Live Weave: Willow Peony Crown

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recording I'm recording I'm recording I'm recording I'm recording on two cameras thanks bye Daniel ah hold on brothers still ton more people Wow ah okay what are we doing today I think I've done like five different things that's put on five different hats so now now we're weaving Athene eco I'm gonna look slightly awkward like I'm gonna my eyes are gonna go this way in this way because again there's two cameras there's my phone and an official video camera recording at the same time is so we're doing this guy's um anyways this is what we're making one of these tada holds up your beanies or whatever plants need support better you know more than two feet but less than five feet high yeah and it's it's super easy it's that easy by the time I'm done you're gonna be like oh my god why did I even need to watch a video in that but hopefully you're here for the entertainment value as well so anyways here we go oh and for the safe again of not being super boring I have like pre-cut all of my sticks and we're gonna start with the hoops first and we're gonna put them here and we're gonna arrange them all before we leave them and I'm working with actually this is one year growth willow um I also use to your growth whether that's thinner so either way you basically want it to be oh I don't know maybe somewhere just under like maybe not a half inch you know at the foot end it's about yeah little under I have him somewhere between like a third and a half inch wide which I guess that's like one and a half to two centimeters does that sound about right on the butt end and these longest ones for the biggest hoops there's four of them and I've cut I've cut them 55 inches long these are going to be like really hilarious measurements because I didn't like pre-planned them I sort of made one and went oh this looks right and then I measured what they were so just however long the hoops were on one that looked right when I made it so that's how that's going to be and there's four of them here and what I'm gonna do actually is I'm gonna make I'm gonna alternate my tips in my bus so that you know there's a tip and a butt over here on this end and a tip and a but obviously on this end here and then I'm gonna do like a little bit of twisting used to do let's see I added extra holes to my jig so it's gotten slightly more confusing and this jig is the same jig that I made the Ovilus on and I'm using the same holes which is very convenient for me which means that there are 24 holes on a 16 inch diameter circle and it works out all right you know I kind of put in these holes with the idea that I was going to do the obelisk and I sort of had to make the peeny crowns to fit and you know at the end of the day both the peeny crowns on obelisks have a lot of wiggle room so hey everybody say you know you can just kind of make it however you think they should work so you can see what I've done here I've made one big loop across with my two that have gotten twisted together and they're just you know exactly office of each other and then these other two that have been twisted around each other are going you know sort of the other direction they're going across straight across like that so they just make a nice little cross there like that sometimes I need to do a little bit of flattening to get the shape right but on the whole whatever hope you end up is whatever hoop you end up with so those are good easy-peasy and then now the next ones are going to be there's a set of eight can everyone hear me okay hi hopefully everyone can hear me you might also hear cows yeah I think our neighbor has cleared out the barn these either taking the cows out of the barn or he's putting the cows back in the barn one or the other and they're either excited or not excited but you might hear the mooing yeah but anyways so the next set of sticks are 47 inches long again totally random amount but they are all the same and there's eight of them like I said and they're about the same thickness they're also really quite thick and I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to take two at a time and I'm going to alternate them so there's one tip in one butter on each side and then I twist them around each other and then I'm gonna put them kind of let's see I don't know quite how explain how to explain this but they're going in this hole so you know this these were placed you know on this hole right here right at the end two holes away from that is where one side of the hoop is going and then obviously the other side of the hoop is going to go on the other side of that also on two holes away and with that mm yeah yeah all right good and then that one's got kind of a funny that's actually insect damage right there and that did kind of a funny thing but I think it'll be all right it may or may not annoy me enough to change it we'll find out and then there's eight of them because you're going to do that for every single you know side of this thing so basically this one here those two holes away from where this one was placed hello there we go make sure it actually fits in the holes there okay then another one here how's everybody doing out there everyone doing okay pretty much ask that every time I suppose but I do hope everyone's doing okay and they're kind of I don't know just because I know - especially this willow that I'm