Questionably Explained Arx Fatalis: LITERALY Morrowind

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what are you doing here we water people live here CU can go fishing fishes my fish bigger we we hating Earth people why because them it it red that not good fish good if you is is kill them we give you big magic thing Big Fish magic magic thing is belong to great wizard before [Music] great arcs Fatalis which is Latin for fatal Fortress is a firsters dungeon crawling RPG developed by Arcane Studios it was first released in 2002 on PC and a year later on Xbox ARS is the brainchild of French video game developer Raphael colon Tonio Cole Antonio entered the industry at the age of 18 after submitting a contest entry found in the pages of a French Gaming magazine the contest in question boasting a chance to play Origins newest game Ultima 8 before its release unbeknown to him but the magazine contest was simply a ruse concocted by EA in order to find fans of Origins games to fill out a new French Studio they were opening instead of playing Ultima 8 col and toio was instead offered a job which he took in order to get out of serving military service which was mandatory in France at the time originally AR Fatalis was supposed to be the third entry in the Ultima underworld series but despite having support from former Looking Glass creative director Paul nerath this wouldn't be the case EA apparently had a laundry list of Demands that they wanted to be included in Underworld 3 so Cole Antonio decided to make his own IP instead I don't even know what those Provisions were but knowing EA he most likely made the right choice they've really always been this way haven't they you can't watch yourself become a villain if you've always been one so in 1999 Cole Antonio leaves or escapes EA and founds Arcane Studios you know Arcane they made the kick game and the rat game and uh you should have named this thing anything other than prey but it's still a really good game game don't you be smge them not everybody's perfect you smug [ __ ] wait a minute Arcane had a cancelled halflife game hold the phone War inspector was going to make a halflife game wait wait wait wait okay somebody canceled a halflife game with a team led by Warren Spectre then he went on to make Epic Mickey waren Spectre made Epic Mickey then that halflife game was given to Arcane to finish and this was supposed to be a sequel to opposing for with Adrien Shephard and father gregori going through Raven hle they scrapped it after n of 10 levels were completed I'm sorry I I just got comboed by disappointment right there I don't even I don't even remember what game I was supposed to be talking about so ARS would be the first game released by Arcane Studios after almost going bankrupt and nearly not being able to find a publisher ARS was first released in Germany in June of 2002 then later in North America and Europe in November of 2002 that was messy and I probably missed or bungled a whole lot of that story but uh there is one more thing to talk about before we begin and that is AR liberatus ARS liberatus is an open-source engine for arcs Fatalis liberatus modernizes arcs for newer systems cleans up bugs and adds some tweaks and fixes overall it just spruces things up and makes it a better experience there's no reason not to play with no reason to not play with there's no reason to not yet to not play with no you should install it cuz it fix cuz it makes game Run nice that's what I'll be showing here and I'll leave a link to the mod in the description I I do love it when older games have something like this it's the culmination of a lot of hard work and dedication made by fans to keep an old game alive and it's a wonderful thing to see now on to the actual game we start off making a character I'm going to choose this gentleman because he looks like a confused homeless man and that's going to become really thematically relevant in time we also have to put some points in stats now word to the wise you're going to want to put some points in casting you can put points in different places and admittedly ARS doesn't trap you with his many useless skills as something like System Shock 2 but it really does feel like magic took priority arcs is the Mage game remember that it'll save your life it's such a great way to start our adventure we're going to need a little bit of History before we start proper ain't we arcs takes place in the fictional land where the sun has gone dark since the face of the world is now Barren Frozen hellscape devoid of all life the various races of the world agreed to a shaky Alliance and pushed the city of ARS down into some old Dwarven tunnels every race gets their own little section of the tunnels and things are going about as well as you'd expect oh and there are rats big rats but they were already down here no doubt sharpening their knives and hoarding all their sweet sweet floor Pizza best life so we awake naked nameless and stuck in Goblin jail the main character doesn't really seem to have a lot of questions or concerns considering he just phased into existence like the damn Terminator