Conan the Barbarian: Berserk's Great Grandfather

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before we get started this video was long awaited it's something that I have wanted to do for a while now it is going to be a funest hill rapbit hole and thank God someone requested for a subscribe star review for multiple reasons just know that we're here to talk about what is easily one of the most influential pieces of work out there and not just the original movie either it's time to Solve the Riddle of Steel H what is best in life to crush your enemies see them driven before you and they hear the lamentation of your women I I am so stop your de in your tracks I I am the son I bring the of the Conan the Barbarian so right from the get-go there is a lot to talk about Conan the Barbarian is the 1982 film adaptation of the Pulp Fiction character created by Robert E Howard directed by John milus and co-written by John milus and Oliver Stone starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the titular role it serves as an introduction to the character of the world and gives a rundown for the various Adventures that he gets up to whether from acting as a thief looking for gold a gladiator seeking Glory or a bloodstained Savage seeking Vengeance on the man who wronged him they can't cover every detail since the Conan Mythos is [ __ ] huge but images to give you all you need to understand what he's all about now who exactly is Conan as stated he's a Pulp Fiction character created by Roberty Howard a warrior traversing a fantasy land exploring new and exciting places meeting various people and killing them he's a power Fantasy character you read a Conan story because you like seeing him end up in a ton of different situations he can be outsmarted betrayed bested by a strong opponent and the whole time Conan has to find a way to win sometimes he's able to get a stunning Victory something that shakes the world to the core other times his victory is just that he managed to scrape out of a situation without dying and this isn't even talking about the setting itself tolken took over the fantasy standard once low of the Rings explode into popularity but before that you had Conan and his world was actually a lot different than you would expect there's no Forest full of elves or Mountains full of dwarves Conan's world is more of like an Iron Age Sumerian style culture even dipping into Mongolian steps more than once it's also a very ruthless world full of monsters demons Cults Bandits of crafy and Horrors pretty much anything in Conan's World want you dead and he as a character is exactly as violent in return that love crafty and horror point isn't an exaggeration either Conan is actually Canon to the Lovecraft Mythos Roberty Howard and HB Lovecraft were very good friends and would insert references to each other in their stories all the time you see while HP Lovecraft was really into the idea of cosmicism the idea that Humanity does not matter to the grand scheme of the cosmos robbert was on the opposite Spectrum Conan is meant to be a very empowering character not just the physical strength aspect but all around around he's a very inspiring character written to be the Pinnacle of man the ultimate badass an unwavering Warrior that's willing to stare an absolute nightmare in the eye and make it kneel because robery Howard very much enjoyed stories that emphasize the strength of human spirit that if you're willing to man up to a challenge then it can be overcome no matter what it may be something that makes his death all the more tragic committing suicide after struggling with physical and mental health issues for decades thrown into a deep depression when his mother began to succumb to a terminal illness which ended up fracturing the budding relationship he had with novalene price who left him for a mutual friend Howard intended on his whole family leaving the world together but his father didn't realize what he was planning sadly left alone in the world once his wife and son were gone Howard loved powerful characters because he knew that he himself was weak and struggled dealing with a heart condition since he was a child and a fractured family home due to his parents' divorce so he wanted to make someone that the common man who had similar issues could look up to as a Pillar of Strength you could even see Conan as something of a self-insert Howard was not your average writer he had a very large build growing up as a country boy in rural Texas and had interests in sports and bodybuilding being a very big fan of boxing in particular price herself was shocked upon meeting him as he broke every stereotype of a writer that she expected something that makes the detail about Conan all the more interesting a brilliant mind in the body of something most consider a brainless Savage as stated Conan is Canon to the love crap Mythos and he outright one against some of the entities in it now at first glance you might assume that Conan is just a blood drinking Savage a mindlessly violent killer who's only good at dealing death and some of the weaker aspects of the franchise can definitely point in that direction we're absolutely talking about this later but you see that's not Conan at all in fact the character is extremely intelligent he speaks multiple languages fluently he's a