working with tents actually does like to kink it's a little bit softer it's I think this is oh god it's a Polish it's a Polish named variety that I call Jeju Lanka that's totally not how it's pronounced but it is spelled jagi e el el n ka so however you want to pronounce that that's how it's pronounced but it is a little bit softer and so when I'm putting in these hoops I'm kind of pulling apart from one side as I stick on the other side I'm kind of sticking it in and twisting you can do that too if you want to you don't have to twist it beforehand all the time so as I'm going to you know put this in the other hole I kind of give it a little bit of a pre Bend and I'm kind of feeling where the different tensions are and I'm going to actually pull away like right here while I'm sticking it in just to kind of keep it from kinking a little bit like that so yeah so now those are all in easy-peasy and now the next ones are another set of eight and same variety I think and they are cut up 38 and a half inches long 38 and a half inches long I only know this now because I've made now I've made 20 of them sub another five to go before this one order so I have these numbers memorized at this point you'll end up with an even pair of steaks um yes I will I will end up with an even pair there's 24 all together hopefully that's what you were thinking about um Dion so oh this is a kind of a funny one so these ones so here's where it says to get a little tricky because it's gonna you're gonna be like oh this totally makes sense but it does a little different thing here because actually what we're gonna do is this next set of hoops you know I've taken the pair and I've twisted them so this next set is not going they're not going in new holes they're actually going in the same holes believe it or not that the first two hoops went into so this is actually going to go in here and then the other place is going to go is actually in here so it's going to look like that let's see if I can turn this it's gonna look like that see that so my holes may or may not be big enough I think I you normally actually make a little angle cutting me so they fit and I you know if I were smart no never I'll I can never get to it but if I were smart I would just make my poles on those sides bigger and so I could fit all these sticks in but I never remember so I'm about to employ some tape in a little bit but the first couple you can actually get in without for me at least I can get them in without tape so these ones kind of just pop in a little bit there and then again they pop in a little bit right there so that's cool and then the next ones so I kind of just do a little angle cut buck on the butt and the tip easy peasy not hard you okay so this one I put in there and then the other one that I get to fit is right diagonally of it so just kiddy Korner essentially it's the same deal it's going to go in this back one here and then I'm going to twist it around and then they're gonna fit in that hole right there not bad alright so the next couple of coops I need to get some missing tape oh my god and I'm running out of tape okay remember what I wrote in there make another tape I have some more somewhere but just not here but I think I can get through so I just get a couple of pieces so I don't have to get them later and then these guys get taped just right here on this one again if your holes are big enough or if you're doing this in the ground which you like definitely can just put this in the ground and do this if you wanted to so that one gets taped over there twist twist twist you you and then this one gets taped right here all together oh no what happened here I tapped up my kid well you've fit all the way around okay yeah it was continued on with the theme of these things let me talk about the weather today it was nice outside except that it was very very windy and like colder than it has been and I think it's taken me I don't know the better part of a decade to realize that it's cold here compared to where we used to live which where we used to live was just across the river and even north of here on Kingston you so you know like - Nicky about 40 minutes drive from here and we're somehow like two zones I think in Kingston we're probably a zone six and here I swear to you we are a zone four which basically means that we will probably have a frost this weekend we might get snow and apparently there's chances of frost up until late May here this is just crazy to me I don't understand it but as a farmer - it throws me for a loop every year because I think I'm gonna get the tomatoes in you know early May that's not gonna happen I don't know what I was thinking so I have to pot them up okay so this is most of the hoops we're just gonna do one final set but I just kind of want to show you what the pattern looks like so far so remember the first two went just across from each other at the top here then another four kind of did across where those hoops were and then these last four went across those hoops as a pair on line on all four sides so that's one two three four this one yeah make sense and I do have this on iPad and I do have a weight on it and so now we're up to the last four which I rely I just decided to not have pairs anymore in the last four hoops I don't know aesthetic design whatever it is so I actually just used single pieces and these are actually almost like thicker than the first