Jonny Boats Bass 100: On Water Test + Capsize!

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what's up guys dan again from headwaters kayak shot and I'm headed up to our location at South Shore Comanche to test out that new Johnny bass 100 I've been posting photos and I did a video of it this morning in the amount of buzz and interest I'm getting is incredible it's so many people fired up or have more questions so I decided to go ahead and grab the boat throw it on the car I've got the torque ito 1003 loaded up and I'm gonna go give an initial test I still don't have all the accessories there'll be more videos to come this is just an initial impression getting it on the water talking about stability talking about how does it paddle and and then we'll do some more follow up videos once we have a little more time added Matt just threw it up on his car he he's up here working on some boats and here's a look at our South Shore rental location so we're down here at the dock by the marina there's the boat launch and you can see Matt down there doing some work installing flush mounts on all our rental kayaks so all our renters can go fishing and have a good time all right I like the back of this thing so you got these two big handles makes it easy to grab the whole bullet only way is 77 pounds and we don't have the wheels yet you guys the wheel should be in next week but again we couldn't wait that long to get this thing in the water we had to go try it out alright so the motor on you today you guys is my torpedo 10:03 travel order which is sort of an electric all-in-one motor ideally I would have my tiller extension handle but unfortunately right now I don't have that like I said we're making the best with what we've got let's get this thing installed and go hit the water well what do you think Matt I've always wanted your own bass boat that way look at that I wish we had that childerik Center I don't know what we did with it yeah that's Torquay man it'll kick you out quite a bit lighter than your Outback I'm gonna step in one thing you'll notice is it doesn't have any parks or paddle cleats so I just sort of have the paddle shot between my legs but man even with your weight all the way on one side it feels really stable I'll do an actual stability checking out Matt film you hear that big volume is square Stern does a good job of keeping this thing sitting nice and high even with the torpedo on the back alright so I got the torpedo back here I'm kind of having to reach around my sea to fire my tiller I would be more out here to the side but whoa whoa this thing is Torquay I always forget that turkey toe you got a baby step into it this thing has so much power it's ridiculous yeah hey guys I don't have my GPS anything half-ass I'm going but I think ruzek looking away so I know I'm the motor kits you guys that they're gonna have steering that's up in your lap you're gonna have forward and backwards clutch control that's here on the right so if you're using a gas motor you don't have to do the reach-around thing you could set the throttles and have all the controls at your cockpit but again we're using the torque IDO 1003 outboard and I got to reach around but it's faster for the little electric motor I think I think it's cute guys want a raise look at me now if this cruise I'm about to be to like to beat a paddle boat and you guys this setup that I'm using right now with the 1003 is tournament legal for kayak bass fishing I don't think it's fair but I don't make the rules all I'm saying is that you can be in this little one hambo motoring your spot fishing once you get there and feel competing bikers yeah look at Irene it's a boat guys it's not a kayak I'm not gonna lie you guys going around with this thing on the back go in like six seven miles an hour it's definitely brain candy it's definitely got a lot of fun obviously you're not getting any exercise you're not paddling but if you're there to fish this is an efficient craft to do it in man and the fact that you can throw a motor on the back of this saying you know and still be like fifteen sixteen seventeen hundred bucks it is a pretty compelling story I mean just a trolling motor alone if you were to go to a basic trolling motor at basic battery you'd still be less than that Pelican catch gift that came out it like $12.99 so there's a lot to be said for this new little Johnnie boat but a lot of you guys wanted to know a couple of things how stable is it which we'll find out when I get back to the dock but how is it paddle so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to kick up the outboard and paddle this thing back to the shore and give you guys my honest thoughts about how does it work as a kayak all right so I'm out here I'm actually it's kind of good I'm in a headwind and I'm paddling this thing back to the dock and there's been a lot of debate not a lot there's been some to be people are saying like all the joining paddles just fine it's you know it's just like a kayak just in that I mean I just had some you know gotten so slow over the years and maybe it does paddle like some of the newer cars but it's pretty hard to paddle like you had to paddle this thing home you'd be hating life now if you were just on a pond if you're on a lake like a little lake Manor be totally fine but slow slow slow slow to paddle 36 inches wide 10 feet long and basically a square