either way lucky for us these are exceptionally and dare I say charmingly stupid goblins so we bust out and free the guy in the cell next to us his name is colar is he important no did I need to introduce him probably not do I have a joke to finish this bit off no since we don't have a name or pants colar gives us moniker am shagar a title meaning he who has no pant I mean he who has no name and then we jump down a hole I need to take a quick moment to talk a little of the player character here I'm Shar is a strange man and that is made apparent almost immediately he has this dead pan nearly expressionless tone find someone else to help I have my own problems to deal with and seems to be constantly bored his General demeanor screams of somebody who is perpetually annoyed by having to interact with people but despite being inconvenienced by them wants to help out anyway it's definitely a strange direction to go for your player character and definitely A vibe he does not seem to have that guy energy but we'll talk more on that later so we jump down the hole fight some Critters and goblins and big goblins free a goblin from jail and just do General murder hobo [ __ ] if we explore around a little we can find a troll named Gru Gru is sad because he can't hang out with the other trolls because he's a neat and would rather [ __ ] around in damp caves all day creating various statues then work for the Goblins in their minds we got a lot of folks with relatable Vibes in this game so far so me live here un own with fishes fish not give orders and me eat them we come across our first human settlement and these guys look kind of [ __ ] the captain of the guard tells us that his checkpoint was attacked by a group known as the yids apparently a single guy strolled in and killed damnn near everybody the captain ask us to inform the kingdom of arcs of the attack and we begrudgingly accept he gives us a gem dealer's license and tells us to get up to ARS via the goblin territory goblins don't like humans in their territory but they like gems so gem dealers get a pass we get the Goblin we freed from prison to sign our papers and head off to ARS we talk to the captain of the guard and some weird kid and then head off to meet the king beware we're watching you looks like we can just Walt right into the king's Chambers and talk to the guy he asked us to help clear the tunnels the elets destroyed easiest way to get that done would be troll labor but the trolls are on strike so we're tasked with going in down into the troll Kingdom to find out why but before that [Music] God damn I love watching this man work while exploring the troll camp we meet a troll who knows Gru and tells us that Gru was born in the tunnels and has never seen the outside world so pictures of the world would be a perfect present for them we also learned that the trolls are on strike because their Idol has been stolen I'm I'm going to bridge the hell out of this but this is all due to Goblin scheming so we get the idol back and get the tunnel reopened and the king is [Music] happy one more day in paradise om shagar finds out that competence is a curse because he's immediately conscripted to do more labor for the king as it turns out orbit planets our old astronomer kashun so who got killed orbit planets our old astronomer listen I know this is a French game set in a fantasy world but come on what kind of Elon Musk ass name is that you know what maybe that was a little too harsh this is nowhere nearly as bad as a musk name we start our investigation off by talking to the snake woman who runs the library of ARS she's not much help but she does give us a book for grw next we talk to The Alchemist and are given a scrap of paper with a riddle on it so this is about as far as I've gotten in this game I usually get to the murder investigation explore the Crips for some reason and then give up or move on to a different game for one reason or another I actually don't even know how you're supposed to get down to the CPS naturally I always just pick the luck there are a bunch of zombies and mummies down there and when dealing with the zombies there is a touch that I really like if the player has a wooden stake they can just stake the zombie to kill it before it gets up and any zombie that isn't Stak gets back up eventually it kind of reminds me of another game I really like we get to the bottom and are greeted by a ghost and a dial puzzle I'm not going to lie this puzzle is the first time I've turned to the internet to figure out what to do in the game's defense it was a pretty good puzzle I just wasn't paying close enough attention unfortunately I do not have footage of this because I didn't think the tomb raid was going to be relevant more on that later before I got allured by the dizzying high of grave robbing I promised the shopkeeper woman I would search for her missing child apparently that weird kid has gone missing now left with nothing but a bag full of Loot and postcrypt Clarity we can aimlessly wander around the various anthill like caves of ARS all right what the [ __ ] is all this about remember be subtle mommy