four pieces that I that I used they're from a different variety of Willow this is from first year blue that's branchy actually and for some reason blue here when it grows it's a purpurea and for some reason it like it was giant care I don't know what it is it's already that's entering its fifth year here and even last year I got like eight eight and nine footers and some were like you know six ribs that were branchy so I that had these like honking pieces of willow from what is supposed to be like a fine basketry willow I don't know what it is but I use them for this is so it's fun um so anyways these also do I have my Cooper just send you these also do kind of a funny thing they have a funny pattern to them wherein they do a little bit of like over/under I wouldn't so much say that they we get Morgan but they kind of just I put a little tension on them to kind of keep everybody in place so what that means is where they go is it'll eventually go kind of here and here wait no here and here but they go under one of those first hoops that we put down and over the rest of them so it looks like this did you so again there's a little bit of a little bit of tension in there now holding everybody in sleep and then they will overlap with each other a little bit so the next one is going to do this anything that's going to go underneath this one and over everybody else and it's actually going to go into the same hole where I put the other one that last tube so it goes into that same hole on that side and obviously there's no one on this side yet but there will be in a little bit so like that and then and then this one who can you all see what's happening here how long oh yeah that's the important part right these are a little bit more reason to both there's 35 inches long so four of them at 35 inches long is what to choose and then the last one you gets placed this one's a little bit trickier because now there's a hoop in both holes here so this one's it's a little bit funky hold on yeah there we go not bad you have to make that sound when you do it tada now we're done no I'm just kidding we're not at all done but we have the basic framework in place here so this is essentially what it's going to look like and now we just have to leave to like set it like that and you'll notice that on this jig there's holes left over I got it hold on one second so in the leftover holes so to fill up the rest of our 24 holes there's eight holes left I've made these little thick stick things and they're fairly straight again but they don't have to be completely straight they just don't want to be like super super curvy and they are about a foot long and these are all actually from second year growth just because I need them to be a little bit sturdier because what they're gonna do actually is they're my anchor stick so the rest of this after we leave it there's only like I don't know a couple of inches you know this thing is only a couple inches thick so when you sit it in the ground it like especially if you put it in early season there's nothing holding it in the ground so it's just very likely to just like blow away like tumbleweed down the field I know this for a fact so so I've cut these things and they kind of just sit here for the moment and get woven around but when you go to install your peony crown you actually end up pushing these sticks through the weaving into the ground and then they sink in you know like 10 inches or so and with eight of them in there your peony crown isn't going anywhere so that's what those are there for and they fill up the little holes that are left so that is useful so I'm going to stick all those in and they have they're like I said they're about a foot long and they also have a nice little angle cut on them man if I don't get this thing done in under an hour hire somebody else now okay so the next part is the actual weaving and these guys are 187 proprio 187 and they are just under 5 feet long so like I said I use like the longer four and a half footers or short five footers for these guys yeah and it doesn't really matter as long as they're like pretty hefty because this is actually what is holding this whole thing in at the end of the day and I guess I'm gonna start facing this way because otherwise you can't see what I'm doing but again with this you could do a three rod whale which I have done before but you know I like it so much I'm gonna do that Irish mouth whale again so same thing if you've watched the Ovilus video wow it sounded so profesh if you've watched the Ovilus video you know it's that same sort of weave that I use at the bottom of the Ovilus so I'll show it again so it is you know that we're going to start with bucks it's gonna go in front behind you know in this case behind one of those little anchoring snakes in front and then behind and you know these guys are gonna move around a little bit I don't really worry about it that much it all kind of like works out at the end of the day so in front behind in front behind and then this one is going to do this funny little thing where it sneaks in know if you can see but it sneaks in underneath this last little piece here and then goes above and goes in front so it kind of does like a little twisty thing here and then it goes above again on this side and I kind of because of all these hoops in my way sort of had to do a little bit of finagling at first but ultimately it's that same