you guys it's pushing a ton of water to get going but I mean maybe it's a little better than I thought it's it tracks a little better than I thought I thought it was gonna get really blown around it's okay if paddling is definitely a factor and what you're buying this for I would look elsewhere look at a you know a big fish 120 or something like that but have lose it more lively but it's workable and definitely if you're gonna be motorized it may be just paddling on occasion you know I fine but if I was like want to go across this lake or to go hit another Cove there's no way now maybe motor to my spa maybe motor across the lake and then paddle a little shoreline that would work out alright back in business you like it really did a good job at the buoyancy of this boat make it so it doesn't squat too much from the stern you can see the front is you know it's out of the water but it's not you know it's not plowing water I can't imagine how the sangwich heal we'd like a sick horse power motor I know guys are cutting and it's like I'm probably freezing right now you know I have this thing full speed I'm probably cruising this thing it may be six seven miles an hour and it feels really fast in this little boat I can't imagine doubling that pulling into our parking spot here man the control that you have with this little boat this motor it's just you just go wherever you want so fun I can't even believe that you know this it's not fun without hand controls once you get the hand control so you can really be focused on what's going on in front of you set your motor speed and just steer this thing is going to be unstoppable got the motor off now my pockets have an attempt to stability check I don't care if I pull in I want to kind of see how stable it is because that's a lot of a lot of people are wondering that how stable is it is it as stable as a Titan is it as stable as a pro angler I mean I would say no not as stable as a pro angler but for a 10-foot buzz really really stable I tell you what I just got like oil on it though because it's a new boat so my feet feel really slippery there you go this will also tell us how it dreams one thing we noticed when we got hit is as you jump up and down you get a little bit of water in it but I when I was murdering your home there's no water in it any water that got in it just drained right up through the scupper and through the venturi the pincher he's kind of behind the seat and as your motor he just sucks the water right off good so slippery the build quality feels really good I don't know there's a ton of flex at all on the debt again I'm doing all this in the high seat you guys it is honestly so nice here right now alright so if I'm gonna flip this thing over first thing I'm not gonna do is I'm not gonna try to flip from that side all the people make that mistake of trying to flip the kayak over this way really hard check this on look from the other side use your body way way easier what I'm gonna do is use that side handle jig 5 feet to the surface to think about swimming my chopped up on the bow I think if you flip this thing over with the motor it might be a different story but uh honestly it's just really like any other fishing kayak the only difference is half taller side which means it's a little bit harder to get up and over the top or to swim up onto the boat and to there's not much water on the deck of that boat now that he's flipped it and turned it back over I was a little sketchy it's alright it was done all right let me try one more time there we go [Music] alright guys that's my initial thoughts on the Johnny how would I rate it I'll rate it super fun I had a blast in this thing today again it's not a pal lacrosse if you're looking at this think about it it is like a motorized personal watercraft or a motorized kayak you get the portability you know the ease of rigging the durability of a polyethylene boat 77 pounds so a lot of the benefits that you get from a kayak but in a boat that'll take a two and a half horsepower or like I have with the torpedo 10:03 you know take a nice electric motor in cover water that was the most fun I've had on the water in a while doing a review that was a super fun little boat I gotta say I had a blast in it it's not a kayak and I'm not gonna even pretend that it is a kayak and if you're interested in the sport of kayaking definitely don't get that get something that you can paddle but if you like that idea of one man you know motor power craft I think it's a ton of fun we're gonna keep that in the demo fleet I'll have a torpedo 10:03 if you guys want to come try it out with a motor I'll get the tiller extension I'll get that thing all set up so you guys can come out and play with it and as always I appreciate you guys so much for watching subscribe and following along until next time this is Dan wishing you happy paddling we'll see on the next one
Channel: Headwaters Kayak
Views: 639,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: headwaters, Jonny boats, solo skiff, bass 100, pelican catch power, pelcian catch prw, pelican catch pwr 100, skiff, one man bass boat, john boat, jonny boat, jonny bass 100, kayak bass fishing, motor kayak, hobie kayak, 3 waters kayak, feelfree kayaks, torqeedo, electric motor, e-drive
Id: 4fs5rxp5rs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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