holy [ __ ] they got the weird kid don't worry kid I'm going to holy [ __ ] I don't think they'd let you put something like that in games anymore can we roll that again holy [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] brutal thankfully arcs is a game that lets me save scum aggreg justly a come on how'd she die this time Jesus there we go now run on home you weird little mopet help me Carlo help me please when we returned to the shop keeper she gives us a bunch of goodies just another day in the life of vagar you have a big nose what the [ __ ] kid I just saved you for becoming a Red Mist what was I supposed to be doing oh yeah the murder all right I'm going to put a spoiler break up here if you don't want the rest of this game story spoiled you can go to here in the meantime while we wait for you to make your decision we can listen to some sweet sweet Bard music [Music] all right I found Fallon's Journal I'm not going to tell you where but let's just say I didn't need to wander around nearly as much as I did we bring the journal to the king and he summons the Council of Elon as it turns out Fallon uncovered a cult trying to manifest an evil God by the name of akba in arts upon discovering this Fallon contacted a dimension known as the noden these otherworldly beings sent forth a champion known as a guardian to stop the manif man [ __ ] you to stop the Manifest to stop the manifestation of akba in ARS it is said that the guardian will have a reaction to a meteorite piece that is related to akba we are tasked with finding this Guardian so we're given the meteorite piece and heav welcome Guardian allow me to explain remember when I said that am shagar didn't have that guy energy well I was wrong the entire reason we're here is cuz we were sent here by a race of omnipotent frog people the reason we help out everybody who asked is because that is literally what we were sent here to do the reason we can level up and gain power quickly is because we are an otherworldly being we phased into this world like the Terminator because we are literally the [ __ ] Terminator I don't know about you watching but I think this is just such a cool reveal it's not shocking and honestly it's pretty easy to see coming but it it's just so cool having everything about this character from the way you level up to the weird dead pan delivery be plot relevant it makes amagar feel like more of an actual character despite not having much of one and it makes the game World feel all the more real when you consider that all the game systems have an actual lore friendly reason to be there it feels like a step they didn't have to take just to immerse the player into the game world and this is something that ARS tries to do a lot which despite its clunkiness in some areas is something I really do appreciate all right where were we so we don't have to find the guardian because om shagar is literally him so we are tasked with destroying the cult of akba we are also given a spell by the snake woman this spell is extremely important because it activates the Fast Travel points on each of the floors you need to pay attention to the runes she gives you because this spell is not in your spell book so if you're not paying attention like I was your dumbass is going to have to go look it up online the point I'm trying to make is that it should be in your spell book and yes I am still kind of mad about it we also hear the k and the snake women talking about some Rebels that murdered the king's wife and infant daughter and stole a precious artifact called Cowa but we are told not to meddle in this affair yet after I handed in Fallon's notebook to the king one of the guards was jailed for practicing black magic we question this goober and get a password that'll help us into one of the Cults safe havens in this safe house we meet our big bad well kind of this is the guy trying to manifest akba in ARS his name is the [ __ ] is with these names isurus his name is isurus he summons a Jank demon and we Bonk it until it goes back to the pit save the woman tied to the slab and destroy the rock except we can't it turns out that the rock is too powerful and akba can steal our energy when we touch it to to negate this we need two magical rings kowas and Zohar these will make us immune to all forms of magic trining and allow us to destroy aka's meteor looks like we're going to have to get involved in this Rebel situation after [Music] all so we're chilling out Max relaxing all cool wandering aimlessly around some underground pools oh it gave me a nose plade I yet again have lost all leads for where I'm supposed to go when I spy a name on my map someone named Alia is wandering around and as I approach I am greeted by the woman who I saved from aka's Temple she immediately has some goons Bonk om shagar and the Noggin and drag him off into a hidden door as it turns out Alia is the leader of the rebels and the King's Daughter the rebels didn't kill the queen in fact they're not Rebels at all but instead a secret society that exists to make sure the Royal bloodline is maintained they found the infant Alia by her slain