pattern so this new one I put in will also be in front behind in front behind but it's done a little twisty twist around the first one that I put in so the next one and we're moving it's kind of like we're going in the opposite of a friend Tran so I'm for me I'm inserting mine you know I'm leaving to the left and inserting to the left but obviously if you're weaving to the right you're inserting to the right if you're right-handed so for the next one it's going to be sort of the same thing but now I'm going under everybody so there's this little cross here right at the final point where you have running one in front and one behind and there's a little cross and you actually go underneath the cross and then up above again like that yeah and then this one up above again and goes behind this little stake here like that and you're like I said you're going to do a little bit of finagling for this first round but it will all come together I promise so this next one same thing underneath that cross there and then in front of that guy and then we lift up and go behind this next little pilot sticks here like that and this is it you just keep going around the whole time so underneath the cross goes up and in front of that other stake and then above everybody behind the next state all the way around so it's 24 holes which was at 24 you know sticks you know quote-unquote sticks and I've got 24 Weaver's to do this so we're going to keep going so what I might do is I might put one more in and I'm actually kneeling on the ground here which is not the most comfortable so I'm gonna go sit in my chair and turn this around and keep going so give me one second here but you get the gist right you got this so I'll give you a little close-up here of what this looks like yeah so that's what it looks like that's that pattern so they do they kind of do this little funky twisting around each other thing and that's what holds everybody in place there we go so excuse me while I turn around here I hope that I hope my neighbor cleaning out his barn means that he's gonna let the cows out for pasture because that's always like a really nice time of year you know our neighbor pads about oh I don't know like a hundred and twenty-five acres I want to say so you know what's funny is that because of the new video camera the tripod is slightly farther away so the view might look the same but it's because I zoomed in so excuse me one second yeah you got this okay so I might have to get like little glasses or something little like magnifying glasses to read what's on my tiny iPhone no I don't have an iPhone what am I saying on my tiny little like android screen yeah so for those of you who might be watching later the recording of this if I if you see me pitch forward and squint it's because I'm trying to read this part so in the way that making um you know that square base and the like you know how I learned it from Jenny crisp / maybe French style and the way that that is like ultimately super relaxing and lovely this is like kind of not that relaxing to me because there's all these little holes maybe she's I've done so many of them like in quick succession but oh I am a little over it guys I'm like the little over making this thing which is funny because if you would ask me like a year ago what I wanted or even like two months ago when I wanted I would have said oh I want to make one thing and one thing only and just make like hundreds of them I don't know if that's true I think I do like making different things all right did you yeah I guess after I make this one I'll have 21 which means I only have to make four more for now and you know super you know I'm not super sad news but slightly sad news is that I looked at my stash of wool oh that was a funny anyways I think we're okay I looked at my stash of willow and I don't have extra I think I can get through this through these last few peony crowns and I think that's pretty much it so for those of you have asked I will be sending you individual messages but I honestly think this is it for me and Pinot crowns this year just yeah I won't you know I could make them but it would be with smaller thinner willow because really what I'm running out of is um materials for these poopy bits and you know I don't want to make them thinner or smaller so we'll just have to wait till next year or anything and I think I'll keep this in mind you know half of it to you is that I was supposed to get more willow and I haven't yet just because things have been a little nuts obviously so you know I'll try and have more mo for next year we'll see what happens cuz I didn't realize this was gonna be a thing but it's apparently a thing okay so all the way around and yeah there definitely will be some parts to this where you will have to do a little dance with the willow that you're leaving basically such that like you don't want it to kink on you so you kind of have to like slip it through with the tip and let it go behind cuz normally you know you take like a you make a deal on the line but there are just some places where you can't do that here cuz there's just such a tight opening which is kind of a bummer about this particular design that I have made I think I want to say in other painting crowns you don't run into that issue as much so for me that's probably something that I should think about to improve on so we'll see all right you okay I've got three more