding alt it makes it a parent of our object and I'm gonna do something similar by selecting the sphere again and adding the main component of this technique by holding shift going to our deformer menu and dropping down and selecting smoothing by holding shift this will make it a child of a sphere okay now that's in place we can see all the sames for this under type you'll see that we've got smooth now this behaves much like the brush tool set to smooth apart from it applies it to the entire object unless you're defining some kind of map like vertex map we're not going to use this that's not what we want I'm gonna flip over to relax here now relax the whole point of relax is to basically simulate a cloth like surface if you look at the cinema 4d documentation to tell you this so it flips over to relax and now all of our settings are grayed out and that's because we need to press this initialize bar the de forma needs to recognize the state of the object before we make changes so I'm going to hit initialize and as you can see in under memory here it says 36 kilobytes so it's stored the position of all the points there now if we were to leave it like this and actually work on our object in fact let's just do that to see what it looks like I'm gonna press M I that will select the magnet tool and make sure our sphere is selected I can start shifting the surface of this around now you can see that it's almost like it's some kind of clay or plastic or something like that and that's not what we really want we want it to be more cloth like so it wrinkles up so if we go back to our smoothing deformer we can actually restore this back to what it was by pressing and restore button and we can make some changes here so the iterations this pertains to how many times the algorithm is run as you can see it's set to 10 I want to go higher than you so I'm gonna go to 40 so that means that the algorithm that actually runs this smoothing de forma is run is run what many more times than we had the stiffness is currently set at 30% now for a cloth where we want to introduce lots of wrinkles we don't really want you to try and retain its structure we kind of want it to fold up on itself so we want it to be less stiff so I'm gonna knock this all the way down to 0% and hit initialize again then I'm gonna go back to our sphere already on the magnet tool and I'm gonna start moving stuff around again so as you can see is proud of bunching up on itself and it's much more cloth like as a surface now and you can really start all through in wrinkles and get in those you know those tight wrinkles together it really sort of stretches the surface there we go we're getting something very much like cloth now so I'm just gonna go back to our smoothing it makes me wonder actually let's restore this and crank our iterations up to 60 and see if that makes a difference let's initialize again go back to our sphere and start pushing points around again here you can see that there's a lot more wrinkles there now so it's it's a little bit of a balancing act between sort of the iterations and you know my opinion not the not the stiffness down and you'll get a much more cloth-like effect now I'm sure you can recognize the great uses this this could be used for whether it be introducing wrinkles to clothes or bedding and fabrics maybe the surface of a sofa cushion or something like that you can get really good results very very quickly and of course if we actually go to a different view and look at this we can see the mesh is quite heavy but there's no reason that you couldn't bake this out to you know a map of some kind of displacement map and then apply it to a lower lower poly object so an object that describes the same basic shape before this detail is baked into a normal map or something like that so anyway that was that was quite quick it's a bit rough and ready but I just wanted to make you guys aware that there is a way that you can do you can author cloth wrinkles in cinema 4d I hope that was helpful see you next time if you're watching on YouTube please like and subscribe and don't forget to hit that Bell to be notified of new tutorials you can follow me on social media at face Twitter LinkedIn and Instagram and make sure to visit me at digital media UK where you can vote for upcoming tutorials thanks for watching bye [Music] [Music] you
Views: 8,109
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Digitalmeat.uk, Cinema 4D, C4D, Cinema4D, Digitalmeat, Greyscale Gorilla, GreyscaleGorilla, 3D, Workflow, Cinema 4D Workflow, C4D Workflow, Tutorial, Tutorials, Cinema 4D Tutorial, Cinema 4d Tutorials, C4D Tutorial, C4D Tutorials, Mograph, Motion Design, 3D Motion Design, 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, C4D Quick Tip, Cinema 4D Quick Tip, Quick Tips, RizomUV, RizomLab, Cloth Wrinkles, Smoothing Deformer, Magnet Tool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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