How to easily and effectively take apart armatures for copper.

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hello Scrappers and Planet lovers Tin Man here with another video so today what I want to do is talk about armatures great thing about copper bearing Motors is they are found in all types of appliances and electronics a lot of vacuum cleaners and unfortunately I have had some of my fellow Scrapper viewers comment that they no longer pick up vacuum cleaners because they believe that the copper bearing Motors unfortunately have changed to aluminum windings instead of copper and that may be so for the outer field windings which are this part right here but the nice thing about armatures is that all of the armatures are still made of copper does not matter the size of them as you can see definitely different sizes so they are still a great source of scrapable material and they are very easy to take apart I could bring an Armature in in like this and get copperberry motor price which is about 10 to 15 cents a pound but this is a nice bit of number two copper and copper number two copper right now is going for three dollars and fifty cents a pound in London Ontario and the great thing is is that these are 100 scrappable even after I remove the copper which is very easy to do the rest of this is still going to go into my tin pile and the bar that you see here is going to actually be steel which is a little bit more money than tin at six to seven cents a pound steel is about seven to eight cents so the rule when we look at that is the thickness of that this is your inner core has to be thicker than a quarter inch so all of these are um and again what I want to do today is show you how to open these very easy to do I have seen some people actually throw them into the fire uh unfortunately like this you will not be able to get the copper out because there is a small bit of wax over this and they are nicely tightly bound together so some people will throw them into the fire to remove that wax not very environmentally friendly and in my opinion very messy because it still leaves the copper burnt and a nice uh Ash residue on your hands and some scrap yards will actually not take copper if it's burnt depends on where you live a lot of them frown on wire that has been thrown into the fire to burn off the outer plastic cable so you do have to be careful of that so what I'm going to do today is show you how to remove that copper winding very easily and effectively and I do want to make sure I make a huge shout out to my dad who has taught me this method so thank you Dad for that and again as you see behind me I have a whole bunch of different sizes so I got some medium sized bigger one thin ones and these are very heavy and I'm just going to take actually just two random ones um all of these that you see again The Wire does come in different colors but just to show you again easy scratch test there is some beautiful copper so again all of this copper regardless of the color it is all going to be number two copper because it is less than 16 gauge and there is a little bit of wax on it and other sometimes a little bit of glue or paint but what I'm going to do very simple is with a hammer and my um Vice here I'm actually just gonna first in order to remove that copper I have to first remove the big bar and the best way the first thing I'm going to do is I'm always going to have this copper ring facing upwards okay so you can see both of these and I will do both of them just for the experiment but all I'm going to do is just put it rested in my Vise like this and I'm just going to hit this with a hammer I always have a pair of safety glasses on just in case um and I do want to say that armatures this one I actually found this larger one here this was out of this motor this actually came out of a paper shredder so you do find sometimes just the Armature in there there is some really nice magnets on that so just sticks in there so you will find them other than places like vacuum cleaners but just gonna hit it right now put it in my Vise make sure it's in there again it's loose but it's just resting on top there you go just gonna hit that now I'm just gonna use a type of punch and hit the rest of it out okay so that is the first thing so again this is going to go into steel thicker than a quarter inch okay then I'm just going to actually just hit that off with a hammer okay so again using safety glasses just gonna break it rest it on the edge of my Vise here a couple of hits okay so this comes off and this is really interesting stuff you can see there are some cables still connected to it but this stuff is actually has a rubberized um coating and the Rings are actually a little bit of copper so here it is right here uh I'm just gonna smash that the rest of that get that that is copper as I said and just to verify because sometimes things look like copper but you want to make sure you do the scratch test as you can see that is copper so just a little bit of copper does not weigh much again I have to break off that rubber because if I don't this will uh definitely not give me copper price but even if there is a little bit of copper still on that or uh rubber you're going to get number two price okay and here are two of them that I'm going to use all I'm going to do now is I'm going to use my grinder and I'm going to grind off one side here just to remove that just to loosen up these windings because I cannot if I take right now a pair of needle nose they are still connected so I can't really grab it so I want to cut this side loosen it okay so I'm gonna do that right now and I'm just using this as a as a hand holder if you will make sure that I'm using my gloves and sometimes if I have to get really close to something uh sometimes I am accident prone so I can also for the sake of this put it into my vise might be probably the safer thing sometimes it is but I'm just going to do this like this and I do want to make sure that I catch any of the copper but here we go [Music] [Music] thank you all right so there is a small little wax ring there still easy to do I'm just going to pop that off of there once it cools down it is a little hot but now you see the inner part right there all I'm actually going to do now is just take a punch and just start feeding it through much like we do for the field windings okay and again there's different tools that you can use I'm just going to use a little bit of punch just to loosen these cords you can see they're starting to come up sometimes it might take a little bit of pass but you're just loosing it like I said loosening these windings I've used Flathead screwdrivers as well but again very simple once you get it stuck in your Vice sometimes you got to rotate it just so it stays in again as well because it is circular it might move around a little bit but that's okay just gonna hit some more pieces out there we go okay there we go so I'm just going to turn it over now you're going to see there are my windings right there and even if I just took a pair of pliers now thicker pliers just gonna pull it up feed it through there you go so look at that so this is definitely some great copper and it's just gonna come right through that winding there but again you definitely want to make sure that you cut one end of these okay and there are some obviously that will still have pieces on it this came off this was broken off as cast aluminum but again the rule applies keep the copper Crown if you want to call it that uh aimed aimed at the top okay rested in my advice okay first thing again as I said just punching it out hopefully this is gonna stay in there not teeter-totter it looks like it is but that's okay I'm gonna try it this way might work okay depends on how strong your Vice is and you will be able to work this out eventually so a couple more cracks at that but again the crown is going to stay at the top and it's just gonna feed that solid winding through okay this is another one obviously that was broken off there's little parts to it but again some beautiful copper inside okay there again is a smaller one sometimes they will have this little plastic winding to it but that's okay because one little hit foreign okay so it's starting to come through right there poke it at the top and again a little bit more copper so easy video quick video again don't pass up those vacuum cleaners anymore and copper bearing Motors because as I said that means our aluminum there is still the nice copper that comes out of the Armature so again quick video thanks again Dad continuing to impress me and show me new things I wish our luck and advice uh stem to our fishing experiences but hey that's okay we still have fun and memories so again thank you very much for continuing to be my mentor and helping me along the way in this journey of life so thank you again guys short video but hopefully effective and uh helpful please comment down below like share subscribe and I'll catch you on the next one Tin Man Out
Channel: Tin Man Scrapper
Views: 142,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tin Man Scrapper, scrapping, copper bearing motors, #2 copper, armatures, tin, steel, field windings, copper, copper windings
Id: BxC_D-npleE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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