warrior poet someone very good at killing others yet not just a Mindless ape which is something he actually uses to his Advantage more than a few times Conan as a character is meant to point out the hypocrisy of civilization Nobles he runs into all see him as just a stinking Barbarian yet a lot of the time he figures them out within just a few conversations and they end up being cowardly Insidious or downright more vicious than the man they see as subhuman this isn't to say he's perfect not by any means Conan can easily be tricked by playing into his pride or his greed or especially his lust he very much enjoys the company of women and more than a few times the thing that damn near kills him has been a woman manipulating him he's not Johnny Bravo or Rio from City Hunter where he just becomes a doofus in the presence of a lady he likes it's more that he just sort of naturally lets his guard down if he knows not to trust her then he won't but a beautiful woman approaching him and giving no obvious red flags yeah it's like a mouse to cheese guy just can't help himself Conan is a very complicated character obviously very self-serving and having absolutely no quals about killing yet he still has a strict code he follows he's a very honorable Warrior and he sticks to this code even if it puts him at risk his love of women extends Beyond just sex he will actively go out of his way to save a woman who he sees is in danger even if he almost dies in the process once again sort of hinting at a contradiction civilized characters usually just abandon others to die while Conan still has that old style chivalry to him he can be an ass about it but he's absolutely going to save who he thinks can be saved now the obvious thing to mention is that Conan isn't the first Barbarian style character Robert DEH Hower created call the Atlantean is quite literally meant to be the protoc Conan in fact it's outright imply that they take place in the same setting and Cole is even an ancestor to Conan still Cole ended up being nowhere near as popular as Conan that's not to say you shouldn't check out Co it's just that it was the lead up to the thing that became a literal cultural icon because to list off all the things inspired by Conan would take actual days Conan the Barbarian being over 100 years old at this point has influenced God knows how many different contemporaries franchises songs art styles even entire genres of fantasy Conan became an icon to sword and sorcery fantasy a much more explosive and over-the-top style and tol keen's clinical detailed World building Conan while also having a ton of detail relies much more on rule of cool and spectacle if you want to run down on the lore check out Grim dark half off the guy has entire guides explaining the cultures and even religions the setting uses all you have to know for this video is that Conan the Barbarian was Heavy Metal Dark Fantasy before heavy metal was a thing in fact you'd be surprised how many metal bands out there directly reference Conan or try to essentially style their music to be like a soundtrack for the guy the sword has used titles of Conan stories as songs man of war is so Conan inspired they've outright put them on the cover of albums more than once there's even a band from England just straight up called Conan and they're pretty [ __ ] good too and this is just a quick rundown off the top of my head this isn't even talking about the style of a Conan story and how that became influential each story sort of runs through a similarish plot structure of you know fantasy badass Warrior arrives in new place slips into the culture a little bit gets dragged into a larger situation usually killing assh holds of people in the process Al to right off into the sunset and do it all over again the serial format this became such a standardized formula for pulp stories because it's piss easy to just come up with a new plot that follows the same structure over and over again that's not to say Conan invented the entire structure but Roberty Howard basically did he wrote a ton of Pulp stories not just Conan it's just the biggest one that got popular and really it's something that perfectly fits what it's going for you introduce new elements as you please and do whatever you want with the cast you introduce maybe they're gone by the time the next story is thought up if they're dead don't have to worry about reintroducing them alive maybe make mention of them or let them show up for a cameo cuz there are recurrent characters who show up in Conan stories most famously red Sonia who has her own line of stories all to herself being a warrior woman traversing the land seeking adventure and Glory much like Conan and this is where things get complicated see contrary to what you might think red Sonia at least the one you're aware of isn't actually the red Sonia thought of by Roberty Howard that red Sonia only appeared in the historical fiction Story the shadow of the vulture which took place around 1529 or so during a war between Hungary and the Ottomans and she was a gunslinger out for revenge against the sultan a far cry from what's referred to as the hiban age which is the setting Conan resides in no red Sonia was transplanted into the world of Conan by Marvel funny enough you see they bought the rights to a bunch of Roberty Howard stories