left I'm gonna turn this back around this way so you can see how to insert those last few so hopefully we can see again here okay so the third to last one kind of does the same thing it's not too tricky you go underneath that cross and then I just want to make sure I can everybody can actually see on what's happening here so the same thing go underneath the cross go back up go in front of that guy and then behind but you want this piece that's coming out to end up on the bottom so you actually have to do a little swap arou and they're able to do that here you can just sort of swap it when you get there so that it goes underneath and then the next one you know you kind of should have an idea of where that goes so that this little butt ends up in the next stake over and then this one kind of does a little dance where it's got to go underneath this but but on top of you know this tip or whatever this rest of the piece of willow that's coming out here as it goes in front of this guy so it doesn't go over everybody it just goes over that one piece and underneath but from a previous Weaver and then it's actually got to go underneath everybody on the next space so you have to do like a big loop-d-loop here and thread it through as you're going underneath and you want to make sure that you're going behind this guy here so that that same pattern up in front behind stays the same and then you just put pretty much as tight as you can once you get it through so it looks like that and it keeps the pattern is essentially what you're aiming for and so the last one same thing you're not gonna have a cross but you should know that you have to put it underneath here so that when it goes above the but will come up here and that's the last stick that a buck will have to be in front of so that's how you know that you've done it right is now you have a butt in front of every stake here or you know steak sticks as it were and then same thing when it goes around its got to go below this but but above this Weaver and then behind the next one but underneath everybody so you make a big loop de loop come on there yeah and sometimes I even kind of lift that up a little bit just to make sure that it's easier to pull through and I'm trying to keep it from kinking as much as possible but because it's 187 of course it what's the kink but that's okay all right so that one's pulled through and now you're set so what this does is it sets you up for a French round so now that you've gotten the Irish mouth well set up you know done so that's done you now have a stick you know a weaver coming out of every space and it's as if you had already inserted for a French friend so you just continue it on and so what that means is you know wherever you can start wherever because it's all even I go I kind of have done it both ways I think the way that we were taught was to go you know where it's coming out in front of the stake you go directly behind the net stick I have also done it worried you go in front of to you and behind one kind of like sometimes you would normally do anyways so so now that we're French ending it's the other way around where for me I'm leaving to the left but I'm taking the next Weaver to the right when I weave like that and you can do you know you can do a speed ran here so that's what I'm going to do like that and again you have to do a little bit of finagling so this one's going to go kind of then we're going to do this little funny thing where I kind of leave it so it goes behind then I'm come back out again but it worked out yeah so I'm going to do one more here oh wait this doesn't need to do that you yeah take advantage of it where you can where you can just kind of slip your Weaver behind like that so with that okay and then this can go one more so I'm gonna sit in my chair again but you got it right friend traning and I'm here I'll show you again to what this looks like so you kind of see how it goes straight in yeah and just now right up into a front round and this Frenchman goes really quickly because I'm only going to end up doing like either six or seven layers you know even though they're big blog Weaver's you know my spaces are big enough that they actually don't make me many layers if that makes sense which is why you kind of end up why I kind of ended up needing bigger ones do that that's alright I'll figure that one out I went one over too many one too many over that's okay that's the end of the day it won't really matter and I kind of do this thing I guess kind of a little finesse thing where as I'm taking this French rending over I'm kind of pushing down on those bucks because they do have a tendency to like come up on you when you're doing that Irish enough though their angle is a little up I'm gonna totally wrap this down after I'm done with this first set of speed branding but it can't hurt to just kind of give it a little extra and push down on that very first set there finish saying about my neighbor and about the cows right he's got one hundred and twenty acres and he's just like a very sweet guy and he loves his animals so much she raises heifers and it's just always like this fantastic thing when he lets him out for the springtime you know usually they're in the barn for the winter because otherwise they would just destroy their pasture and because he's on a hillside and such so anyway it's around now he lets him out and they literally come dancing