mother and spirited her away in order to keep her safe she tells us that she will be willing to give us croas if I deliver to her a shield called The Shield of the Ancients y'all remember that ghost and dial puzzle I told you about earlier the one in the Crips the well that puzzle gets us the shield of the agents hell I already had the shield in my inventory I thought the whole thing was just a side quest so I got the fancy first ring now onto the snake [Music] women so here we have to get the second fancy ring this is held by the snake women and they're just not going to hand it over they're going to make us do puzzles now I will say to the game's credit most almost all of the puzzles have logical Solutions even the more esoteric ones seem to follow a kind of logic but some of these just made me angry and not because they were Moon logic puzzles because most of the time I had the right idea I just wasn't doing one aspect of it properly I originally had an entire bit in the script that I cut that was just bitching about some of the jankier aspects of these puzzles but I want you to experience it for yourself however I do have an artistic rendition depicting my time in the snake Puzzle [Music] maze [ __ ] you in your puzzles we get the second fancy ring now let's go smash this Stone the stone is gone but akba has become too powerful and no longer needs it to manifest itself within AR I should go talk to the king and see what needs to happen next pain just pain I don't remember the last time a game hit me with a wall so [ __ ] hard and this wall didn't just hit me this wall made sure to break my [ __ ] knees after I was down so I teleport back to the castle because [ __ ] walking all the way back to find that the yids have sieged the castle and are now roaming about now up until this point the toughest thing I've had to fight was the mummies and that's only because they paralyze you when they get close most fights in arcs are just circle strafing trash fights where you just stay just out of the enemy's reach and wait until they attack and then you attack not with the yids because the first thing they do is cast a speed spell on them and then proceed to beat you to death with a giant sword a ah did I mention they kill me in three to five hits that's not me over embellishing they attack so fast it looks like they're [ __ ] speed hacking it's [ __ ] I genuinely thought I was going to have to restart and rroll my character here because at no point in the game did I feel this defenseless and underpowered in straight melee these [ __ ] are near unkillable or at least a bloody seem like it let me show you the pain I felt playing this I can't I can't and this was just the stuff I recorded there's about an hour of this where I just stopped recording in entirely oh did I also mention that with a decent enough casting spell you can kill them with two to three [Applause] Fireballs what Fireballs you me the spell one of the first spells you get in the game a spell that I'm pretty sure you can cast with minimal almost default points in casting we fight through the castle and make our way to the dungeon [Music] colar it was all a trap to get rid of you amagar oh thank God you're here colar at least something good can come from this [ __ ] nightmare colar leaves us his yon armor to take and then tells us to [ __ ] off through the sewer now get out of here quick use the sewers I'll make something up to tell the others no no no no no you you don't get to do this to me you don't get to [ __ ] me for an over over an hour getting killed by the same three Johnny Sins looking ass [ __ ] and then soft lock me out of progress I can't I can't open the cell door I can't drop down the sewer I tried reloading the same thing happened you son of a [Music] [Music] [ __ ] it turns out there's a guard in the teleporter room that tells you that the King has been taken to the dungeon and if you don't talk to this man you can't access the sewer and it soft locks your game even if you talk to this man the sewer is still a [ __ ] to get into incompetence the guardian has escaped leave this pathetic Kingdom to the humans and return to our refuge immediately akba has almost gained enough strength to manifest into arcs and if we're going to send him back to the void we're going to need one hell of a weapon so what we need to do is make a weapon infused with the powder left from the meteor then we need to enchant said weapon in order to banish this interdimensional [ __ ] but there's a catch the only thing that can transfer an enchantment that powerful is a dragon's egg how that works exactly I don't know you'd have to talk to an alchemist but luckily I know where to find one a dragon I mean not an alchemist I'm here because I need a dragon's egg Guardian what quest has been given to you by the noden to request that I sacrifice my descendants like this now we can fight the dragon but why fight when we can use commers Fu all right now we have to forge the weapon but to do that we're going to have to go down deep down to the dwarf lir there are no dwarves here and their entire settlement is in shambles now you