and ran their own line of Conan the Barbarian Comics some were just straight up adaptations of stories others were comics and not really made by Robert in any way since this was long after his death red Sonia the comic character was created by Roy Thomas and Barry Smith in 1973 it's actually kind of funny because her prevalence in the comics is all over the place she's basically meant to be a mirror to Conan a warrior woman not taken seriously because of her gender instead of just being seen as a Savage even though ironically she is more hot-tempered than Conan though a lot of this is due to her backstory Conan's backstory was that his village was raided when he was a small child and he was sold into slavery forced to fight and grow stronger to survive red Sonia is similar but she actually suffered a village raid when she was already a young adult her family is killed and after failing to wield her brother's sword properly she is raped by Bandits she begs the gods for vengeance and the red goddess cath answers giving her Incredible strength and fighting skills under the condition she never lie with a man until she finds one who can defeat her in combat not going to lie for not being created by Robert himself the Marvel version of Red Son is really close to something he would have written she's a fun character bickering with Conan and sharing a friendly rivalry with him that can change depending on the story sometimes they're really good friends and they're working together other times they are trying to decapitate the other now if you want the actual Warrior woman that Howard intended you get belette she is a pirate that runs in Theona multiple times in the stories and ends up becoming sort of his true love you also have valyria who is more widely known due to her showing up in the movie you get the idea there's a lot of warrior women in K and the Barbarian and he sleeps with pretty much all of them Roberty Howard actually likes the idea of badass women quite a bit red Sonia isn't 100% Canon most people accept her because she just kind of fits into the world pretty well and she's already been it so long because she was introduced in ' 70s now the Marvel side of Conan is way too big to mention and isn't really meant to be taken seriously he's that crossovers with characters you'd never expect he teamed up with Scarlet Witch one time flaw Thor and Captain America red Sonia possessed Mary Jane you get the idea he's been all over the Marvel Universe but I don't really consider Conan a Marvel character the guy is at his best in the hi borian age traveling the land and kicking metric boatloads of ass and most everybody agrees with this it's fun to see him beat up Spider-Man for his lunch money but want that to be standard everyone loves Conan when he's in his own setting using his sword to take down a snake cult hell Conan's even went on to inspire manga though more on that towards the end Primal the animated series by gendi tartakovsky takes massive influence from Conan to barbarian from Spear's design to the world everything bleeds Conan Vibes hell the names of the two protagonists Spear and Fang are direct references to a short story by Roberty Howard Spear and Fang which follows a caveman trying to survive a violent prehistoric World tartakovsky himself even outright said Conan and the barbarian was an influence on on the series though that's something that fans could probably tell from a mile away anyway the short-lived action comedy series Wayne made direct references to Conan making the protagonist a big fan of the character and comparing him to the Barbarian on more than a few occasions thanks for not being a big [ __ ] about all this the Barbarian class in Dungeons and Dragons takes massive influence from the character oh B Skate 3 is basically a fall on Conan video game if you pick it and this isn't even talking about the actual dedicated video games of which there are a few hell Conan Exiles is still receiving updates and expansion packs as we speak you get the point this is a pretty big franchise really the movie is just sort of there in the middle of it all it was a massive cult film for sure but in a larger scheme of things it's just another piece of a much larger puzzle but it's a pretty big piece most everybody can recognize if it's not obvious I love the character he's just the epitome of drunk fun a Fearless ass kicker that is just fun to watch the stories aren't trying to impress anybody or be smarter than what they really are their pulp stories meant to give you something you can blast a metal album to which is funny because this came out before heavy metal still the movie ended up introducing a lot of people to the character it became a cult hit funny pun when you know what the movie's about and it helped launch the career of arold Schwarzenegger as an actor this is the role that really put him on the map he did a few small Cameo roles Hercules New York stay hungry but everybody only really knew him as Mr Universe but Conan and the Terminator were what really pushed him into the Limelight while his acting wasn't anything too special at least in regards to dialogue his onscreen Charisma just clicked with the audience Conan far more than Terminator while Terminator was a larger movie Conan had signs that the guy was more than just a big dumb bodybuilder