Building our NEW Backyard Dirt Jump Line!

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hey hey what's up I'm Eric Porter and this is my son Milo hi and we're here in our backyard in our last video we built this awesome roll in for Milo right next to my role in for the big jumps so we got to build the entire line we're gonna build jumps all the way down through the yard and we're gonna make him your size what do you think about that I'm pretty excited should we get started yeah the way we're going to build these is build boxed in Landings so this is going to help conserve dirt and make the most of what we have so I'm going to use the logs that I have and rip some boards and we're going to frame them up just like we did the kids double trick jump that we built with Seth last year so coming down the roll in we're gonna have two rollers and then it's gonna come in with the first lip right next to the big jump line first lip and then the landing is going to share that Landing as well what we have to do right now is decide where all the jumps are going based on measuring it out and spacing so we're gonna put some Flags in the rest of the way down the line since the lips are going to be made out of wood we can move them around a little bit to make the line work how it needs to you ready to dig Owen yeah should we take out the grass and get this down to the dirt yeah how do you feel about taking grass out I hate it last week you learned how to be a carpenter this week you learned how to be a landscaper nice work Marlo foreign test runs on the new roller double so we're gonna see how it works before we put the first lip in [Music] holy moly Owen you're an animal Milo how was it fast that's good yeah you that was sick that is wild on the push bike that why don't you try it on your real bike should we keep building now Owen there's one legged dot swim in circles now we're gonna start putting in The Landings you know we're ripping apart the trick jump Landing how do you feel about that [Music] 'd be careful getting under ramps you never know what's under there so we're gonna frame these things up so they'll hold the dirt so we can make the most out of the dirt that we have and keep it from falling apart and it's more work right now but I think it's going to be less work in the long run you nailed it perfect first try giganto you think you can handle it yeah is it too big Owen I might all be able to hit it Milo when you said you wanted a new Jump line and we were going to build it together did you think you'd make a jump line bigger than you no [Music] hey you want to use the saw salt AKA depth slicer yeah one hand here one hand here so push it in with your handle then pull the trigger and let it fall downwards okay [Applause] nice how was that hard framework's all solid now I'm going to use all the scrap plywood I had around the yard to box this thing in and then I'm going to sheet it with the mill plumber to make it look sick we're sitting on this is the old top of the landing right yeah yeah and we don't want this to show through once you fill it in with dirt so we're going to have to chop this thing down at least one board hey isn't it cool that you guys get to Break Stuff yeah yeah nice one [Applause] so this is the Alaska Mill this mounts up to the bar of my chainsaw and this thing is basically a cutting guide right here that's going to let me cut slabs out of the logs so that I can use those for the boards much quicker and easier than going to the lumber yard how cool is that in less than 10 minutes our turn one log that big around into six boards that I'm going to use for the sheeting things are sweet one of my favorite things to do and make you can make anything out of them foreign [Applause] so we'll drop these ends into the ground and then we'll put all the sides on so this thing we built right here it's called a dead man anchor and what that does is it anchors it from the inside Keeps The Landing from getting pushed over that way all right Bryce is here with the mini X we're gonna get some stuff going now that thing is so cool [Music] that's a lot of dirt yeah it is after stacking the rest of the landings by hand this is uh heck of a lot easier isn't it yeah nice climb Carson's a special animal what do you think about that Owen you want to learn that yeah hopefully before fifth grade so your goal is to do that before fifth grade yes [Music] let's go drive my machine you're okay with that Bryce do it scared no I'm a little nervous for you it's a big machine you know how I never really got you a game system for uh video games Milo I'm making up for it now with a real video game yep I think this is a good decision it's got a roll cage all right on your right hand move it to the to the right yep there you go yeah perfect all right fun huh yeah yeah that's right thank you that's right [Music] [Music] Bryce did everything he could last night with the machine well into the night and we've moved the dirt as well as we could with the skid steer so now we're left with the task of shaping this dirt by hand [Music] what do you think about this first landing Milo how's it coming together it's turning out to look pretty sick for are heading the first landing as a spine and hipping it [Music] nice Owen you kind of blasted it that is awesome how's that feel s huge what do you think about there being a jump there that's gonna be really [Music] foreign [Music] pumped the dirt work is all done we're getting really close all we need to do is build the lips now and put them in place