Schnelles Sommerdessert! Köstlich in 5 Minuten! Leckeres Rezept mit Kondensmilch

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4 bananas. Cut into small pieces. Write in the comments what city are you looking for? It's very nice to realize that we can communicate all over the world! Put in the pan. 30g butter. 30g powdered sugar. Mix well. Stir over the fire until soft. Crush with a blender. 200g condensed milk. Mix well. 500 ml cream 33%. Beat until creamy with a mixer. We add our banana mix. Mix well with a mixer. Grate 60g chocolate. Mix well. Pour into a freezer container. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours. We form balls and serve. Bon appetit!
Channel: Guter Geschmack!
Views: 2,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: einfach und schnell, kondensmilch rezepte, ohne Backen, dessert ohne backen, kondensmilch, dessert in 5 Minuten, kondensmilch dessert, kondensmilch rezept, einfaches Rezept, yt:cc=on, dessert in 5 minuten, Leckere Minute, Banane mit Sahne, rezepte, schnelle rezepte, bananen mit Sahne, Sahne mit Banane, Bananencreme, Bananencremedessert, Bananendessert, neues Bananendessert, rezept in 5 minuten, rezept, nachtisch rezepte einfach und schnell, dessert im glas einfach und schnell
Id: YjJrYevr84E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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