Queen Rearing using Punch Method - Part1

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this is just a gorgeous full pattern of brew right there replicate her alright today is April 10th the frame of eggs have been in this particular hog for four days four and a half days I would like to have created a sell starter box yesterday to give the 24 hours of being queenless with the temperature last night got below freezing so therefore we're going to do the sell starter now and I'm going to wait a couple of hours and then put the the bar of SEL punched eggs in there this is the starter cell I have a frame of honey here actually I have one frame and a partial frame of honey and I'll put a frame of pollen in here I have in here you see a container of water with a sponge on it we will commence breaking this particular hive down and dumping a bunch of bees in the sell starter box I'm wanting to get young bees for the sell starter house younger B should be in these bottom three boxes here the idea with a sail starter box is to put a lot a lot of young bees in there now I'm not having to look for the Queen because I have placed the Queen in the bottom box and there's a queen excluder here my place I place the Queen on her that was on a frame next to the frame that I want her to lay eggs in that I'm going to use today this afternoon for the cell punching to get some one to two day old larva I'm still going to use this excluder for a project our eggs should be on let's go ahead see most of the bees are over here most likely the queen is somewhere in this area and not in this area and that's why I'm going to pick up this one kind of give me some working room I think this is frame that's got my pigs on it Barbara this is not it oh yes it is it now I can't shake these because it might do damage to the eggs so I have a doubt a warm damp cloth that I'm going to cover this with now the the warm damp cloth is make sure that they don't dry out and if they don't get cold so now I'm just going to take it in into the working room and then I'll come back and close this they are wanting to get close to this this young larvae I mean that'sthat's their natures nurture okay now let's put this baby back together so this will be what you call a queen right sell finisher one egg goes back on there do I know did you want the I did great she brought up big thanks Jacob oh she probably climbed right up in there now if I need to go in there and find her empty foundations and put right here if they get busy Lauzon work I will take me out when I'm ready to so now let's go see if we can find from one a two-day-old barber their eggs here are the clean cups that I have made I've put them under this wet cloth and you can see that they are punches open the box and then place them in there it's been about four hours since I built this box and there should be should be plenty of painless nests in there sure what and then let's just close it off here so it's 4:30 on the 10th and so 4:30 on the 11th monday we will move these back into the finisher have the starter hob is over here on the left and the finisher hog is this this one right here it's got five medium boxes on it and you can see here that it's still pretty active it find the Queen in there made sure that she was still in the bottom box ever clean excluder so tomorrow about 4:30 our bar Queen bars will go into probably the third box give you a little bit of space - sting Thomas Mende right away
Channel: Chuck Davis
Views: 50,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honey bee, honey bee queen, queen rearing, queen raising, cell punch, smokymountainbeekeeper
Id: w1zGZQk4Ga8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2016
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