Quick Klipper Tips - Expanding your 3dp toolkit

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hello in today's video we're going to go over some quick clipper tips now these may help solve a little problem you're having or make your life a little bit simpler in the future so let's get started [Music] now the first tip we're going to cover here is a single line added to your printer.cfg file that may relieve a common issue that many printers suffer from if your printer has a mains power bed and uses an ssr to control it some people may notice that when the heater is on your lights flicker now that's something you probably don't want to do so i'm going to show you how adding one line to your config here will make it go away so we're connected to our printer here and this is a voron trident i'm using as an example here we're going to go to our config so our printer.cfg file here and we're going to scroll down till we get to the bed heater section and you're going to add a line that's called pwm underscore cycle underscore time and then the number you add after that depends on where you live in the world now if you live where the power runs at 50 hertz you're gonna add point zero two and if you live where the power is 60 hertz you're gonna add 0.01666 and what this is this is essentially telling the heater to run at the same frequency as your power runs at so since your lights run at that same frequency too it should pretty much eliminate the flicker issue or drastically reduce it now how do we get that number it's simply 1 divided by 50 if you live in a 50 hertz zone or one divided by 60 if you live in a 60 hertz zone then afterwards it's a simple save and restart and your lights should no longer flicker now let's just go back to that printer.config file there uh we have a lot of stuff in that file it's getting quite large so why don't we go ahead and take a moment here to simplify things and organize it so before we start this though i'm going to recommend that you download and save your printer.cfg file this is a good habit to start doing is once you get your printer configured the way you like it go ahead and download and back up your printer.cfg and any other relevant files clipper does run on a raspberry pi most of the time which uses an sd card for storage there's always a chance that it can get corrupted the last thing you want to have to do is go through and reset up your printer and have to go through all that headache again so make a backup of your config files just to ensure that you do have something to restore from now on to making our printer.cfg file a little bit cleaner so let's go ahead and break out our macros so i'm going to go ahead and copy all of them copy and then i'm going to delete them so now we don't have any macros in our printer.cfg file let's save and close it and then i'm going to create a new file and i'm going to call this you can call it whatever you want but i'm just going to call it macros dot cfg whatever you decide to call it it does have to end in dot cfg though create and we have it here and i'm going to put all my macros in this file save and close now we're going to go back to the printer.cfg file and you can add this anywhere but you're going to add open bracket include macros.cfg or whatever the file you decide to call dot cfg and then close bracket and then save and restart and there you have it now if all goes well you shouldn't notice any change in your printer but now you have all your macros in a separate file so you can go and break out things such as led configurations into a separate file now just to help keep things organized and streamlined it doesn't affect anything in terms of performance or how the printer runs but it does help a little bit when it comes to just kind of keeping things organized and then also i have another quick single line trick for you now this has to do with when it comes to flashing your controller board if your printer uses a board such as an skr where you have to flash the board with an sd card to install the firmware when it comes to doing the make process normally you would have to go through the make menu config generate that file and then you have to use a program such as winscp or other program to pull that file off of the raspberry pi onto your computer and then transfer it from the computer to an sd card which can transfer to the controller board so why don't we remove a step there after you've gone and run the make command for the menu config and you have your clipper.bin file you're going to run this one command here that's going to move that file into the same folder that your printer.cfg is now i'll have this command in the description below but after you run it and you go into your folder where your printer.cfg is you should see your firmware.bin file so now you just right click download and you have it so now you can just drag and drop it onto an sd card rename it to whatever you have to rename it to install it into your skr or other controller board and flash it now the last thing i'm going to cover is not specifically a clipper issue but i'm going to touch on it because it affects all 3d printers and it's a common question i get asked about and you may have seen this come up have you ever run a new print after cancelling a print or restarting a print and you've gotten the error warning move out of range now this issue comes up because of the way 3d printers interpret g-code how movement commands are based in the fact that it remembers previous commands or states so for those that don't know there are two common types of movement with cnc machines and 3d printers you have g90 movements and g91 movements now a g90 movement is an absolute movement so what that means is the easiest way to interpret this is your 3d printer is a grid let's say 0 to 300 and 0-300 with zero zero being your front left corner and 300 300 being your back right corner so if you tell your printer while it is in a g90 movement state to do x10y10 it will move to 10 millimeters up and 10 millimeters right from the front left of the printer if you tell it to move x 300 y 300 it'll move all the way to that back right corner now g91 is an incremental movement if you have your printer tool head at the middle of the bed at say 150 150 and you tell it after running a g91 command to move x10 y10 it will move 10 millimeters to the right and 10 millimeters to the back so the one movement g90 is based off of a fixed zero zero point whereas g91 is a movement based off of where the tool head is when it runs that specific movement command hi horrible webcam quality editing neuro here um just realizing that when i recorded this i kind of goofed with the description so let's go over it again what i'm basically getting at here is when you wrote your starting g code most people assume they are working in a g90 environment so if you write you know g1 x10 y10 you're going to move to the front left of your printer bed but if you don't have that g90 command and you're starting gcode and your slicer was operating under g91 which some do what can happen is if you cancel a print your printer will still be in that g91 state so if your starting g code is in g1 x10 y10 instead of moving to that front of the bed you're going to move 10 millimeters to the right 10 millimeters backwards so depending on what that actual command could be it could be driving your printhead off the printer so for example here you can see how my starting g-code here for print start before i do any movement i have a g90 command because i want my printer moving using absolute coordinates so if that is an error that you are getting make sure you go through and ensure your starting g-code macros are corrected so you don't get that issue in the future and then if you're not getting that error just consider that some useful information about how g-code works with 3d printers and cnc machines now another thing to keep in mind while we're also in here looking at my start g code is that the velocity or this f number right here in my first movement command the velocity is also remembered from a previous input so what that means is if you have a list of movements but only that first line has a f value in it it will reuse that f value until another f value is introduced so again if you cancel a print mid print and start again and your starting gcode has a very fast or very slow movement that you did not anticipate that's because it's remembering that previous velocity value so you may want to go ahead and add a f value for your starting g code to ensure that that first movement is always at the speed you want it to be so i hope you enjoyed today's video as always if you do have any questions make sure you ask them in the comments below i figured i'd go over some common tips and tricks for clipper and help expand your knowledge of how g-code works if you want to help support the content i create and the things i do i have links in the description as well make sure you're subscribed to the channel so you don't miss out on any of the live streams in the future and on your way out make sure you like that smash button i hope you learned something new today and as always have yourselves a great day cheers [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 41,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printer, printing, 3d printer, 3d printing, 3dp, fdm, fff, filament, voron, nero, nero3d, nero3dp, diy, hack, custom, reprap, klipper, tips, tricks, lights, flicker, flickering, heater, hz, 60hz, 50hz, power flicker, power, issue, hum, bed, bed heater, heater issue, frequency, klipper.bin, g90, g91, backup, hacks, organize, movement, out of, range, error
Id: GhuBHEcjNH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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