see the dwarves were down here mining for methil and they dug down deep too deep and what they found wasn't just methil they found something else something burried something evil this is another area that kind of pissed me off similar to the snake maze I know what I have to do I have to break the methal chunk down to size take a smaller piece and smelt them into an IGN Ingot with the meteor fragment and then I have to use the mold and the Ingot to make a sword but how the hell am I actually supposed to do that I I picked up a machine manual off the Corpse but which machine is which I I know the crusher works but what about these to they're just how am I supposed to know where to put the damn mold or where to make the Ingot it it feels like a situation I ran into a few times during my playr I do like how little this game holds your hand but sometimes it's too godamn CTIC for its own good so I'm actually going to walk you through this a little bit you put the ore in the dust in here to get the in it you put the sword mold over here and the Ingot up here now we have our fancy meteorite sword use the Dragon's egg on the sword and now it's ready to enchant still not sure how that works but I'm not going to question it now we're met with a decision we can bring the sword to the snake women to enchant but in return we will have to sell out the location of the rebels or we can just take an enchant squirrel spell and do it ourselves the decision amongst a few others determines the fate of the human Kingdom from what I can find there are four outcomes really bad bad neutral and good I assume that the very bad ending just involves the player killing important characters like I'm pretty sure there's nothing stopping you from killing almost any character in this game and still completing it which is a damn interesting feat to have we enchant the sword one way or another and head over to the yid bunker to smack a serbus around [Music] some arcs does not end well the last stretch is not fun and and it is a specific type of not fun where the it is either piss easy or damn near impossible hard on this run it was the lad but we'll we'll get to that in a bit there is a mix of yid and cultists in the bunker but not nearly as much as I had feared [Music] we clear out the bunker and come upon a room with five slots in the ground I didn't like this puzzle it felt like a rug pull or a were you paying attention test for something I didn't even know I was supposed to be paying attention to way back when when clearing the cult hide out with the meteor a few of the cultists had an object on them called aka's Rock there are five of these rocks total and you need all five of them to proceed to the last boss it's not particularly hard to find but holy [ __ ] talk about killing momentum get the Rocks put them down and now we're ready to send akba back to the noden akba is manifesting itself in arcs and isurus is looking real weird he's got a mess of tentacles now so better kill them quick because I've seen How This dowon Ends and this fight [ __ ] sucks akba can Leach your health pull you close to him summon demons shoot incredibly obnoxious lightning and has a mean melee attack and at least on this character can Whittle my health down in a matter of seconds but why tell when I can show oh ain't that just great having your eard drums blown out by lightning that he spams every time you're within range just just great and I turned the lightning down in editing for you folks it's much louder than this you want to see how I had to beat this clown no I'll you trash garbage that was not a good feeling and certainly not a good end for what was most for the most part a pretty damn good experience so Omar's Handler from the NM shows up and takes him and akba back where they belong and in the last cut scene we get a glimpse of lights on the surface of the world and we see that the sun didn't go out but instead was being blocked by a cloud of space debris so there's hope for the world yet the gameplay of arcs feels very familiar if you've played Ultima underworld or system shop you can look around and interact with things and people in the environment and you can also untether your mouse from the camera to go into a grab mode if you want to put your Ms up on everything though you'll mainly be using this mode to interact with your inventory I really like it when games have this and I don't exactly know why I I think it's cuz it makes your inventory feel like an actual tangible thing that you're around instead of just a hammer space that stops time when you look at it it's that immersive tedium of searching through a big bag for that one thing you need wondering am I ever going to need all this rope melee combat is simple you hold Mouse one to charge and attack and you let go when it's charged up no manual blocking no powering just Bonk the Badman and try not to get bonked yourself while it is simple it can be damn satisfying with certain enemies straight up exploding with a good hit not kill me when you get enough experience you level up and you can put points in four different attributes that being strength