up the barn I mean you know if cows could tap dance they wouldn't 100% tap-dance out of the barn and up the field but they do they like run out and they like kick their heels up up I love it so much it's such a like a lovely moment to see and then for the rest of this summer they're just like out there like dancing in the field it's great good all right and it's like when you think about happy cows those are happy cows all right good but the funny thing about cleaning out the barn part of it for the wintertime is that they've been in there all winter and so it's like a winter's worth of barn which is not pleasant when it's being emptied so before the leg happy dancing cows there's like a very serious barn smell that happens for a couple of days which I don't mind it's not the worst it's not the best but it's not the worst Oh 87 here are so serious it actually is really good for the this you know to use for these peeny crowns because they don't know it student oh you too too much and it's kind of over fast cause I feel like whatever these five footers I would be using for for like a normal basket I think I would be cursing for a lot longer so it's nice to only Chris head on for you know 15 20 minutes or something alright oops where am I going ha what did this one do oh did I leave the wrong one of course I did hold on I love the wrong one yeah this one first oh my goodness what is happening what is happening guys but you know it's kind of classic French ranch rookie mistake where I took the wrong the wrong one to be with at the very end here well you know right when you're French rending you're taking the one at the bottom to weep with right right so yeah I'm just catching up with myself you you so since I was speed branding these last ones just get taken over so that they catch up with the other ones so they don't necessarily go I think I was doing four layers at a time so they don't necessarily go forward they scoped you know three to one depending alright so these are all level again and I'm going to wrap down and so loud noises and I kind of push where my coops are kind of in the way I kind of push them over so that I can get a good rap in you know what a plan you could also use a bumpkin but yeah I can't be bothered all right good good so another set and with this I'm gonna do probably one more speed rending that's three layers I would say maybe just two since I've other one went over four let's see how far I can get yeah yeah I'm gonna do three not too bad and now your Weaver's should be small enough that you don't have to do as much fun angling you should be able to just pull everybody through [Applause] yeah three layers it is due to do so after this you could very well just use this as it is I'm gonna do one last thing to tie things together which is I'm going to use basically like a God's eye on some of the intersections you know some of the cross pieces on the hoops they're just too fun for decoration because it looks pretty and I find that it does again added like a little bit more stability to the thing I do find though that those are the first things to go so when this thing is kind of you know decomposing back into the earth those little God side pieces will be the first things to go which is fine you know again you can just sort of leave them without them but you can also just add those God peace God's eyes back to after the fact after they've kind of getting gotten a little crumbling and of course like with the obelisk these will last a lot longer if you coat them with like a linseed oil or this other stuff called Vermont it's the company's called Vermont natural coatings and it's a way based waterproofer or whether prefer thing we're just kind of neat because it's completely non-toxic or you know according to them at least it's completely non-toxic and in its way based so it's you know kind of using you know things that would be left over from the dairy industry which you know depending how you feel about it is either a good a bad thing but I think it's a good thing for now since we still have a dairy industry at the very least so I might as well use some of the byproducts and she's making and all that so and I like it it doesn't smell as much as linseed oil I don't feel it was like icky afterwards it's a water cleanup so I like it a lot oh I see a question hold on what is the gods eye so it's a God's eye I'm going to show you and it's actually the kind of weaving that you maybe I never did this because I never went to summer camp but it's if you went to summer camp you might have done a God's eye it's the kind of thing that you know they kind of get little kids to do but it's a nice little decorative binding leave I guess would be the best way to classify it I won't make the same mistake here okay and and yeah it's really nice a nice way to tie you know things that cross at right-angles if that makes any sense you all actually sometimes see them on like frame or ribs baskets right where the two hoops come together you know instead of joining them just with regular leaving sometimes people join them with a really big gods eye and that can look really pretty so that's where you'll see it sometimes but I will show it you know I should have enough time I've almost done here so it'll be the last thing I do basically is do one of those see I'm just finishing up here again catching up with myself you and I didn't make the same mistake which