I mean you're really excited so remember your carpentry stuff from the Rolling yeah we're gonna use it on the lips and even new stuff too okay let's get these lips built now we're starting the lip Factory you ready yeah okay you're gonna learn how to build a lip and we're gonna make three of them so we'll start out with the first one so the way we cut our transition which is the way the lip is with the string and we draw the line and you basically make a circle and you can decide if you want a really tight quick lip or if you want something open or something in between then we're going to cut it put ribs on put the sides on and stand up take it out to the yard so I left the bottom of the lip kind of an edge and that's so I can build the bottom of the transition with dirt so you have a nice smooth lead up to it we got the lip in place we're going to test it out before we build the other lips we're gonna see how this transition is if it's good I'll build the other ones the same transition or I can adjust as I need to to make it right we pushed it up nice and close that's the nice thing with wooden lips so we got it set at about an eight foot gap for this one four and a half foot tall lip and a five foot Lander I'm excited yeah me too so I'll hit it first see how it rolls and then you can hit it if you're feeling it if not we can work up to it you got this Milo you see yes I do it's gonna be fun it's really smooth okay [Music] yeah taste it that's okay should we go do it again yeah are you the troll under the bridge I landed so perfect yeah that's like cracked a tabletop I did a tabletop nice work on the perfect Lander and the good thing is now that you've got this one out of the way that's the scary part yeah because we'll set the rest of them up so they work perfect first try so all you do is land this one and then if you land it good you know you're good for the next one yeah so that's where a well-built jump line makes it easy for you let's go get the second lip built and get it put in and the third one yeah and then we can ride the whole line yeah [Applause] it's almost 10 o'clock at night we worked super hard and fast Milo's up past his bedtime now we just have to shoot it in the morning foreign foreign what are you even sitting on it yeah come on get up here and help me holy moly quick rainstorm came in but I think it's gonna be perfect it's actually gonna soak everything in so we don't have to water it before we ride rain will blow over some will come out and then we'll Shred [Music] foreign [Music] you feeling good Milo yeah it was Pat up before we jump don't we yeah ready you feeling it yeah all right you excited yeah if you land one good the next one's good to go okay I'm gonna hit the first and second maybe land the first one good do the second you got this buddy [Music] dude you did it dude you went all the way through your whole line Works he wrote all the way through the line that's sick how'd that feel fun Should we session it yeah let's hit it again [Music] it's pretty crazy as a dad having your kid hit like the biggest jumps they've ever hit that are actual dirt jumps you know um it's a little nerve-wracking seeing him but he's figuring it out and he's having a good time he's staying safe so this is cool this is the perfect size jumps for him and it's definitely going to take his riding up to the next level and get him ready for the big jumps if he ever want to see at those but I don't care if he does foreign [Music] he's still eating he's been working hard and he's been stuffing his face to catch back up on the calorie deficit right yeah what do you think about the new line it's really fun what did you tell me last night after we tested the first one it's the best feeling ever I think so too floating through the air on dirt jumps it's crazy right yeah thanks for watching this has been a super fun build and it was really cool to have you along and show you guys the process of how a whole line comes together from the Roland in the first video to the rest of the line with this one with the dirt the wood everything if you like what you saw make sure to subscribe to the channel we're going to be doing stuff like this all summer along with Big Adventures up in the mountains we like to have fun here right Milo yeah and we'll get more of the chicken in the next one too if you've been following along for the rest of the builds so anyway thanks again and make sure to tune in for the next adventure he's out of here that was a big one he's 10 years old and not only did he conquer the biggest jumps of his life but he also did some of the hardest building he's ever done I've made sure to keep it really fun for him though it's not always easy to work with your kids and if your kids not always easy to work with your dads anyway make the most of it and you know enjoy your time with your kids and your parents
Channel: Porter MTB
Views: 5,799,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backyard trail builds, backyard dirt jumps, portermtb, porter mtb, seths bike hacks, eric porter, eric porter mtb, backyard pumptrack, mtb, bmx, pumptrack, jump building, how to build a jump, how to build a lip, how to build a dirt jump, how to build a roller, alaska mill, stihl, diamondback bikes, father son, fathers day, diy, diy dirt jump, diy pumptrack, nitro circus, x games, riding with kids, build and ride, building trails, singletrack, mountain biking, berm peak, jumps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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