dexterity mental and Constitution as well as nine skills that revolve around Mage fighter and Rogue type characters respectively there aren't many ways you can screw yourself when classing your character but there are a couple ranged is damn near useless I think I only saw one bow and one quiver of arrows throughout my entire play through and like I said before this is the Mage game why shoot arrows when you can imilate people speaking of let's talk about magic magic and arcs is by far the most interesting part of the game play how it works is you find runes scattered throughout the world simply adding the runes to your spell book unlocks the Spells spells have levels 1 through 10 the higher the skill the more points you need in casting for it to actually work casting the Spells is where things get interesting to cast a spell spell you have to draw the required runes with your mouse this is really neat because it makes the player feel more involved in the casting you have to plan out what spells you want to use every fight to act and actually get good at drawing them out it's a really good feeling when you start remembering the runes that you need to commonly use for your spells and actually pulling off the Spells In the Heat of combat feels good if not a bit janky you can also pre-cast three spell to be used with a hot key but you have to draw them out each time beforehand like most of the rest of arcs there is a fair bit of jankiness to this some runes are similar to others and the game gets confused when on what you're trying to cast it can be cumbersome when you mess up one Rune and you have to restart the spell and sometimes the game can be extremely picky at recognizing what you're trying to write at all liberatus does try and fix this a bit but it's still pretty janky let's talk about books character stats Journal map and spells are all designated to this book interface and honestly it needs work I love the aesthetic of it Oblivion would do something similar four years later but the arcs interface is clunky and pretty ugly to boot it has all these little tabs that are hard to see and a pain to navigate I I don't know if this is just a me thing but I always found that the character screen is hard to read the Spell section looks cluttered and the pictures for the runes don't always match up with the exact shape you need to draw the journal itself is a mess it doesn't track down information Quest by Quest but instead just throws everything together in an unorganized mess of pages and on top of that it seems like the journal is actually very selective in what information it deems important to jot down the inventory on the bottom of the screen is also a bit of a hassle to start off you get one bag that appears at the bottom of the the screen but later you can find more bags to add to it but when you find one of these upgrades it doesn't make the first bag bigger it just adds another bag you can cycle through you have to press a button on the side of the inventory to cycle through the bags and you can't click drag from one bag to another so sorting your inventory is kind of a nightmare you have to take things and put them out of one bag and then cycle to the bag you want them in and then pick them all up and put them back in that bag if there's any game that would benefit from an auto sort button for the inventory arcs is definitely it something that is missing from ARS that most other RPGs have is dialog options you never get to choose a response when speaking with characters which would have been nice and maybe characters having more to say would have helped clear up some of the game's more cryptic aspects this kind of goes into another thing I wanted to talk about arcs and that is that arcs is a very lean game there's very little fat on it there's only a handful of side quests and there isn't much in terms of repeatable content there are no generic go find my magic shoes side quests or grinding for better loot everything is static and to be honest it's kind of refreshing having a smaller more Focus scope for a game like this makes everything you do feel more relevant every side quest is a little story that was thought out to fit into the game's world and it makes the world feel deeper than it actually is every side quest and distraction you do has a reason to be there it makes it makes it feel more like an adventure instead of mindlessly wandering around the realm doing errands but back to the dialogue uh another way that the lack of a dialogue system makes things weird is when dealing with merchants and turning in certain quests I remember getting tripped up because I had to buy something from a character late game and didn't immediately realized that I had to use the coin purse on the side of the screen on the NPC to complete the transaction or having to use a specific item on a character instead of just talking to them and then delivering it to them that way and it's weird clunkiness like that that permeates itself into almost every aspect of ark's gameplay it's definitely weird and it definitely takes some getting used to but once you wrap your head