is good and to be honest I kind of leave you're kind of catching up to where I taped those pieces and I kind of leave that tape there until it's dry just so that you know the hoops will be a little bit more drive in place because otherwise they're putting attention on the leaving and they don't need to for right now so I'm just going to show you really quick how I finish these off so I would do it's kind of like doing one layer of French rending except that instead of doing it correctly where you're going you know I'm leaving to the left I'm taking the next one to the right I'm going to leave to the left but I'm gonna take the next one to the left as well and what ends up happening is they kind of sit the they kind of sit on top of each other so the next one you would take is still going to the in the quote-unquote wrong direction but I take just the one that's underneath which is the one that has woman yet and then I put it above everybody else and it just does this little kind of tying off thing that I like you know it's not necessary but because this is the French man it kind of like would otherwise have a tendency that just unravel and this kind of keeps everybody in place so you just go ahead you do that for everybody around and it's going to be the same thing as you come around there's going to be a point where you have to like do a little roller coaster and slide underneath but let's just write at the end there so just always make sure that you're taking the correct one but it should basically be the one that's underneath or you can kind of just tack you know to see if it's the one that's underneath but you can see it kind of like locks everybody in place there it's as if you it like stuck to all of your tips is kind of what it is but this kind of does it for you so you don't actually have to tuck anything there okay come back to where I started and so this one instead of just lying on top this one's gonna do a little roller coaster and go underneath one layer one stick like that and then this very last one that I'm going to leave which is this one it's going to do it's going to go above and behind this one but then it's going to go underneath too like that and that's finish with everybody off oh okay sweet so now for the gods eye part let me get this out of the way so you can see what I'm doing here I don't know this thing this is this gonna work and and yeah I think it'll work okay so I've got well more than five just in case one brings on me but I've got hopefully what will end up being about five pieces are fairly thin well out that is oh I don't know four feet just about three and a half three and a half to four feet and hopefully you can kind of see if I can even go look a little bit closer here hold on I'm just gonna do this zoom okay so here's there's going to be five places where I put these guys eyes and it's essentially going to be the five top intersection so it's going to be where those first two hoops cross each other and then where the next four Hoops crossed the first two hoops hopefully that made sense and essentially you kind of have to do this thing how can I best to illustrate what's happening here maybe this way yeah this way it's gonna have to be it so you kind of have to do this thing where you go across and then it's kind of like actually you know what hold on I'm gonna do one and I'm gonna try to explain it and I'm gonna find the book where it explains it and I'll show you the in the book it's from a Jonathan written book is he's got one on there so anyways it goes diagonally across and you're gonna end up in where like a like a little I don't know triangle right angle triangle and it's going to go behind that and it's gonna cross underneath one of the sticks and then you're going to go diagonally across that to the next stick opposite of what you're thinking so if you're gonna go diagonally across the cross you're gonna end up in another space and then you're going to wrap it underneath that next stick that's right there so not the stick opposite but the one that's next to it and then you kind of do that all the way around you're always going kind of diagonally across to another space and then behind the stick that's right there so that you're kind of binding everybody as you go along and I'll kind of show you what it looks like on the overhead when I'm done but essentially it makes this really nice pattern that kind of looks like a big square I guess and to tie it off you kind of just instead of weaving above you weave underneath and it kind of sets right in there back in and then I just used a little bodkin to add in a little extra tie off so that it really holds in place but I'll show you what it looks like from above and I'll show you I'll just need to dig for a second that book out of the way so like ooh can you see like that that's what it looks like and let me see if I can show the other camera for a second so it looks like hmm like that and give me one second here hold on so I do like this book you know it's not my favorite because I don't necessarily like the designs that are in here but it is a really good book for beginners it's obviously reversed but and the one that I'm gonna upload it should be correct but if this is the one it's Jonathan Ridge and willow basket rioja to guide and here is the gods eye so even though it's reversed it should make sense but this is essentially what it looks like like that I