now get out of the way I legitimately think Conan the Barbarian is one of the greatest fantasy films ever made at first glance you might see it as just a Cheesy sword and sorcery movie when people hear about Conan the Barbarian they think aor 3 that's actually not the movie at all is it melodramatic at points yeah but it's a sword and sorcery film trying to immerse you in the world it's building it can't exactly look at the camera and wink every now and then it's like complaining that Shakespearean adaptation is too melodramatic homie it just comes with a territory and really the film has a lot of refinement to it the biggest thing to talk about of of course is the soundtrack the soundtrack to Conan Barbarian is scary good unironically one of the best soundtracks in a film ever made the composer basil pooris knocked it out of the park making the swelling triumphant score that carries the entire film it's music that will stick with you after watching it because it helps carry a lot of the scenes making certain moments all the more impactful I'd love to let you guys listen to it but you know how it is with YouTube All you have to know is that the soundtrack is a crucial component to the movie not just because it's really good but there are a lot of scenes that run with no dialogue entire minutes can go by without any talking the soundtrack turns these moments into essentially a cinematic Opera bombastic orchestra music on top of all the violence and drama you don't need a single word to understand what's going on you're already locked into the film now the actual story of the original Conan film is pretty simple his village is raided when he's a child by the menacing dulsa Doom played by the great James Earl Jones in one of his more underrated roles well you might be expecting him to just do Darth Vader again dulsa is in a league all of his own the guy is much more quietly menacing being the leader of a snake cult capable of brainwashing people to follow his every order he is able to do all sorts of black magic from curses to demon summoning to even turning himself into a snake there is a lot dulsa is capable of and he contrasts Conan in almost every single way you see the central theme of the film is the riddle of Steel this is a piece of Conan lore that revolves around his God crom cro is meant to be this Odin type figure that Revels in strength and willpower to the point that he won't even bless you if he's begged because he views that as weakness and in fact will punish you for it crom judges every Warrior after death in the halls of vahalla if you do not have the answer to the riddle of Steel he will then throw you out and you are made a mockery in the afterlife never allowed eternal glory and the riddle of Steel is a question that kind of revolves around the personal philosophy one has around strength what truly makes someone strong Conan's father believed it came from your weapon to put your faith in your sword since it will never fail you Thula Doom believes it comes from the power you can wield over others as he's a cult leader with a massive following capable of assassinating Kings if they piss him off Conan's journey is about trying to find his own answer to the riddle it's not a literal quest to find it just a spiritual one Conan's actual Quest is him escaping from slavery becoming a thief and then getting revenge on thulsa for the death of his people he teams up with the Archer suai and the warrior woman valyria who I mentioned before they quickly become successful thieves and their successes make them arrogant enough to try to pull jobs against thulsa who quickly shows he isn't as dumb as some of their other targets now the central job is to rescue the daughter of a king that's been brainwashed by the cult and taken hostage the story itself is once again simple but it's because the details around it bolster it up around how Conan discovers more of his true purpose and his eventual Destiny to become a king by his own hand it's even foreshadowed with a cryptic scene where he falls into the ruins of an atlantian Kingdom there he finds the tomb of a general or some kind of Royal that was buried with his Harum Conan receives the sword he had and the skeleton collapses in front of him as though bowing he even cleans the sword off and it's shining and sharp despite being down there for possibly thousands of years because it's meant to be his now there's a popular fan theory that the skeleton is actually Cole himself the king of Atlantis being the one to give Conan his sword and Inspire him to become a king by his own hand I like the theory a lot but it's not something intended in the film as far as John milus was concerned it was an Atlantean general or some higher up Noble not Cole it sucks because there are multiple references to him in the movie DOA Doom is is n even a Conan villain he's one of K's he was also a skeleton Necromancer yeah also Doom was Skeletor in the co books it was pretty cool still Conan's Journey teaches him about the riddle of Steel and the answer he comes to is that not the power over others or your weapon that gives you strength but your own willpower your own strength that you earn not given to you you see this in the final battle of the movie where Conan prays to crom and instead of begging him for strength or to give him the