Questions about Justin Trudeau's future aren't surprising: Evan Solomon

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now we had this story circulating this week Evan that one of his longtime confidence the Dominic labl may be interested in this job now here's what he said we'll take a listen and I'll come back to you for your reaction do you plan to run for R leader no I plan to be a candidate in the next election under prime minister trudo's leadership I'm very happy I'm excited about that I'm focused on the responsibilities he gave me it's a big job I'm enjoying it and I'm optimistic uh that our team and the Prime Minister will make the case to Canadians uh as to why we should be reelected have you been having discussions though about a potential run in the near future that do you think the Prime Minister should resign so you are not organizing sir correct from Dominic LOM was asked a question of whether or not he will be fighting for the leadership there Evan what's your take about this latest news that's coming in it's like a scene from Casablanca I'm shocked that there's gambling going on in a gambling casino right like let let's be clear here um Justin Trudeau is on the eighth going into the ninth year as you saw from the Nano pool there's a lot of pessimism his pool numbers are down and uh he is had a lot of pressure whether he's going to run again or not the budget that was just past has not yet reframed things in such a way you know he's still in the process of selling it so we'll see but it didn't have an instant reframing and rebooting of the polls it's not like he got a budget bounce and so yes is it shocking that there are senior liberals like Dom Leblon who yes is one of Justin Trudeau's closest confidence close friend loyal Minister always out front carrying the sword for the Liberals when they're in their stickiest situations might people want Dom Leblon to potentially get ready for a potential run sure Dom did not do a lot and this remember Dom LeBlanc can talk the stripe off a skunk so this guy does not rely on talking points I've known Dom for I don't know how long and this guy when his when I grill him when vash's grilling him this guy loves to battle out of a corner oet he doesn't need talking points did you see him in that when Jordan goling our CTV uh great producer was PPP in him with questions when Jordan was peppering him there um he was relying on talking points and not answering that is the most undable thing so yeah does he is he probably making some moves according to the uh the Global Mail article probably guess what tons of people are and it's not because they're necessarily quote disloyal to Justin Trudeau it's that at nine years you got to start putting fertilizer on the soil if you want to grow something in the next season and that's what probably D Lael uh you know champagne meline Jolie Mark Carney lots of people it's not like they're they're ready to stab Justin trude in the back but let's be real this stuff's in the air so this story did not surprise me at all okay except that Dom Leblon is a super loyal uh person Pierre PA have tweeted it and they're going to use this to se quote discontent and disunity within the Liberals but so far Justin Trudeau is not going anywhere and let's see AE if they get a budget bounce or not if they don't this ain't going to be the last story about close senior liberals maybe you know fertilizing the garden a bit that you're going to hear about this spring so here's my next question to you it's not like as though the Prime Minister will not be asked this question especially after this report that has come out now he's expected to speak today and this question perhaps will be posed to him too in your view what do you think is going to be the response of the Prime Minister to this specific name Dominic Leblon oh first of all just to pun on yes this question will dominate that because it's so good and look this for a politician who seasoned like Mr Trudeau and Mr Leblon um you know these are softballs these are beach balls Mr Trudeau's well prepped for this he's going to come out and say you know you know as the minister said I plan to run in the next election I really hope Don LeBlanc is uh and you know uh I'm really focused right now on delivering my budget and selling and then he'll talk about making sure you know he'll just turn the table you can you can hear the answer I'm planning on running as I've said many times and I hope he is and I'm GNA start talking about the budget and the capital gains and and tax fairness for everybody and and building homes and he'll try to just literally put water on it Mr trudo has been asking questions about his political future he's been asked for months and months and months that happens when you're scuba diving to find your positive numbers in the polls they're so low but again he's a pro this guy to use the old boxing metaphor he fights off the ropes well and I don't think you know here we are in April I think we're gonna really have to wait till the summer for Mr Trudeau if he really wants to look in the mirror and find this out if the budget really hasn't turned out down the pools and things are you know like that Abacus poll last week where they're a 20-point conservative lead yeah things will Ru will will get serious but I don't think this press conference he'll be asked about it two maybe three times and I think you'll see him uh um hit some things out of the park on that I don't think it's G to ruffle his feathers yet internally by the way he'll talk to caucus and say hey keep it down every leader goes through this and internally you get the whips and you say hey I get everyone's fertilizing the garden keep it in the greenhouse right interesting times and thank you for putting it all into perspective like always having great chatting with you
Channel: CTV News
Views: 26,920
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Keywords: CTV, News, CTV News, CTV National News, ctv news, ctv national news, trudeau, trudeau polls, canada, canada housing market, canada housing crisis, canada capital gain, trudeau news, dominic leblanc, dominic leblanc justin trudeau, evan solomon, evan solomon justin trudeau
Id: U-V5GkUL5Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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