will totally post this afterwards I'm definitely like 100% recording this so this will end up on Instagram after the fact and then you can see the whole video but do you see what's happening here how that how that works and then the last bit you just like bind it off by going you know instead of like crossing over hand like this is showing you crossing it over hand like this you just go underneath instead that's all make sense yeah and then maybe you'll actually see the one on this one a little bit better here when I do this one cup of that how about them apples so same thing I'm going to go across and then underneath that guy like that and then underneath that guy and then underneath that guy and underneath that guy see and they just keeps going around and around and this little butt and it sticks up for now but I just trim it and then it doesn't stick out anymore oopsie so that's just to find a little extra extra tie off piece there but yeah I didn't even show you if I I can trim this one super close and I leave a little bit of a tail on that one it just disappears it's sort of why you need a thin one because otherwise it'll see it like that it'll just crack because you really are asking it to do it and probably I could have conditioned these but again sorry I just do it just like that's why I bring it I do extras and these are all off cuts from wherever and so they're like just super mixed like I don't even label them it's just whatever it ends up being it's probably all probably purpurea 187 because that's what I've been working with mostly but it's probably also just whatever other things that have been sitting in the freezer for however long oh hey do you alright so tie off goes underneath instead of over and then underneath that other little guy too sometimes I use a bokken because that would be useful of course where did I put my pocket oh that's what fell oh I know I'm getting older cuz I make that sound sometimes ironically but sometimes I make that sound not at all ironically I make that sound good they have to okay next one sometimes that this these hoops aren't quite where I wanted to do want them to be a sometimes just push them down and kind of angle them so that they do what I want them to do sometimes it happens oh wait because this really does hold them pretty tight actually it does a good job of binding you see okay Chuck what am i weaving I am weaving a peeny crap so basically like a plant support and you know that gets set on top of the peeny plant and then the you know the plant grows up through it yeah willow garden can that's what it's called but yeah it's you know it's specially useful for peonies just because those peony flowers tend to be I do it again well that's okay I'll just go this direction no one will notice um you know peony flowers tend to be so heavy oh my goodness hopefully this will do its thing there yeah yeah not too bad so this provides some support so the flowers don't fall down I'm leaving this one in their other direction because my diagonal was a different direction to begin with that's okay okay so I'm getting nervous because I've got plenty of time but I feel like I'm running out of time okay and now I'm gonna need a bodkin for that slice a little bit but you know this is basically it just a little and then pull it out of the jig and you're done yeah super easy peasy then you can make them for all your pennies I'm trying to think if for those of you who might not have access to a lot of willow you are probably going to need willow for the leading part but you don't necessarily need below for the hoop part I would say yeah that's pretty much you do need something you do need something to tie those together but you know you don't have to do a fancy like Irish mask whale or anything like that if you don't happen to have willow you could still try one of these with other things to make the hoops and just time together with like whatever you got you can try and I don't know take a strip of something and like screw them to it you can just try and use you know twine or something like that yeah can't hurt to try it all right how long did they last in the garden oh yeah one season at least I find that if I coat them in something like if I did the linseed oil thing or the Vermont natural coatings waiting I find that you can get like another you know season or two out of them these poor peony crowns they get they're not quite as thick as the obelisk you know these hooby bits I just I don't know for me personally I don't have the hand strength to make the hoops out of the like same thickness of willow so I find that they last a little bit less they probably at most would last like three seasons if you coat them every year would be my guess and you'd want you do when I take them in at the end of the year as well so okay so the last thing is to take it out these again are like not quite as 30s table so I can't just like pull them out I kind of like wedge my stuff I went to my vodka underneath and kind of do a little bit of a leaving out of here look up and eventually it just pops right out so there it is uh-uh not bad not bad so whoo that part was like a little bit of a workout anyways I think that's it oh yeah bye
Channel: Willow Vale Farm
Views: 14,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bx1cX0_Duho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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