chance to survive as they were heavily outnumbered he instead tells crom to either help him or get the [ __ ] out of his his way and if you do not listen then the hell with you yeah Conan tells his own God to either put up or piss off it's great Peak fiction and it seems to work since Conan and his friends are able to fend off thul's Warriors there's even blatant divine intervention a valkyrie comes to Aid Conan in a fight where he was struggling and it gives him the chance to get the upper hand and kill the guy now the valkyrie is a specific character that comes back from the dead but I can't say who without spoiling it just know that they kick Maj your ass in the battle in a way that sort of calls back to a pretty iconic scene in the beginning of the movie what is best in life to crush your enemies see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women not sure if it was intentional but it would be a cool detail if it was and all leads to probably one of the most famous final confrontations in cinema now I can't talk about what happens without Major Spoilers for the original movie please sit down and watch Conan the Barbarian before going any further it's legitimately a phenomenal final scene and I would hate to spoil it for anybody that has not seen this yet so after the final battle against th Dooms Warriors where Valera comes back from the dead to help as she promised she would Conan tracks him down back to his Fortress pushing his way past his followers Conan confronts thulsa at top his Temple thulsa tries to manipulate Conan saying that he is the reason he grew strong killing his family and Vala gave him the purpose in life to gain strength and find the riddle of Steel he even refers to Conan as like his son saying that he's basically like his father with how much he's impacted his life and Conan isn't having any of it that's right Conan immediately sees through the [ __ ] and uses the Broken Sword of his father that was stolen all the way back in the beginning of the film to cut off thul's head and this isn't one clean swing it is slow and brutal hacking away at his neck until he finally rips it off Conan holds it up in the air for the snake cult to see and even tosses it down the stairs as one last [ __ ] you and they just leave their leader dead the brainwashing dispelled and the quest finally over and he get this shot of Conan sitting on the stairs contemplating what to do next he SP his entire life seeking Vengeance on thulsa for what he did to his village and his people slaughtering his entire family and selling Conan into slavery and now it's all over he has no clue what to do or where to go next but he's still satisfied because even if he lost his one true purpose in life he still has the satisfaction of Burning It All To The Ground tossing a lantern into the temple and watching the Flames grow before riding off that's Conan the Barbarian this final scene is easily one of the best finales in cinema something that really shows how there is a lot more under the hood for Conan than a quick glance will give you the conference ation right before the decapitation has so much detail that goes unspoken and you really appreciate how Arnold can show off the emotions and thoughts of Conan without saying a word you do see his uncertainty his hesitation then his unwavering Drive once he finally commits to killing thulsa Arnold definitely struggled when it came to speaking this was his first major role and he just always has a thick German accent he got a lot better as the 80s went on even if he could never fully remove it and it's pretty fitting that him as an actor was picked to play a character that everyone assumes is a big dumb giant but is actually very very intelligent Arnold was already a millionaire years before he got into acting he was Mr Universe 6 years running and was a successful Real Estate Mogul at 25 the guy was a lot smarter than people at the time gave him credit for and that does seep into Conan more than once he has a lot of good silent moments for Conan low gestures and the way he would act without speaking that give you a ton of detail about the dude already spoke about the final confrontation which is the most obvious but there's all sorts of moments like it throughout the film the scene where he manipulates the cultist to steal his clothes is another obvious one playing himself off as a shy dope until he can get the guy away from the larger crowd the way he speaks is very stilted but his body language in the scene says everything when he's pretending to be shy and stupid he's a lot more closed off and kind of turtled into himself but as soon as he's alone and that switch is flipped he straightens up and immediately tenses himself he's ready for combat again it's such a good contrast where you can understand what's going on in his head then he get to the short scene later where he's walking around in the disguise and he's a lot more casual and relax cuz he knows it worked the point being that Arnold just fits his Conan and he seems to enjoy the character even spending years trying to set up a new film that follow the old man Conan hints from the first movie of him as a king slowly growing disgusted with the contentment the throne brought him and wanting a challenge again AL has been pushing for it for a few years now but the rights