around it arcs is an absolute blast to play the magic system was one thing but where I think ARS truly sets itself apart from other games is with its atmosphere arcs may be one of the most atmospheric games I've played and I can say that based on the audio design alone here's some of the ambience you'll be experiencing when playing arcs Fatalis the sounds do such a wonderful job of hammering in the oppressive atmosphere of a life underground there are also times when the sound can take a downright spooky turn with certain areas through arcs having a scarier atmosphere than some honest to God horror games and sometimes the ambience can go downright ethereal I love the way this game sounds I love how lonely and alien its World feels it's not like other RPGs where you're traversing these Fantastical environments accompanied by subtle or comforting music or ambients when walking around arcs you are always aware of the brutally oppressive environment you're in in terms of visuals arcs is a a mix bag the environment and the lighting effects are all phenomenally done especially for a game from O2 the visuals are also complemented by a wonderful art style and World design I love how you start in a pretty standard medieval looking setting but the more you explore and the further you descend into the tunnels the more strange and alien Things become I also appreciate how thoughtfully the world is designed it feels like they were actually trying to design a functional place instead of a video game level one aspect where arcs Falls flat is with the character and weapon models specifically they're not very good the human models in particular seem to have gotten the worst of it the weapon models are also chunky and poorly textured the chunkiness of the models I personally don't mind but the blurry lowquality textures is a lot more difficult to ignore uh the last thing I'm going to bring up here is how much I hate this mini map as you walk around you kind of paint the little mini map and it drives me [ __ ] crazy cuz I feel like I can never get it all and I have to walk around and hug every wall and surface just to fill it out I wish you just filled in a solid chunk of the map as you walked around or even just did away with the Auto map entirely just relying on maps that you find or buy it it drives me [ __ ] crazy and I hate it it feels like using the MS paint spray tool and I I can't stand it overall though I will say that ARS does more right with its visuals and its sound design than it does wrong the low models in the somewhat shoddy text ring are outdone by some absolutely stunning atmosphere sound design and art style arcs Fatalis is the definition of a rough gem it has a cool setting a wellth thought Out World interesting gameplay and mechanics killer presentation and really really needs another code of Polish you can definitely tell that it was the first game Rel released by a studio but what it does right it does phenomenally well I love my time with this game and I'm glad that I finally decided to finish it after years of starting it and stopping for one reason or another it may not sit as high in my list of favorite games as System Shock or System Shock 2 but it's definitely pretty far up there it's a game that definitely deserves more love and recognition that it gets and I really wish we could get some sort of spiritual success or maybe even a sequel but that's more of a pipe tree one thing I did not expect playing arcs was just how much Adventure game DNA it had in it I would say that the ratio of combat to puzzles pretty evenly spread you spend a lot of this game just walking around in problem solving and sleuthing and I really enjoyed that it was definitely a different taste from the games that I usually play and even when I did end up having to consult the internet the answers were usually pretty logical when I got tripped up it was often because I wasn't paying attention and was and only occasionally was the result of Jank or things being overly cryptic I I was actually kind of surprised how little Moon logic there was finally beating ARS has also really made me feel that I need to go back and play the ultimate Underworld games they've been on my list of games for years but I've always put off braving those depths but not right now though I've had enough of caves and tunnels I want to spend some time outside all all right that's all for today I I hope you all enjoyed this video uh go play arcs if you haven't I'm pretty sure at full price and on Steam and Gog it's only about $5 and it goes on sale pretty often for like a dollar so go play it you'll have a good time now I have to figure out what game I'm going to do next and um yeah if you have any recommendations for anything I would love to hear them in the comments so until next time stay safe and take care you know I hear Poland is nice and you could double jump [ __ ]
Channel: CybilSkera
Views: 7,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Questionably Explained, Arx Fatalis, Review
Id: KqX5tT6jNLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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