Quick, easy willow plant support

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I'm Sofie gorgeous bye well we know they usually run a lot of workshops and various traditions right at this moment so I'd like to bring you some short clips of how to make things in your garden and then sculpture further on with willow I'm working here today with I have two varieties of willow here this one is called Dickie Meadows and this darker brown one is called flounders red both willow if I was going to make something smaller I would use perhaps four-foot below this is all what's known as brown and has to be soaked the general rule is a day of soaking per foot of growth so six days in the tank for this willow what I'm going to do today is show you the most basic little plant support that you can popping anywhere in your flower border for clams that just might fall over we're going to do a fairly light quick run and then I'll show you how you could make adapt it for a plant that might be a little bit more weighty more likely to get damaged I have a beginner here who's going to come work with me and I hope I can show you how to do this hi Lucy hello wait you're going to take a piece of this willow the Dickey Meadows which is this gray green one and with anybody we're going to start with the button the thick end of the willow and gently bring that my use my tummy here bring that round into a circle okay it's seven sort of about that size if you plant is gonna be a lot bigger than this spreads a lot you could make a series of these bit like the Olympic rings and pop them in the garden like that this is the north to in size for a 6-foot piece of willow alright so I've gone around I'm holding the butt end here just speeds in and out of the circle like that and then it will hold together doesn't matter if it's not a perfect circle we're going to add another couple of pieces to make it a bit stronger so taking the next piece of bullet doesn't matter about the bits sticking out we can turn your nose up later either colors fine either color is fine the fun this dinky Meadows is for tying the Flanders where there's a little bit thicker so starting the next piece but end again through the circle and you tuck it in a little bit further round from the first button again the tip move your hands down to the tip if you put it in here we're gonna get kinks giant sewing going round till you've used up that piece of willow that's fine it doesn't matter when you add the next piece a button putting the buttons round and different places beginning places helps to brace the circle so if it's not that circular to begin with it'll get better okay so but then tucked in I wouldn't want to start it that way we're all very different men must with its tip going in and out nice and gently there we are and as I said we can tidy up the bits at the very end so we'll put that down yeah I said flounders we're just a little bit stronger a bit stouter so a stronger willow to use there are hundreds of different varieties of willow and they all have different working properties one of the most commonly grown varieties is Blackmore but as I said here we've got Dickie Meadows Flanders led in this short variety for that variety this will be Blackmore this would be dark dicks lovely right so did pop it it doesn't need to be perfect it's gonna be hidden by the plants anyway so now I'm going to take three pieces of willow and I would use this one because it's easier to work with we're making a delicate one I'm gonna take my secretaries pop a little bit of a point on the end as I said this is brown willow so it's not gonna go in the garden it's dried out it's not living so roughly at the size of the circle just gonna push that in around no no just them is quite hard in places here you hold it low down food and get a been really get stuck you can always hammer a little hole yes that's right if we're doing this here on the grass you can see the demonstration easily but I really would recommend actually building it in so now you can take that away together those sticks up at the top put the circle over the top that and then you'll be working inside out and you'll see how tall you want your part support to be we're working as I said in the open here because so you can decide what height you need this to be right so you start with one of these you're gonna bake carefully bend that over there and then again just giant saying really getting in and out around this circle might feel a bit tricky to begin with but soon [Music] level you up a little bit alright then you come to your next piece you don't like this then be careful either you're supporting it as you go and you get a nice tight Bend again there we go that's coming inside that and the last one way about the end we can either tuck them in just like that and they'll stay there last one around the goat feeding that I'm just gonna tuck that end in there the end sticking out and that will just oh that's a very gentle one but that would support your parents from the wedding without actually tying in so tightly because you could use more tights look at so this is a close report made in the same way just shown you but if you had something that might get a bit heavy peonies for example dahlias dahlias yep Danis you could use sticks now I've used some bits of hazel I quite like because it's a little bit bumpy and it's nice and buggit for the widow to hold on to but you could use willow sticks which are thick pieces of willow or young ash growth or bamboo even if you don't mind bamboo in your garden and this would be a little bit of a stouter plant support now we're just gonna go and have a look at one in the garden just doing a job for us but his electrum and this is a plan support that we did in the howling gale we had some serious wind recently and it was just an emergency to stop and blowing him you can see the bar moves around so it stays strong but it's not going to get pushed right over by the wind and no we've got some soft grass I think Lucy can remember the name here melikhaya transyl van acker grass blue is still plenty of movement which is nice not tied in tightly and there we have it
Channel: Sophie Courtiour
Views: 38,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stayathome, homeactivities, garden, plantsupport, willow, thingstodoathome, plant, gardening, lockdown
Id: tLvhESGllEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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