of the films are all tied up in all sorts of different ways so who knows if it'll happen or not sucks but that's the way it is regardless the original film is amazing sit down and watch it now the obvious thing to talk about is the sequel con and the Destroyer it's okay the big thing to talk about is the lack of well everything the original film was pretty heavily R-rated full of violence and nudity because that's a Conan story it was pulpy and all around the fun spectacle of Dark Fantasy you got Buckets of Blood dismemberment and titties in basically every story because it's type and the first movie is full of that with some downright Grizzly kills at times well John milus the director and co-writer of the film was unavailable for the sequel so Dino de lenus one of The Producers offered the movie to Richard fleser along with Dino's daughter Rafia the original movie was a success making about 40 million domestic 50 global so 990 million altogether off a $20 million budget and the studio had the idea that they could have made the movie even more successful if they toned down all the elements that made it rated R so kids and their parents could go see it it's not completely toothless but you can see it lean more into lighthearted cheese compared to how serious and epic the first film was so no more nudity nor near as much blood or Gore It's not like you need those elements to make a good movie but Conan's a dark Fantasy character he's a ruthless guy and he can feel that he's toned down for an age rating I don't hate Conan the Destroyer by any means is especially better than that crappy remake and I guess the best way to put it is you go from Laur of the Rings to Percy Jackson over the span of one movie it's kind of a drastic comparison but the point remains Destroyer was very clearly the studio trying to pitch Conan as a family movie which he just ain't and it's ironic cuz I have memories as a kid of my dad sitting me down and watching the original movie yeah it's dark yeah it's violent yeah it's full of tits that's what makes it fun especially for a kid that feeling you're watching something adult for the first time that reveal of thulsa Doom sticks in my brain after all these these years the way he just shows up takes the sword from Conan's father and cuts off his mother's head it's not a light-hearted scene it's [ __ ] Grim but that's why it's memorable it says all you need for the movie without saying a word it's that classic producer medling that SNS a ton of films in their sequels and on that note yeah Conan 2011 so this is a complicated subject I don't like 2011 Conan it's not the worst movie I've ever seen it's actually got some parts I think are pretty cool but there's a lot wrong with it you can tell this is a movie with a ton of Suits off offering their own input and telling people what to do or not the original movie allowed for more than a few scenes of quiet slow building introspection you could tell what Conan's thinking without ever needing be told you were allowed to think and fall into the world of the movie 2011 Conan focuses a lot more on spectacle crazy fight scenes crazy special effects crazy CGI and attempts at 3D this was during the 3D craze back in the day and the obvious thing to mention is Jason mima's Conan in terms of casting I actually like him mimoa is a good actor and is capable of doing a ton of different tones with his characters he was was intimidating in Game of Thrones yet showed he has a good sense of humor with Aquaman the guy could easily nail something like Conan who can either be scary as hell or goofy or introspective even kind of looks like what the character is meant to be the problem is the movie itself doesn't do him any favors something that even mimoa and the director themselves admit to they admit filming felt like it was taken over halfway through the director himself Marcus nispel said he felt like a dog with too many leashes it was development hell cuts the whole nine yards and you can feel it the way they portray Conan himself is also pretty dumb down making him just a rage field Warrior instead of the multi-layered guy he was in the original I'm all for a Mindless bloodbath I've enjoying the hell out of Ninja kamoi at the moment but this is trying to live up to one of the best fantasy films in cinema so of course my standards are going to be up there if you just want mindless fun you'd probably enjoy Conan 2011 but it just doesn't click with me it makes me wish we had an actual successor to the original I mean we got Primal that that's pretty cool other than that and nothing sort of okay sort of it's time to address dress the elephant in the room so I mentioned that there were more than a few manga influenced by Conan the sort of traveling Warrior going from place to place and kicking ass became a Bedrock to old school action manga that's not to say all them were inspired by Conan but one of them for sure was berserk yeah that berserk for those unaware I like berserk a lot it's straight up my favorite thing ever and berserk took a lot of influence from a ton of different things show Jo manga gony lovecrafting and horror Gwen Saga and Western fantasy at large specifically miora spoke of how he wanted berserk to sort of be a pulp fantasy story when he was starting off a tribute to films like Conan the Barbarian he even says that guts was made to sort of emulate the character in a way a warrior with insane strength fighting off the evils of the world with his wits and willpower a low fantasy setting that treats magic as this unknowable and powerful force the usage of Gore and nudity to keep up that [ __ ] yeah factor and the entire story revolve around human willpower fighting off things like Destiny and gods now berserk is more horror focused than Conan and can definitely be infinitely more Grim but you can see the DNA mixed in there mior was able to take a Conan like Barbarian and remix it into his own style even see similarities in berserk from how guts acts and others see him a major aspect of golden age is that Costa thinks guts is a Mindless killer and is unaware of How deep the guy's thinking can get he's not just a fighter he's much more also the way the politics in the arc work while the Nobles in Midland look down on the band of the hawk and see them as Savages they themselves do underhanded and outright cowardly moves to win against their opponents only to panic once those same tactics are turned on them once again calling to the hypocrisy of civilization that Conan embodies and of course how guts views his relationship with the world and the godand gods is outright misotheism and prefers to rely on his own strength to see things through now the new chapters are teasing that they're going to explore spirituality and berserk with stuff that isn't just the god hand that's how it was for a large chunk of the manga guts declared war on the god hand and will kill them with his own sword taking the apathetic relationship Conan and crom have and turning it into full-blown rivalry guts's love interest is also a warrior woman that he sees as his true bond in life much like how Conan has had relationships with warrior women only to tragically lose them you can see more and more parallels once it's in your brain once again that's not to say Conan is the only influence on berserk there is a ton there and Muro was open about all of them but absolutely influenced the manga in a way where you kind of view it as a grandfather in some ways not all the traits were inherited it's got some others mixed in there you can see they're related and you'll appreciate both once you find the connection so really with this information you can view golden age as moror reading Rose of vers and thinking this is good but it needs more demons and Conan's there kicking ass oh is their demons are pretty sick let's add those in there too also Lovecraft dimensions are dope basically this man was my spirit animal rest in peace you crazy bastard hope you and Howard are having fun conversations up there still that's all I have to say about con and the Barbarian it's not just a massively influential movie but the character continues to influence things to this very day the recent Doom reboots by Bethesda took influence from Conan Eternal much more obviously so with doom guy being made into the Revere warrior king to an order of demon hunting Knights and you can even unlock a skin that is that's literally just Conan it's [ __ ] great also Castlevania with Simon Belmont I mean he's other he's he's another pretty obvious one you can pick up a collection of the stories pretty much anywhere now and the Savage sort of Conan run of comics is a pretty good mix of just adaptations and original stuff that feels in line with the style the series goes for hell its interpretation of red Sonia is still the dominant one people think of when they hear her name the Titan run of Conan Comics are pretty good I recommend you guys to sit down and watch the movie also check out the series at large once you get into it you'll start seeing how far it managed to stretch even after all those decades maybe one day we'll see the Samaran himself take some heads again but for the moment he's gone quiet but with how much has taken influence from him Primal in particular has gotten people to known as Conan all over again I get the feeling this big brute won't stay gone forever and I'll be there with billson once he makes his return until next time please remember to like comment and subscribe see you guys Conan on what is best in life to needs a SS to feel box breaking beneath you and to hear the Lamentations of their Journeys hey loser do you want a shirt do you want a t-shirt I have shirts now look in look in the description for a link to a t-shirt you can buy if you don't buy the T-shirt I'll kill your family if you don't buy the T-shirt I'll poison your dog if you don't buy the T-shirt you're going to be the only person in town that does not have a t-shirt everyone's going to look at you funny there's going to be social consequences to not having one of these t-shirts I'm now making Express threats of violence against you if you do not buy my t-shirt I will call the police tell them how they're not you know you're not buying my shirt they're going to plant crack in your house and they're going to arrest you and then beat you up in a jail cell buy my [Music] shirt [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Music] take la
Channel: TheAlmightyLoli
Views: 169,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dC9AxrnlYXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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